Seeing Pink

Posted September 30, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Pink Out supporters - Contributed photo

Pink Out supporters – Contributed photo

Doin the Pink Hula - Contributed photo

Doin the Pink Hula – Contributed photo

Did you see a lot of PINK on Tuesday? It was Friday Harbor’s celebration of National Pink Out Day in support of continued funding for Planned Parenthood.

It was organized by Susan Williamson, whom you can see in one the photo at right, hula-hooping at the intersection near Friday Harbor’s Mount Baker Planned Parenthood Health Center.

Lots of PINK and lots of SUPPORT!

Mark Madsen Appointed to OPALCO Board to Fill Vacancy

Posted September 30, 2015 at 5:34 am by

opalco-logoThe Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) Board of Directors has appointed Mark Madsen of Friday Harbor to fill the District 1 board position vacated by Glenna Hall. Hall stepped down due to health issues in September. Madsen will have the option to run for election as an incumbent in 2017.

Mark’s expertise in the technology industry and his track record of community service are great assets to the Board,” said Jim Lett, OPALCO Board President. “We had two strong candidates to fill this vacancy – it was a tough decision – and we are very pleased to have Mark join us.

Madsen brings strong experience in business operations and network engineering for the high-tech industry. He currently serves the community through the San Juan Library District, San Juan County Economic Development Council and the Town of Friday Harbor’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Madsen earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Washington and a Masters in Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The Cooperative is governed by its member-owners who elect a seven-member Board of Directors. There are four districts represented, and Directors must be members in the districts they serve. Elections are held by district on a rotating basis each year at the annual meeting. Directors serve a three-year term and there are no term limits. Vacancies, after a call for candidates is published in local papers and online, are filled by board appointment.

Board meetings are held monthly and are open to co-op members. Notices of each meeting are posted in the local papers and at

Western Bluebirds And The Island Garry Oak Savannah Connection

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:53 am by


Presenter: Kathleen Foley of the San Juan Island Preservation Trust

Western Bluebird - Photo used with permission from photographer Dave Johnson

Western Bluebird – Photo used with permission from photographer Dave Johnson

The dream of bringing back the Western Bluebird took many years of planning, recruiting volunteers and, of course, finding birds ready and willing to settle-in and prosper where they had once flourished.  Hear the unfolding story of the re-introduction of these lovely birds. Learn what it takes for their care and the benefits to our island habitat that make the effort so worthwhile.

Please join us for coffee, tea and dessert. Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 1:00 pm at the Mullis Community Center (589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor)

RSVP to Marguerite Bennett at 378-8524 or just drop in and join the lively discussion.

All are welcome!!

Visit our website for more information:

Upgrades at The Studio

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:49 am by


Jacqueline Reiff at The Studio sends this announcement of the good things happening over there…

This is an exciting time for The Studio!  After being open for almost 2 years, The Studio, located at 278 A Street #4, is doubling our square footage, adding more equipment, increasing group class offerings, and adding a small boutique area for retail workout apparel.

The Studio expansion also separates the space for Pilates Equipment and Group fitness classes, which will allow more offerings in Pilates Private Sessions, Duet Sessions and Group Equipment Sessions. We are excited and overwhelmed with the positive community response so far, and are looking forward to expanding.

This past summer, The Studio began adding new group fitness classes: introducing Indo-Row Water Rowers (the perfect calorie burn) and PiYo to the Island. Both have become extremely popular and are favorites on the schedule.

With the expansion, a wide variety of new classes will be rolled out to enhance offerings for all fitness levels: Yoga, Fitness for Chronic Back pain, Meditation, as well as, additional High Intensity Interval Classes (H.I.I.T.) for the intermediate to advanced exercisers.

Additionally, The Studio has partnered with Island Rec to offer an Adult Fitness class, 20/20/20, in December. Jennifer Horn, a certified Health Coach will also begin offering nutritional counseling and coaching services. Continue Reading

Fish Tacos on Friday!

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Kerwin Johnson cooks up some delicious Fish Taco goodness at a recent Fish Taco event - Tim Dustrude photo

Kerwin Johnson cooks up some delicious Fish Taco goodness at a recent Fish Taco event – Tim Dustrude photo

The Fish for Teeth taco team is at your service once again Friday, October 2 at the San Juan Island Community Theater, from 11-2. The “tacos” are actually burritos, and they are stuffed with wild Alaskan rockfish (harvested from healthy stocks), fresh salsa from Pablito’s Taqueria, and other wholesome ingredients. The tacos go for a $7.00 suggested donation.

All proceeds go to support the mission of Fish for Teeth, which is to provide dental care for those who cannot otherwise afford it. Fish for Teeth sponsors the Medical Teams International Mobile Dental Van (a.k.a. the ToothMobile), and local dental professionals volunteer their time on Friday and Saturday three times each year.

