On Monday I had lunch at the Mullis Center. Lunches are served on Mondays and Thursdays at 11:45. It’s an inexpensive hot meal, $5 for seniors $6 for everyone else (all are welcome), and it comes with a choice of beverages, salad, and desert. On the menu Monday was Hungarian goulash over noodles, a good meal for a late November day.
I got to the Mullis Center just in time to see the kitchen crew serving up “meals on wheels” to be delivered to homebound Islanders in need of a prepared meal. If you or someone you know is unable to get out, requesting this service (call the Mullis Center at 378-2677) may help. Frozen meals are also available on request and donations are appreciated to help cover the cost.
Monday happened to be the monthly birthday lunch in celebration of all November birthdays. Birthday lunch is usually celebrated on the last Thursday of the month but because Thursday was Thanksgiving… we got cake on Monday. The cake is thanks to Chris Luma who purchases cakes at Costco and delivers them to The Mullis Center as a donation each month. Thank you Chris! I had the chocolate and boy was it tasty.
Lunch at the Mullis Center is a fun sociable way to share a good meal, visit a few old timers (I’m including myself in that category) or meet some new people. My handsome Uncle Wally met his third wife at these lunches. Plus there is the raffle run by garage sale maven Pat Ball. For only 50 cents you can buy a raffle ticket and when your ticket number is called, choose from a table of treasures, some donated others gathered by Pat. With my lucky ticket on Monday I went home with the most adorable Teddy Bear!
Mullis Center lunch menus are posted in the Senior Signal newsletter and also on the San Juan Calendar. To see more photos from Monday’s lunch link to The Mullis Center Facebook Page.