Public Lands Report

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:50 am by

The trails and open spaces on the island are popular with both residents and visitors, but they don’t just appear out of nowhere. Where does the money come from to keep them open? What can members of the public do to help? This is the fourth in a series of reports by Louise Dustrude trying to answer those questions. 

A view across Haro Strait from the Land Bank’s Westside Preserve – Louise Dustrude photo

As national, state, and county parks struggle with low budgets and rely ever more heavily on volunteers, one public agency enjoys having adequate funds for its mission, thanks to San Juan County voters: the Land Bank.

Three county residents created the mechanism for purchasing and preserving land by counties, lobbied the enabling legislation through the state legislature, and then helped get it approved in San Juan County in 1990.

The three far-sighted individuals were Peter Fisher and Gene Knapp of Orcas Island and Tom Cowan of Lopez.

The state law allows citizens of any county to vote in a Land Bank, but the only county to succeed so far is San Juan.

The legislation establishing the Land Bank provides funding, but not from the usual property tax or sales tax. Instead it is supported by a one-time one percent tax on purchases of real estate in the county, paid by the buyer, not the seller. To continue collecting these funds it must be approved by the voters every 12 years.

San Juan County’s Land Bank has now been approved by voters three times.

From its fortunate well-supported position the Land Bank has increasingly cooperated with other “terrestrial managers” in the county to build trails, maintain properties, and recruit and train volunteer groups who come here to help in a variety of ways.

Continue Reading

Fair Board Responds to Barn Comments

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:50 am by

San Juan County Parks and Fair Department Responds to Horse Barn Project Comments

The memories of past Fairs are held dear as new ones are created each August; this is not to be disregarded, as that is the magic of Fair. At times, these memories are associated with a fairgrounds structure like the horse barn, and that is why an article was published on February 9th asking the community to send in horse barn memorabilia to the San Juan County Parks and Fair Department.

The department would like to memorialize the structure and the history it has held as they move forward with dismantling the old barn to make way for program changes. This article is written in response to publication of a March 1st social media petition that includes over 100 signatures, asking the department to reconsider the project and save the barn.

It is the responsibility of the Parks and Fair Department to ensure the fairgrounds’ sustainability over time. It’s crowning event is the annual County Fair, but the fairgrounds is much more than just the fair, it is a year round multi-purpose facility that provides a safe venue for year round programming for a wide variety of community organizations and activities for young and old. The barn deconstruction is part of a larger project that is designed to better serve the needs of horse programming, and to provide a multi-purpose year round space that serves the community at large. Revenues from year round services in each facility help to support their maintenance and operation and the production of the Fair.

A discussion about the safety of participants and animals using the horse barn, event flow, participant satisfaction and fairgrounds sustainability began in public meetings during the fairgrounds master plan development process in 2011. The County Council adopted a fairgrounds master plan in 2012 that included removing the south end of the horse barn and earmarked funding in the County’s 2018 Capital Improvement Plan. Continue Reading

Call for Children’s Festival Activity Providers

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:49 am by

Mark your calendars, folks! San Juan Island’s 27th Annual Children’s Festival is happening Saturday, May 6th, 2017! Island Rec is currently recruiting local organizations that would like to participate in this special event by hosting an activity that reflects this year’s festival theme:

Around the World

This year we have selected a theme that will give a reason for all ages to explore what our world has to offer. We’d welcome any activity that fosters the imagination, inspires, & brings a sense of culture to life. Organizations that would like to be involved are encouraged to contact Island Rec early on and start planning ahead. Inquiries and activity ideas should be directed to Morgan Johnston. All activities must be submitted by April 4, 2017.

As always, the Children’s Festival will run from 10am-2pm at the Fairgrounds building. For more information, please call 378-4953 or visit

Work Party on Cady Mountain Preserve

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:46 am by

After weeks of crazy weather, Thom believes the grounds should be dry enough to support work on Cady Mountain – yahoo! The plan is to finish cleaning out oak seedling cages and prune the seedlings, and if time allows, remove any concentrations of young blackberry.

  • When? 
    Sunday, March 19 – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
  • RSVP required email tanjaw [@]
  • Where?
    Base of Cady Mountain Preserve – turn on to Cady Mountain Road off of West Valley Road. We’ll meet at the triangle junction about 100 yards from West Valley.
  • What?
    cleaning oak cages
    clearing invasives
  • Bring/Wear?
    Hand pruners
    Plant trowel or Hori Hori
    Weather appropriate clothing

Opalco Fiber Project

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:44 am by

Opalco Fiber Project Kicks Off On South San Juan Island Expect Some Traffic Delays

Construction begins on March 20th to install fiber optic cables along Cattle Point Road from Eagle Cove Drive all the way through San Juan Island National Historical Park to the major road re-alignment project south of Jakle’s Lagoon. While OPALCO installs backbone infrastructure for the electric grid, both Rock Island Communications and CenturyLink will participate in the project. The three utilities often cooperate on construction projects to take advantage of the opportunity for maintenance and upgrades when trenching is involved in order to keep costs down and minimize impact on the community.

