Dental Van Coming

Posted September 8, 2015 at 5:25 am by

fishteethThe Medical Teams International Dental Van is coming back to the Mullis Center on Friday, October 2nd and Saturday October 3rd.

Fish For Teeth is sponsoring this clinic to provide dental care for anyone who is financially unable to afford it.

Applications can be picked up at:

  • SJ County Health Department
  • The Family Resource Center
  • The Mullis Center

Or, they may be downloaded from our website and dropped off at the Health Department.

Please note that the application deadline is Monday, September 21st. Also, please understand that the kind folks receiving your application have nothing to do with scheduling. Scheduling will be made according to severity and space, the week prior to the clinic.

New Calf in L Pod – L122!

Posted September 7, 2015 at 11:16 pm by

New calf L122 with mother L91 - Dave Ellifrit photo - Click to enlarge

New calf L122 with mother L91 – Dave Ellifrit photo – Click to enlarge

Here’s a brief Press Announcement from the Center for Whale Research…

New Baby L122 in L pod, first seen September 7, 2015

Monday there was another new baby in L pod! L91 was first seen near Sooke, BC this morning with a very newborn calf, confirmed a few hours later by Mark Malleson off Victoria, BC and CWR staffers, Dave Ellifrit and Melisa Pinnow, and by colleagues Drs. John Durban, Holly Fearnbach, and Lance Barrett-Lennard. These latter colleagues happened to be in the area conducting a sequel to CWR aerial measurements of all of the SRKW’s (Southern Resident Killer Whales), this time with a very sophisticated hexacopter (Unmanned Aerial System – UAS, or drone). The measurements were accomplished on the US side of the border as Dave and Melissa took numerous identification photographs from the research vessel “Orca” at a respectful distance.

The new calf is designated L122, and is the fifth new baby to come into the population since December, 2014. The mother and baby and other L pod whales spent the afternoon and evening in Haro Strait ‘fishing’, and by days end were joined by J and K pod members.

In the forty year history of ORCA SURVEY, a long-term photo-identification study of this whale population the greatest number of calves born in a year was 9 in 1977, and there were none born that survived in 2013 or 2014. We hope this year’s ‘baby-boom’ represents a turn-around in what has been a negative population trend in recent years.

Click here for more photos –  Continue Reading

The Land of Ice and Fire

Posted September 7, 2015 at 1:13 pm by

The Land of Ice and Fire - Bob Stavers photo

The Land of Ice and Fire – Bob Stavers photo

A Photographic Exhibit at The San Juan Community Theatre

Bob Stavers recently returned from Iceland were he spent 10 days photographing that amazing and wonderful land. A sampling of images from that trip are on display in the Lobby of the San Juan Community Theatre during the month of September. Here are two of the photographs. Click to enlarge.

White Horse on a Black Beach - Bob Stavers photo

White Horse on a Black Beach – Bob Stavers photo

This is Our Town: Sam Fry

Posted September 6, 2015 at 10:43 am by

Sam Fry and his model of Spike Africa - Tim Dustrude photo

Sam Fry and his model of Spike Africa – Tim Dustrude photo – Click to enlarge

This is Our Town series returns with this spotlight on Sam Fry…

Sam Fry is building a scale model of the sailing vessel Spike Africa and I got a chance to talk with him about it and see his progress. The model is absolutely stunning, especially considering that everything on it is custom hand-made by Sam in his shop right here on the island.

Originally from California, Sam was at one time a psychologist working at the VA Hospital in Menlo Park but after several years, he gave that up for an auto body shop which he did for a number of years, taking advantage of the trade skills he had learned in addition to college and graduate school.

In 1981, he and his wife Pam moved to Friday Harbor, and he would make semi-regular trips down to California working various large jobs until finally the money wasn’t worth it anymore and he decided he wanted to be home in Friday Harbor.

Just a couple of years after moving here, he bought a 1940’s fishing troller in need of complete restoration, the Halcyon, and began a long, painstaking rebuild, and transformed the old work boat into a trophy winning beauty, which you can see in several issues of Woodenboat Magazine and on posters for wooden boat shows, as well at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend next weekend.

