Big cake for a quadruple wedding

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:51 am by

Click to enlarge - SJ Historical Society photo

Click to enlarge – SJ Historical Society photo

It’s this month’s History Column, shared with you again by the SJ Historical Society…

Who wants cake? The traditional wedding month of June has us remembering tales of a quadruple wedding ninety years ago at Roche Harbor — and a very big cake, as seen here. The cake was made with 60 dozen eggs, measured 42 inches in diameter, and took 23 hours to make.  The master baker was Friday Harbor Bake Shop’s Lawrence Graversen, praised in local media for creating “the largest and most elaborate cake ever made in San Juan County.”

The wedding took place on March 28, 1925 and celebrated the union of four Roche Harbor couples: Vera McCrary and Hal Powell, Katherine Yount and Melvin Hjelm, Ethel Buchanan and Wesley McCrary, Augusta Chevalier and William Rogers.  Bridal gowns were colorful pastels in orchid, mint green, powder blue, and maize. If you have a vintage photo of an island wedding from yesteryear and would like to see it added to the permanent collection of island history, please contact the San Juan Historical Museum.

Drive-In at the Fairgrounds; Night at the Museum

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:47 am by


Time: 9:30pm, Parking and Concessions open at 8:30pm.

Admission: $5/person, Family of 5/$20, Age 5 and Under FREE.

Plot: A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc. Starring: Ben Stiller, Ricky Gervais, & Robin Williams

Please like us on Facebook and visit our website for more information

Kirsten Shockey, “La Fermentista”

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:46 am by


There will be a demonstration and book signing, co-sponsored by Griffin Bay Bookstore & the San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild on Saturday, June 13 at 4:00 pm at Griffin Bay Bookstore.

Creative recipes for fermenting 80 vegetables & herbs in Krauts, Kimchis, Brined Pickles, Chutneys, Relishes & Pastes.

Kirsten Shockey’s Fermented Vegetables is a rousing success in the Northwest, a PNBA bestseller that has garnered rave reviews. Sandor Ellix Katz, author of the Art of Fermentation and Wild Fermentation put it this way, “For anyone interested in delving deeper into the fermentation of vegetables, this book is a valuable resource, one of the most impressive new additions to the growing literature of fermentation. Fermented Vegetables offers a thorough review of basic concepts, tools, ingredients, and processes, and a great recipe section, organized by vegetable, perfect for gardeners or anyone looking for creative ideas for using and preserving seasonal abundance.

Fermented foods are a delicious, healthy addition to any diet. They’re full of nutritious bacteria and probiotics that aid in digestion and boost the immune system. A classic preserving method, the laco-fermentation process yields nutrient-dense live foods packed with vitamins, minerals, enzymes — and flavor! — and is easy enough for complete beginners. Continue Reading

Directly Affected

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:42 am by

Film Screening of “Directly Affected” – a Film about the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

Impacts to those in Canada and the San Juan Islands will be discussed with film makers and concerned Islanders.

The San Juans Alliance and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation are co-sponsoring a free screening of “Directly Affected” on June 9 at 7 p.m. at the San Juan Island Grange in Friday Harbor. This Canadian film tells the story of the people impacted in our neighboring British Columbia by Kinder Morgan’s proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion.

The filmmakers will be present and there will be discussion about the proposed pipeline’s impact on the San Juan Islands and how islanders can help send our message across the border.

This is an inspiring film about people standing up to protect their environment, economy, and their culture. It is important that we look at all proposed fossil fuel export projects from Canadian and the U.S. with an eye toward impacts of increased vessel traffic and safety to our shared Salish Sea,” said Stephanie Buffum, FRIENDS of the San Juans’ Executive Director. Continue Reading

Geology Of The San Juan Islands

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:40 am by

geologic-book-coverCruising Through Geologic Time In The San Juan Islands

Join Friday Harbor Grange #225 and Dr. Don J. Easterbrook for a presentation on his book about island geology.

Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Time: 7:00 PM at the Mullis Senior Center

This is the most comprehensive book on the geology of the San Juan Islands in the past nine decades. Although written primarily for non-geologists, it also contains much new, previously unpublished geologic material of interest to geologists. The book includes geologic descriptions of the geology of all of the islands with more than 400 photos, maps, and laser, sonar, and satellite images. cross–indexed so the geology of any specific island can be easily found. An appendix of seafloor images is also included.

Don Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor of Geology at Western Washington University - Contributed photo

Don Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor of Geology at Western Washington University – Contributed photo

Dr. Easterbrook’s research has included many years of work in the North Cascades, Puget Lowland, San Juan Islands, Columbia Plateau, Rocky Mountains, New Zealand, Argentina and various other parts of the world. For more than five decades, he has studied the geology of the San Juan Islands and has just completed a comprehensive study of the islands using newly developed laser, sonar, and satellite imagery that has revealed many new aspects of the geology of the islands.

