April: A Month for Libraries and Volunteers

Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:35 am by

Unlimited possibilities at your library: Celebrate National Library Week and National Volunteer Week in April

library-logoSan Juan Island Library announced its participation in joint celebrations of National Library Week and National Volunteer Week.

The San Juan Island Library is more than a warehouse for books. Instead, our library and library staff are change agents within our island community – transforming lives through innovative educational resources and forward-thinking programming. The Library is the 2015 winner of the EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Public Library Service Award, given each year to only one library among the more than 9,000 public libraries in the U.S.

Coming on the heels of this fantastic recognition for the hard work of the staff, we are very pleased to sponsor rock star National Public Radio librarian Nancy Pearl this month.” says library director Laurie Orton. “Nancy is the inspiration for the world’s first Librarian action figure. She will be speaking at the Library. Join us April 22 at 6:30pm to hear this dynamic speaker. We are able to bring a program of this caliber through the support of our Friends of the Library. Friends of the Library typically honors Library volunteers in April with a party, and this year we are opening the party to all and featuring a very exciting speaker.” Join us in taking time to highlight the changing role of libraries, librarians and library workers. Continue Reading

3rd Saturday Contra Dance

Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:26 am by

contra-dance3Seattle caller Linnaea Chapman calling with all-star duo “The Guys“, Steve Blum-Anderson and Jay Finkelstein on fiddle and guitar.

No partners or experience needed. $10 donation appreciated.

For more information, call 378-3836, check out the Facebook page, or click here to view this week’s poster.

SJI Grange Hall, April 18, 7-9pm.

Northwest Straits Foundation

Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:18 am by

Regional Marine Conservation Foundation Seeks Executive Director
Northwest Straits Foundation growing capacity of Northwest Straits Initative

nwstraits-logoThe Northwest Straits Foundation is seeking a dynamic, experienced leader to share our vision of diverse communities working together to restore a thriving marine ecosystem in the Northwest Straits of the Salish Sea and inspire others to act on their love and appreciation of our marine environment.

The Northwest Straits Foundation is the non-profit partner of the Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative, a nationally recognized collaborative model for marine conservation. The intention behind the Northwest Straits Initiative is that small groups of people, working to protect and restore their local waters, can create an ecosystem-wide impact.

To this end, the Foundation works to protect and restore the marine environment of the Northwest Straits by promoting and implementing science-based restoration and stewardship, and facilitating education projects in collaboration with seven county-based Marine Resources Committees and the Northwest Straits Commission. The Marine Resources Committees represent the diverse stakeholders of their communities and are based in Clallam, Jefferson, San Juan, Whatcom, Skagit, Island and Snohomish Counties. The Commission provides a regional focus on the overall health of the marine ecosystem, and ensures that the Committees have the resources they need to improve the health of their local marine waters. Continue Reading

Griffin Bay Author Event: Marie Houzelle

Posted April 14, 2015 at 5:14 am by

Tita by Marie Houzelle
Sunday, Apr. 19, 2:00 – 4:00 at Griffin Bay Books

titadefdefTita is seven, and she wonders what’s wrong with her. She has perfect parents. She revels in the Latin rituals of small-town Catholic life in the south of France in the late fifties. She puts on plays with her friends, spies on adults, challenges her teacher, and manages to read forbidden books. She should be happy. But she dreams of a life without meals, and keeps worrying about her mother’s whereabouts, spoiling her own life for no reason at all. Is she a freak?

This is Marie Houzelle’s first novel, an engaging story of a young French girl whose fierce originality threatens to make her an outcast from the only world she knows. Tita’s life seems to be defined by obstacles: the many foods that disgust her, the school that fails to challenge her, and parents who struggle to understand her. Tita is precocious and clever, but in some ways painfully inept. She is thoughtful but frail—obsessed with rules and rituals, and determined to understand the nuances. She finds a refuge—and a future—in books. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted April 13, 2015 at 1:59 pm by

Hello there!  I’m Patrick and I’m very curious about YOU.

Patrick is this week's Pet of the Week - Contributed image

Patrick is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed image

I’d like to meet you and show you what a great guy I am!  I’m mostly an Australian Kelpie Dog, but I’m told I also have some Labrador Retriever and Pitt Bull in my family background.

