Museum Archival Project

Posted December 15, 2016 at 5:56 am by

Diana Mancel has been volunteering at the San Juan Historical Museum for a few years now and she is asking if you would like to join her in an archival project beginning in January 2017, with a completion date of May 1, 2017. Here she is with more…

The project involves organizing, examining, recording and photographing the hundreds of items in the Etta Egeland Resource Center area. This will allow the Museum to be well positioned to respond to the needs of the community for the history of this Island and its past, current and future inhabitants.

I know how valuable time is to us – we can always make more money, but we can’t make more time. When volunteering, I look at projects that:

  1. Have a definite goal
  2. Have a begin date and realistic end date
  3. Accommodates and appreciates the volunteer effort and time
  4. Offers challenge and an opportunity to learn
  5. Is organized and professionally run

As Project Coordinator, I am committed to following these guidelines.

If you are interested, send an email to dianamancel [@] I will contact you again in late December with project details so you can let me know what interests you the most, and to schedule volunteer orientation the first week of January 2017. You can volunteer for one day, one week, one day a week – we will work with you on whatever time you can and want to give.

Thanks so much!

Chamber Chat

Posted December 15, 2016 at 5:47 am by

This Chamber Chat for December, 2016 is written By Lauren Cohen, Co-owner San Juan Canvas, LLC and Chamber of Commerce Board President…

It is hard to believe that another full year has passed and the holiday season is upon us once again. The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Executive Director and staff certainly hope that all of our member merchants have had a happy and prosperous year. We thank everyone in the San Juan Island community for your support of local business and hope that continues in the new year.

This month completes my term on this Chamber Board and as President. I have greatly enjoyed my time with a fantastic group of people who really care about the success of small business in our community and an exceptional Executive Director who works every day to help local merchants be successful. We, as a community, are fortunate to have business leaders willing to put in their time to make our community better.

Randy and Gail Schnee of Cotton Cotton Cotton – Tim Dustrude photo

I am happy to “pass the gavel” to Gail Schnee, owner of Cotton, Cotton, Cotton who will serve as Board President for 2017. San Juan Canvas will continue to be active members as we see our Chamber of Commerce as a partner in supporting, representing and lobbying for small business on San Juan Island. Our manufacturing business may not get the same benefits from a Chamber as a visitor dependent business does but we have never seen this organization as being for tourist businesses only. We view the Chamber as a partner who supports all merchants in creating a strong economy that is good for us all.

Cheers to all during this celebratory time of year.

Annual Meeting Continue Reading


Posted December 15, 2016 at 5:43 am by

Co-Op Member Capital Credit Checks Distributed For 1991:
Balance Of Last Year’s (1990) Will Be Paid In Full!

Were you a member of OPALCO in 1991? Did you get a partial (50%) distribution of your capital credits last year? If so, you may be among the 4,682 OPALCO members (current and past) who will get a check from OPALCO later this month as capital credits are distributed. This is something that make an electric co-op unique: it is truly member owned and operated and we each have a “stake” in the utility.

In late December, we will distribute the current capital credits (from 1991) in full and catch up on the partial (50%) capital credits (from 1990) that were distributed in 2015 due to budgetary constraints. A good weather year resulted in revenues that will allow OPALCO to pay both years in full.

The total amount being distributed this year is $1,271,711 with check amounts ranging from $5 to thousands of dollars (large users like schools and grocery stores). The majority of the checks are in the range of $100 – $250.

What are capital credits? Because OPALCO is a not-for-profit cooperative, it does not retain profits. Instead, any revenues above the cost of doing business are considered “margins.” These margins are allocated to members as capital credits at the end of the year. We all receive a statement in our bill each summer showing the amount of capital credits allocated for the previous year. This member capital allows our co-op to finance operations and some construction projects, with the intent that this capital will be repaid to us in later years. Continue Reading

LTAC Positions Open

Posted December 15, 2016 at 5:41 am by

Town accepting applications for open positions on Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.

The Town of Friday Harbor is seeking individuals to fill two positions on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). Committee members advise the Town Council on distribution of a portion of the funds received from the two percent Hotel Motel excise tax. Three-year terms for each volunteer position commence May 1, 2017. One of the open positions must be filled by the owner of a business in town that collects the Hotel Motel tax.