Construction crews do not anticipate any road closures, but will be reducing parts of Cattle Point Road to one lane, causing some traffic delays. “Expect delays of up to fifteen minutes,” said Ed Lago, OPALCO’s Engineering Technician. “We will have flaggers out on the road to keep things moving and we appreciate your patience.” Construction is expected to complete by April 28th.

This major project will increase reach and reliability for OPALCO’s automated power distribution system in the area and, most importantly, the fiber connections will improve communications for safety with our crews and first responders in the field. In addition, new opportunities for Internet and phone services through Rock Island will be available along these routes in the near future.

Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) is our member-owned cooperative electric utility, serving more than 11,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County. OPALCO provides electricity that is 95% greenhouse-gas free and is generated predominantly by hydroelectric plants. OPALCO was founded in 1937.

Town to Contribute to Hospice SJ

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:44 am by

Town to contribute up to $1000 in matching funds to Hospice of San Juan

The Town of Friday Harbor is encouraging their utility customers to donate funds to Hospice of San Juan through the Town’s Harbor Life Ring Program in April. All donations included with customers’ April utility payments will be matched by the Town up to a total of $1000. Donations made directly to Town Hall in April will also be included in the match.

Hospice of San Juan is one of only a handful of all-volunteer, non-profit hospice organizations in the country. For over 30 years they have provided the island with compassionate and professional respite, support, therapy, transportation, and use of medical equipment—all at no cost to the patient or family. They collaborate with mainland-based Hospice of the NW, but are able to provide more immediate and on-going local assistance. Without this, many if not most of those in need of hospice care and their families would need to relocate off-island at a time when they should be surrounded by their island neighbors.

Harbor Life Ring is an on-going program that invites Town utility customers to assist those in need of urgent assistance with their utility expenses by contributing extra funds with their monthly bill payment. Donations to Harbor Life Ring and Hospice of San Juan are tax deductible.

Adults in Transition at SVC

Posted March 17, 2017 at 5:28 am by

The San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College is offering a course, “Adults in Transition”

This free three-week course will assist individuals who need to make major changes in their lives and seek new opportunities for education in developing self-confidence, exploring educational and career options and job search techniques for training or employment, developing skills in time management, setting goals, making decisions, and becoming aware of resources.

This three week, Monday thru Friday course starts this coming Monday, March 20th and runs through Friday, April 7th, 8:45 am – 1:30 pm. There is no cost!

After completing the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Develop problem solving/decision making skills
  2. Identify occupational interests
  3. Explore work factors
  4. Set long-term and short-term goals

Classes will be held at the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College, 221 Weber Way in Friday Harbor (right above the Friday Harbor Airport Terminal).

If you are walking on the ferry from another island, taxi vouchers will be available to cover transport cost on San Juan Island side for the full three weeks.

Call the San Juan Center at (360) 378-3220 for more information or come to the class Monday and see what it is all about!

Kids and Canoes

Posted March 16, 2017 at 6:31 pm by

Similar canoes built at English Camp last August – Tim Dustrude photo

Kids and Canoes – A Place Based Curriculum during the week of April 21-28

Canoe builder Dean Washington – Tim Dustrude photo

San Juan Island youth (grades 5-12) will work with one of the world’s top canoe builders from Lummi Nation, Dean Washington, to build 2 Coast Salish Canoes and their paddles in one week. These canoes will be part of a fleet of canoes to be used to explore our local waters. Partners of this project are Island Rec, San Juan Island School District, Spring Street International School, Friends of the San Juans and Kaigani Voyaging Society. The two canoes and paddles will be fully finished in seven days. Amazing!


  • Friday, April 21, will be a public talk by Salish elder and canoe master builder Dean Washington at the Friday Harbor HS STEM building from 6:30-8:00pm. Public is Welcome!
  • Saturday through Friday, April 22-28, 14 students will build 2 strip cedar canoes and paddles at the Friday Harbor HS STEM building. Full days on Saturday and Sunday, and after school on Monday through Friday.
  • Friday, April 28, will be a public viewing of the canoe and paddles at the Friday Harbor HS STEM building from 3:30 -5:30 pm. Public is Welcome!

