Expanded Recycling and Yard Waste Pickup

Posted August 12, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Town to offer twice-monthly recycling and yard waste pickup beginning in September

FridayHarborLogoThe Town of Friday Harbor is increasing service to those residential customers who take advantage of curbside recycling and yard waste pickup. This service, which has been offered on a monthly basis, will be available two times each month beginning in September. Twice monthly recycling pickup will be available year round. Yard waste pickup will be twice monthly from April through November.

Our goal is to provide our residents with the highest level of service possible, and to support and encourage recycling efforts within the community,” said Town Administrator Duncan Wilson.

Recycling will be picked up on the customer’s first and third “garbage day” of each month. Yard waste will be picked up the second and fourth Thursday except during the winter months when there is reduced demand. Yard waste will be picked up monthly on the fourth Thursday from December through March.

The rates for each can of recycling and yard waste will not be increased at this time. Increased disposal fees charged by the recycling center will require the Town Council to review rates as part of the 2016 Budget. Those customers who have not signed up for recycling and yard waste services may do so at the Town Hall business office located at 290 West Street.

Details on acceptable recyclables and yard waste are available on the Town website at www.fridayharbor.org under “Utilities”.

The Magnificent Landscape​

Posted August 11, 2015 at 5:45 am by

The Magnificent Landscape - A show of Tim Shumm paintings

The Magnificent Landscape – A show of Tim Schumm paintings

Here’s an invitation to you from Ruth at WaterWorks Gallery…

The landscape and seascape of the Pacific Northwest as painted by Tim Schumm, a well respected Canadian landscape painter based in British Columbia. While honoring the​ vastness​ of scale, Tim’s portrayal of the​ ​Northwest landscape is intimate and human in scale.

The viewpoints of the rocky shores, the sea at low tide and the sun glinting off the madrona trees at dawn,​ are all the subjects for his brushes and paints.

This emotive experience is the foundation of Tim’s painting, by allowing the visitor to experience this emotion, you share his wonder in the natural beauty of the northwest landscape.

Please join me in meeting the artist at a reception on Saturday, August 15th from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. Refreshments will be served. The exhibit runs August 15th through 30th.

Mapping the San Juans Redux

Posted August 11, 2015 at 5:38 am by

Mapping the San Juans - Contributed images

Mapping the San Juans – Contributed images

Join Boyd Pratt, Doug McCutchen, and Mike Vouri for a reprise and update of their evening of viewing 1890’s images of the San Juan Islands by the U.S. Coast Survey’s John Gilbert, contrasted with photographs taken from the same perspective today.

Vouri will open the discussion with a look at the first survey of the islands by the Coast Survey’s naval assistant, Lt. Cmdr. James Alden, and surveyor and map maker George Davidson operating from the U.S. Coast Steamer Active from 1853-1860. Pratt will follow with insights on Gilbert’s land-use T-sheets. McCutchen will then present a series of slides that capture from the same perspective today the sites of Gilbert’s images.

Wednesday, August 19, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the San Juan Island Grange

Please contact Mike Vouri at (360) 378-2240, ext. 2227 or email [email protected] for more information.

Relay For Life Luminaria

Posted August 11, 2015 at 5:30 am by

luminaria-bagsSheila Martin is working with Relay For Life this year and is taking orders for Luminaria. She would like to get the message out that you can purchase a Luminaria Bag from her at SJluminarias [@] gmail [.] com.

They are asking for a $5.00 donation and the choices are:

  • Celebrate
  • Fight
  • Remember (in memory of someone you love)

You can decorate them or ask that they decorate them for you, and they will be displayed September 26th at the Relay For Life event at the fairgrounds.

You can also call Sheila at 360-562-7262. She works 8-5 Monday to Friday and does not take personal calls during work hours but always return calls after work…

Not Too Late for Trashion Fashion

Posted August 10, 2015 at 3:50 pm by

Francie Hansen and friends at last year's Trashion Fashion show - Tim Dustrude photo

Francie Hansen and friends at last year’s Trashion Fashion show – Click to enlarge – Tim Dustrude photo

Re-posting this notice today (Monday, Aug 10th) to confirm that practice tonight is indeed at 6:00 pm. Apparently there was some confusion around town and folks were thinking it was 5:00 pm. Not so. It’s at 6:00. I just got off the phone with Francie and she also told me that this year’s show is dedicated to Mary Kate Berger. Mary Kate was instrumental in previous years – gathering music, organizing the show, having music queued up and ready to go on the computer during the shows. She will be greatly missed. Mary Kate, this one’s for you!

There will be a 6:00 pm Monday rehearsal for this year’s Trashion Fashion show. This one is a dry run – not a dress rehearsal. Costumes are not needed until 5:15 Saturday evening. There’s still room to participate. Call Francie Hansen with questions. 378-2731.

Gather Up Those Old Crayons

Posted August 10, 2015 at 11:38 am by

Meg Strehlou Meiland - Contributed photo

Meg Strehlou Meiland – Contributed photo

Here’s a note to you from Meg…

My name is Meg Strehlou Meiland. I am 9 years old and a 4H member.