The LTAC was established in June 2001 with the Town Council’s appointment of seven volunteers including two Council members. LTAC members review proposals from the public requesting funds to promote tourism and tourist activities within the town of Friday Harbor. The LTAC’s allocation recommendations are forwarded to the Council which then makes the final determination of any fund disbursement.

Interested individuals with experience, background or involvement in lodging, tourism or local business should provide a Letter of Interest to Mayor Carrie Lacher. Applicants are encouraged to include a brief resume. Application review will continue until the positions are filled.

Questions and application letter should be directed to:

Town of Friday Harbor, ATTN: Julie Greene
60 Second Street / PO Box 219 / Friday Harbor, WA 98250
julie [@]
(360) 378-2810

Merri Ann’s Island Lifestyle Video Series

Posted December 15, 2016 at 5:38 am by

Here’s another of Merri Ann Simonson’s San Juan Island Lifestyle videos. This one offers tips on installing holiday lights and the marital discussion that accompanies them.

Certificate of Excellence Awards

Posted December 14, 2016 at 5:57 am by

The San Juan Jazz Quintet entertains at the 2016 Chamber Awards/Holiday Social

The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce held their annual Certificate of Excellence Awards meeting and holiday social on Monday night. The certificate of excellence is awarded to chamber members who are recognized as a Chamber business member that excels in quality service and or/products, upholds the Island Friendly Spirit, practices the highest business ethics and exemplifies enlightened customer service and staff relations.

Helen Machin-Smith of Island Stage Left

Dan and Helen of Island Stage Left gave a quick preview of their Omnium Gatherum show which starts later this week, and then everyone enjoyed appetizers from Vinny’s Ristorante as the awards were presented.

Daniel Mayes of Island Stage Left

See more photos, followed by the complete  list of winners below.

Continue Reading

Wintery Days and Good Books

Posted December 14, 2016 at 5:45 am by

The San Juan Center lobby overlooking Griffin Bay – Contributed photo

For those cold indoor months, join a literature class in the warmth of the San Juan Center of Skagit Valley College studying three different works and the formal strategies of novels and shorter fictional stories.

Books that will be read and discussed are: The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre & If on a Winters Night a Traveler.

Skagit Valley College academic instructor, Jane Fox, will be leading this class of enjoyable works and discourse. Jane holds a MA in literature from University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Class will run Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:45am to 11:00am from January 5th to March 16th, 2017. Cost of class is $90.00

Call for more information at 378-3220 or come by and register at 221 Weber Way in Friday Harbor.

117th Annual Christmas Bird Count

Posted December 13, 2016 at 5:56 am by

The San Juan Islands Christmas Bird Count will be on Saturday, December 31st and will be a wonderful way to celebrate the coming of a new year…

From Christmas Bird Hunts to Christmas Bird Counts

In 1900 ornithologist Frank Chapman along with other conservationists were troubled at the slaughter of birds in the annual holiday event called the “side hunt”. The team that shot the most birds and other small animals was the winner.

As a protest, Chapman organized 27 friends in 25 locations on Christmas Day, 1900 to count live animals instead of shooting them. This became an annual event and the National Audubon Society has now sponsored it for 115 years.

The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is now the longest-running citizen science survey in the world, providing critical data on population trends from the tallies of more than 2,300 bird-count circles in many different countries.

Today’s Count – Each Audubon chapter chooses a 24-hour time period from the middle of December to early January for their count. The area covered is a 15-mile wide circle of about 177 square miles. San Juan’s circle which began in 1987 has the center at the University of Washington Labs in Friday Harbor and includes parts of San Juan, Orcas, Lopez and Shaw. Teams divide the area into units to survey by car, foot and boat. Some people monitor their own backyard, neighborhood or bird feeder. Young and old, experienced and inexperienced birders are welcome. We always need more people to cover many areas. 

Variations in San Juans’ 28-year history have seen the Anna’s Hummingbirds and Eurasian Collared-Doves numbers on the rise, while the population of seabirds and shorebirds has dropped precipitously over the years. Bird populations are indicators of the overall health of our environment. As the database continues to grow and becomes long-term, it is possible to monitor the abundance and distribution patterns of wintering bird populations.

