Free African Dance Class Starts Friday

Posted September 10, 2015 at 5:48 am by

Rwandan Dance - Contributed photo

Rwandan Dance – Contributed photo

salish_sea_ballet_logoSalish Sea Ballet announces a FREE cultural enrichment class on Friday evenings from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Join us as we learn traditional Rwandan dance from Rwandan native and Spring Street International School student Michaella Ibambasi.

Music and dance are long established customs of the Rwandan culture. Whenever people gather, be it for a ceremony, to welcome visitors, celebrate a marriage, or other reason, a troupe of really good dancers starts the day by entertaining the audience.

Rwandan dance is a traditional storytelling art form used to explore themes such as war and victory, courtship, and games. It is one of the aspects of Rwandan culture that visitors and tourists are fascinated by due to its originality and complexity.

Explore this lyrical, fun, and unique dance form in our ongoing class – starting this Friday and running through the school year. There is no cost to attend, but optional donations for Spring Street International Schoolʼs Rwanda Scholars Program will be gratefully accepted.

Classes meet at the Salish Sea Ballet studio, at 689 Airport Center in Friday Harbor. For more details, contact Salish Sea Ballet at (360) 298-1720 or by email at dance [@] salishseaballet [.] com.

Fall and Haul

Posted September 10, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Fall and Haul - Contributed photo

Fall and Haul – Contributed photo

Have you ever wondered what it’s like up there on the ol’ Cady Mountain Preserve? Well this Sunday is your chance to check out those spectacular views in person while helping out a great group of folks to boot! This Sunday The Oak Team has lined up their best sawyers to FALL those spindly little trees, and they need help HAULing those guys out of the way to make room for the wildflowers and native grasses to thrive. (Think Mother’s Day Wildflower Walk!)

Fall and Haul THIS Sunday, September 13th at Cady Mountain Preserve, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Give Tanja a call at 360-370-7655 or email her at tanjaw [@] rockisland [.] com to join the party!

Historic Orchards of the San Juans

Posted September 10, 2015 at 5:34 am by

Historic Orchards - Contributed photo

Historic Orchards – Contributed photo

San Juan Island Grange #966 begins its fall evening program series with Historic Orchards of the San Juans on Wednesday September 16, 2015 at the Grange Hall. The program begins at 7:00 pm, preceded by a potluck at 6:00 pm — all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Autumn seems to have come early this year, and many of the old orchards in the islands are bearing fruit! Join historian Boyd C. Pratt for a history of fruit raising in the San Juans, with a focus on the remaining historic orchards that still bear fruit in the islands. Bring some fruit from a historic orchard you know and we’ll try to identify them!

Best of Show at the Fair

Posted September 10, 2015 at 5:33 am by

bestOfshowSan Juan County Fair shares this update with you about ribbon winners at this year’s Fair…

Curious to know who won those beautiful Best of Show and Best of Class Ribbons at the 2015 Fair? Check out the SJC Fair website for a full report of winners, the recipients of the Fair Board Award Ribbons, and some great Fair photos!

Thank you to all the Adult and Youth Exhibitors that entered their prized work at the Fair this year. Looking forward to seeing even more exhibits next year!

Climate Science Series

Posted September 9, 2015 at 6:50 pm by

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

San Juan Island Conservation District shares this invitation with you…

Join us this Thursday for a presentation by Washington State Climatologist, Dr. Nick Bond. Hear about climate change, recent weather events, the blob, and what we might expect this coming year.

Thursday, September 10th, 6:30 pm
San Juan Island Grange

Cecil’s Electronics & Photo

Posted September 9, 2015 at 5:55 am by

cecil-radio-shack2Here’s some good news from Cecil…

As many of you know, Steve and I are closing our RadioShack store at the end of September. I will be striking out on my own as “Cecil’s Electronics & Photo” in early October. I hope to be closed less than a week to make the changeover. Same location and phone number, same product line and service as before, with a few new additions as well. I’m very excited to continue serving Friday Harbor into the future.

Whale Museum Summer Lecture Series

Posted September 9, 2015 at 5:46 am by

Orca Breach - photo by Jim Maya

Orca Breach – photo by Jim Maya

Orca Protection Law Enforcement Past & Present
Presented by Sgt. Russ K. Mullins

The Whale Museum is pleased to welcome Sgt. Russ K. Mullins as part of the 2015 Summer Lecture Series on Thursday, September 10th at 6:30 pm. The lecture will focus on the evolution of orca protection regulations followed by an in-depth presentation that includes accounts of recent enforcement actions taken to protect Southern Resident Killer Whales along with perspectives of WDFW Officers on the water.

