Town to offer twice-monthly recycling and yard waste pickup beginning in September
The Town of Friday Harbor is increasing service to those residential customers who take advantage of curbside recycling and yard waste pickup. This service, which has been offered on a monthly basis, will be available two times each month beginning in September. Twice monthly recycling pickup will be available year round. Yard waste pickup will be twice monthly from April through November.
“Our goal is to provide our residents with the highest level of service possible, and to support and encourage recycling efforts within the community,” said Town Administrator Duncan Wilson.
Recycling will be picked up on the customer’s first and third “garbage day” of each month. Yard waste will be picked up the second and fourth Thursday except during the winter months when there is reduced demand. Yard waste will be picked up monthly on the fourth Thursday from December through March.
The rates for each can of recycling and yard waste will not be increased at this time. Increased disposal fees charged by the recycling center will require the Town Council to review rates as part of the 2016 Budget. Those customers who have not signed up for recycling and yard waste services may do so at the Town Hall business office located at 290 West Street.
Details on acceptable recyclables and yard waste are available on the Town website at under “Utilities”.