I have very nice dog manners and I’m learning to walk nicely on a leash.  I’m super smart and the folks who work with me at the animal shelter say I learn very quickly.

I don’t have any aggression toward other dogs but I like to play kind of rough so I’d love to meet some other big dogs who like to play.

I’m only two years old – but you wouldn’t guess that, since I’m such a gentle, quiet guy.  Did I mention I love to cuddle?  I’m available for adoption at the animal shelter.  Come meet me!

Animal Protection Society – Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Firefighters Say Thanks!

Posted April 13, 2015 at 1:58 pm by

Dear Editor,

Would you please publish our thanks to the following organizations?

easter-imageThe San Juan Island Firefighters Association wishes to thank Osito’s, Toybox , and Friday Harbor Drug for contributing to their annual Easter Egg Hunt and to Mullis Community Senior Center for use of their kitchen, to King’s Market for storing the eggs, and to the Town of Friday Harbor for permitting us to use the former engine bay so that the children of Friday Harbor could help dye over 1500 eggs.

Thank you so much for all you do for us,

Sheila Harley
Public Information Officer
San Juan Island Fire Rescue

Spring Classes at the Co-op

Posted April 13, 2015 at 11:38 am by

co-op-workshopsApril – May 2015
1:00 – 2:00 pm. San Juan Co-op, 775 Mullis St.
Open to All Ages
Suggested Donation: $10
Contact: Peggy- sanjuancoop [@] gmail [.] com

San Juan Island Food Coop Presents:

Denise with Lost Art Apothecary – April 18th
Experiencing daily pain or recovering from an injury? Curious about the benefits of medical cannabis? “Meet the Vendor”, Denise Clark for a lively discussion and sampling.

Amanda Thiel with Isla Botanica – April 25th
Learn to appropriately use locally made herbal products for health/wellness. Taste and sample the various tinctures, teas and salves with Amanda, owner and herbalist, an herbal products company on San Juan Island.

Coming In May:
Brooke Melville, Green Sprout Botanicals
Susie Teague, Whispers of Nature
And more…

The Campaign to Save Mount Grant

Posted April 13, 2015 at 5:53 am by

Taking in the beautiful view at the top of Mt. Grant - Contributed photo

Taking in the beautiful view at the top of Mt. Grant – Contributed photo

The San Juan Preservation Trust announces the launch of a major fundraising campaign to create a new nature preserve in the heart of San Juan Island. The Campaign to Save Mount Grant, if successful, will permanently protect one of San Juan’s most valuable gems and make it accessible to the public.

The 141-acre property, valued for years by locals as a hiking destination, was identified on historic maps as “Mt. Grant” as late as 1920. Known by various names since then, it was most recently marketed as the “Lawson Ridge” residential community.

The property hosts important native plant and animal habitat, lush wildflower meadows, serene hiking trails, and, with some improvements, easy road access to the summit so that people of all ages and physical ability can enjoy the spectacular, 360-degree views.

Access for people of all ages and physical ability - Contributed photo

Access for people of all ages and physical ability – Contributed photo

From the top, one can gaze northeast to Mount Baker and the Twin Sisters, southeast down into San Juan Valley and Lopez Island, and north/northwest to Stuart Island and beyond to the Canadian Gulf Islands. Continue Reading

Aaron Pays it Forward

Posted April 13, 2015 at 5:47 am by

Dr. Jim C. Allan and Aaron D'Errico - Contributed photo

Dr. Jim C. Allan and Aaron D’Errico – Contributed photo

True to his aspirations for community goodwill, Aaron D’Errico shares this announcement…

Hi again, Tim.

In the spirit of paying it forward, after the community raised funds for my new scooter, I was inspired to start a GoFundMe campaign to get voice dictation software for Dr. Jim C. Alan, a friend and resident at the Life Care Center where I volunteer.

Jim lives with advanced MS and he had a goal to write a book about one of his favorite subjects, artificial intelligence.