Some birders take a little rest during the count

This is a chance to connect with fellow birders, experience winter’s splendor, and introduce newcomers to the magical world of birding. 

The Audubon Christmas Bird Count is a citizen science project organized by the National Audubon Society. There is no fee to participate and the quarterly report, American Birds, is available online. Counts are open to birders of all skill levels and Audubon’s free Bird Guide app makes it even easier to learn more. For more information and to find a count near you visit

Contact Barbara Jensen, 378-3068 to participate.

Citizens Respond to Call for Food Bank Assistance

Posted December 13, 2016 at 5:53 am by

The Food Bank, SJ Update file photo

Town of Friday Harbor utility customers have once again shown their holiday spirit by contributing to the Harbor Life Ring program to benefit the Friday Harbor Food Bank. The Town distributed a letter in the October utility billing statement informing customers that any donations they made in November would be contributed to the Food Bank. In addition, the Town stepped up and agreed to match the first $1,000 donated. Including the Town match, the Food Bank will be receiving $4,141.

“The response from the citizens has been outstanding” said Mayor Carrie Lacher. “We continue to be impressed by the generosity in Friday Harbor”.

Bill Cumming, director of the Food Bank was also excited to hear the news. “I want to thank this community once again for stepping up and serving those in need” he said. “These donations will assure a happy holiday season for a great number of people.”

The Harbor Life Ring program was introduced in 2013 to provide financial support to families in need of relief from utility bills when unable to make ends meet. Once a year the proceeds are dedicated to supporting the Friday Harbor Food Bank during the holiday season. The Town thanks all those who contribute to the Food Bank, both through this program and other private donations.

Give to a Neighbor in Need

Posted December 13, 2016 at 5:47 am by

Here’s a request from Aaron…

Aaron D’Errico

A New Computer to Finish My Book


My name is Aaron D’Errico.

I’m a Stan Lee Foundation Artist, indie comic book writer, Ability Advocate and fan of Marvel Comics legend, Stan Lee, working to live up to Stan’s encouraging words and altruistic actions after taking a writing workshop from him in 2008.

Currently I’m seeking a new computer, since my present one is declining while working on a comic to give to Stan soon. It represents much of my life’s work so far.

Ever since Stan Lee told me that he expects “Great Things!” from me, I’ve been striving to live up to his praise, despite physical, cognitive, personal and financial challenges after a truck hit me in a crosswalk while using my mobility scooter in 2011.

Since then I’ve been unable to work, instead getting by on SSDI –Social Security Disability Income– that fails to cover daily basic living expenses and rent, let alone a new computer.

Click here to read more and help Aaron out…

Community Survey

Posted December 13, 2016 at 5:46 am by

The SJI Prevention Coalition is asking for more responses to their community survey. Here they are with more…

We need to move our Community Survey response rate up by December 30th!

The annual Community Survey provides valuable information to the coalition as we work to prevent and reduce youth substance use and abuse! As a component of San Juan Island Prevention Coalition’s participation in the state’s Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative, we are a part of the state system, and our funders want to know what we know about our community.

This is one way of gathering adult perspectives about youth use of alcohol and drugs. If you need a bit of a pitch, know that the prevention funding supports youth leadership, prevention curriculum in the schools, as well as a full time prevention intervention specialist support system for the school district. If you need ideas, check out our website at
or go to our facebook page… you can get to it from the website.

Please circulate within your circle of influence with a personal invitation to participate. Our goal is to have a cross-section of respondents that represents the full demographics of San Juan Island. A Spanish online survey is also available.

Please complete the annual Community Survey yourself, if you have not already done so, by clicking on the link below. There are 24 questions, and 8 demographic questions. It takes about 6-8 minutes to complete.



SVC Open Enrollment

Posted December 13, 2016 at 5:42 am by

Skagit Valley College Open Enrollment is going on now for Winter Quarter

Skagit Valley CollegeOpen Enrollment is going on now for Winter Quarter!  Classes begin January 4th.
Step into a new career or upgrade your job skills! Our High demand areas include:

Also SVC’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Environmental Conservation is the only pure science program offered at a community college in Washington.

Or, if you want to earn a bachelor’s degree, complete two years at SVC and then transfer to a four-year university. Study close to home and save money, compared to tuition at a four-year school!

