Summer Jobs Available at San Juan NHP

Posted April 4, 2016 at 5:45 am by


Seasonal employees restoring the prairie at American Camp – NPS photo by Gary Tarleton

Summer employment for young adults can be hard to find on San Juan Island, but the National Park Service is seeking young adults who are interested in starting what could be a life-long career with public land stewardship.

As many as six (6) seasonal positions will be opening at San Juan Island National Historical Park this summer, part of a partnership between the Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) and the National Park Service. The jobs are in resource and facility management and are paid seasonal employment.

Applicants should be between the ages of 16 and 19, with a positive attitude and a desire to learn. A variety of duties may be expected, including assisting with plant propagation, seed collection, weeding, landscaping, carpentry, photography, trail maintenance, interpretation and education. Orientation and training will be provided.

Seasonal work is an excellent way to learn about a career in the National Park Service or any other land stewardship or preservation agency. It could be the first step toward full time employment, and is an excellent way to give back to your community and protect the public lands of San Juan Island. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted April 4, 2016 at 5:42 am by

Bowie is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Bowie is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Good morning, Friday Harbor! My name is Bowie and I’m part Beagle. The other part is Jack Russell terrier. I should also mention that I’m 100% amazing!

If you’re looking for love in a medium-size package I’m your guy! I’m super friendly and love to go for walks. My all-time favorite pastime is cuddling and having my belly rubbed.

I’m only about a year old, but they tell me I have beautiful manners. I like other dogs but I can’t understand all the fuss about cats. Franky, they bore me. I’m hoping you’ll come meet me soon so we can get started exploring the world!

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

The Salish Seeds Project Work Party

Posted April 4, 2016 at 5:39 am by

the-salish-seedsTanja Williamson reaches out from the San Juan County Land Bank…

Well March really did roar in like a lion, so we are getting an early start in the Salish Seeds Project – Red Mill Nursery to prepare for a glorious spring and productive summer!

  • When? Saturday, April 9, 2016
    1:00pm to 3:00pm
    3:00pm to 4:00pm *BONUS HOUR*
    RSVP: email Tanja at tanjaw [@]
  • Where? Red Mill Farm
    From Friday Harbor, head west out of town on San Juan Valley Road. At approximately 3 miles, turn left onto Valley Farms Road. Take the first right into the farmhouse driveway. Please pull up next to the farmhouse and park well off driveway.
  • What? Help weed native seed production beds, seed new plant starts, and view the native wildflowers in bloom!

Please bring/wear:
Gloves and your favorite weeding tool (optional)
Weather appropriate clothing
We will have snacks and water available

Kathleen Foley needs help with her Island Marble Butterfly Project cutting solarizing plastic for pots.

Salish Seeds Project Wish List:
We provide the materials, you provide the skilled labor. Contact us for more information.

  • Seamstresses! We’re looking for one or more volunteers to sew a dozen seed drying bags.
  • Carpenters! We’re expanding our production and need more growing tables.

EMS Budget & Levy Update

Posted April 3, 2016 at 5:06 pm by

This story submitted by Louise Dustrude…

Meeting in the shadow of grim budget realities and two failed levies, the public hospital district board on Friday edged closer to setting the level for a levy for Emergency Medical Services to be submitted to the voters in August.

The budget currently proposed is still $640,000 away from balancing, and the five-member board tossed it to the EMS staff and volunteers to come up with suggestions for cutting costs by that amount.

There is an EMS retreat scheduled for Thursday and Friday at the EMS building near the hospital (10-4 on Thursday and 8-5 on Friday) and that will be their opportunity to suggest ways of balancing the budget, which board chair Bill Williams compared to “doing surgery on yourself.”

EMS Chief Jerry Martin accepted the challenge on behalf of the group, and pointed out that the retreat will be open to the public, but he encouraged anyone who attends to be there for the entire time so as to understand all the ramifications of decisions.

The board voted, as a back-up, to invite one or more paid consultants to submit proposals for helping them to balance the budget.