Bill Cumming, Beth Helstien, Trish Lehman and my Mom, Cynthia Elliott raised the $150 for the software. Beth Helstien from the Library managed the account for me and she’ll be ordering the software for Jim soon. Now we just need to get an updated Mac Laptop with OS 10.8 and he’ll be all set. If anyone has any leads on a new or refurbished Mac laptop for Jim with OS 10.8 or higher, compatible with Jim’s new speech dictation software, please notify Beth Helstien at the library, Bill Cumming, me, or Sallie Hollenbach Durette at the Life Care Center

Be well,

Island Rec Receives WASA Award

Posted April 13, 2015 at 5:09 am by

San Juan Island Park and Recreation District receives the 2015 WASA Community Leadership Award from San Juan Island School District

The San Juan Island School District is pleased to award the 2015 WASA Community Leadership Award to San Juan Island Park and Recreation District. WASA, Washington Association of School Administrators (Region 108), annually accepts nominations for Community Leadership Awards to recognize and honor individuals and organizations who support education. Criteria for the award includes student benefits, leadership, motivation, success, cooperation and coordination with local school districts, recognition by others, and history of service.

Locally known as Island Rec, this dedicated team of commissioners, staff, and volunteers provide recreational, educational, and healthy living program activities for all island residents, many of which directly benefit students.

Examples include an after school, summer and school holidays program for elementary students, a variety of organized youth sports activities, student leadership opportunities through refereeing and tutoring, and educational recreational activities such as swimming and sailing lessons. Continue Reading

Food Bank says Thanks!

Posted April 12, 2015 at 1:31 pm by

The Friday Harbor Food Bank would like to extend a huge thank-you to our volunteers who contribute countless hours of service. We’d also like to acknowledge and thank the amazing people and businesses that have given so much this year, for many years, and in so many ways:

  • The Mullis Community Senor Center for the use of its property.
  • Friday Harbor Freight for the monthly commodities pick-up.
  • Valmark, Inc. dba Kings’ Market and Marketplace Foods for their very generous
  • contributions throughout the year.
  • Bakery San Juan for various bakery products, especially bread.
  • San Juan Pasta Company for noodles and ravioli.
  • Heuristic Enterprises for bread, rolls and bagels.
  • Master Gardeners for year round fresh produce.
  • Miller Drywall, Mike Stelzner, Guard Electric, Dave Prager, Stegman Painting, and Zehner Construction for their help with our recent facility remodel
  • The Sign Company for their help with our new sign.
  • Printonyx for their help and generosity with our annual mailing.
  • St. David Episcopal Church congregation for their steadfast support.
  • Local farmers, gardeners and fishermen for their continuing generosity.
  • Many organizations for sponsoring food drives throughout the year.
  • Community members who continually and generously contribute both money and food.

The Friday Harbor Food Bank is a very successful operation, made possible through the efforts and support of the whole community. Thank you all.

Board of Directors
Friday Harbor Food Bank

Mask “Imagineers” at SJCT

Posted April 12, 2015 at 5:47 am by

Ed. note – This notice has been corrected to show the workshop time at 7:00 Monday…

The Wonderheads - Contributed photo

The Wonderheads – Contributed photo

The actors coming to the stage at San Juan Community Theatre on Tuesday, April 14 at 7:00 p.m. will be in full-face masks, whimsical and wordless–described by other audiences as watching a living cartoon or live-action Pixar.

Portland theater company, the WONDERHEADS, presents Grim and Fischer, an award-winning physical comedy that is equal parts hilarious and touching. The story centers on a tenacious granny who comes face to face with the Grim Reaper and must put up the fight of her life to escape his definitive grip. “You will laugh, you will cry, you will stand in awe,” noted Canada’s Edmonton Sun newspaper.

Grim and Fischer, which is recommended for ages 10 through adult, is one of three main-stage productions from the multi-award winning physical theater company that has been touring throughout North America since 2009.

In addition to Tuesday evening’s performance, master mask maker Kate Braidwood will hold a free mask performance workshop in the Whittier Theatre on Monday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. Open to all ages, it will introduce the fundamental process by which they bring a mask and story to life.

The WONDERHEADS’ Friday Harbor appearance was generously underwritten by Managed Reliability. Tickets for the performance are $20 for adults, $10 for student reserved, with $5 student RUSH one hour before the show.

The SJCT Box Office is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or tickets may be purchased on-line at www.sjctheatre.org.

Gasoline Spill in Eastsound

Posted April 11, 2015 at 12:23 pm by

Seaview St., Eastsound

Seaview St., Eastsound

At 2:49 p.m., on Friday, April 10, 2015, on Seaview Street, Eastsound, Orcas Island Fire & Rescue was dispatched to the report of an overturned gasoline tanker truck.

