Donations for the children in the Landfill Harmonic

Posted September 9, 2016 at 5:52 am by


summer-film-seriesHere’s a note from Larry Soll about a donation site set up regarding the Summer Film from last week…

Fellow Film Buffs,

Thanks to Bob Stavers, we now have a website that is collecting donations to the children in the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra. For those of you wishing to contribute to this cause, please visit this website.


Learn the Dance!

Posted September 9, 2016 at 5:47 am by


It’s nearing time for another Thrill the World dance. Krista Strutz shares this heads-up…

PrintInitial preparations are starting for another Thriller event, and I’d love it if you could put a shout out about dance lessons on the Update.

The actual event will happen at Brickworks on Saturday, October 29th at 2:30 – the Official Dance Time is 3:00 pm Sharp. $5 Reg. Fee

There will be Free ‘Learn the Dance’ classes at The Parc Building, SJCT rehearsal room:

  • Thursdays 5:30 – 7:00 -Starting Sept. 22
  • Sundays    11:00 – 12:00   – Starting Sept. 25

Check out our Facebook page at Thrill The World Friday Harbor

And if you have questions, send an email to: [email protected]

SJC Farm Tours

Posted September 9, 2016 at 5:43 am by


See what’s behind the barn doors at the 2016 San Juan County Farm Tours!

Tours offer a unique opportunity to visit three dozen farms, shellfish hatcheries, and value added businesses on Lopez, Orcas and San Juan Islands.

Tickets are now on sale at this site. Tour dates are September 24-25th on San Juan Island, October 2nd on Orcas Island , and October 8-9th on Lopez Island. The Farm Tours offer a unique opportunity to visit farms, meet farmers, taste locally grown foods, learn skills and understand more about the challenges and opportunities of farming in San Juan County. Join together with community, tour attendees and farmers to feast on the bounty of local harvest.

Each island offers unique opportunities over three weekends. Highlights include a walk in an Edible Food Forest, taste and talk about locally grown heritage grains baked in delicious pastries, sheep dog demonstrations, a visit to farms that use horse drawn equipment, tours of oyster shellfish hatcheries, an after tour soiree and Grange Dinner featuring delicious local foods, a visit to local certified goat dairy, and so much more! Fun for everyone. Join us to meet the farmers and learn about farming in the lovely San Juan Islands.

For more information about each Farm Tour, and to buy tickets, visit: this site. Ticket sales support participating farmers.

Enjoy dining and lodging specials as part of Savor the San Juans.

Contact Peggy at peg [@] with questions.

In Remembrance of 9/11

Posted September 9, 2016 at 5:42 am by

sjifr-logoSheila Harley, Public Information Officer of SJI Fire/Rescue shares this announcment…

Lest We Forget, the combined Emergency Services, elected officials, and veterans of San Juan Island will hold a short service in memory of all those who responded to the call that went out in New York City , Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania on the morning of September 11, 2001.

They were only doing the jobs they were trained for but we call them Heroes.

Come honor those Heroes from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM on Sunday, September11, 2016 at the end of Spring Street over looking the water.

Barn Sale

Posted September 8, 2016 at 3:13 pm by

mailbagIn the mailbag today – Gloria Bentzen writes to let you know there will be a huge barn sale, (the barn is full to the brim), out on Mitchell Bay Road, just off West Valley Road. Truly a great sale.

Saturday, September 10th. Head out there and look for the signs (there will be a lot of them). Rain or Shine.

Island Rec – Star Party

Posted September 8, 2016 at 1:17 pm by

Star PartyJoin the National Park Service and Island Rec to honor the 50th Anniversary of San Juan Island National Historical Park.

  • 7:00pm Bat Talk ‘n Walk
  • 8:00pm Cake
  • 8:30pm Owl Prowl ‘n Star Walk.

Large telescopes will be available for viewing. Rochelle Kelly, (a PhD candidate at the University of Washington studying our local bats), will have an infrared camera to be able to see bats in their nighttime flights. We will possibly watch bats emerge from a 700 member bat colony!