Sponsorship: Continue Reading

SJI Lifestyle Video Tips

Posted March 16, 2017 at 6:29 pm by

Merri Ann Simonson is busy with another San Juan Islands Lifestyle video. For this one she says:

“I know this video may appear to be a Veuve Clicquot commercial but it is just another San Juan Island Lifestyle video.  This one offers tips on hosting a successful island brunch.”

FHHS Games Postponed

Posted March 16, 2017 at 1:35 pm by

Here are a couple of notices from Rod Turnbull, FHHS Athletic Director…

Girls Tennis at Lynden on March 17 has been postponed due to predicted weather. This has been rescheduled for Friday, March 31 

Also, the home games with Forks, both Baseball and Fastpitch originally scheduled for Saturday, March 18 have been postponed. No make up date has been selected at this time.

Island Senior: The Benefits of Becoming a Senior Citizen

Posted March 16, 2017 at 5:56 am by

Selfie With Gray Hair – Photo Peggy Sue McRae

Having just celebrated my sixty-fifth birthday I am now a bonefide senior citizen. Some may set a lower bar, but at sixty-five there is no denying it. I have officially attained elder status. Before bemoaning getting older in our “youth culture” let me say, there are indeed some benefits to reaching this benchmark. For one thing, I’m not dead. Whatever challenges I face now, I have to concede that just getting here is somewhat miraculous.

There are other benefits too of course and Medicare is a big one. Thankfully here on the Island we have Curt Van Hyning, our local Medicare expert. Curt is a SHIBA volunteer (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors). He has an office at The Village at the Harbour and gives his valuable advice as a free service. If you’ve been listening to the news lately you know that healthcare as we know it may change dramatically in the near future. As a senior with a low income it is kind of scary. It is good to know we have someone who can help guide us through the changes.

There are plenty more bargains for seniors. Sometimes you just need to ask. We Islanders can appreciate getting senior half-fare rates on the ferries. The Palace Theatre, Browne’s Home Center, and Horse Shu Ranch are just a few local businesses that give senior discounts. Friday Harbor High School sports events are half-priced for seniors. The Mullis Senior Center offers mainland trips for the very low price of $10 for members twice each month, once to Mt Vernon and once to Bellingham, plus serving regular low cost and delicious hot lunches ($5 suggested donation or $6 if you are under 60) every Monday and Thursday. Mullis Center programs, classes, and events are low cost and well worth checking out. Membership in San Juan Senior Services is only $20, a great bargain!

National Parks Senior Pass

Further afield there are discounts on the Skagit Shuttle Bus, SeaTac Shuttle bus, Seattle buses and monorail. Tuesdays at Fred Myers and Wednesdays at Good Will are senior days and many restaurants and lodgings have discounts if you just ask. By far one of the most loved senior passes, according to my non-scientific Facebook poll, is the National Parks Senior Pass at a one-time cost of $10 for life. “National Parks Sr. Pass is truly the BEST benefit of being a senior that I’ve experienced so far. I love it!” is how Robin Atkins put it and you only have to be 62 to get this one.

Tragedy of the Commons

Posted March 16, 2017 at 5:48 am by

Join host Ken Crawbuck for “13th”, the next film in the documentary series Tragedy of the Commons.

In this thought provoking film, scholars, activists and politicians analyze the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom.

Directed by Ava DuVernay

Saturday, March 18th at 7:00 pm at Island Arts Collective, 28 Front Street. (that’s in the Cannery Landing building)

Chamber Featured Member – Island Air

Posted March 16, 2017 at 5:45 am by

Island Air Crew – Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce Featured Member of the Month – Island Air

Jackie Hamilton first came to San Juan Island in 1988 to begin her career in aviation and in the process started Island Air and never left. Her company specializes in air charter, aircraft management and most importantly provides Island Air Ambulance; a community-based fixed wing air ambulance service. Last year, the Port of Friday Harbor and the San Juan Pilots Association honored Jackie and her late father naming them their 2016 Featured Pilots.

The Island Air story has been one of remarkable progress and service to the island communities. Over the last 20 years, Island Air has flown more than 2,300 medical evacuation missions to neighboring hospitals on the mainland, covering some 90,000 miles, more than three times around the world. In addition to their new medically-configured Cessna Caravan, Island Air has a pilot, flight nurse, and a flight paramedic or EMT ready to respond 24/7.

Island Air Ambulance is a CAMTS-accredited, critical care, fixed-wing air ambulance service based in Friday Harbor. A household membership program, currently $39 per year, is available, which defers out-of-pocket expenses for emergency fixed wing transports. For more information or to sign up for a membership, visit

Running Start

Posted March 16, 2017 at 5:41 am by

Skagit Valley College will be offering a Running Start Information Session for students who want a jump start on a four-year degree.