Responders found the trailer of a gasoline fuel tanker truck overturned on its side with gasoline leaking from an access port. The tanker was reported to be filled with approximately 5200 gallons of gasoline. First responders initially assessed the scene and applied suppressing foam. Neighbors near the spill site were evacuated. Throughout the night and today, a coordinated response is in progress by Orcas Island Fire and Rescue, San Juan County Department of Emergency Management, State of Washington Department of Ecology, Eastsound Water and the National Response Corporation (N.R.C.), and Orcas Auto Tech/Orcas Towing.

Currently there is no immediate hazard to the community and evacuees have returned home.

Overnight it was determined:

  • It is currently estimated that 200 to 300 gallons of gasoline was spilled
  • The leak from the trailer was stopped and at approximately 5:45 a.m. today the last of the gasoline was removed from the leaking tanker, preventing further leakage
  • Orcas Towing worked to maintain stability of the overturned trailer

Efforts throughout the day will be focused on:

  • Assuring the safety of the community and responders
  • Concentrating on the prevention of negative impacts to drinking water and the environment
  • Removing the overturned trailer
  • Ongoing soil & water testing
  • Excavating contaminated soil

Orcas Island Fire & Rescue wishes to thank the more than 30 volunteers and staff who have worked tirelessly throughout the night and continue their work today. A special thank you to Senator Ranker and to Councilman Hughes for their diligence and assistance in helping to mitigate the situation. Additionally ongoing thanks to San Juan County Department of Emergency Management, State of Washington Department of Ecology, Eastsound Water, NRC, and Orcas Auto Tech/Orcas Towing.

Welcome aboard, Samish!

Posted April 11, 2015 at 6:12 am by

The M/V Samish - the brand new Olympic Class, 144 car ferry that will join the San Juans fleet this summer - WSF photo

The M/V Samish – the brand new Olympic Class, 144 car ferry that will join the San Juans fleet this summer – WSF photo

Here’s a note from Washington State Ferries…

The brand new 144-car Samish is ready to officially join the fleet. On Friday, April 10, we officially accepted the vessel from builder/contractor Vigor Industrial.

Following two months of sea trials and crew training, the new Olympic Class ferry will begin service on the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route at the start of the summer sailing season on June 14.

We are delighted to take delivery of the Samish, which continues our commitment to replace older vessels and plan ahead for the future. Watch for Samish out on Elliott Bay and at Colman Dock this week before it heads up to Anacortes later this month.

FHFF Tuesday: The Barefoot Bandit

Posted April 11, 2015 at 6:11 am by

barefoot-bandit“The Barefoot Bandit” tells the almost unbelievable tale of the life and capture of Northwest native Colton Harris-Moore, following his legendary two-year international crime spree (which included exploits in the San Juans) that captured the imagination of the public and press around the nation.

The film explores the dynamics of Harris-Moore’s family as well as his personal exploration and growth. The teenage boy who camped in the woods and, wearing no shoes, broke into vacation homes, became obsessed with airplanes.

More info at: FHFF.org

Running time: 74 minutes
Tuesday, April 21st, 7:00 pm at the Grange

The Darker Side of Paradise

Posted April 11, 2015 at 5:57 am by


Does San Juan County Have a Domestic Violence Problem?

— from Diane Martindale, President, League of Women Voters of the San Juans —

Domestic violence and sexual assault are problems that exist in our community. On Monday, April 13 the League of Women Voters of the San Juans will host a panel discussion about these serious and often invisible issues and measures under way to deal with them.

The meeting will take place at noon at the San Juan Island Library in Friday Harbor from noon to 2 p.m. All interested people are invited.

Our speakers will be:

  • Kim Bryan, Executive Director, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services of the San Juans
  • Ron Krebs, San Juan County Sheriff
  • Sandra Burt, Victim Assistance for DV/SA in the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, San Juan County.

The U.S. Department of Justice reports that approximately 85 percent of abuse victims are women, but abuse and assault also affect children, men, elders and individuals in gay and lesbian relationships. Our speakers will tell us about the scope of these problems locally, what they do in their work to address these problems, challenges still needing to be met and ways community members can help.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.