Trails Committee Nominated for State Award

Posted March 10, 2014 at 5:36 am by

Roving Update reporter-at-large Louise Dustrude files this report:

A recent Know-Your-Island-Walk led by Mike Buetell - Click for larger version - Louise Dustrude photo

A recent Know-Your-Island-Walk led by Mike Buettell – Click for larger version – Louise Dustrude photo

The San Juan Island Trails Committee is one of 30 local organizations in the state nominated for one of three awards by Feet First, a statewide organization supporting the creation of healthy, safe, and vibrant places for people to walk.

The local advocacy group was selected for its four-year-long program Know Your Island Walks, walks led by local experts every fourth Saturday afternoon to public places of interest on the island.

The program, conceived and organized by Eileen Drath of the Trails Committee, invites residents and visitors to walk in the National Park, the Land Bank properties, the State Park, the County Park, the Airport, and other places of interest and beauty on the island. Leaders are chosen for their expertise in the history and other aspects of the selected areas.

Drath will go to Seattle on April 3 for a program at Pike Place Market at which she will explain the Know Your Island Walks — and perhaps receive one of the awards. She will be accompanied by Bill Severson, chair of the Trails Committee, Leslie Veirs, and perhaps other members.

Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens Excursion

Posted March 10, 2014 at 5:30 am by


Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens is in the town of Greenbank on Whidbey Island. The woodland garden encompasses ten acres of display and educational gardens enveloped by forty-three acres of woodland preserve. The guided horticultural tour, on trails of crushed gravel, mulch and grass, generally lasts 1.5 hours.

  • When: April 12, 2014 – depart on the 8:05 ferry
  • Included: Mainland transportation, tour of gardens and box lunch
  • Not Included: Gratuity for driver and Ferry Ticket home
  • Cost: $65.00 per person – reservation required

More information is available on the SJI Garden Club web site:

Or,  for reservations and/or information contact:
Vonnie Harold at 378-6250
yeharold [@] rockisland [.] com

Or Dot Vandaveer at 378-8306
dot [@] rockisland [.] com

Video Production Workshop Announced

Posted March 10, 2014 at 5:30 am by

Here’s a great upcoming business workshop from EDASC (the Ecomomic Development Association of Skagit County), partners of our local Economic Development Council. Their courses are open to San Juan County residents, and all of the courses are live-streamed so you can attend from your business or home…

edasc-logoA three part video production workshop begins March 13th in Mount Vernon. Presenting ideas and promotional content through video has become critical to businesses and non-profits. In this series learn how to create an audience/platform appropriate video and how to get it in front of your desired audience.

Sessions will be held March 13, 20 and April 3 at 204 West Montgomery in Mount Vernon or via live internet stream. Each class builds on the last to create a foundation to help you plan out your video marketing strategy for 2014. Homework assigned. $50 per individual workshop or $135 for the series. $40/$110 for members or streaming. 3/13, 3/20 and 3/27 beginning at 4:00pm – 5:30pm. Refreshments provided. Sign-up on-line at or by calling 360-336-6114.

The Economic Development Association of Skagit County is pleased to partner with Rebecca Murray of Skagit Media Marketing in making this series available.

Session 1: LIGHTS! ACTION!
Learn why your audience wants you (begs you) to capture good audio. Review the pros and cons of various recording devices. Overview of lighting types, strategies, tips and techniques. Light kit demonstration. Continue Reading

Pet(s) of the Week

Posted March 10, 2014 at 5:20 am by

Jake and crew are this week's Pets of the Week

Jake and crew are this week’s Pets of the Week

If you like this little fella, “Jake”, you’re going to want to meet his brothers and sisters – all seven of them! This litter of eight 6-week old puppies have just arrived at the shelter and will soon be ready for adoption! As close as we can tell they are Labrador-German Shepherd mixes but we believe there may some Mastiff in their lines as well.

We do know that Mom was about 40 pounds, so there’s no telling yet just how big these babies will be when full-grown. They’re going to go fast, so if you think you’re ready to add a new member to your family stop by the shelter soon to meet them!

Last Call

Posted March 9, 2014 at 4:48 pm by

FANS members Cathy Kromer and Kyle Loring make balloons at last year's Children's Festival - Island Rec photo

FANS members including Cathy Kromer and Kyle Loring make balloons at last year’s Children’s Festival – Island Rec photo

Last Call for Children’s Festival Activity Providers!

