Familiar Theme in Next SJCT Readers Theatre

Posted February 2, 2015 at 5:12 am by


Just how much should a property owner be able to do with his own property? That question has a humorous slant in San Juan Community Theatre’s next free On Book! Readers Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, February 4 and 5 at 7:30 p.m.

Set in Maine, Travis Baker’s charming comedy, One Blue Tarp, focuses on property owner David Stillman who believes he has the right to have a big pile of junk under a blue tarp in his front yard even if it is an eyesore to tourists and his wife.

The play was named the “2013 Best Play for Maine” in the prestigious Clauder New England Playwright Competition, and was a finalist in the 2011 Eugene O’Neill Playwright’s Workshop.

Directed by Penelope Haskew, the reading features islanders Paul Walsh, Dennis Busse, Madelyn Busse, Elizabeth Tarte, Luke Fincher, Ethan Schmidt, Debbi Fincher and Tori Zehner.

Doors open at 7:00 p.m. with festival seating in the Gubelman Theatre. Admission is FREE. For more information on the series and other Theatre events, visit www.sjctheatre.org.

Westcott Bay Sunset

Posted February 1, 2015 at 7:06 pm by

Sunset over Westcott Bay - Kevin Holmes photo

Sunset over Westcott Bay – Kevin Holmes photo

Kevin Holmes caught this beautiful image of the sunset over Westcott Bay on Friday evening. Thanks Kevin!

Washington State Ferries renamed after the Seahawks

Posted January 31, 2015 at 8:53 pm by

The M/V Bruce Irvin leaves the harbor just as the M/V Justin Brit arrives on Friday morning - Tim Dustrude photo

The M/V Bruce Irvin leaves the harbor just as the M/V Justin Britt arrives on a gorgeous January morning in Friday Harbor – Tim Dustrude photo

Passengers traveling on the Washington State Ferries Sunday, Feb. 1, will be boarding the “M/V Russell Wilson” or crossing Puget Sound on the “M/V Marshawn Lynch” as Gov. Jay Inslee has directed the vessels be named in honor of the Seattle Seahawks.

For the second year in a row, we are proud to honor our Seahawks as they represent Washington in the Super Bowl,” said Gov. Inslee. “This honorary name change is just one way we will show our support as they take on the Patriots on Sunday.

“Last year, the fans appreciated seeing our ferries temporarily renamed after Seahawks players, and the team went on to win the Super Bowl,” said Lynne Griffith, assistant secretary of transportation, Ferries Division. “We’re excited to repeat the symbolic renaming of the fleet.

The Washington State Department of Transportation recognizes the Seahawks achieved success this season by working as a team. WSDOT has 24 vessels in its fleet and has named each one after a Seahawks team member.

The agency wishes the entire team good luck in their quest for a second Super Bowl win.

Click here to see a list of all the Vessel Names: Continue Reading

Friday Harbor 12’s

Posted January 31, 2015 at 1:34 pm by

Seahawk Fans came out en masse Saturday before the Super Bowl to show support for their team - Tim Dustrude photo

Seahawk Fans came out en masse Saturday before the Super Bowl to show support for their team – Tim Dustrude photo

Seahawks pride is alive and well in Friday Harbor. This was the scene Saturday at 1:00 pm just below the Legion. Mike Scott (in photo below) organized this Seahawk fan photo. Check out [EDIT – Mike’s] Facebook page for more photos.

Go ‘Hawks!

Mike Scott in the (Legion of) Boom Truck gets the best vantage point for his Seahawks Fans photo - Tim Dustrude photo

Mike Scott in the (Legion of) Boom Truck gets the best vantage point for his Seahawks Fans photo – Tim Dustrude photo

National School Choice Week

Posted January 31, 2015 at 5:21 am by

Happy National School Choice Week from everyone at Stillpoint School! The US Senate voted unanimously to recognize January 25-31, 2015 as National School Choice Week, and Stillpoint School is proud to join more than 11,000 other school choice celebrations nationwide.

This nonpartisan, nonpolitical school choice awareness event shines a spotlight on effective education options. At Stillpoint School, we have been celebrating school choice all week long. Here are some photos of us enjoying National School Choice Week! Continue Reading

Staff Changes at SJCT

Posted January 30, 2015 at 1:03 pm by

SJCT Artistic Director Susan Williams - Contributed photo

SJCT Artistic Director Susan Williams – Contributed photo

San Juan Community Theatre Artistic Director Susan Williams has announced she will resign as of May 1, 2015.

Williams cited personal reasons for her departure, saying she wishes to focus her energies more on family, painting, sculpting, acting and directing.