Lowell Jons, from Island Rec, will be leading an Owl Prowl and Star Walk later in the evening. Celebratory Cake will be served at 8:00pm. Located at English Camp.

For more information, see, call 360-378-4953, or visit our office at 580 Guard St. Monday – Friday 11:00-5:00 pm.

Memorial Service

Posted September 8, 2016 at 1:16 pm by


Just heard there will be a memorial service for Sid Clark. It will be held Saturday, September 10th at 10:30 AM at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church, 425 Spring Street.

A Big Thank You from the Fair!

Posted September 8, 2016 at 5:44 am by

thank-you-2016-fairTo all of those in San Juan County – exhibitors, volunteers, vendors, & entertainers – the San Juan County Fair Board and Fair staff give you a standing ovation!

Be sure to check out the Fair website for a “Best of 2016” highlight list including Best of Show, Best of Class, and Special Award winners in each department! Visit the page here.

Bruno and Roberts

Posted September 8, 2016 at 5:40 am by


Here’s a note from Ruth at WaterWorks Gallery…

Two Contemporary Painters: Elizabeth Bruno & Dana Roberts

Each artist is in the middle of their career. As a mid career artist, each artist draws from her inner worldly experiences to visualize her contemporary work.

Dana Roberts is based on San Juan Island. Her work is intuitive… she paints from her emotions and is influenced even by the weather.  Her painting technique is very time consuming as she paints and, then wipes off the canvas, stippling the surface of the canvas with her brush creating to create minute details. These strokes invoke the story of plants, of clothing or dreams.

Elizabeth Bruno, based in the Seattle area, paints stories that gathered over time, re-flecting many periods in the art world. A bit old fashioned in stylization, the work itself makes a contemporary statement with her subject matter – of woman working, birds singing and dogs walking. These paintings, with their flat sometimes collage surfaces, are dichotomies of days past. Continue Reading

Theatre History

Posted September 7, 2016 at 5:51 am by

Theatre on display in the lobby of the Theatre - Contributed photo

Theatre on display in the lobby of the Theatre – Contributed photo

Keith Busha shares this note…

In the lobby of the Community Theatre there is now a display of handmade posters and photos. Some of these date back before the present theater existed. The acting community was called the Straights of Juan de Fuca and the building was called the Royal Theater, now it has been renamed the Palace Theater…

Many of these plays happened before I moved to the island 20 years ago but it’s wonderful to see the smiles on the faces of  those people who do remember their involvement or seeing their neighbors on the stage.  Many thousands of people have contributed to the creation of the plays and concerts over the years. It’s important to keep the sense of history alive and to honor these people.

Oyster Stew, Senator Henry M. Jackson, and LBJ

Posted September 7, 2016 at 5:50 am by

It’s time for the September edition of the Historical Museum’s History Column…

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

According to San Juan Island Historical Society board minutes from August of 1964, Charles Nash reported “Henry Jackson wants to know if the residents of San Juan Island are interested in the national government proposal for making English Camp a national monument.” The concept received unanimous support from the board and a resolution of endorsement was signed by Historical Society president Etta Egeland. Committees were formed and many meetings ensued.

The following spring, a public hearing was held in the Friday Harbor High School gym, attended by a crowd of about 500 islanders and several U.S. Senators, led by Senator Jackson. By this time, the national park concept included both American and English Camps. Mrs. Egeland’s 1965 annual report on Historical Society activities made note of an elaborate oyster stew luncheon, which had been staged by the San Juan Historical Society for park committee members and visiting dignitaries that day.

The bill moved through Congress and on September 9, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed legislation that created San Juan Island National Historical Park. The Journal published the story in its next issue (and in another front page article that week, mentioned that the director of the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s was visiting Roche Harbor in his 70 foot yacht, The Tempest.)

This month, as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the San Juan Island National Historical Park, we recognize a unique island history that has been preserved for generations to come.

