Roving Update reporter-at-large Louise Dustrude files this report:
The San Juan Island Trails Committee is one of 30 local organizations in the state nominated for one of three awards by Feet First, a statewide organization supporting the creation of healthy, safe, and vibrant places for people to walk.
The local advocacy group was selected for its four-year-long program Know Your Island Walks, walks led by local experts every fourth Saturday afternoon to public places of interest on the island.
The program, conceived and organized by Eileen Drath of the Trails Committee, invites residents and visitors to walk in the National Park, the Land Bank properties, the State Park, the County Park, the Airport, and other places of interest and beauty on the island. Leaders are chosen for their expertise in the history and other aspects of the selected areas.
Drath will go to Seattle on April 3 for a program at Pike Place Market at which she will explain the Know Your Island Walks — and perhaps receive one of the awards. She will be accompanied by Bill Severson, chair of the Trails Committee, Leslie Veirs, and perhaps other members.