Professor Billie J. Swalla has agreed to serve for a five-year term as Director of the Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL). Billie has served as Interim Director for the past year, and has been an active researcher and member of the FHL community since first coming to the Labs in 1999.
Billie brings 30 years of experience doing research and teaching at marine labs around the world, from tropical to temperate settings and is passionate about marine sciences. She has worked at Friday Harbor Laboratories for the past 15 years, teaching Comparative Invertebrate Embryology, Evolution & Development of Animals, and several undergraduate research apprenticeships. Her research is interdisciplinary, focusing on the genomics, evolution and development of marine invertebrates. She studies developmental gene networks and how they evolve in animals to elaborate different body plans.
“I am personally thrilled to have the opportunity to continue to work with Billie to support and enhance the infrastructure of the Labs while simultaneously creating and implementing a shared vision for FHL as a vibrant and impactful marine field station that is considered to be a crown jewel by both the UW and international research communities,” said Lisa J. Graumlich, Prentice and Virginia Bloedel Professor and Dean of the University of Washington College of the Environment.
Swalla was selected after a search process that included wide consultation wit the FHL community. Her directorship is effective immediately and subject to approval by the Board of Regents. She can be reached at
bjswalla [@] uw [.] edu or (206) 616-0764.