This year my 4H Fair project is about recycling crayons and why it is important to recycle them instead of throwing them away.

Crayons are made with petroleum based wax that eventually ends up in our landfills and doesn’t break down. More than 12 Million Crayons are made in the US, every day. 12 Million Crayons equals about 120,000 pounds. That’s 60 Tons of Crayons made every day! That’s why we should recycle them.

It would help if parents and kids could bring their old crayons to the fair. I have a jar in the 4H building. I will recycle any used crayons people put in it.

I hope to see you at the fair. Thank you. For information call 378-8337.

Jazz at the Labs

Posted August 10, 2015 at 5:58 am by

San Juan Jazz Quintet - John Miller photo

San Juan Jazz Quintet – John Miller photo

Supporting the UW Friday Harbor Labs K-12 Science Outreach Program (FHLSOP)

On Saturday night, August 22, 2015, Friday Harbor Laboratories will hold its 15th annual Jazz at the Labs. Join us for a fabulous dinner in the FHL historic Dining Hall and prepare yourself for an evening of amazing music provided by the San Juan Jazz Quintet and Seattle’s Jazz Coalescence. All proceeds from Jazz at the Labs will benefit the Friday Harbor Laboratories K-12 Science Outreach Program in the San Juan Island Elementary, Middle, and High Schools and the Spring Street International School.

This year’s program will begin with dinner from 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. (Doors open at 5:30.) Throughout dinner, music will be provided by the San Juan Jazz Quintet (SJJQ). Former FHL Director, Dennis Willow, will be performing on percussion. SJJQ has entertained audiences in the PNW since 1990, playing standards, swing, bebop, originals and latin jazz, every week at the Rumor Mill restaurant in Friday Harbor.

Jazz Coalescence - John Miller photo

Jazz Coalescence – John Miller photo

Starting at 7:00 p.m., Chris Amemiya and Jazz Coalescence, an outstanding jazz band from Seattle, will perform featuring jazz standards with their own special edge. If you have heard them before, you know you are in for an exceptional Jazz experience! Continue Reading

A whole lot of limbing going on!

Posted August 10, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Hauling logs on Cady Mountain - Contributed photo

Hauling logs on Cady Mountain – Contributed photo

Here’s some news from the SJC Land Bank…

A small, high school age crew (5 participants, 2 leaders) from the Student Conservation Association spent Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week working with Oak Team leaders, Shaun Hubbard and Thom Pence, and SJI Preserve Steward, Doug McCutchen, on our Cady Mountain Preserve.

The Student Conservation Association team - Contributed photo

The Student Conservation Association team – Contributed photo

The crew, made up of women from Upstate New York to Vermont to Seattle, chain-sawed, limbed, and compiled load upon load of invasives in the 80+ degree heat.., as their vacation! Thanks SCA for sending us such a stellar group of volunteers!

Fair Feud at the Fair!

Posted August 10, 2015 at 5:46 am by

FairFeudTake the Survey NOW to be part of the audience Poll for Fair Feud

Did you know the Fair is creating its own version of Family Feud? Survey says… FAIR FEUD!! Friday Night, August 14th, at 6:00pm

Please be a part of our first annual Fair Feud gameshow by participating in our survey to act as our audience poll. Your input counts! The San Juan County Fair Board thanks you!

Take the Survey Here

Pet of the Week

Posted August 10, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Dixie is this week's Pet of the Week - Traci Walter photo

Dixie is this week’s Pet of the Week – Traci Walter photo

Howdy, Friday Harbor! I’m Dixie and I’m what you might call a “southern belle”… I was rescued from a high-kill animal shelter in Texas and brought here to find my forever home.

In Texas they have a saying for girls like me… They say I’m “Prettier than a Pie Supper”. Matter of fact, y’all should mozy on over to the animal shelter and sit a spell getting to know me… Why, I’d feel positively lower than a gopher hole if I didn’t get a chance to meet you! If that ain’t a fact, God’s a possum.

Until then, here’s some advice from a Texas gal: “Don’t rile the wagon master and don’t squat on your spurs.” See you soon!

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Praise for Cymbeline

Posted August 10, 2015 at 5:35 am by

To the Editor:

How fortunate we are to have Stage Left’s “Shakespeare Under the Stars” every summer here for the past 17 years!

We saw this year’s production of Cymbeline last weekend, and again we were impressed by the professional quality of acting and production. In this condensed version, Shakespeare seems to have pulled out all the stops with many of his familiar plot lines stitched up anew. You are carried forward with sound and fury until finally he pulls it all together and everyone takes a bow.

When asked her favorite part, our seven year old granddaughter said she liked “all the body parts.” Don’t miss it and you’ll see what she meant! (It is now at the Wold Road theater for the next few weeks.)

Thank you again, Stage Left!

Rita Weisbrod
False Bay Drive, Friday Harbor

WSF Photo Contest

Posted August 9, 2015 at 2:34 pm by

wsf-logoHere’s a note from WSF…

Twitter photo contest starts MondayWith the busy summer season in full swing, we’re holding a ferries photo contest on Twitter. Simply follow @wsferries and tweet us your best photographs with the hashtag #WSFcontest from August 10 through August 17.