Conscientious Projector Showing with Rob Simpson – UFOs & Nukes

Posted September 7, 2016 at 5:46 am by

UFOs-and-nukes-book-coverJoin host Rob Simpson for a fascinating night! At the height of the Cold War, some “unknown force” penetrated all security systems and shut down dozens of our intercontinental ballistic missiles aimed at Russia. Was it the Soviets? With the fall of the USSR we find out: no. The same thing was happening to them. The official story at the time of these incidents has since been discredited by our own declassified Top Secret documents.

Who or what had the technology to taunt the military might of the super powers? Why was nothing destroyed?

Combining declassified documents and interviews with onsite US Air Force officers (now retired), researcher Robert Hastings has spent 40 years to create a book and short documentary exploring these cold war secrets. What were the strange craft seen flying over our missile silos at the moment of shut down, and then darting off into the night? Were they extraterrestrial vehicles… or “weather balloons” …or just “swamp gas”?

Come find out!  Monday, September 12 at 7 pm at the San Juan Island Library. Free.

AUDITIONS! SJCT Family Theatre

Posted September 7, 2016 at 5:45 am by

The-GrunchA holiday story inspired by The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is the next production of San Juan Community Theatre’s Family Theatre program.

Auditions for The Grunch, A New Children’s Musical are being held on Monday and Tuesday, September 12 and 13 at 3:00 p.m. in the Whittier Theatre. Island kids in grades K-6 and parents/adults are invited to attend.

The Grunch tells the story of Rudy Grunch, a grumpy 6th grader who always feels like an outsider.  When the entire school gets excited about the annual school musical, he comes up with a perfect plan to ruin it for everyone; he’ll steal the sets, costumes and lights the night before it opens. But will the spirit of theater prevail?

Rehearsals will be held after school and on Sundays. The play will be presented on the Whittier stage November 17-20.

Contact Haskew at [email protected] for more information.

Leave No Trace

Posted September 7, 2016 at 5:43 am by

Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers will visit September 8-10

The traveling trainers are back and they’re bringing Big Foot along to share their message of sustainable minimum impact practices to enjoy the outdoors responsibly.

Click here for more information about Leave No Trace and be sure to check out the flyer at right to see what’s happening!

Pet of the Week

Posted September 6, 2016 at 4:18 pm by

Copper is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Copper is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Look. It’s not that I’m stuck up or snooty – it’s just that I have very high standards and deserve the very best life has to offer.

My name is Copper. If you must know, I’m kind of a big deal – I’m a Somali cat. Look it up. It’s a thing. A bonafide thing. I think you’ll find me exquisitely beautiful. I know I do.

In the words of Meow West, “Why don’t you come up and see me some time?”

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Blues in Friday Harbor

Posted September 6, 2016 at 5:57 am by

Alan Hager and Curtis Salgado - Contributed photo

Alan Hager and Curtis Salgado – Contributed photo

Inspiration for the Blues Brothers Performs in Friday Harbor

Blues icon Curtis Salgado brings his longtime band guitarist, Alan Hager, with him to Friday Harbor on Friday, September 9, to perform as a duo on San Juan Community Theatre’s Whittier Stage at 7:30 p.m.

Salgado’s award-winning career as a soul, blues and R&B vocalist/harmonist/songwriter has spanned more than forty years — from co-fronting The Robert Cray Band to leading his own band and touring the country with Steve Miller and Santana. And during that time period, he recorded nine solo albums.

In 1977, comedian/actor John Belushi was in Eugene, Oregon, filming Animal House and happened to catch one of Salgado’s performances. The two became fast friends and Salgado spent hours listening to old records with Belushi, teaching him about blues and R&B. Belushi used his new awareness to portray “Joliet” Jake Blues in The Blues Brothers, first as a skit on Saturday Night Live and then in a best-selling record album (which was dedicated to his friend), and finally as a major motion picture (Cab Calloway’s character was named Curtis in homage). Continue Reading