The time to do so is perilously short. To get a levy on the August ballot it must be submitted to the county by May 13. Continue Reading

EMS Town Meeting

Posted April 3, 2016 at 5:05 pm by

sji-ems-logoEMS Invites Community to Town Meeting

Town Hall meetings sponsored by the San Juan Island EMS will be held on:

  • April 11, at 5:30pm at the Pavilion at Roche Harbor Resort
  • April 12, at 5:30pm at the Mullis Community Senior Center, 589 Nash Street

In August 2016, a ballot measure will come before the citizens of San Juan Island proposing a property tax levy to fund emergency medical services.

Meet the new EMS Chief Jerry Martin and learn about levels of service, costs, and more.

Bring your questions and comments!

For more info contact Pamela Hutchins, Superintendent, at 378-2857

Eagles Once Again

Posted April 3, 2016 at 8:05 am by

Bald eagle at American Camp - Kevin Holmes Photo

Bald eagle at American Camp – Kevin Holmes Photo

This story is from the National Park Service…

The pair of bald eagles at American Camp , Bertha and Bob Jr. have again produced egg(s) in their nest near the American Camp Visitor Center. However, the number of eaglets won’t be known until they hatch, which is expected around April 20. Visitors are encouraged to observe the young eagles’ progress. The park will have a spotting scope available daily, weather permitting, during visitor center hours and park staff will be available to answer questions.

This will be the seventeenth known brood that Bertha and her mates, Little Bob and Bob Jr. have parented at American Camp. Little Bob disappeared over the winter of 2007 and Bertha returned the following spring with her new mate, Bob Jr. In 2003, they produced an unusual clutch of three eaglets, who survived and fledged.

Spring Visitor Center hours at American Camp are Wednesday – Sunday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Tax Help at Mullis Center

Posted April 3, 2016 at 8:00 am by

Photo courtesy of Dustrude Photography

Photo courtesy of Dustrude Photography

Jim Biddick and John Carl will be available to assist with taxes at the Mullis Senior Center on Thursday until April 14 from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm. The tax service is for low to moderate income taxpayers($54,000 gross income).

The program is not associated with the IRS TaxAide program and is not a for profit program. The taxpayer will be responsible for all information provided and for the completeness and correctness of the tax return. Returns must be filed by mail.

The service is free, but a donation of $5 is appreciated to cover program costs; any profit is donated to the Senior Center. Contact the Senior Center at 378-2677 for an Appointment.

Kids’ Book Nook at the Library

Posted April 2, 2016 at 5:46 am by

The new Book Nook for kids at the Library - Tim Dustrude photo

The new Book Nook for kids at the Library – Tim Dustrude photo

Thanks to a local student, the SJI Library introduces a new Book Nook in the children’s area

The public is invited to see the San Juan Island Library’s new Book Nook in the Children’s Area. The Book Nook is the creation of Brian Fleming, a local resident and sophomore at Spring Street International School.

Fleming built the Book Nook as part of his Eagle Scout project with Boy Scout Troop 4090. He began work on the Book Nook this past summer after selecting a project that would benefit the Library and the community.

“We are thrilled to have received such a wonderful and imaginative gift,” said Melina Lagios, Youth Services Manager at the Library. “Brian was a delight to work with and he finished the project much sooner than I anticipated. His hard work and commitment are commendable.”  Continue Reading

CBP Building Dedication

Posted April 1, 2016 at 3:43 pm by


The new home of US Customs and Border Patrol’s Friday Harbor Office – Click any photo to enlarge – All photos by Tim Dustrude

Customs and Border Patrol held a ribbon cutting ceremony to dedicate the official opening of their new location on the corner of Spring and First Streets in Friday Harbor.

They have gone from a previous office space of a very inadequate 550 square feet, which they have occupied since 1987, to a much better, more workable 5,500 square feet.

They have actually been in this new facility since last October, but they postponed their official dedication for a time when hopefully there might be better weather, and indeed they got their wish, as it was a gorgeous day today.


On hand for the dedication were among others, L-R: County Councilman, Rick Hughes; SJC Sheriff Ron Krebs; Director of Field Operations, Seattle Office, Michele James; Port Director of F.H. Port of Entry, Tom Barnes; Becki Day, Executive Director of the SJI Chamber of Commerce; Duncan Wilson, Town of F.H. Administrator and Gordy Peterson, Building Owner

Continue reading for more photos.

