FHFF Winter Film Series

Posted December 27, 2015 at 9:46 am by

Microsoft Word - 2016 FHFF Tues FILM seriesbutton.docx

The Friday Harbor FILM Festival is delighted to announce their 2016 Audience Choice Winter Film Series. It will run January through May on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 7 PM at the Grange. All the films screened this coming winter are audience selected as their favorites.

The Winter Film Series will be hosted by Theresa Simendinger. She is taking on the responsibility of coordinating this very important event for the Friday Harbor Film Festival. If you would like to help, please stop by our office to sign up, or write info [@] fhff.org. Screening fees and venue cost for each of these films are paid for by your donations so your generosity is extremely appreciated.

Our first film January 5th is Killswitch; a gripping documentary about the battle for control over the Internet. Free speech, innovation and democracy are all up for grabs as the Internet comes under attack for its disruptive and dynamic nature. The filmmakers frame the story of two young “hactivists.” This film probes the efforts of big business to control the Internet, the efforts of government to regulate it, and the efforts of hackers to free up information worldwide as well as the consequences of doing this. Winner of the Award for Best Editing of a Feature Documentary at 2014 Woodstock Film Festival. Continue Reading

Women at Work Department

Posted December 27, 2015 at 9:36 am by


Here’s another photo from Ted Strutz in this series of what’s going on around town…

THE FORCE IS BACK… Samantha Pluff returns from her Nursing Studies and Rugby Scrums at U of W to help out during the Holidays.



A White Christmas?

Posted December 26, 2015 at 5:16 am by

Christmas Day on Mount Grant - Tim Dustrude photo

Christmas Day on Mount Grant – Tim Dustrude photo

We did see a few snowflakes believe it or not… and they were white… and it was Christmas…

Does that qualify as a White Christmas?


Christmas Day on Mount Grant – Tim Dustrude photo

Probably not but it certainly was a gorgeous day with beautiful views in all directions. And from the looks of the parking at the base of Mount Grant, a LOT of people were out there enjoying it. Here are a few photos from Christmas Day on Mount Grant…

Looking toward Mt. Dallas - Tim Dustrude photo

Looking toward Mt. Dallas – Tim Dustrude photo

Harbor Lights and Happy Holidays!

Posted December 24, 2015 at 7:23 pm by


Spring Street Landing and the town – Ted Strutz photo

Ted Strutz shares this image of Spring Street Landing and the trees lit up at Memorial Park.

Happy Holidays everyone! The San Juan Update wishes you a warm, safe, loving, fun holiday!

Men at Work Department

Posted December 24, 2015 at 5:46 am by


Ron Garcia is on the job – Ted Strutz photo


Have to thank these guys for interupting their work to let me pass – Ted Strutz photo

Ted Strutz checks in again with a few photos from around the island…

Ron Garcia, Traffic and Safety Director, doesn’t let a little rain ruin his mood or task at hand to make sure motorists don’t hit any Earth Movers as they’re busy scraping Jensen Bay Road.

San Juan County Council Concludes Productive 2015

Posted December 24, 2015 at 5:34 am by

County-LogoSan Juan Council Chair Bob Jarman closed the 76th council meeting of the year on December 15th at 4:50 pm. The long council meeting was emblematic of so many meetings this year as the Council charged through an aggressive schedule crafted to accomplish much for the citizens. The Council met 11 times in the past two months to consider the proposed Shoreline Master Program and Eastsound Sub-area Plan.

In conducting its business, the Council passed 18 ordinances and 46 resolutions, and held 3 meetings on Lopez Island and 4 on Orcas Island, and 2 joint meetings with the Town of Friday Harbor Town Council.