Williams took the position in 2012 after being involved as a volunteer (primarily acting and directing) at the Theatre since its beginnings in 1989. Since joining the staff her list of accomplishments include: spearheading the effort to obtain live streaming opera, theater and ballet programs; coordinating enhancements of the Whittier Theatre’s sound system, including moving the sound board; introducing the summer Night Music series and On Book! Readers Theatre; and expanding children’s programming and educational outreach. “The revitalization of our theatre is, for me, a source of great personal pride, and my hope is that the ground work has been laid for an exciting future,” said Williams.

Williams adds she will continue to be a “most ardent supporter” of San Juan Community Theatre. A search for Williams’ replacement is in progress.

Friday Morning “Fogbow”

Posted January 30, 2015 at 9:43 am by

Friday Harbor Fogbow - Mike Martin photo

Friday Harbor Fogbow – Mike Martin photo

Here’s a shot of sunlight on the fog over a calm Friday morning in Friday Harbor shot by Mike Martin. Thanks for sharing Mike!

Father Daughter Dance

Posted January 30, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Fathers and Daughters at the Dance - Contributed photo

Fathers and Daughters at the Dance – Contributed photo

Tickets are on sale for Island Rec’s 10th Annual Father Daughter Dance – a special occasion for girls of all ages to get dressed up and spend quality time with their dads, granddads, or other male role-models. Treat your darling daughters to a special night out with music, dancing, and delicious appetizers & desserts! Girls receive a free corsage and a keepsake photo.

The fun happens Friday, February 6th, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Mullis Center. Tickets are $25 per couple in advance can be purchased at Island Rec’s office or online at www.islandrec.org. Get your tickets now as the price jumps to $30 at the door. Scholarships are available. Sponsored by Vinny’s Ristorante, Market Place, Petro San Juan and Soroptomists of Friday Harbor. For more information call 378-4953 or drop by the office 580 Guard Street, Monday – Friday 1:00 – 5:00 pm.

Opalco Rate Increase Examined

Posted January 29, 2015 at 9:02 pm by

opalco-logoBeginning in February, electric rates are going up. Residential members with average energy usage will see their OPALCO bill go up about $10/month. The rate increase is based on a number of factors, primarily making sure our revenue is adequate to meet budgeted expenses and covering the cost of upcoming submarine cable replacements over the next 30 years – which boils down to our ability to make loan payments. A Cost of Service Study was conducted in 2014 to make sure each member pays their fair share. All member classes are affected by the rate increase, as shown below.

WHAT CO-OP MEMBERS CAN EXPECT TO PAY IN 2015 (based on average usage):


This new rate structure also changes how we meet the co-op’s fixed operational costs. Currently, a large percentage of our revenue requirements are met through energy (kWh) usage. Bonneville Power Administration charges us for the kilowatt hours of energy used. This will stay relatively stable. However, over the next five years, the facility costs at OPALCO are going up incrementally and will make up a larger share of our fixed costs. Therefore, this shift in rate structure provides more revenue stability and predictability. Continue Reading

The Time Travelers

Posted January 29, 2015 at 5:50 am by


The Time Travelers, Joe and Paula McHugh, Perform a Special, Free Event at the San Juan Island Library on Friday, February 6 at 7:00 pm.

The San Juan Island Library is pleased to present Green Fields of America, a night of music and traditional storytelling with The Time Travelers, Joe and Paula McHugh.

The McHughs combine artful sounds and artwork to take their audiences on a journey back in time to the folkways of the American pioneers. Learn about gutsy trailblazers, gun-wielding railroad men, medicine show pitchmen, and perhaps even a restless ghost or two.

According to the McHughs, the Green Fields of America is “a bountiful feast for the ears and eyes, spiced with humor and surprises, sure to delight the intellect and kindle the imagination.

Joe McHugh is a storyteller, fiddler, writer, and public radio producer. Paula McHugh is a musician and artist whose work is inspired by the titles of Appalachian and Celtic fiddle tunes.

This free Library event is appropriate for multi-generational audiences. Doors open at 6:45 pm. The show begins at 7:00 pm.

For additional information, please visit www.sjlib.org or contact Melina Lagios at the library at 378-2798. Or, visit the performer’s website at www.joeandpaulamchugh.com.

Grange Says No to Moratorium

Posted January 29, 2015 at 5:40 am by


At its January 7th, 2015 business meeting San Juan Island Grange #966 resolved to oppose the Proposed Moratorium on Marijuana Production. Even though the San Juan County Council has withdrawn the proposal, San Juan Island Grange #966 would like to make clear its position towards the regulation of marijuana production in San Juan County.

The Grange Movement in the United States is rich with the traditions and struggles of farm families and rural farm communities. The local, state, and national Granges have always, and continue to, advocate politically on issues important to rural families, including the right to farm, good government, land use policy, rural access to new technologies and vital services, job development, and strong rural economies. Part of the mission of San Juan Island Grange #966 is “to support a resilient community of growers, makers, and keepers” and “to foster social and political engagement.