“Working on my Associate in Arts degree while finishing my high school requirements at Skagit Valley College was one of the best choices I’ve made,” says Alex Hayes. Alex, a current junior at Western Washington University, took advantage of the Running Start program offered at Skagit Valley College’s San Juan Center. With Fall quarter registration coming up in May, the College will offer a free Running Start information session Tuesday, April 18th at 6:00 pm at the Center.

Running Start, a Washington and Hawaii educational program initiated in the 1990s, allows high school students to take college courses while finishing their High School career. These credits aid the student in getting a jump start on future college plans. Any college-level classes taken through Running Start are tuition free. The only associated costs are for books and administration. This allows students the opportunity to clear general college undergraduate requirements like Math and English without incurring any financial burden. It is also an opportunity to acclimatize to a college culture and level of expectation.

In fact, any Skagit Valley College credits gained in the Running Start Program count towards the Associate in Arts two-year degree offered by the College. Students like Alex took advantage of this opportunity to work jointly on a High School Diploma and an associate’s degree.

Just two quarters after finishing High School, she achieved her Associate’s, which allowed her to transfer to Western Washington University with Junior standing. She says, “I would most certainly recommend Running Start to any high school student who is looking for more responsibility and a head start towards college. Running Start was academically one of the best choices I’ve ever made and it helped me want to go to a university to pursue my education.”

Join SJC Director Randy Martin, and SJC Education Planner Jane Fox on Tuesday, April 18th, 6pm at the San Juan Center. Phone conferencing is available for those on other islands. Please call (360) 378-3220 to RSVP and for instructions on how to participate

Mod Carousel: Boylesque Sensations

Posted March 15, 2017 at 5:10 pm by

Mod Carousel is bringing an evening of tantalizing tease with a mix of both classical and neo burlesque flavors to Friday Harbor!

Mod Carousel is a multidisciplinary boylesque collective featuring the talents of Paris Original, Trojan Original, the Luminous Pariah, and Moscato Extatique. Paris Original and Trojan Original are no strangers to the islands, having performed at SJCT in La Danse de la Mer’s Winter Carnivale for the past 6 years.

The core troupe is joined by striptease guest stars Seraphina Fiero, The One The Only Inga, and the vocal powerhouse Caela Bailey. All highly trained artists, Mod Carousel offers what is sure to be an unforgettable evening of song and dance, comedy and glamour, and world class striptease.

Mod Carousel has performed continuously since their founding in 2010. With over 50 international shows in Europe and Australia and countless U.S. performances under their “belts”, Mod Carousel shows no signs of stopping their antics any time soon!

Join them for any of three performances offered:

  • March 31st 7:00PM
  • April 1st at 6:30 PM
  • April 1st at 8:30 PM

Located at Isle Seat Theatre/Dance Workshop 2.

Tickets: $20/person. Ages 18+. Limited seating available!

To purchase tickets please visit us at or contact us at [email protected], (360) 378 – 4572.

Check them out at Mod Carousel

Benjamin Lewis White III

Posted March 15, 2017 at 5:51 am by

Ben White – Contributed photo

Benjamin Lewis White III passed away in Seattle, WA on March 8th, 2017 with family by his side. He was born on October 14, 1989 in Virginia where he lived for a short time before moving to San Juan Island. Ben’s life was marked by his amazing sense of humor, endless rants, and genuine love and care for all around him. Everyone adored Ben.

His father, Benjamin White II, was an environmental activist and took Ben and his sister on many of his various campaigns including the 1999 WTO protests. This allowed Ben to be well traveled at a young age and as his father’s activism evolved, so did Ben’s travels and rich life experience. His father passed away when Ben was 15, which always had impact on him and made him value all of his relationships just that much more. Ben always considered his friends to be family and all of his friends couldn’t help but feel the same way.

He spent most of his life on San Juan Island where he started his own boat cleaning service at 15, was the captain of the lacrosse team, a member of his class’s senior senate, and was a regular on the local Ski Bus. Ben absolutely loved the water—during the summer you could find him fishing, working behind the counter at Kings Marine, crabbing, and hopping on any boat that would have him. He was also an accomplished scuba diver at a young age, and being the entrepreneur he was, Ben would work as a commercial diver fixing people’s boats whenever someone asked for him to do so. He attended Seattle University in 2008 and graduated in 2012 with a degree in Business Administration and International Business. After college Ben had several jobs doing sales which he always excelled in.

Ben is survived by His Mother Ann, Sister Julia, Grandma White, five Aunts and his Uncle. A fund has been set up at Go Fund Me to help his Mother and Sister, and donations are greatly appreciated. A celebration of life will be held at Brickworks on March 18th at 12:30 P.M.