The following list provides an example of some of what was accomplished by Council and staff over the past 12 months:

  • Secured $1.4m in state capital funding for three projects: Orcas Park and Ride, Prune Alley stormwater improvements, and McKaye Harbor Road relocation study.
  • Introduced HB 1868 (Reps. Morris, Lytton) to allow for the use of Road levy funds to maintain the county’s many marine facilities. Now law.
  • Passed 2016 “status quo” balanced operating budget.
  • Upgraded Dispatch Center; established a redundant connection to the mainland insulating it from power outages or cable cuts.
  • Received a clean financial audit report from State Auditor’s Office.
  • Partnered with Rep. Rick Larson efforts to address Growler noise.
  • Completed an Oil Spill Response Capacity Study vital to state and federal legislative advocacy.
  • Passed Eastsound Sub-area Plan.
  • Completed Cattle Point Road re-alignment project.
  • Partnered with the Town on ferry services issues, Tucker Street design and funding, and waterline replacement project.
  • Completed Fire and Sheriff training on the new boat.
  • Entered into a new partnership with the Senior Services Council for operation and maintenance of the Orcas Sr. Center.
  • Implemented a new Community Immunization and Outreach and Strategic Plan.
  • Re-organized Health Dept. to provide a higher level of direct services.
  • Re-started the Lopez Village Sub-area Plan process.
  • Implemented LEAN, process improvement, in Community Dev. and Public Works.
  • Made substantive progress on the Shoreline Master Program update.
  • Paid off early legacy debt in the Solid Waste Utility and reduced solid waste excise tax.
  • Achieved bid ready status for the Deer Harbor bridge replacement project and Odlin Float replacement project.
  • Re-started Prune Alley Streetscape design and construction process.
  • Re-organized Public Works and Community Development to better integrated processes and programs. Created an Environmental Resources division in Public Works.
  • Planned for urban levels of improvements in Eastsound and Lopez Village.

Winter Sun

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:56 am by

Winter Sun - Tim Dustrude file photo

Winter Sun – Tim Dustrude file photo

Hey have you noticed the days are getting longer? Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and from here on out, the sun starts gaining ground in its battle with the night…

Water Main Repairs

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:52 am by

That's the scene on Spring Street on a Summer Friday night in 2012 at 8:15pm as a water main burst on Spring Street...the pipe was repaired by the next morning. Photo by Aaron Shepard (thanks, Aaron!)

Just so we don’t see this again – A late summer evening in 2012 when a water main burst on Spring Street… Aaron Shepard photo

Attention Town Residents and Business Owners:

The Town is notifying residents and businesses that the water, sewer and storm mains under Spring Street between Second Street and Argyle Avenue will be replaced between the 1st of February and end of March of 2016. This will be the third and final phase of the utility replacements under Spring Street.

The Town intends to correct all known deficiencies so they will not have to reopen this portion of roadway in the foreseeable future.

The Town is currently advertising for bids to make these repairs. Work is anticipated to last approximately six to eight weeks provided that there are no significant delays due to weather.

Construction is currently planned to occur at night between the hours of 5:00 PM and 1:00 AM the first three weeks. The area will usually be cleaned and parking reestablished daily so that business is disrupted as little as possible. Expect noise associated with the operation of equipment.

The Town is sensitive to the business community and has scheduled work to start on Sunday through Thursday nights except the Valentine’s/President’s Day holiday weekend where there will be no work on Sunday evening the 14th.

After the third week of work, evening work should be complete and daytime construction will occur between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM for the duration of the Project. Expect random street closures and detouring of vehicles.

Additional storm water protections, managed by the Town, will restrict muddy water from entering storm drains. Due to the timing of the project and possible freezing conditions, a temporary surface may be installed to patch the existing asphalt after linework is completed. Final paving of the project area will occur in the spring to ensure the highest quality surface.

A Project Manager will be on-site at all times to address any issues or concerns. Additionally, you may contact the Town Public Works Department at 378-2154 with any questions or comments regarding these improvements. Thank you in advance for your patience as we make these necessary improvements.

Wayne Haefele
Public Works Director

Women at Work Dept.

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:46 am by


Fela and Kerry Andrews in the new Deer Hazel store – Click to enlarge – Ted Strutz photo

Shopgirls at Deer Hazel… Fela and Kerry Andrews.

