From Watersheds To Whitecaps

Posted August 24, 2015 at 5:44 am by


“From Watersheds To Whitecaps: Myriad Lives Intertwingled”
Presented by John Williams

rockfishThe Whale Museum is pleased to welcome John Williams as part of the 2015 Summer Lecture Series on Thursday, August 27th at 6:30 p.m. John will discuss how creatures in the Salish Sea are inexorably linked to each other, linked to those in our uplands, and of course, linked to us. Excerpts from John’s collection of films will highlight some of our amazing local creatures, and the equally amazing scope of their relationships.

John produces educational videos about the underwater environment. As founder and president of Still Hope Productions, Inc., he creates videos that portray the marine environment as a very relevant part of our regional, and global, backyard.

John’s videos have won awards and been shown at film festivals around the U.S. During eighteen years as a sea-going scientific technician and as many years SCUBA diving, John developed a deep concern for the way momentous decisions were being made about our marine resources.

Since the focus of media and education is overwhelmingly on terrestrial issues, the majority of people don’t have the information or interest necessary to contribute significantly to ocean related decision-making. John decided that this decision-making process could be vastly improved by promoting marine education via his underwater videos.

The August 27th lecture is free and open to the public. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 30.  The Whale Museum is located in Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. and can be found online at

Gear Up For Our Schools

Posted August 24, 2015 at 5:41 am by

Gear Up For Our Schools - Contributed photo

Gear Up For Our Schools – Contributed photo

Help make a positive impact on a child’s education!

The Islanders Bank Gear Up For Our Schools 2015-2016  supply drive has started on Friday Harbor.

Drop off locations:

  • Friday Harbor Drug Store
  • King’s Market
  • Marketplace
  • Office Center NW

School supply lists are available at the school district’s website Hover over the school links and click on ‘Supply Lists’.

We thank our community for their support!

Pet of the Week

Posted August 24, 2015 at 5:34 am by

Chuckles is this week's Pet of the Week - Traci Walter photo

Chuckles is this week’s Pet of the Week – Traci Walter photo

‘Ello Guvhah! I’m Chuckles and I’m a proper gentleman, I am. What I lack in size I make up for in character and cracking good manners!

As Mary Poppins once said, “I’m practically perfect in every way”, although I am a bit on the shy side when first meeting someone.

Drop by the animal shelter for elevenses soon to meet me and we can see how you and I get on, eh?

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

A Few Quick Notes…

Posted August 23, 2015 at 11:33 am by


Julia and the 30 lb. King – Contributed photo – Click to enlarge

First, Kevin Holmes wants to get this word out to local veterans…

Just wanted to get the word out to Veterans that may not have heard – Congressman Rick Larsen will be at the Legion Post 163 in Friday Harbor on Wednesday August 26th from 11:00 – 12:30 to have “Conversations with Veterans” if any Veterans want to speak with him.

Next, Ann White has a couple of fun photos to share…

My daughter, Julia White, is holding a 30 lb. wild King Salmon caught by her boyfriend, Brent Brophy, on Saturday August 22, 2015. I love the sheer joy and fun in her face. Both of their expressions are great.

Brent Brophy - Contributed photo

Brent Brophy – Contributed photo – Click to enlarge

And finally, Miles Crossen has one more “thank you” to share…

I hope it’s not too late to say thank you to Anne Clauson at the Office Center in Friday Harbor for the generous gift certificates she provided as prizes for the San Juan County Fair Photography Department prizes.

SSIS Teacher Featured in Live Broadcast

Posted August 23, 2015 at 11:12 am by

ssis_logoSunday August 23rd at 6:30 pm, Spring Street International School teacher Timothy Dwyer will be featured in a Live broadcast to the San Juan Island Community from onboard the deep-sea research vessel Nautilus, making use of the ship’s telepresence technology.

The one-hour event will be co-sponsored by Spring Street International School and the San Juan Nature Institute and held at the San Juan Island Library community meeting room.

Read more about this event on this SJ Update story posted here.

Retirement Accounts For Real Estate

Posted August 23, 2015 at 10:57 am by

Self Directed Retirement Accounts For Real Estate
By Merri Ann Simonson – Coldwell Banker San Juan Islands Inc.

Merri Ann Simonson - Contributed photo

Merri Ann Simonson – Contributed photo

Did you realize that you may use all or a portion of your retirement funds to invest in real estate?   Retirement accounts are basically Trust accounts for your benefit when you retire.  In the 1970s, the IRS approved Real Estate as an investment option.  You can purchase with your IRA or a 401 (K).

You may also obtain a non-recourse real estate loan that is granted to your self-directed IRA which will increase your purchasing power.  Typically, the lender, will loan up to 50% loan-to-value on a 3, 5 or 7 year adjustable rate mortgage. Today’s rates are around 5.25%. The lender I recommend for this type of financing is Larry Enselman at Pacific Crest Savings Bank. He can be reached at [email protected] or 425-972-8391.

