The intersection of Nichols and A Streets – SJ Update photo
Here are a couple of notices from the Town of Friday Harbor…
Town to Install New Signage for 4-Way Stop
The intersection of Nichols Street and A Street will be converted from a 2-way stop to an all-way stop in the next week. This traffic revision is justified because of the intersection safety concerns which can be best addressed by changing it to a four-way stop.
Pedestrian and vehicular traffic at the intersection and congestion on Nichols Street has steadily increased over the past several years as a result of new businesses in the area, use of WSF Lots B & C to accommodate the reservation system, and activities at Sunken Park and Brickworks Plaza.
Signage is scheduled to be installed the week of September 7, 2015, immediately after Labor Day. Traffic revisions will be marked with orange flags and will stay up for an extended period of time.
Marked crosswalks are not planned at this time, however pedestrians continue to have the right-of-way at all marked and unmarked intersections pursuant to State Law.
Marguerite Street as viewed from Guard Street – SJ Update photo
Marguerite Place Sidewalk Restoration Project
Mobilization and construction will begin today, September 3, 2015.
The portion of Marguerite Place between Park Street and Guard Street will be closed to through traffic until the bulk of construction is complete. Local access will remain open, however neighbors should anticipate delays during certain portions of construction. The Contractor, Mike Carlson Enterprises, will provide reasonable notice to neighboring properties when delays are to occur.
The construction schedule anticipated for the upcoming week is as follows:
- Thursday, September 3rd – The Contractor will be barricading both ends of Marguerite Place, placing signage and requesting that residents remove vehicles from the affected location. Pavement grinding will occur.
- Friday, September 4rd – The Contractor anticipates removing the ground pavement.
- Labor Day Weekend, September 5th – 7th – No work anticipated.
- Tuesday, September 8th – The Contractor will begin grading and constructing sidewalks.
The project includes reconstruction of the Marguerite Place and Park Street intersection. The public is asked to utilize alternative routes to avoid unnecessary delays.
A project manager will be on-site at all times. In addition, do not hesitate to contact Town Hall at (360) 378-2810 with questions or comments.