Island Rec New Years Eve Community Celebration

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:44 am by

Twisting into the new year - Contributed photo

Twisting into the new year – Contributed photo

Join Island Rec for its annual New Year’s Eve Community Celebration and count down the New Year with family, neighbors, and friends!

It’s an all ages affair filled with board games, Wii station, crafts, dancing, wild hat making/parade/contest, bingo, twister, snazzy photo ‘booth’, chess/backgammon/cribbage tournament, outdoor fire pit and much more.

Bring a pot-luck savory or sweet snack. Thursday, December 31st from  7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Mullis Center.

For more information call 378-4953 or visit www.islandrec.org

Electric Bills to Increase by 5% in January

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:41 am by

Line item to fund Energy Assistance Program

opalco-logoBeginning in January, our electric bills will go up 5% and there will be a couple of new line items. The board-approved rate increase for 2016 will be spread equally across the facilities and energy charges (see below). As a result of the 2015 Low Income Needs Assessment, members will see a line item on our bills to fund a new program to assist qualified members in need. The line item will assess $0.0005 per kilowatt hour, which comes out to an average forty-five cents per month for residential members.

The other new line item is a place holder for a future demand charge. The demand line item will show $0.00 to prepare members for the demand charge that will eventually be charged to all members, to reflect the actual charges OPALCO is charged on the power bill from Bonneville Power Administration. No date has been set for the start of demand charges.

Residential members make up the majority of OPALCO members. Here’s how the changes will look beginning in January for the average residential member:

  • Facility Rate increases from $38.90 to $40.54
  • Energy Rates (< 3,000 kWh – winter): $0.0855 $ to 0.0892
  • Energy Assistance Program line item: $0.0005 per kilowatt hour (average of $0.45)
  • Demand Charge line item: $0.00 (placeholder for future charge)

To review the budget and rate discussions in detail, all board materials and budget reports are available online in our Resource Library. A recent article on rates is also available online.

As a co-op, OPALCO’s budget is built to meet the cost of service, which is higher than most other utilities given our remote island communities connected to the mainland by submarine cables. During the past two years of revenue shortfalls, we’ve tightened the belt along the way and delayed projects and hiring to meet the need. In 2016, we project a stable revenue year as the adjustments we’ve made for changing energy usage and weather patterns are built in to budget assumptions.

We are not alone. It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride for all utilities in the region. OPALCO projects smoother sailing ahead as we adjust to the new weather norms, get through the final two years of our submarine cable replacement project, major upgrades to our communications infrastructure, Rock Island’s start-up operations begin to level out and we begin to add new electrical load through fuel switching initiatives.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during the bumps!

For the latest information about OPALCO, go to: www.opalco.com.

Giving for Residents at the Life Care Center

Posted December 23, 2015 at 5:38 am by

Here’s a note for you in the spirit of giving this holiday season…

season-of-givingThere is a Christmas tree in the lobby at Key Bank which has little gift tags on it. Each one is for a resident at Life Care Center. Some are blank and some indicate an item for a male or female. You can take one and donate a gift. Not everyone has a friend or family member.

Merry Christmas!
Ann White

 A Tale of Two FHHS Juniors Atop Mount Grant Preserve 

Posted December 22, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West - Contributed photo

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West – Contributed photo

This story was shared by Tanja Williamson, outreach coordinator for the SJC Land Bank…

Those smiles say a lot about Friday Harbor High School juniors, Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West, who enthusiastically logged 87.5 volunteer hours atop Mount Grant Preserve for their community project; almost 30 more than the class requirement! They are proud of what they accomplished and how it will immediately benefit many visitors to the preserve.

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West - Contributed photo

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West – Contributed photo

Inspired by previous work with the San Juan Island Conservation Corps, both Williams and Cooper-West were familiar with trail work and believed this project would be fun, even though neither one of them had yet visited the preserve. Under the guidance of San Juan County Land Bank Preserve Steward, Doug McCutchen, along with input from San Juan Preservation Trust Stewardship Manager, Kathleen Foley, the two FHHS juniors helped with layout and design of trails at the summit, coordinated delivery of materials and equipment, and provided labor.