Continue Reading

Restore and Rejuvenate with Stephanie

Posted April 1, 2016 at 5:55 am by

Stephanie Prima - Contributed photo

Stephanie Prima – Contributed photo

Springtime is glorious with its daffodils and sunshine, when everything seems bright and fresh. You too can feel rejuvenated and restored in your own body and mind with the new holistic movement class that Stephanie Prima is offering. This is unlike any other exercise class!

No matter your age or current physical condition, here’s your opportunity to:

  • Energize so you can accomplish the things that are most important to you
  • Relieve stress and cope with all that life throws at you in a calm, focused manner
  • Connect with your inner wisdom to intuitively listen to what’s best for you
  • Get a workout that doesn’t even feel like you’re ‘working,’ while you improve physical and mental strength and balance
  • Have fun moving again in a supportive, non-judgemental atmosphere

Drawing on elements from Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, and Mother Nature, the gentle, meditative moves will help you recapture your ability to move and breathe fluidly and deeply, soothe and balance the mind, regain strength from inside out, and instinctually stimulate health and harmony.

Former Friday Harbor resident LaReine Cowan remarked, “Being overweight and 75 years old, I just didn’t feel that I was able to do exercises like you see on television, so I went to Stephanie’s class. Since being in them, I am able to breathe a lot better in a way that increases the energy in my body. I am able to move better and with little discomfort, and have much improved with balance. I find myself breathing and exercising a lot without realizing I am doing it. When I get an ache, say in my ankles, I do the exercises and I no longer ache… Stephanie is an excellent teacher and makes these classes fun, and puts us in tune with nature and an improved feeling of life.” Continue Reading

Helping the Aussie Posse

Posted April 1, 2016 at 5:49 am by

Finnegan, Autumn and Mona, and Dorothy, Kathleen and Danielle - Amber Chenoweth photo

Dogs Finnegan, Autumn and Mona, and humans Dorothy, Kathleen and Danielle – Amber Chenoweth photo

From the SJ Update Mailbag:

We have all been touched by Kathleen Zuidema’s story and her successful quest for homes for her Aussie Posse, Autumn, Mona and Finnegan. Many of you have asked how to help as Danielle Cochran welcomes them into her home.

Donation details are listed below for veterinarian care, food, fencing and medical expenses. You can also drop them off at Browne’s Home Center, Harbor Veterinary Services and Friday Harbor Pets.

Thank you for being an island of such caring people,
– Friends of Kathleen Zuidema and the Aussie Posse

Harbor Veterinary Services:
849 Spring Street #3
Friday Harbor WA 98250
(make checks out to Harbor Veterinary Services, designate for “Zuidema Dogs”)

Friday Harbor Pets (food fund)
50 Malcom St. #605
Friday Harbor WA 98250
(make checks out to Danielle Cochran, designate for “Aussie Posse”)

Browne’s Home Center (fence repair fund)
Post Office Box 577
Friday Harbor WA 98250
(make checks out to Browne’s Home Center, designate for “Aussie Posse”)

Cancer sucks and is expensive (medical expenses for Kathleen):

How to Grow Your Own Bouquet

Posted April 1, 2016 at 5:46 am by


“From Garden to Vase – How to Grow Your Own Bouquet” – this will be the subject of a talk by our featured speaker, Paul Flack of New Day Flower Farm, San Juan Island.

Please join us to hear Paul describe how New Day Flower Farm meets its goal to have flower bouquets available April through October starting the Spring season with tulips, daffodils and Dutch Iris; then, followed by perennial bouquets including lupine, columbine and fragrant sweet peas.

The Farm specializes in dahlias and has over 2000 plants! He will provide guidance about the Farm’s planting methods and how to create our own bouquets.

Tuesday, April 5 at 1:00 pm at the Mullis Community Center, 589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor.

At every San Juan Island Garden Club meeting, we enjoy general discussion of gardening issues and gardening experiences of all in attendance. The topics among members and guests are quite varied, ranging from greenhouse gardening, container gardening, to gardening and cooking with local, seasonal crops.