Sgt. Mullins has 20 years of law enforcement experience; 18 with WDFW and two with Bellingham Police Department. He supervised WDFW’s Northern Puget Sound marine detachment for 10 years.

The September 10th lecture event is free and open to the public. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 30. The Whale Museum can be found online at

Remembrance Event On September 11th

Posted September 9, 2015 at 5:35 am by

San Juan Island Fire Rescue shares this notice…

sjifr-logoThe entire community is invited to participate in a short and simple ceremony remembering the horrific events of September 11, 2001. The event will begin at 9:00 AM at Memorial Park at the base of Spring Street.

Town Councilmember Barbara Starr will present a proclamation on behalf of Mayor Lacher and the Town of Friday Harbor. A few short remarks will be made, and anyone with a personal story about the events in Pennsylvania, New York or the Pentagon will be welcome to share their experience.

Town Installs New Signage for 4-Hour Disabled Parking

Posted September 9, 2015 at 5:33 am by

FridayHarborLogoParking is an issue of concern to people with disabilities. Parking in close proximity to one’s destination is often essential to maximize independence and is not a matter of convenience. The Town’s disabled parking inventory consists of 8 spaces in the downtown core and are marked with the blue and white “symbol of accessibility” (wheelchair).

In an effort to balance the parking needs of our community the Town amended the Friday Harbor Municipal Code concerning time limits for “restricted” parking stalls.

A four-hour limit has now been imposed for disabled parking spaces designated by signage and marked with the access symbol enforced between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., except Sundays and certain holidays.

This parking revision is necessary because of concerns best addressed by causing the circulation of vehicles in these highly visible and accessible spaces. Vehicles displaying disabled placards have often parked in those spaces in excess of eight hours, which limits availability to others.

Motorists with placards or special plates are entitled – as before – to park for unlimited periods of time in any on-street space regardless of the posted time limit. This provision does not apply to zones where stopping, standing, or parking is prohibited to all vehicles, or areas restricted for special types of vehicles.

All motorists should be reminded that access aisles are a no parking zone for all vehicles, whether the vehicle is displaying a disabled parking permit or not. The fine for obstructing or parking in an access aisle is $450, the same as parking in a disabled place without a placard.

For information regarding this traffic revision or a list of State Law concerning special parking privileges, contact Town Hall at (360) 378-2810.

Tattered, Torn & Sepia: A Call for Visual Artists in San Juan County

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Islands Museum of Art - Tim Dustrude photo

Islands Museum of Art – Tim Dustrude photo

This year, the San Juan Islands Museum of Art’s (IMA) annual Artists’ Registry exhibition will open on November 20, 2015 and run through January 11, 2016. Tattered, Torn & Sepia, will feature the artwork of islands’ artists who are members of IMA’s Artists’ Registry program.

The IMA Artists’ Registry is dedicated to San Juan County visual artists in all media and invites all artists to join. The exhibit will showcase paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic, as well as pastels, photography, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass and jewelry. This IMA exhibition gives islanders and visitors a chance to view the impressive diversity of local artwork, along with the opportunity to tour the dramatic IMA building.

Islands’ artists wishing to be part of this exhibition are invited to apply to the Artists’ Registry program, if you are not already a member, by submitting an application, available online at New member applications must be postmarked or emailed by October 1, 2015 to participate in the November show.

All San Juan County visual artists are eligible to be part of the IMA Artists’ Registry, which can be viewed at by going to the “Artists’ Registry” tab in the upper right corner. Also, applications and information is available at or by contacting Yvonne Buijs-Mancuso at 378-6725.

Lee Taylor to Discuss Past Year and Future of SJINHP

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:48 am by

Lee Taylor (right) leads the park's historic color guard in Friday Harbor's annual Fourth of July Parade - Contributed photo

Lee Taylor (right) leads the park’s historic color guard in Friday Harbor’s annual Fourth of July Parade – Contributed photo

Lee Taylor, departing superintendent of San Juan Island NHP, will present an illustrated wrap-up of the park’s 2015 accomplishments at 7 p.m., Wednesday, September 9 at the San Juan Island Library.

The park staff has had a busy summer” commented Lee, “and I will highlight some of the big accomplishments for this year and look ahead to plans for the coming year, including completion of the education camp at English Camp and design of a new visitor center at American Camp.

Lee will be at the park through mid-September, then will depart for her new position as Deputy Superintendent of Olympic National Park. The superintendent’s position at San Juan Island NHP will be temporarily filled by Chief of Integrated Resources Jerald Weaver, while a search for a new superintendent takes place.