The top five entries will win a behind-the-scenes tour of one of our incredible vessels. Winning photos will be judged by Jeanette Mills, Director of Visual Services for the University of Washington School of Art, Art History and Design. I can’t wait to see your best shots. Get full contest details and rules on the WSDOT blog and look for the winning photos in upcoming weeks.

Cymbeline at Wold Road Now

Posted August 8, 2015 at 10:06 am by

Island Stage Left performs Cymbeline - Contributed photo

Island Stage Left performs Cymbeline – Contributed photo

Here’s the latest from Island Stage Left…

Only 8 performances left – and that’s if we don’t get rained out Saturday!

Wonderful feedback on this, one of Shakespeare’s rarely produced later plays – a fast-paced adventure with betrayal, love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Our favorite moment was when we had a 5 year old (at her first Shakespeare) a seven year old (at her first, also) and a ninety three year old (who has seen it all) stay afterwards to tell me how much they loved the show!

Fridays – Sundays at 8:00 until Aug 23rd.

Thanks so much!

Letter from Alice Hurd

Posted August 8, 2015 at 9:56 am by

To the Editor,

Let’s talk about Mount Grant! For all the mailings, articles, buttons, hats, websites and talks, (don’t forget that fabulous float on the Fourth of July) there still seems to be some confusion about it. It is a new name for an old place; until recently it was known as “Lawson Ridge”. (Although long before that, it was “Mount Grant”) For decades, many Islanders have known how special it is and would visit its lovely woods and mossy summit overlooking Beaverton Valley, Griffin Bay, other islands, Victoria and more.

While privately owned, it was a somewhat hidden treasure, but now , with your help, it faces the future as a publicly owned and maintained preserve. Off of West Side Road, it is 144 acres of forested hillsides and natural areas, begging for a network of trails to guide us up to and around the crest. Opportunities abound for school groups, conservation work, photography, art , yoga with a view, star gazing, bird watching, picnicking, yodeling, you name it!

Two organizations are working together to purchase this parcel. The San Juan County Land Bank, a land trust supported by public funds, and the San Juan Preservation Trust (SJPT), a private land trust supported by private donations. These two organizations will purchase it and maintain it forever, (a very long time! ) In addition to half of the purchase price, SJPT has agreed to contribute an additional $1.M to support the stewardship of the property. The SJPT is still working hard to raise this money. It is no small task and we are about half way to our goal. At this time, there is still money left to provide matching funds for donations made by the end of August! We need your help and appreciate all donations, large and small.

The Preserve is always open to people on foot, bike or horseback. There is a gate at the bottom of the road that you can walk around. Through August, the road to the summit is open to cars also on Sundays, 9 – 7. Please go take a look!

This may well be a place you will want to come back to again and again. When the ferns are green and hanging off the rock wall, when the trees are getting a frosting of snow, when the wildflowers are coming to life again, and when all those summer visitors need to get out of your kitchen!

As a Trustee of the San Juan Preservation Trust, a fan of the San Juan County Land Bank, and an Island resident, I encourage you to visit Mount Grant to see if you don’t agree that it is an exciting endeavor and will be a valuable & lasting legacy for this Island. And, that it is worthy of your support!

Thank you for your consideration,

Alice Hurd

Maddie Ovenell New Island Rec Director

Posted August 8, 2015 at 1:35 am by


Island Rec’s Board of Commissioners is pleased to announce that Maddie Ovenell has been selected as the new Director for Island Rec. The hiring committee received many applications from across the country and after conducting interviews the first week of August, the board unanimously agreed that Ovenell was the right person for the job.

Ovenell brings years of experience to the position as she has worked as a recreation specialist for the Oswego Parks and Recreation District, as program director at Camp Orkila, and as the San Juan County fairgrounds manager. Both Ovenell and the Island Rec staff are looking forward to working together to shape the future of the programs and parks on San Juan Island.

Jeri Lawson, 1924 – 2015

Posted August 7, 2015 at 11:19 am by

Adah Geraldine (Jeri) Lawson

Adah Geraldine (Jeri) Lawson

Adah Geraldine (Jeri) Lawson passed away peacefully August 2, 2015 after a short stay at Whatcom Hospice House in Bellingham Washington. Jeri was born January 8, 1924, in Friday Harbor, Washington to Gunder and Adah Halvorsen.

Jeri lived her entire life on San Juan Island and resided in just 2 homes. As a young girl she helped deliver milk all over the island with her dad for their family-owned dairy. On rides around the island she loved to point out all the places they delivered milk and remember the varied requests by their customers. Jeri married Gilbert Lawson (Bert), a 2nd generation islander in 1942 and for the next years was a homemaker, raised a family, and worked on the farm on West Valley Road where she lived until 2010. All three of her children, Victor, Richard and Ruthie were born in the farm house with little assistance. “Farm girls are tough”, said Jeri.

During the years when her children were young, Jeri worked on the farm helping to raise ducks, chickens, pigs, beef cows, dairy cows and a very large garden. She helped butcher animals for food and preserved all kinds food to fill the family larder for the winter. Continue Reading