It’s not this Saturday, but next Saturday – Mark your calendars…
Master Gardener Foundation Annual Native Plant Sale
By Master Gardener Jane Wentworth
Remember March 12th from 9 AM- Noon, is the day of the Native Plant Sale on San Juan Island at the Fairgrounds in Friday Harbor, the Orcas Island Grange, and at Sunset Builders on Lopez. All pre-orders must be picked up and paid for that day (cash or check only). In addition to some of the pre-order plants that are remaining, we will have other potted plants available for sale on San Juan Island that day, including
- Red flowering currant
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Twinflower
- Fringe cup
- June grass
- Garry oak
- Shooting star
- and Western columbine.
Everyone is invited that day to visit our Native Plant and Gardening Expo (9-noon FH Fairgrounds), sponsored by the San Juan Conservation District.