Island Rec is still recruiting for local organizations that would like to participate in the 24th Annual Children’s Festival by hosting an activity. In keeping with this year’s festival theme – Wild Wild West! – activity providers will be joined by the likes of SJI EMS, Families and Neighbors Support Island Rec, SJI Library, The Family Resource Center and many others.

To be included in the festival, organizations interested in joining the fun are urged to submit their activity proposals to Island Rec no later than March 17th. Inquiries should be directed to Sally Thomsen,
play [@] islandrec [.] org, or Morgan Johnston,
Morgan [@] islandrec [.] org.

The Children’s Festival will take place Saturday, May 3th, 10am-2pm at the Fairgrounds building. For more information, please call 378-4953 or visit

Native Plant Sale Deadline Extended

Posted March 9, 2014 at 3:38 pm by

Master Gardeners’ Annual Native Plant Sale – Order deadline extended to March 21st


There is still time to order native plants from the San Juan County Master Gardener/Conservation District Native Plant Sale! The sale is scheduled for March 29th, from 9 AM – 12 noon, on San Juan (Fairgrounds), Lopez (Sunshine Builders) and Orcas Islands (The Grange).

Plants native to the Pacific Northwest are beautiful in the garden and landscape, are beneficial for wildlife, and improve habitat and plant diversity. Pacific Crabapple, Aspen, Douglas Maple, Garry oak, ferns, and evergreen huckleberry are just some of trees and plants to consider.

Some species may already be sold out, please call WSU Extension for more information. Quantities are limited, so order now! The deadline for orders has been extended to March 21st. A limited number of plants may be available on the day of the sale.

For more information and the entire list of plants and to print an order form, go to or call WSU Extension at 378-4414 for information and order forms.

2012 National Park Statistics

Posted March 9, 2014 at 3:09 pm by

Here’s a report from Mike Vouri, Chief of Interpretation & Historian at San Juan Island National Historical Park….

Mike Vouri shares historical information with park visitors - Louise Dustrude photo

Mike Vouri shares historical information with park visitors – Louise Dustrude photo

A new National Park Service (NPS) report shows that more than 261,000 visitors in 2012 spent $14 million in San Juan Island National Historical Park and in communities in the northwest Washington region. That spending supported more than 167 jobs in the area.

Economic statistics for 2013 will be released in 2015.

“San Juan Islanders and our neighbors throughout the region have long recognized the park for its values of a unique history and spectacular natural setting.” said Lee Taylor, superintendent. “What is less known is how the park adds value to the island and region as an economic as well as cultural and nature resource. And that is what this report underscores.”

Boosted by an additional four million visitors in 2012, national parks across the country continued to be important economic engines, generating $26.75 billion in economic activity and supporting 243,000 jobs, according to a peer-reviewed report released yesterday by Secretary Jewell and Director Jarvis.

 “In 2012, the National Park Service welcomed more than 280 million visitors to their national parks.  For nearly 100 years we have helped people discover places to explore, learn from and enjoy,” said Jarvis.  “These places of history, culture and natural wonder offer unparalleled experiences and return $10 for every $1 American taxpayers invest in the National Park Service. That’s a successful formula we can all embrace as we prepare for the next 100 years of the National Park Service.” Continue Reading

Oil Spill Awareness Lectures

Posted March 9, 2014 at 9:56 am by

Katie over at Friends of the San Juans has this announcement to share with you…


March 24, 2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.  The accident caused a sea change in the environmental consciousness of an entire generation and created a new awareness about the risks of resource extraction and transport.  Twenty-five years later, these issues are both timely and timeless as residents in the Puget Sound area contemplate proposed massive increases in the amount of crude oil and coal transported by rail and through our waters.

We hope you’ll join us next week to learn more about what would happen in the event of a major oil spill in San Juan County and the role you can play to help with preparedness.

Gary Shigenaka, a marine biologist for NOAA, who specializes in marine life studies during oil spills, will talk about how various cargo and propulsion oils would likely behave if spilled in our marine environment.  Julie Knight, Executive Director of Islands Oil Spill Association (IOSA), will talk about local spill response preparedness.