Special thanks to the businesses and organizations for their contributions of time and services that help make our program a success: Best Western Friday Harbor Suites; Mullis Senior Center; San Juan Island Community Theater; Friday Harbor Ace Hardware; Mullis Street Storage; Pablito’s Taqueria; Matt’s Fresh Fish; Cynthia Burke; Michael Horn, DDS.

In addition, many thanks to individuals and service groups who have made generous financial contributions. Noteworthy is that individual donations have been filling our “fundraising gap”, so we do not have to ask service groups to help, which frees up their money to help other important local programs. Those individual donations make a huge difference, so thank you so much.

fishteethTo apply for services go to, or pick up an application at the Health Department office (behind the Post Office), or at the SJI Family Resource Center. All applications are to be dropped off at the health department.

Thank you,
Matt Marinkovich
Fish for Teeth President

Volunteer of the Month

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:39 am by

Animal Shelter Volunteer, Nancy Heacox, taking a break to cuddle kittens - Contributed photo

Animal Shelter Volunteer, Nancy Heacox, taking a break to cuddle kittens – Contributed photo

The Animal Protection Society is one of the very lucky non-profit organizations here on San Juan Island that benefits from the generosity of Valmark’s receipt donation program. When people bring us their receipts from King’s Market and King’s Marine and Clothing we accumulate them and submit them quarterly to Valmark for a very generous donation of 1% of the receipts we turn in.

This program generates a great deal of money for the animal shelter and we are so grateful to have volunteer, Nancy Heacox helping us every week to tally the thousands of receipts that are dropped off here at the shelter.

Nancy comes in faithfully every week and spends hours every month at the adding machine batching and tallying King’s receipts. And, as you can see from the photo, Nancy also finds time to spend with the animals while she’s here!

The staff and board of directors of APS-FH are happy to announce that Nancy Heacox is September’s Volunteer of the Month!

Acting is Fun

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:37 am by


Acting is Fun, a new four-week workshop for island kids in grades K-6,starts up Thursday, October 1st at 3:15 pm at San Juan Community Theatre.

The workshop will be held each Thursday through October 22 and is filled with games and improvisations to guide beginning actors in how to use their voices, bodies and imaginations on the stage.

Tyler Ryan, who is acting in SJCT’s fall play, The Glass Menagerie, leads the workshop.  Tyler grew up on the island and fell in love with acting on the SJCT stages many years ago.  Most recently, he lived in Portland as a professional theater and television actor.

The workshop is $40 for the four sessions; registration is at the box office only.  The SJCT Box Office is open Tuesday through Fridays from 11 am to 4 pm and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm.  Scholarships are available; contact Mary Blevins at 378-3211, ext. 29.

Quarterly Meeting

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:36 am by

Here’s a Press Release from the SJC Democrats…

San Juan County Democrats (SJCDs) and independent voters are invited to the quarterly meeting of the SJCDs at 11:30 am on Saturday, October 3 in the community meeting room at Skagit Valley College in Friday Harbor.

Among the agenda items are a presentation by Rep. Kris Lytton on the crisis in education funding in Washington State, the November 3 elections, and preparation for the presidential primary precinct caucuses in March 2016.

David Dehlendorf
San Juan County Democrats

Help Wanted

Posted September 29, 2015 at 5:30 am by

Here are a couple of Help Wanted notices…

United Way of San Juan County is looking for a new executive director. It’s a salaried part-time (15 hours per week) position with responsibility for office administration, bookkeeping and financial reporting, website and social media management, grant-writing, and liaison with community members, business leaders, board members and supported programs.

Contact Martha Huleatte at unitedwayED [@] gmail [.] com.


Condo Association Manager – one position available on San Juan Island. Looking for someone to manage a 25 unit condo association, responsibilities include overseeing building and grounds maintenance, working with the Board to get projects done, winter watch, etc. This is not a full time position.

For contact info, email michele [@] sanjuanconnection [.] com. Must be prepared to submit a letter of interest as well as a resume in order to be considered.

Blood Moon

Posted September 28, 2015 at 4:25 pm by

Blood Moon - Kevin Holmes photo

Blood Moon – Kevin Holmes photo

Kevin Holmes shares this image he shot Sunday evening of the Lunar Eclipse, just as the sunlight was beginning to shine once again on the edge of the moon. Thanks for sharing Kevin!

Know Your Islanders Talk

Posted September 28, 2015 at 5:47 am by

Click to enlarge - Contributed photo

Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

The Trails Committee on San Juan Island begins its Know Your Islanders Talks season with Boyd Pratt relating the story of his harrowing hike of Kalaupapa, with its 26 switchbacks and 2000 foot elevation change.