But the whole point of today’s story is his latest project: a custom scale model of the Spike Africa. Sam began working on this ship model just around the time that the Cask & Schooner building was being renovated, about 4 years ago. It is truly an incredible piece of work. Every brass fitting, every turnbuckle, every railing, steering wheel, compass, every deck plank – all of it, was made by Sam from scratch. Soon it will be finished and sometime this Fall or early Winter it will be moved to the entryway of Cask & Schooner and you will be able to admire his craftsmanship while you wait for your table at the restaurant.

Click here to see a photo gallery of images of Sam and this beautiful boat. Continue Reading

Civic Pride Award

Posted September 6, 2015 at 10:43 am by

John and Marilyn Gresseth earn Town’s Civic Pride Award - SJ Update photo

John and Marilyn Gresseth earn Town’s Civic Pride Award – SJ Update photo

The Town of Friday Harbor has presented its Civic Pride Award to John and Marilyn Gresseth for their careful and thoughtful rehabilitation of the historic red house at the corner of Guard Street and Tucker Avenue.

This 1910 home, located at 590 Guard Street, anchors a highly visible neighborhood within the Town’s historic district and is one of several properties currently undergoing renovation on that block. “The revitalization of this neighborhood is invaluable to the community,” said Town Administrator Duncan Wilson. He added that the attention to detail, authenticity, and landscaping contribute to the history and beauty of the area.

This is the fifth Civic Pride award bestowed by the Town since the program was instituted last year. The award is intended to recognize those citizens who have made an exceptional effort and investment in beautifying the community.

The Gresseths and sons Lars and Erik have relocated Gresseth Architects LLP to the property. John moved his firm, founded in 1981, from Seattle to Friday Harbor in 1998.

Ukelele Workshop

Posted September 6, 2015 at 10:20 am by

Kate Shuman shares this invitation with you about an upcoming music workshop…

Mark Baker - Contributed photo

Mark Baker – Contributed photo

Mark Baker, singer/songwriter and ukelele slinger extraordinaire, will be teaching a Ukelele Workshop in Friday Harbor at the home of Jim and Kate Schuman on Saturday, Sept. 12th from 1:00- 3:00 pm.

Mark Baker teaches ukelele in the Phoenix area, and leads a group of almost 100 enthusiastic uke players in Sun City, AZ. He is sponsored by Ohana and has just released his first CD of some well-loved tunes featuring guitar, ukelele, and Mark’s beautiful voice. He chose songs by Gordon Lightfoot, Zac Brown, John Denver, Joni Mitchell, Harry Chapin, and Neil Diamond, among others, for this first CD.

He’s coming to Friday Harbor next weekend and will be teaching you how to add “color, or pop” to songs you already know. We’ll work on fingerpicking, riffs, jazz chords, and different ways to play a chord throughout a song to give it texture and add interest.

Cost: $40 per student

All skill levels welcome: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced

e-mail katey [.] schuman [@] gmail [.] com or call 378-4772 to register

On Sunday, September 13th, he and Kate will do a one-hour concert at San Juan Golf and Tennis Club. The show starts at 5:00. Everyone is welcome – this is a great public venue!

Check out Mark’s Web site at

Brown Island Beach Restoration

Posted September 4, 2015 at 5:50 am by


Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

Collaborative Restoration Project Improves Local Beach for People and Fish
A barge arrived on Brown Island in a recent downpour to unload heavy equipment and the removal of a large rock bulkhead along three adjacent residential waterfront properties was finally underway. “It all started a few years ago when I saw a newsletter from Friends of the San Juans on armoring and how it can degrade the beach, which was a huge shock to me. That’s when we decided to see what we could do to improve our beach” noted Mariluz Villa, one of the participating property owners.

The armor removal project, coordinated by FRIENDS of the San Juans, will unbury the upper beach, providing more usable space for property owners as well as the wildlife such as forage fish and juvenile salmon that depend on intact shoreline habitats.


Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

In San Juan County, there are hundreds of unnecessary structures like this one, placed in areas with low natural erosion rates. Hard structures not only have direct habitat impacts but also interrupt or change the actual processes that are essential to maintaining our beaches” said Jim Johannessen, Principal at Coastal Geologic Services and the restoration project designer.

Over the next week local contractor Carson Sprenger and his Orcas Island based team at Rain Shadow Consulting will remove 175 cubic yards of rock from the project site, working carefully to retain existing trees and shrubs. Following bulkhead removal, the upper beach will be nourished with sand and small gravel. Native plants including dune grass, Nootka rose, ocean spray and snowberry will be planted by Barry Bartmasser of Naturescapes Landscaping, a San Juan Island based firm. Project funding has been provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Puget Sound Estuary and Salmon Restoration Program, participating property owners and FRIENDS members.


Click to enlarge – Contributed photo

People come from all over the world to visit or stay in San Juan County. They have an expectation that they will be able to see orca whales, fish for salmon, and view seabirds and the scenic coastlines. By working with landowners, agencies, tribes and other partners on habitat restoration, Friends of the San Juans is helping to solve a problem that can help ensure the long term health of our environment and our economy. It takes all of us working together.” said Stephanie Buffum, FRIENDS Executive Director.

For more information on FRIENDS beach restoration actions or what you can do to help protect shorelines for people and nature, please visit our website at or contact us directly at 360-378-2319.

How Are We Doing?

Posted September 4, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

A quarterly review of County finances by County Auditor F. Milene Henley
Second quarter 2015

I should have had this report done sooner. But what can I say? The County Fair happened, and I lost track of time.

I love the County Fair. My addiction goes back to when my kids participated in 4-H, and we spent every waking minute there. This year, I did a little judging, but other than that, I had no real reason to be at the fair.

Sort of like tourists and this island. They don’t have to be here, but they come in droves, just because they like it (and thanks to the good work of the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau and our Chambers of Commerce). There have been so many of them this summer, it’s been tough to navigate the streets of Friday Harbor. So I was not surprised when a friend approached me at the fair and said, “The streets are so busy – surely that means things are improving.

Yes, things are improving. To demonstrate that, consider “gross business income” (GBI). Gross business income is the gross revenue reported by businesses with zip codes in San Juan County. It does not include income to mainland corporations with operations in San Juan County. So while an imperfect measure of business in the county, it is a better measure than taxable sales – which is what I usually look at – because it includes industries which are not subject to sales tax. (Taxable sales is a better measure of income to County government; GBI is a better measure of income to county residents.) Continue Reading

Burn Ban Modified to Moderate

Posted September 4, 2015 at 5:31 am by

County-LogoDue to the increase in fuel moisture levels the Fire Marshal’s Office will modify the burn restriction as of September 1, 2015 for the unincorporated areas of San Juan County, to allow recreational burning only.

Recreational fires smaller than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet high

Recreational fires are for cooking and pleasure, consisting only of Charcoal or firewood and they must meet the following requirements:

Fires must be in an improved pit or enclosure no larger than three feet across and 16 inches high. Burned material must be kept lower than the sidewalls of the enclosure. The Following must be in the immediate vicinity of the enclosure and present at all times during burning: A charged garden hose: or two five-gallon buckets of water, or a 5 pound class-a fire extinguisher and a shovel. Fires must be 10 feet from any standing timber and there must be no tree branches within 10 feet above the enclosure. There must be at least one person 16 years of age or older who is capable of putting the fire out in attendance at all times.

If you have any questions about open burning in San Juan County please contact the San Juan County Fire Marshal at (360) 378-3473

Important Notices to Town Drivers

Posted September 3, 2015 at 5:07 pm by

The intersection of Nichols and A Streets - SJ Update photo

The intersection of Nichols and A Streets – SJ Update photo

Here are a couple of notices from the Town of Friday Harbor…

Town to Install New Signage for 4-Way Stop

The intersection of Nichols Street and A Street will be converted from a 2-way stop to an all-way stop in the next week. This traffic revision is justified because of the intersection safety concerns which can be best addressed by changing it to a four-way stop.