This is an incredible tool for investors and real estate has historically been a good investment.  Most individuals currently hold stocks, bonds or mutual funds in their IRA accounts which can be sold to purchase a real estate investment.  You are able to defer the tax on the gain from the sale of the stocks as they are held in your IRA account.  Please be sure to check with your account manager regarding any fee or charges related to the sale of your current IRA investments.

Similar to stocks, you can buy and sell real estate within the IRA account and defer your tax payment on the gain.

For more information use the website link shown below. At the bottom of the webpage is a link to a PDF titled “Real Estate IRA Investor’s Guide” which I found very informative.  I recommend working with Mark Hodges from Real Trust IRA Alternatives 877-536-4100.

Real Trust IRA Alternatives Website
This article is for informational purposes only. It is recommend that you consult with your financial planner for additional information regarding your personal tax issues.

Merri Ann Simonson
Coldwell Banker SJI

Ride-Thru Espresso

Posted August 22, 2015 at 5:58 am by

Ride Thru Espresso - John Miller photo

Ride Thru Espresso – John Miller photo

Only in Friday Harbor – John Miller shares this photo and observation…

The attached is a shot of Jessica and friends at Roy’s take out – just when I thought I had seen everything, coffee on horseback!

Port and Islanders Bank Collaborate on SSL Building

Posted August 22, 2015 at 5:52 am by

Port of Friday Harbor & Islanders Bank Collaborate on Spring Street Landing Building - Contributed photo

Port of Friday Harbor & Islanders Bank Collaborate on Spring Street Landing Building – Contributed photo

The Friday Harbor Port Commission authorized issuing revenue bonds to support the construction of the Spring Street Landing Commercial Building.  The building, currently under construction by Wellman and Zuck, is expected to be completed by early summer of 2016. The $2.5 million bonds will be purchased by Islanders Bank.

Progress continues on the excavation of the building site and work on site utilities. Some contaminated soils have been removed from the site by the excavation company, MEM Enterprises.

As part of the new financing package, the Port re-financed the 2014 General Obligation Bond that had provided funds for last year’s marina reconstruction project.

The Port Commission appreciates the patience of businesses and visitors along the waterfront during this construction season.

Discovering Our Island History

Posted August 22, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Roche Harbor Homestead Field School Archeologists with Islanders Cooky Gossom and Jerry Jameson (right); great-great grandchildren of Sam’s Woods Homesteaders - Contributed photo

Roche Harbor Homestead Field School Archeologists with Islanders Cooky Gossom and Jerry Jameson (right); great-great grandchildren of Sam’s Woods Homesteaders – Contributed photo

The public is invited to attend a presentation by the 2015 Burke Museum Roche Harbor Homestead Field School participants on Monday, August 24th, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM at the San Juan Island Library meeting room.

For the past week, 12 visiting archeology students have been investigating and cataloging the historic Smith homestead in an area previously known as Sam’s Woods in the vicinity of English Camp inside the Roche Harbor watershed. The purpose of the Field School is to provide actual hands-on experiences in exploration and cataloging techniques for students wishing to further their careers in archeology. The students will present their findings on the history of this homestead site.

The Field School was a community collaboration led by Dr. Amanda Taylor of Pacific Lutheran University and Archeologist Jack Johnson with the Burke Museum, assisted by local resident Phoebe Daniels. Sponsors included Roche Harbor Resort, Roche Harbor Water Systems, and Saltchuk who now own the homestead property and value its conservation.

Vanderyacht Propane

Posted August 21, 2015 at 5:53 am by

Becki Day sends over this announcement from the Chamber…

The Vanderyachts - Contributed photo

The Vanderyachts – Contributed photo

The San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce featured member of the month is Vanderyacht Propane.

Owners Craig and Jodi Vanderyacht with daughters Georgia and Isabella moved to San Juan Island in 2004 from Lynden, Washington, where the family business is based.

3 family members are involved in the business and currently have offices in Lynden in Whatcom County, Burlington in Skagit County, Friday Harbor and Eastsound.

The appeal of the small community was a natural draw for Craig and Jodi. They are happy to serve the community, are dedicated to their customers and enjoy the ability to know most of the customers here on the island.

SJC Fair Says “Thanks!”

Posted August 21, 2015 at 5:50 am by

SJC-FAIR-2015A big thank you from the staff at the San Juan County Fair for another great Fair!

To our department superintendents, our hardworking volunteers, entertainers, musicians, vendors, and of course, our loyal patrons—your time and energy brings this Fair to life each and every year. We thank YOU!

Until next year… August 17th through the 20th, 2016

Jenny Ledford Candidate Statement

Posted August 21, 2015 at 5:43 am by

Statement of Candidacy for the San Juan Island Hospital District Commission
Jenny Ledford
August 9, 2015

Jenny Ledford - Contributed photo

Jenny Ledford – Contributed photo

I’m Jenny Ledford and I am running for Public Hospital District Commissioner, Position 3.

