Jacqueline Reiff at The Studio sends this announcement of the good things happening over there…
This is an exciting time for The Studio! After being open for almost 2 years, The Studio, located at 278 A Street #4, is doubling our square footage, adding more equipment, increasing group class offerings, and adding a small boutique area for retail workout apparel.
The Studio expansion also separates the space for Pilates Equipment and Group fitness classes, which will allow more offerings in Pilates Private Sessions, Duet Sessions and Group Equipment Sessions. We are excited and overwhelmed with the positive community response so far, and are looking forward to expanding.
This past summer, The Studio began adding new group fitness classes: introducing Indo-Row Water Rowers (the perfect calorie burn) and PiYo to the Island. Both have become extremely popular and are favorites on the schedule.
With the expansion, a wide variety of new classes will be rolled out to enhance offerings for all fitness levels: Yoga, Fitness for Chronic Back pain, Meditation, as well as, additional High Intensity Interval Classes (H.I.I.T.) for the intermediate to advanced exercisers.
Additionally, The Studio has partnered with Island Rec to offer an Adult Fitness class, 20/20/20, in December. Jennifer Horn, a certified Health Coach will also begin offering nutritional counseling and coaching services. Continue Reading