Pedestrian and vehicular traffic at the intersection and congestion on Nichols Street has steadily increased over the past several years as a result of new businesses in the area, use of WSF Lots B & C to accommodate the reservation system, and activities at Sunken Park and Brickworks Plaza.

Signage is scheduled to be installed the week of September 7, 2015, immediately after Labor Day. Traffic revisions will be marked with orange flags and will stay up for an extended period of time.

Marked crosswalks are not planned at this time, however pedestrians continue to have the right-of-way at all marked and unmarked intersections pursuant to State Law.

Marguerite Street as viewed from Guard Street - SJ Update photo

Marguerite Street as viewed from Guard Street – SJ Update photo

Marguerite Place Sidewalk Restoration Project

Mobilization and construction will begin today, September 3, 2015.

The portion of Marguerite Place between Park Street and Guard Street will be closed to through traffic until the bulk of construction is complete. Local access will remain open, however neighbors should anticipate delays during certain portions of construction. The Contractor, Mike Carlson Enterprises, will provide reasonable notice to neighboring properties when delays are to occur.

The construction schedule anticipated for the upcoming week is as follows:

  • Thursday, September 3rd – The Contractor will be barricading both ends of Marguerite Place, placing signage and requesting that residents remove vehicles from the affected location. Pavement grinding will occur.
  • Friday, September 4rd – The Contractor anticipates removing the ground pavement.
  • Labor Day Weekend, September 5th – 7th – No work anticipated.
  • Tuesday, September 8th – The Contractor will begin grading and constructing sidewalks.

The project includes reconstruction of the Marguerite Place and Park Street intersection. The public is asked to utilize alternative routes to avoid unnecessary delays.

A project manager will be on-site at all times. In addition, do not hesitate to contact Town Hall at (360) 378-2810 with questions or comments.

“We Could Use Some Rain…”

Posted September 3, 2015 at 2:06 pm by

Rain on First Street, in front of Pelindaba - Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

Rain on First Street, in front of Pelindaba – Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

Rain into the store - Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

Rainwater flooding into the store – Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

You’ve probably heard it said many times during this very hot, very dry summer we’ve had: “We could sure use some rain”. Well be careful what you wish for. Andrea Kiernan-Ross shares a few photos from 1st Street during this morning’s downpour…

Hi Tim,

We had quite the morning here at the shops along First St., lots of flooding! Here are some pictures. I was working at Pelindaba when the water starting rushing in under he front door!


Rain on First Street, in front of Pelindaba - Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

Rain on First Street, in front of Pelindaba – Andrea Kiernan-Ross photo

Save Mount Grant – Campaign Update

Posted September 3, 2015 at 5:57 am by


Here’s an Update from the San Juan Preservation Trust on the Campaign to Save Mount Grant…

We Did It! With your help, we met the $500,000 challenge grant. Thanks to contributors from 467 households, we raised over $500,000 since March 1, the start of the challenge grant generously provided by Eliot and Tina Scull. They will match all gifts up to a total of $500,000.

The Campaign is Not Complete. While we are very excited that we are more than halfway to the goal, we still have approximately $1,042,000 before we reach the project goal of $4,200,000.

Sundays at the Summit will be extended through September and October. Which means that if you’ve not yet visited the top of Mount Grant (or even if you have), you may drive it on Sundays between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. The property is open to hikers seven days a week, dawn until dusk.

Join Team Mount Grant. Our “crowdfunding” campaign continues, and you can help by logging on, creating your own campaign in about 20 seconds, and asking your friends to support the Mount Grant campaign. Join now!

Spotted at the Summit!

San Juan Islanders Julie Gralow and Val Gorder take friends Sally Jewell (U.S. Secretary of the Interior) and husband Warren Jewell on a hike to the Mount Grant summit - Contributed photo

San Juan Islanders Julie Gralow and Val Gorder take friends Sally Jewell (U.S. Secretary of the Interior) and husband Warren Jewell on a hike to the Mount Grant summit – Contributed photo

Mount Grant: The Movie in case you didn’t see it yet…  Continue Reading

Green Thumbs Win Blue Ribbons

Posted September 3, 2015 at 5:50 am by


Youth Division Blue Ribbon winners – Contributed photo

At their September 1 meeting, the San Juan Island Garden Club members recognized the Youth Division Blue Ribbon winners for their exceptional entries in the floral/horticultural exhibit at the County Fair.