Prospective students can get an up-close view of SVC by taking a free campus tour. Get details on programs and degrees, financial aid, career options, and more.

  • San Juan Center, (360) 378-3220
  • Mount Vernon Campus, (360) 416-7697 or toll free: 1 844-2SKAGIT
  • Whidbey Island Campus, (360) 675-6656
  • South Whidbey Center, (360) 341-2324
  • Marine Technology Center, (360) 766-6282

Spirit Taking Form

Posted December 12, 2016 at 5:52 am by

Trudy Dallas, is one of the contributing artists and in her 90’s, she continues to paint every day. That’s her painting behind her.

The SJIMA Artists’ Registry Show runs from December 10, 2016 to February 18, 2017.

On Saturday, December 10th the San Juan Island Museum of Art (SJIMA) opened its doors for the 5th Annual Artists’ Registry Show. The artwork created in this much anticipated and popular exhibit centers around the theme, “Spirit Taking Form”.

Local artists residing on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez islands are exhibiting a diverse collection of artwork and sculpture in clay, wood, glass, textiles, mixed media and photography, along with paintings in oil, acrylic, encaustic, watercolor and pastel.

See photos of some of the pieces below.

Continue Reading

Omnium Gatherum

Posted December 12, 2016 at 5:49 am by

Island Stage Left shares this invitation with you…

Click to enlarge

Island Stage Left’s Holiday Production “Omnium Gatherum” Starts this Friday, and reservations are already filling up for Christmas Eve.

Helen & Dan, choral director & pianist Carol Hooper and actor/musicians/singers Mark Mazzarella, Beatrice Grauman and Scott Mapstead are bringing the holiday spirit’s good cheer to Friday Harbor this year!

Join us in our warm, cozy venue for a celebration of the season in what has become known as an island tradition!

“Omnium Gatherum” (“a gathering of all”) is playing every night for just one full week (minus Monday the 19th) from Dec 16th through Christmas Eve at SJC Fairgrounds in the Marie Boe building – Come and celebrate the spirit of the season with us, through storytelling, theatre and song.

This year we hope, once again, to nurture “hygge” – the traditional Danish concept of “coziness of the soul” and the reason that Danes have been rated, for many years, the world’s happiest people. It incorporates the gathering of friends, candlelight, home-spun music, warm drinks, telling stories by the fire and letting go of life’s worries. We love to share this warm and embracing evening with our community each year. It has become one of our most popular traditions. Come alone, with friends and/or family prepared to laugh, to reminisce and to celebrate! Continue Reading

Reaching the Summit, Now the Real Work Begins

Posted December 12, 2016 at 5:45 am by

The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition Teams – Back row: Cindy Gutierrez, Joyce Wells, Cynthia Stark-Wickman, Andy Gutierrez, Zach Fincher, Middle row: Inga Harold, Eva Sanabria, Lilah Savlen, Luke Fincher, Front row: Debbi Fincher, Robin Taylor, Chiara Power – Contributed photo

A group of local teens, their adult team advisors and chaperones made the annual trip to Yakima for the Washington State Prevention Summit. Our youth teams from San Juan Island are sponsored with grants through the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition. Our teams are Rock Solid and H.O.T.S., Jr (Helping Out Teens Society at Friday Harbor Middle School), which together included: four 7th graders, an 8th grader, a 9th grader and an 11th grader.

Over 400 students from across the state join forces to learn more about the world of Prevention and gain new leadership skills. These teens are tasked with returning to their communities and putting together a project in prevention. This is where the real work begins. We ask you to help support these youth as they work on ways to help create positive change in our community and schools.

Upon reflection, some of our students shared their insight to this 2 day Summit. Chiara Power, a 9th grade student at Friday Harbor High School shares, Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted December 12, 2016 at 5:42 am by

Tillie is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

My name is Tillie, and I am the winner of the Animal Protection Society Fishing Derby! Get a load out of the fish I caught! It’s not very tasty, but it does squeek when I bite it, which I find very amusing.

I just arrived from Mexico and have some concerns about your weather. Other than that, I’m thrilled to be here and love meeting new people! I’m 8 months old and a very well-behaved young lady.

I’m available for adoption. Don’t worry – there is no additional charge for my extra-large, deluxe ears! We should meet!

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158