Beginning in 1866, the isolated Kalaupapa Peninsula on the island of Molokai was the site for isolation of victims of Hanson’s Disease (leprosy) in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Today, Kalaupapa is a National Historical Park; you can only visit by permit and with a guided tour.  On February 5th, 2015 Boyd hiked the steep 3.5 mile trail down (and, more arduously, up) the pali cliff that separates Kalaupapa from the outside world.  Come sweat out his pilgrimage with him and see what he saw. Monday, October 5th, 7:00 pm at the San Juan Library. Refreshments will be provided by the Friends of the San Juan Library and the Trails Committee. Continue Reading

Food For Thought

Posted September 28, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

It’s almost time for the first Community Dinner of the Year! The Dinner is from 5:30 -7:30 in the High School Commons. Suggested Donations are $12 for Adults and $6 for kids under 12 years old.

  • The menu is awesome!
  • Roasted Pork Loin with Herbed Crust
  • Apple, Leek and Parmesan Stuffing
  • Sweet Potato and Yam Mash
  • Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Bacon and Caramelized Onions
  • Local Fall Salad Featuring: Mama Bird Farm Greens, Quail Croft Goat Cheese, Nootka Rose Farm Beets and Mitchell Bay Farm Asian Pears

Dessert by Mr. Hendricks’ Baking Class

There will also be a STEM Open House from 6:00-7:00. The public is encouraged to tour the new building, meet the STEM team, watch some student demonstrations and enjoy a Community Dinner.

We have invited some of our State Reps and local County Council and they will be in attendance. Senator Ranker will also be trying to attend the event.

Thanks for your support!

Prevention Survey

Posted September 28, 2015 at 5:40 am by


Here’s a note from Debbi at the Prevention Coalition about an annual survey you are invited to take…

Hi Tim, Hope all is well 🙂 I was hoping we could ask you to share this annual survey, this is the 3rd year it is provided by the State, this anonymous survey gives the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition insight into our community, as it pertains to prevention issues, especially among youth. As always, we appreciate your support!

Your participation in this community survey helps San Juan Island to respond to needs and gain resources to help prevent underage substance abuse. Please take five to ten minutes to complete the following survey of 19 questions. Thank you!



Pet of the Week

Posted September 28, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Ginger is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Ginger is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

I’m not mad. I’m just looking at you. I’m concerned. You look like you might need some kitty companionship. My name is Ginger and I could use a little human companionship!

Coincidence? I think not. I’m not super cuddly or clingy but I do love to play! I came to the animal shelter as a teenage mom, so I never really got to be a kitten. I’d love to have a second chance at that…

I’d make a great indoor-outdoor girl and a wonderful family member. Does this face look like one that would lie?

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Blood Moon

Posted September 27, 2015 at 10:13 pm by

Blood Moon, lunar Eclipse, September 27, 2015 - Tim Dustrude photo

Blood Moon, Lunar Eclipse, September 27, 2015 – Tim Dustrude photo

Here’s a shot of the Eclipse from Sunday night. This was shot at the Fairgrounds at about 7:45 pm.

Write Doe Bay: Music and Film Short Lecture

Posted September 27, 2015 at 6:09 am by

Here’s a press release for you from the folks over at Write Doe Bay…

We are pleased to announce a special partnership between The Orcas Film Festival and Write Doe Bay.

WDB-OFFThe Orcas Film Festival and Write Doe Bay are pleased to jointly offer a Music & Film lecture at Doe Bay Resort’s Yoga Studio. On October 9, 2015, from 5-6 pm, Write Doe Bay’s own Jenn Furber and Casey Sjogren will host a short discussion on visual narrative as the art and structure of music videos.

Music videos have come a long way since their birth in the 1980’s and artists like Jenn and Casey have helped bridge the gap between simple “band performance” videos to short films with strong visual narratives. They will share insight on both treatment and proposal writing, pre-production process and working with musicians to create a product that equally highlights the music and the film.

Attendees will screen two music videos that were filmed entirely on San Juan Island. Write Doe Bay Teaching Musician Kris Orlowski will share insight and perspective as a full time artist after viewing his music video “Believer.”

Attendance to this lecture is open to Write Doe Bay participants and Orcas Film Festival ticket holders.

Written word, film and music enthusiasts are invited to attend Kris Orlowski’s Yoga Studio concert Saturday evening with at the Doe Bay Resort. The concert is at 8 pm. All Write Doe Bay participants will receive two complimentary tickets to view Film Festival screenings around Eastsound on Sunday and Monday, October 11 and 12.

Write Doe Bay
email: writedoebay [@] gmail [.] com
Instagram & Twitter: writedoebay

Orcas Film Festival
email: jared [@] orcasfilmfest [.] com
Instagram & Twitter: orcasfilmfest