SJI Grange Letter about Greenhouses

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:45 am by


The San Juan Island Grange #966 (Grange) has adopted a resolution concerning San Juan County’s (SJC) proposed greenhouse regulations. Our mission, in addition to fostering social and political engagement, is “to support a resilient community of growers, makers, and keepers.” The Grange recognizes the importance of agriculture and food security in the sustainability of our island community. Many of our members are growers and use greenhouses for both home-use and for farm operations. Greenhouses are essential infrastructure in order to extend the growing season, and for farmers to increase their income.

The Grange has determined that the July 21, 2015 proposed SJC code amendments and new sections would place an undue burden on both home and commercial growers who depend upon the use of greenhouses. Furthermore, the proposed code amendments and new sections are in conflict with SJC Code 18.30.052 Right to farm and forestry provisions, and are also contrary to the Economic Development Element’s goals and actions in support of agriculture, as adopted unanimously by the current SJC Council.

We appreciate that some neighbors of greenhouses have experienced impacts related to artificial light emissions, the size and/or scale of the structure, noise, and odors. We recognize that these same impacts have also been experienced by neighbors with regard to other types of structures and associated activities. The Grange asks that if these issues are addressed that they be addressed by amending the existing sections of the SJC code for all structures.

This community has deep roots in a rural, agrarian economy, and if we want to stay connected to our heritage, we need to welcome the active agricultural use of our neighbors’ properties. The Grange applauds efforts to increase our ability to grow our own food.

This resolution can be found at:

The SJI Grange #966 Executive Committee

Pets of the Week

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Scooter and Miss Kitty are this week's Pets of the Week - Traci Walter photo

Scooter and Miss Kitty are this week’s Pets of the Week – Traci Walter photo

Oh for crying out loud, Friday Harbor. What gives? Admit it, you haven’t seen cats as cute as us for a long time, right? We’re siblings and we’ve been waiting here at the animal shelter for the longest time. Rumor has it winter is coming…

What’s it going to take to get the two of us in front of your fireplace when the cold sets in? We are Scooter and Miss Kitty – ask for us by name! Chop chop! We aren’t getting any younger…

Animal Protection Society of Friday harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Dance Happy Time

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:45 am by


Dance Happy with Bill & Rita Ament is opening their dancing doors again on September 8th.

Offering Children’s classes for ages 2-1/2 to 13, in Creative, Pre-Ballet, Tap, Ballet, Lyrical, Jazz, Hip Hop, Zumba for Kids and their new Steppin’ Out dance expressions class for ages 6-13; Adult & Teen classes in Tap, Zumba, and Zumbini for Kids & Caregivers, plus great Swing & Salsa ballroom dance classes.

Go to for their fun schedule, or to register call Bill & Rita, 378-9628.

‘Gimme Shelter’ – LWV Looks at Housing Problems

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:39 am by


Monday, September 21 at Noon at the SJI Grange
from the League of Women Voters of the SJ Islands

Affordable housing is in short supply in San Juan County, and without living options we risk our community’s health and economic future.

All interested citizens are invited to join the League of Women Voters of the San Juans Monday, September 21 at Noon at the San Juan Island Grange for a panel discussion on the extent of the problem and how we can work to fix it.

Our program, “Gimme Shelter,” will feature panelists:

  • Greg Winter, Director of the Homeless Services Center of the Opportunity Council in Bellingham and leader of that agency’s community needs assessment for San Juan and other counties
  • Nancy DeVaux, Executive Director of the San Juan Island Home Trust and Chair of the County’s Housing Bank Commission
  • Justin Roche, Executive Director of Homes for Islanders, which sponsors sweat-equity home building projects
  • and Lisa Byers, Executive Director of OPAL (Of People and the Land) on Orcas Island and a nationally recognized authority on housing affordability.

Barriers to home ownership, availability of reasonably priced rentals, seasonal population pressures, land use regulations and variety of other factors influence housing affordability and supply. This meeting will offer a chance to explore the difficulties and to brainstorm solutions so our people can have roofs over their heads. Continue Reading

Islanders Bank Celebrations

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:36 am by


lions-logo-100pxThis coming Friday, September 11th,  Islanders Bank is celebrating several things throughout the day:

Terry Clem - Contributed photo

Terry Clem – Contributed photo

First, it’s their 5th Annual Customer Appreciation Day and the “Stuff the Bus” School Supply Drive, hosted by the Lions Club.

These events happen in the parking lot of the Friday Harbor branch from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM while supplies last,
(donations are accepted but not required)

Then from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, it’s an open house for Terry Clem to celebrate his retirement from Islanders Bank.