When asked if there were any surprises during the project, Williams said “It was a little harder than we expected; time management was the toughest thing, but we ended up with a really cool project and got to work in an awesome place.”

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West - Contributed photo

Corbin Williams and Eli Cooper-West – Contributed photo

With the Campaign to Save Mount Grant still underway, (about $1.0 million remains to be raised), the Land Bank is not yet in a position to invest significantly in permanent trails and improvements. McCutchen reflects “the volunteer contributions of Corbin and Eli will immediately enhance visitor experiences.” 

But don’t just take their word for it, come on up and check out the trail for yourself! Mount Grant Preserve is open to hikers daily, and the gate will be open for driving access to the top, 9:00am to 4:00pm on the following holiday dates:

  • Christmas: December 25 & 26, 2015
  • New Years: January 1, 2016
  • Valentines/Presidents Day: February 14 & 15, 2016
  • Easter: March 26 & 27, 2016

Shoot Some King Tide Photos

Posted December 22, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Crescent Beach on Orcas after Public Works crews cleared the road of large wood, December 2014 - Janet Alderton photo

Crescent Beach on Orcas after Public Works crews cleared the road of large wood, December 2014 – Janet Alderton photo

Here’s a note from FRIENDS of the San Juans on a fun way you can help document King Tides next week…

Do you have a digital camera or camera phone? If so, help local and regional researchers capture this year’s king tide!

Join FRIENDS and king tide volunteers from your community and across the globe to document the year’s highest tides by taking photos of your favorite local shorelines. This year’s highest tides are predicted for around 8:00 am the mornings of December 27th and 28th, 2015. Images with some recognizable feature such as a road, unique rock or tree, or building are the most effective.

A “king tide” is the highest predicted high tide of the year at a given coastal location. These highest tides occur naturally when the sun and the moon align, increasing the gravitational pull on the Earth’s oceans. This only happens one to two times per year.

Tide levels are influenced by local weather, with low barometric pressure and high winds resulting in even higher water levels. This happened last year, when the king tides coincided with a storm and brought waves and logs up and over areas such as Crescent Beach Road on Orcas.

Send your pictures to tina [@] sanjuans.org with information on when and where the picture was taken. By sharing your pictures you will help our community see the future. Visualizing sea level rise can help us understand how to reduce future impacts. FRIENDS will compile and share these pictures.

The WA Dept. of Ecology and WA Sea Grant also maintain a website to share your photos: https://www.flickr.com/groups/1611274@N22/pool

Always remember – your safety is more important than an image, so use caution in high wave or high water events.

Twelfth Man Mobile…

Posted December 22, 2015 at 5:35 am by


Teresa Strong’s custom Seahawk RV  – Ted Strutz photo

The Mascot

The Mascot

… or, in this case, Twelfth Woman Mobile!  Teresa Strong hits the road, with friends and dogs, to tailgate at the game in her custom Seahawk RV.

Ask for a peek inside this awesome work in progress if you see it in the ferry line.

Taming Wild

Posted December 21, 2015 at 8:33 am by

Elsa Sinclair - Writer, Director and Producer of the new film "Taming Wild" - Tim Dustrude photo

Elsa Sinclair – Writer, Director and Producer of the new film “Taming Wild” – Tim Dustrude photo

“But if horses were really given a choice, would they even let us ride them?”

That’s the question that was asked of Elsa Sinclair by a student some years ago that ignited a spark and started her long journey which has now culminated in the production of her new film, “Taming Wild”.

Taming_Wild_Movie_PosterTaming Wild is a movie filmed in part on San Juan Island that documents the process of learning first hand if a wild horse could be tamed and trained for riding, without the use of any tools (bridle, ropes, saddles, etc.) and without using any force or pain to try to change it’s behavior.

The movie premiered in New York in November and just this month in Seattle and Issaquah, to rave reviews and sell-out audiences. It will be part of the 2016 Friday Harbor Film Festival and will also be premiering soon in New Zealand and Denmark among other places. It also will soon be available for sale on Elsa’s website TamingWild.com. Continue Reading