Our Islands at Risk Lectures:  Increased Vessel Traffic and Increased Risk of a Major Oil Spill

  • Lopez Island: Friday, March 14, 7:00-8:30 pm at Lopez Center
  • Orcas Island: Saturday, March 15, 12:30-2:30 pm at Orcas Episcopal Church
  • San Juan Island: Sunday, March 16, 12:30-2:30 pm at the San Juan Island Grange

Background: Continue Reading

2nd Tuesday Film Fest: Rising From Ashes

Posted March 9, 2014 at 5:43 am by

rising_from_ashes_photoRising From Ashes, a spellbinding documentary narrated by Forest Whitaker about the first-ever Rwandan national cycling team in their bid to make history and represent their country at the 2012 Olympics. Competing in a white man’s sport often reserved for the privileged, a rag tag group of cyclists coached by the first American to ride in the Tour de France are transformed into a powerful symbol of hope for a country recovering from one of the world’s most devastating genocides. Run time 82 min. (Summary from

Sponsored by Spring Street International School and XYZ Studio.

  • When: March 11, 2014, 7pm
  • Where: Spring Street International School, 505 Spring Street
  • Admission: Free!

Come early for snacks and a good seat — space is limited to 40 seats; movie will start promptly at 7pm.

Donations encouraged to bring more high-achieving students from the Gashora Girls Academy of Science and Technology in Rwanda–and join Zula, who began at Spring Street just this January.

The Second Tuesday Film Festival presents films about world-awareness and other topics of interest to Spring Street faculty and students for the benefit of the greater island community. Films are scheduled for the 2nd tuesday of the month. Upcoming dates include: March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10. Come early for snacks. All films start promptly at 7pm. Admission is free, and donations are gladly accepted. Did you know that more than 60% of Spring Street’s students rely on generous tuition scholarships?

For More Information:
events [@] springstreet [.] org
Spring Street International School
505 Spring Street • Friday Harbor, WA 98250 • 360 378-6393

CenturyLink and Network Redundancy

Posted March 9, 2014 at 4:54 am by

Here’s a recent press release from CenturyLink…

centurylink-logoCenturyLink, as part of its ongoing commitment to its customers in San Juan County, is actively working to provide network redundancy. This redundancy will allow voice, Internet, E911 and other critical services to be rerouted onto other facilities to maintain service in the event of a fiber cut within the Islands.

During the week of Feb. 17, CenturyLink began phase one of providing redundancy from Friday Harbor to Eastsound and Lopez Island. CenturyLink is increasing the capacity on the existing fiber optic network between Mount Constitution and Eastsound to support the new microwave radio system that will be installed from Friday Harbor to Mount Constitution.

“CenturyLink is focused on our customers’ safety and service reliability in San Juan County,” said Tim Grigar, CenturyLink vice president and general manager for western Washington. “We understand how important it is for our customers to have a reliable redundant path in the event of damage to the primary network. We will continue to communicate our progress as the work continues.”

Bill for Ferry Funding Passes

Posted March 8, 2014 at 5:21 pm by

Just got this good news email from Jim with the Ferry Advisory Committee:

Olympic class ferry rendering - Click for larger view - WSF image from WSF Flickr site

Olympic class ferry rendering – Click for larger view – WSF image from WSF Flickr site

Great news, HB-1129 to fund construction of a third new 144-car “Olympic” class ferry, passed the Senate yesterday on a 41-8 vote. Sponsored by our Representative Jeff Morris, this bill has already passed the House on a 62-36 vote. The strength of support for ferries, particularly in the Senate, was particularly encouraging.

What this means is that the oldest boats in the fleet, the Evergreen State class, can finally be retired and replaced by newer and more reliable vessels. While beloved, the three Evergreen State class boats are approaching 60 years of age and [are becoming] increasingly costly to maintain.

Jim Corenman
Chair, San Juan County FAC
fac [@] sanjuanco [.] com

Note: Check out construction photos of these ferries on the WSF Flickr site.

Book Fair and Breakfast

Posted March 8, 2014 at 3:30 pm by


It’s time for the Awesome Friday Harbor Elementary Scholastic Book Fair
And the Delectable Fifth Grade Breakfast!

  • What: Continental Breakfast
  • When: Saturday, March 15th 9AM – Noon
  • Price: By Donation

Donations will help to pay for the 5th grade Pacific Science Center field trip.
Need a Common Denominator? Our Island Kids!