Spirit of the Bird

Posted June 3, 2015 at 5:37 am by

Friday Harbor Holistic Health shares this invitation with you..

Click to enlarge poster

Click to enlarge poster

Join us for this “full-flight” experience to rekindle our kinship with birds, and awaken our bird spirit. This workshop will donate proceeds to two charity organizations – eagerly helping out the people, and in particular, orphans devastated by the recent earthquakes in Nepal. Your participation will not only mean a great deal for your overall development, but also to those across the world!

Human beings have been fascinated by birds since the beginning of time. In this workshop, we will explore movements drawn both from traditional yoga and also from our unique Infinite Body practice. These special movements and poses have been inspired by observing the flow-dynamics of birds.  From emulating the graceful bio-mechanics of bird flight, we too can take to the air on a spiritual level, the level of our oneness with all of nature.

This is one of Katerina’s signature themes. Come and enjoy this state-of-the-art, one of a kind mind-body practice.

Suggested Donation: $45  Space limited, please register ASAP

At XYZ Movement Arts, 689 Airport Center Road, Friday Harbor, WA on Saturday, June 14 from 9 am to noon.

Info and registration: (360) 375-7052 or info[@]FridayHarborHolisticHealth[.]com

Ferry Reservations Survey

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:57 am by


Got a thing or two you’d like to say about the new Ferry Reservations System? Maybe this is your chance…

The Washington State Transportation Commission is asking members of the Ferry Riders Opinion Group (FROG) to provide their views on the WSF reservation system.

The results of this survey will be delivered to WSF leadership and will help inform them of the rider perspective and experience with the new reservation system. The results will also be shared with the Governor and the Legislature.

The survey takes about 8 minutes to complete. Please join in this important study.  Click here to join F.R.O.G..

EDC Economics Luncheon

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:51 am by

EDC-logoEDC presents 6th Annual Economics Luncheon with Noted Economists

Join the San Juan County Economic Development Council for the 6th Annual EDC Economics Luncheon with Dr. Hart Hodges, Director of Western Washington University’s Center for Economic & Business Research, and Dr. Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Regional Labor Economist at the State of Washington.

Drs. Hodges and Vance-Sherman will take a look at our region’s economy – past, present and future – including industry, employment and sales data and current trends.  Dr. Hodges will also lead a discussion on ways we can shape our local economy.

Also included will be a discussion on community economic development by EDC Board President Gary Franklin and a report from EDC Director Victoria Compton on the results of a county-wide business survey completed by the EDC this spring.

The 6th Annual EDC Economics Luncheon will be held from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm on Wednesday, June 17th, at Brickworks in Friday Harbor.  Tickets are $20 and space is limited.  Tickets are available at

Chosen: Jen’s Story

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:48 am by


Editor’s note – This post covers material that is not your happy, good news type of stuff that you usually read on the Update. Jen’s story is disturbing, but it  definitely illustrates why this upcoming community education event on June 24th at SJCT is so important. More on that at the end of the post…

Jen’s Story

I was 8 when a new neighbor befriended me and other children on our street…

He spoke kindly to us and became a familiar face, inviting us into this home when we got off the school bus. We knew about “stranger dangers,” but he was no stranger. He started giving us treats and money in exchange for taking our pictures. It didn’t feel unsafe. He lived close enough that my mom could call me for dinner when she got home from work. Continue Reading

A Delicate Balance

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:45 am by


Pulitzer Prize Winner in Next Readers Theatre

Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance is featured in San Juan Community Theatre’s On Book! Readers Theatre series THIS Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2-3 at 7:30 p.m.

The winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1967, the plays brings us to the home of Agnes and Tobias. A long-married couple, they must maintain their equilibrium as over the course of a weekend they welcome home their 36-year-old daughter after the collapse of her fourth marriage, and give shelter to their best friends, all the while tolerating Agnes’ alcoholic sister.

Directed by Douglas Schirmer, the reading features islanders Dennis Busse, Madelyn Busse, Essine Kilpatrick-Boe, Julie Laidlaw, Jane Maxwell Campbell and Paul Walsh.

Doors open at 7:00 p.m. with festival seating in the Gubelman Theatre. Admission is FREE. For more information on the series and other Theatre events, visit

Nana’s Says Thank You!