All are welcome! Please join us for tea, coffee, dessert and a wonderful program. RSVP to Marguerite Bennett at 378-8524 or just drop in and join the discussion. Visit our website for more information:


Posted April 1, 2016 at 5:45 am by

Here’s the latest from the Friday Harbor Film Festival…

fhff-2016-logoThe 4th annual Friday Harbor Film Festival on lovely San Juan Island is this upcoming November 4-5-6, 2016.

The film selection process is from Jan 1-July 1, 2016. You may submit your film at this link, or request further info by contacting our producer Karen [@]

Our ongoing audience outreach continues with the Audience Favorite films at the Grange each 1st and 3rd Tues of the month at 7 PM. Entry by donation… please be generous.

Tuesday Films “Alive Inside”, and “Tracks” – Office Space for Sub-Lease – Join the board of directors – Read about all of these by clicking the “read more” link:  Continue Reading

John Stimpson Retiring

Posted March 31, 2016 at 12:46 pm by

John Stimpson retiring after 36 years - Tim Dustrude photo

John Stimpson retiring after 36 years – Tim Dustrude photo

It’s almost your last chance to get in and say goodbye to John Stimpson. After 36 years, he is retiring from Friday Harbor Marketplace. Saturday, April 2 is his last day so get in there and congratulate him.

However, he’s not going anywhere. Yet. Next May (of 2017) he will be riding his bike across the continent from Anacortes to Bar Harbor, Maine in the Northern Tier Bike Ride, and he’s really looking forward to that.

But for now, you’ll still see him around town and of course on the weekly Sunday bike rides that start at noon at the middle school and on the annual Commitment Ride, every New Year’s Day starting at the Post Office.

He first started working for Verne Howard and Valmark, Inc. (owner of King’s Market and Friday Harbor Marketplace) back in 1980 at Mark & Pack over by the airport. They had only 5 employees when he started. John was there for 20 years, and now 16 years at Marketplace. He says “It’s been a great run and I only have glowing things to say about Vern. He’s gotta be one of the best employers on the island if not THE best.”

San Juan Singers present: Ayres of the Celtic Isles

Posted March 31, 2016 at 5:47 am by

SJ-Singers-Spring-2016-posterGet ready for a riddicky-rollin’ good time! This spring, the San Juan Singers transport you to the Celtic Isles on a magical, musical journey.

Traditional Scottish and Irish songs sung by chorus and soloists and accompanied by a complement of instrumentalists will warm your heart and jiggle your funny bone.

Special guests include Mike Chisolm and John Ralston (Vancouver BC) playing Scottish bagpipes, joined by Susan Nase and Alison Ward, Scottish Highland dancers (Shot of Scotch Vancouver Performance Troupe). Our Vancouver guests are all international award-winners in their chosen arts and we are delighted to have them join us for this exciting program.

A “bit of the blarney” will be provided by actor and storyteller, Fred Yockers.

So, pull out your favorite tartan, or dust off your cap, or perhaps you’ll decide to be “wearin’ the green”–whatever finery you choose, join us for this wonderful concert on April 8 or April 9, at 7:30, at the San Juan Community Theatre. Tickets are available now from a chorus member, or from the SJCT Box Office, or online at

EDC supports OPALCO/Rock Island broadband expansion efforts

Posted March 31, 2016 at 5:45 am by

Here’s a Letter to the Editor from Victoria Compton of the Economic Development Council…

EDC-logoOver a half-century ago, the Carnegie Institute released a report on a contraption that was changing the way America received its information. This report suggested that the technology could reinvent the way that education was delivered to American children, that it could help lift kids out of under-educated poverty and pave the way for their economic security.

That contraption – the television – went on to fundamentally change the way that most of us receive information. As a result of that Carnegie Institute report, shows like Sesame Street were created to reach and educate all kids.

And just like the television (or the radio – or books – before it), broadband has the capability of completely changing and improving the way educational content is delivered to us. Indeed, it already is improving the delivery of educational content, making it on-demand, specific, and giving us instant access to any content conceivable.

Broadband has the potential to reinvent businesses – opening markets and globalizing businesses in ways that were not even imaginable 30 years ago. Broadband has the potential to keep our homes – and ourselves – safer. Continue Reading