My husband, Richard, and I have lived on San Juan Island for thirteen years as full-time residents. We are both retired. Richard retired as the football coach for our beloved Wolverines and we remain forever supporters of all things purple and gold.

My career, spanning over 30 years, began in selling real estate and went on to teaching real estate as a faculty member of the Graduate Realtors Institute, which offers advanced certification nationally for all Realtors. For over 20 years I owned a corporate consulting company that did assessments for under-performing government agencies and private corporations. My company was also affiliated with the Pacific Institute in Seattle, Washington, and I served as both Vice President of Corporate Development and later, Vice President of Corporate Education.

Knowing how to lay a foundation for leadership to become strategic thinkers as well as strategic planners paid measurable dividends for the 300+ projects I directed. Often I was engaged in solving and resolving conflicts within an agency or corporation. Bringing about re-alignment in thinking and working toward mutual cooperation of shared goals is a hallmark of my career.

Some of my clients in the health care arena included, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Health Protection Branch of Canada, independent hospitals, hospital chains, and our local San Juan Island EMS. Other clients I served were broad ranged; restaurant chains, 5 star hotels, textile manufacturing, and the Georgia Tech Basketball Team when they went to the final four! Continue Reading

Volunteer Appreciation

Posted August 21, 2015 at 5:40 am by

Island Rec Volunteers - Contributed photo

Island Rec Volunteers – Contributed photo

Island Rec – We Appreciate Our Volunteers

Island Rec recently hosted a night of Volunteer Appreciation at the last Music on the Lawn for the season! We missed many shining volunteer faces, and we just want to give a BIG THANK YOU to all of them! Island Rec could not operate without all those helpful individuals. They make our jobs easier everyday!

The Island Rec board recognized some Shining Stars, The Port of Friday Harbor and Xtreme Fitness received Community Spirit awards, FANS (Families and Neighbors Support Island Rec) received the Partnership Award, and Eileen Drath was recognized as having Outstanding Volunteer Service for the year.

We also took a moment to mention those that have volunteered with us for 5 years; Sue Fjellman, Louise Lelevich, Roger Salquist, Kristie Richardson, Jon Zerby, Sheila Olshefsky, Pat Curtin, Chris Curtin, Mike Erickson, Steve Brandli, & Bob Benz. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

If you would like to know more about Volunteering for Island Rec, please class our office at 378-4953, or send and e-mail to [email protected]

Summer Book Sale

Posted August 20, 2015 at 3:36 pm by

Booksale at the Library - Click to enlarge

Booksale at the Library – Click to enlarge

The Paperboys at SJCT Saturday

Posted August 20, 2015 at 5:45 am by

The Paperboys - Contributed photo

The Paperboys – Contributed photo

Eclectic Folk-Rock from Canada August 22

The Paperboys of Vancouver, B.C. do not deliver your typical folk music. Their sounds are more like putting rock, folk, pop, world and roots music into a blender to create a smoothly fused one-of-a-kind concoction.

Friday Harbor gets the chance to meet these Canadian friends when the band plays at San Juan Community Theatre on Saturday, August 22 at 7:30 pm.

Lead singer Tom Landa (born in Mexico to a Canadian mother of Irish ancestry) formed the band in 1992. Armed with a dozen self-penned tunes and a lot of drive and ambition, he found a group of musicians who shared common musical interests; they recorded their first CD and set out to tour across Canada in a used van they bought for five hundred bucks. What has happened since is seven albums, countless tours of North America and Europe, TV and movie appearances, movie scores, industry accolades, rave reviews by press and media, and several music awards, including Canada’s version of the Grammy, the Juno Award.

The Seattle Weekly described the band’s music as “like Guinness with a tequila chaser while listening to an Americana jukebox. Or a place where Irish, Mexican and roots music collide.”

The Business Partner for the evening is Heritage Bank. Tickets are $25 for adults; $12 for student reserved, with $5 student RUSH at the door. The SJCT box office is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or buy online at

L-121 is a Boy!

Posted August 19, 2015 at 5:57 am by

L-121. Photo Credit: Jeanne Hyde

L-121. Photo Credit: Jeanne Hyde

This just in from the Whale Museum

On August 9th the Center for Whale Research confirmed that L-121 is a male. They reported finding Cousteau (L-113), Joy (L-119) and L-121 rolling around and chasing one another with adults fishing off in the distance.

The gender of all four babies of the Southern Resident Community have now been confirmed. One female J-50 born to Slick (J-16), and three males; J-51 born to Eclipse (J-41), J-52 born to Alki (J-36) and L-121 born to Calypso (L-94).

We wish these little energetic orcas a boundless and bright future. Help us name them! Click here to cast your vote.