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Here’s a note from the good people at Nana’s Holiday House…
thank-youNana’s Holiday House was started as a place where kids could afford to buy Christmas gifts for their families and learn about the joy of giving. This year, 100’s of kids of all ages felt the joy, as did the recipients of their gifts. 100% of all proceeds from Nana’s house are given back to the community throughout the year.
This year we’ve given 500.00 each to the Elementary, Middle and High Schools. Also $500.00 each in gas and food cards to the Resource Center, and Domestic Violence Center, and $1500.00 to families in need.
Thank you to all the volunteers that help make this happen!
Jeanine Earnhart
Laura Earnhart Holden
Debbie Cutting
– Nana’s House

Fire Danger: Moderate

Posted June 2, 2015 at 5:43 am by


Due to current fuel conditions and the long range weather forecast, San Juan County has changed its fire risk status from “LOW” to “MODERATE,” effective immediately.  This will limit permit burning to mornings only.  At the current rate of fuel moisture trends, it is possible that the status will move to “HIGH” within the next several weeks.

SJI Artists Studio tour

Posted June 1, 2015 at 5:55 am by


In hidden drives and private workshops, artists on San Juan Island ask that you join them in celebrating the anniversary of the San Juan Island Artists’ Studio tour.

The San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour is a free self-guided tour. Hundreds of people attend this free event every year. We are a group of mutually supportive artists who have joined together to create a community event that celebrates the way we work in our personal studio spaces.

With a mixture of prints, paintings, ceramics, glass, jewelry, photography, sculpture, and fiber, the professional artists open their doors and welcome the public to see where art is created and explain their processes. This is a chance to purchase art at the source, often before the art is shown in national art shows and galleries. Visitors will gain a greater knowledge and clearer understanding of both the artist and their media. The tour is a free event of art, guest musicians, lovely gardens, and a raffle for art at each studio. Maps and brochures are available at and at many businesses in Friday Harbor.

Follow the link below to see the unique benefits of the Artist’s Studio Tour and see a video about the event as well… Continue Reading

The Barbershop Style: Guest column by Jim Morrison

Posted June 1, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Jim Morrison - Contributed photo

Jim Morrison – Contributed photo

“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”
~ Kahlil Gibran

Ah MUSIC! Twenty years ago, San Juan Island was treated to a new style of local music at the first “Barbershop Bonanza.” Before that, there had been concerts by the San Juan Singers and various off-island performers, but since then the “Island Chordsmen Plus” (women added in a traditionally male group, thus the “Plus”) have hosted and performed at this annual summer event at the Community Theatre.

As they’ve developed their talents under the guidance of director Angel Michaels, the “Island Chordsmen Plus” have become the community “utility” singers, performing at birthday parties, the Pioneer Days festivities at the Historical Society, the Village at the Harbour and the Life Care Center, for various civic groups, and mid-winter annually on all-day forays around the island “spreading the love” on February 14th with singing Valentines. There is also a “Ferry Sing” in July where they ride the inter-island boat and entertain the passengers.

Even though many of you have attended and enjoyed one or even all of these Bonanza concerts, you may still not be able to describe Barbershop Music to your friends! You can attempt with: “I don’t know what it is, but I know I LIKE IT!”

Is it just old fashioned ditties sung by guys in straw “boaters?” No! The technical description is: Barbershop harmony is a style of unaccompanied vocal music characterized by consonant four-part chords for every melody note in a predominantly homophonic texture. Did that help any? Continue Reading

Search Committee Forms for EMS Chief Administrator

Posted June 1, 2015 at 5:46 am by

sji-ems-logoThe San Juan County Public Hospital District #1 Commissioners will be forming a search committee to find a new EMS Chief Administrator for San Juan Island EMS. The committee will include two hospital district commissioners, Lenore Bayuk and Dr. Michael Edwards, San Juan County EMS Medical Program Director Dr. Michael Sullivan, two volunteer EMTs to be chosen by their peers, Director of Emergency Response Weyshawn Koons, Director of Critical Care Larry Wall, District 3 Fire Chief Steve Marler, and a community member.

The San Juan County Public Hospital District #1 Commissioners hope to appoint a community member at the next special Hospital District meeting scheduled for June 8th, 5:00 pm at the Legislative building. Community members interested in being a part of this committee should contact Pam Hutchins at 378-2857 or hutchins[@]sjcphd[.]org.

Pet of the Week

Posted June 1, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Blake is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed photo

Blake is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

When in Rome, they do as he does. Sharks have a week dedicated to him. Superman has pajamas with his picture all over them. His mother has a tattoo that says, “Son”. He has taught old dogs a wide variety of new tricks. Roses take time to stop and smell him.  He is Blake, the most interesting cat in the world. Stop by the shelter to meet him. Don’t call him – he’ll call you. Stay finicky, my friends.

Animal Shelter
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158