In 2012 the voters of San Juan County overwhelmingly endorsed the passage of I-502 Legalization of Marijuana by the largest majority in Washington State. Continue Reading

Landscape in Asian Literature, a Community Ed Course

Posted January 29, 2015 at 5:24 am by


Unique Literature Class Offered At The San Juan Center Of Skagit Valley College. Wandering Among Mountains and River:  Landscape In East Asian Literature.

Join class leader, Catherine Barnhart, in this six week community education course exploring the theme of landscape in the literature of China, Japan and Korea and drawing connections with the mountain landscapes of the Pacific Northwest.

Readings are in English translation. Images of Asian landscape paintings provide a visual context for literary selections. An introduction to some fundamental elements of the original languages enhances understanding of our readings and of the relationships among literature, art and nature. For comparative purposes, we also read poetry and essays by Pacific Northwest writers. Oral and written reflections on readings and images form a key component of class sessions. Continue Reading

Posted January 29, 2015 at 5:18 am by

trailsDon’t forget, there’s still some trail building you can help out with for the Land Bank and the Trails Committee. Two this week are detailed below…

Plant Salvage
Friday, January 30th
1pm – 4pm

Wear sturdy boots, gloves, and bring a shovel or other tools appropriate for loosening soil and gently removing plants (primarily snowberry, wild rose, and Oregon grape).

Trail Construction
Saturday, January 31st
1pm – 4pm

Wear sturdy boots, gloves, and weather-appropriate clothing. The Land Bank will have some tools available but feel free to bring your favorite grubbing, cutting, and grading trail type tools.

Limited parking is available at 2661 Cattle Point Road – look for the white Land Bank Event sandwich board. Please stay parked on the gravel road and not off to the sides! Additional parking is available at 3043 Cattle Point Road – approximately .4 mile south of the work area.

Know Your Islanders Talks presents: Jim Stegall

Posted January 28, 2015 at 5:50 am by

Jim Stegall and Emilio - Contributed photo

Jim Stegall and Emilio – Contributed photo

Meet Jim Stegall who walked with a fellow legally-blind man from the top [of] Columbia, S.A., to the southern-most tip of Argentina. Using their white canes while leaving their sighted wives at home, they fulfilled a long-held dream.

Hear Jim’s story of their travels, illustrated by maps and pictures. This presentation is sponsored by the San Juan Island Trails Committee in conjunction with the library. Light refreshments will be served.

Know Your Islanders Talks, Monday, February 2nd at 6:30pm
San Juan Island Library Main Salon.

Government 101 with Duncan Wilson

Posted January 28, 2015 at 5:45 am by

Friday Harbor Town Administrator Duncan Wilson - Contributed photo

Friday Harbor Town Administrator Duncan Wilson – Contributed photo

Do you know how local government works? Do you care? One way or another, we all have to interact with our local government agencies at some time. Here is your opportunity to learn how it all works.

On Monday, February 9, 2015, the League of Women Voters of the San Juans will host Duncan Wilson, Friday Harbor Town Administrator, who will deliver his talk “Government 101”.

In addition to talking about Friday Harbor, he will talk about the structure of local government in general, relating that to federal and state systems. He will also talk about both Town and County issues, revenue sources and expenditures, commissions and committees. There is a lot to learn.


Please join us. The meeting will be held at the SJI Library Conference Room from Noon to 2:00 pm.

Knowledge Bowl 2015

Posted January 27, 2015 at 5:49 am by

The 21st annual Knowledge Bowl will be held on Tuesday February 10th, at the Community Theatre. The competition begins at 7 PM. Three student teams (FHMS 8th graders, FHHS freshmen/sophomores and FHHS juniors/seniors) go head to head with four local service group teams: Kiwanis, Soroptimists, Lions, and Rotary. The four-man teams will match wits to answer tricky trivia questions on a broad range of topics.

Doors open at 6:30 pm and our fabulous FHHS Jazz Band will begin performing at 6:45. The event is emceed again this year by Brent Snow, SJI School Board Member, with more Jazz Band entertainment. The FHHS PTA will be offering baked treats in the lobby before and during the event.

The Knowledge Bowl is presented each year by the San Juan Public Schools Foundation. Through its main fundraising events, the Phone-a-Thon and Business Partnership Program in the school directory, the Foundation this year has raised almost $90,000 to supplement our local public education needs. Since 1994, community support of the SJJPF mission now totals over one million dollars.

Tickets for this fun family event are $5 for adults and $3 for children, and are available at the door the night of the event. Come and cheer on your favorite team!