Pictured from left to right are Luma Smith, Reese Tangney, Jasmyn McEwen, Oliver McEwen, and Inga Harold.  Luma’s entry was a sunflower; Reese’s entry was a lily; Jasmyn’s entry was a fern; Oliver entered a succulent; and Inga entered a hanging basket.

Other Blue Ribbon winners who were unable to attend the meeting for recognition are Isabella Brown, Julian Brown, Ava Byron, Aryelle Gunwall, Aida Must, Jadon Riach, and Elizabeth Scott. Congratulations to all of them!

All entries in the Fair are extremely special and we honor and recognize each and every one of them.  Each entry is a winner.

Catherine Eaton Skinner – Vestiges

Posted September 3, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Catherine Eaton Skinner - Vestiges - 11 x 18, 2015

Catherine Eaton Skinner – Vestiges – 11 x 18, 2015

Here’s a note from Ruth at WaterWorks about the next upcoming show…

Catherine Eaton Skinner – Vestiges, runs from September 5, thru September 26 at WaterWorks Gallery. Catherine’s work often has a depth of layers that matches her need to let a work be beautiful, as well as spiritual.

This show Vestiges, allows the artist to return to subjects that she has not referred to in her encaustic paintings for a while. The landscape, our relationship to animals, both domestic and wild and perhaps portraiture, all will be honored for their collective life force and spirit.

Please join me and meet the artist, Catherine Eaton Skinner at a Reception on Saturday September 5, from 4:30 to 7:30.

The gallery is open Monday thru Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm. Other hours upon request.

Preview the show at:

“Piano Potpourri” at SJCT September 5

Posted September 3, 2015 at 5:36 am by

Kay-ZavislakNorthwest pianist Kay Zavislak returns to Friday Harbor for a solo performance at San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, September 5 at 7:30 p.m.

Zavislak was featured in the Island’s popular Melodious Notes Over the Harbor chamber concert in March. Her “Piano Potpourri” concert will feature her favorite miniatures and masterworks for solo piano. The program highlights music from various musical eras and styles, ranging from Beethoven’s powerful Sonata in C Major, Op.54 “Waldstein” to Debussy’s La fille aux cheveux de lin “The Girl with the Flaxen Hair” to Kapustin’s jazzy Preludes No. 5 and no. 23.

Zavislak enjoys a multi-faceted career as a performer, teacher, adjudicator, and clinician—currently living in Bellingham where she teaches at Western Washington. Spending her formative years in Japan, Kay attended the Toho Gakuen High School of Music, one of the most prestigious conservatories in Japan.

As a performer, Kay has given solo recitals and chamber concerts regionally and nationally, in addition to public performances in Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, and Poland. In collaboration with flutist Leonard Garrison and saxophonist Bill Perconti, Kay has also recorded two commercial CDs for Centaur Records.

The Business Partner for the evening is Friday Harbor Grand. Tickets are $18 for adults; $9 for student reserved, with $5 student RUSH at the door. The SJCT box office is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or buy on-line at

Community Concussion Discussion

Posted September 2, 2015 at 11:02 am by

Article Submission from San Juan Island School District
September 2, 2015


Image Credit: Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator

The San Juan Island School District and the sports community are in the process of improving procedures for concussions.

The tragic effects among professional athletes have focused national media on concussions. Locally, the concern is the treatment of our children and addressing misconceptions about what concussions are and what the implications of these injuries are.

Part 1 of this article will focus on what concussions are and the effects they can have, what our local data is. Part 2 will update everyone on how we are changing to incorporate evolving best practice.

Part 1
The brain is a gelatinous supercomputer in a bone box. When a blow occurs, Continue Reading