Book Fair Hours:

  • Wednesday, March 12, 11:00 – 5:00
  • Thursday, March 13, 11:00 – 5:00
  • Friday, March 14, 11:00 – 5:00
  • Saturday, March 15, 9:00 – Noon

If you any questions or would like to connect about the Book Fair Breakfast please email 5th grade teacher Andy Duke:
andrewduke [@] sjisd [.] wednet [.] edu

Call for Vendors

Posted March 8, 2014 at 3:15 pm by


A Friday at the Art Market in 2013 – Update file photo

Friday Harbor Art Market “Call for Vendors”

The Friday Harbor Art Market, “Artisans on the Plaza”, is seeking vendors for its 2014 season. The art market will run every Friday from 3:00-7:00pm, starting June 20 until August 29 at Brickworks Plaza.

For more information or an application, send an email to:
pigmansartworks [@] dockland [.] com
or call (360) 472-0216.

Bike Talk at Trails Potluck

Posted March 8, 2014 at 11:34 am by

SJ  Islanders Kit Rawson, Kathy Thornburgh, Karen and Jim Vedder pedal through England:  "End To End" - Contributed photo

SJ Islanders Kit Rawson, Kathy Thornburgh, Karen and Jim Vedder pedal through England: “End To End” – Contributed photo

Bike Talk at SJ Trails Committee 8th Annual Potluck
Wedneday March 12th at the Grange 5:30-7:30
by Theresa Simendinger

Karen Vedder tells the tale of two San Juan Island Couples who rode from the southwest corner of England to the northwest corner of Scotland, a distance of 1350 miles. That would be like one of us hopping on a bike in Bellingham with all our gear and peddling to Alaska. It also has the same changes in latitudes, regarding climate conditions, Vedder noted, “We followed spring up the island for two months.”

Vedder will explain in her presentation everything from what they packed to how surprised they were of the support England gives its multi-use trails.

When asked how this trip began, Vedder replied; “My husband Jim and I had previously experienced the magic of walking from England’s Irish Sea Coast to the North Sea Coast following the C to C Path. We knew we had to return.” And so they started planning the hugely successful trip they made one year ago.

Come hear her spin the wheels again at the Grange Wednesday, March 12th.

Office Renovations Next Week

Posted March 8, 2014 at 10:25 am by

Community Development & Planning Office Renovation Begins Mar. 10

County-LogoConstruction work on the San Juan County Community Development and Planning lobby and offices located at 135 Rhone Street will force some temporary service modifications beginning March 10, 2014. The renovation will create more efficient customer service areas and spaces to meet with applicants.

Counter service will be closed on Tuesday, March 11th and phone service for counter staff will be limited on that day only. Normal office hours and counter service will resume on March 12th with the public entrance temporarily relocated to Reed Street. Signs will clearly mark the temporary entrance.

Construction is expected to last approximately two months.

For more information: Contact the San Juan County Community Development & Planning Department at (360) 370-2354.

Rotary Club Annual Spelling Bee

Posted March 8, 2014 at 9:59 am by

2012 Spelling Bee - Contributed photo

2012 Spelling Bee – Contributed photo

The Rotary Club of San Juan Island will hold its annual Spelling Bee on Thursday, March 13th at 3:30 p.m. As in past years, the event will take place at the San Juan Community Theatre.

This year’s spellers include students from Friday Harbor Elementary School, Friday Harbor Middle School, and Paideia Classical School. The contest is open to 4th through 8th grades. All participants will receive a medal and the appreciation of their families and community for taking part.

The 1st and 2nd place winners will be awarded cash prizes for their school, class, and the speller.

Mary Sliger and Carol Linde will serve as judges and Janice Peterson will be the pronouncer.

Spelling bees look less stressful from the audience than on the stage, where each competitor must concentrate and stay focused before spelling the words aloud. A misspelled start disqualifies the entrant and there are no “do-overs.” Some of the words will be of the variety everyone finds difficult – absorbent, gnome, and abysmal – for example. Others are the deceptively simple words we often get wrong. “Is that the sheriff (or the sherrif) I see coming?” “Did their parents get there on time? They’re sometimes late.”

All are welcome to attend the event and support our students as they demonstrate their spelling skills and have fun being involved in the spirit of competition.