Friends before Facebook

Posted March 5, 2014 at 5:53 am by


Friends before Facebook – Click for larger image – SJ Historical Museum photo

Here’s this month’s little bit of history, Part VII in our series from the San Juan Historical Museum…

International Women’s Day is observed by the United Nations each year on March 8, and so our subject this month is island women. We think of this image as “Friends before Facebook” and invite you to note the stylish attire of Marian Hannah, Alma Boyce and Edna Wright, as pictured. Most of us can remember such 20th century fashions, while some of us are still wearing them as retro style choices. What’s in your closet or attic? More of this, we hope. The San Juan Historical Museum represents all eras of island life. Learn more at

Trails Committee Potluck

Posted March 4, 2014 at 6:29 am by

8th Annual San Juan Island Trails Committee Potluck Evening


Please join us for this annual community event. Hear about the adventure of two local couples cycling from one end of Britain to the other, with some background on how it came to be possible. Bring your own table setting with beverage of choice, and a dish to share. Learn a little about the Trails Committee, visit with old friends and make some new ones.


March 12,2014
Friday Harbor Grange Hall
Gather at 5:30, and be done by 7:30. Everyone is welcome!

The San Juan Island Trails Committee is an all-volunteer subcommittee of Island Rec.

Visit for more information.

Children’s Festival Poster Contest

Posted March 4, 2014 at 5:46 am by

Last year's 1st Place winner, Erich Atwell - Contributed photo

Last year’s 1st Place winner, Erich Atwell – Contributed photo

Attention, young artists! Island Rec needs your help to design the poster for this year’s Children’s Festival! Kids of all ages are invited to submit poster designs that incorporate this year’s festival theme:

Wild Wild West!

Artworks must be submitted on an official entry form, which can be obtained at Island Rec’s office or at the Elementary School. Poster designs must be returned to Island Rec, 580 Guard Street, by 5pm Friday, March 21st, 2014 to be considered by our contest judges.

In addition to the honor and title of “Official Poster Designer,” the First Place winner will receive a wildlife cruise for four with Western Prince Cruises. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Runners up will receive gift certificates to The Toy Box, Ositos, and A Place To Play. Enter for a chance to win!

The 24th Annual Children’s Festival will take place Saturday, May 3rd, 10am-2pm, at the Fairgrounds. For more information, call 378-4953 or visit

March for Meals at Mullis Center

Posted March 4, 2014 at 5:45 am by

Jimmy Moe and the One More Time Band at last year's Sock Hop at the Mullis Center - Tim Dustrude photo

Jimmy Moe and the One More Time Band at last year’s Sock Hop at the Mullis Center – Tim Dustrude photo

On March 12th The Senior Center is having an extra special lunch to help raise funds for the Nutrition Program which is part of the nationwide program March for Meals and brings awareness about senior hunger and the fact that food costs have gone up and the government subsidy has gone down.

Mullis Community Senior Center, along with the lunch will provide entertainment with Jimmy Moe and a special ensemble from the One More Time Band.

Lunch will include

  • Asian Chicken Almond Salad
  • Spring Roll
  • Bread
  • Dessert

There will be a raffle and prizes. All monies collected will go to the Senior Nutrition Program so senior meals can continue to be provided to all who need them. The cost is $10 each and can be purchased at the Senior Center after March 3.

San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit

Posted March 4, 2014 at 5:08 am by

It’s March 7 & 8, 2014, on Orcas Island

The 2014 San Juan Islands Agricultural Summit will offer a two-day program packed with information and inspiration, including a stellar line-up of keynote speakers and session leaders.

March 7, Hands-On Friday – will include three workshops, 1:30-5:00 p.m., covering biochar production, farm-to-school programs, and farmstead butchering.

March 8, Summit Saturday – features over 20 break-out sessions, a delicious local lunch cooked by chef Christina Orchid, a panel discussion with local San Juan County elected officials, a seed swap, and more. Follow the link below for the detailed schedule.

Keynote speaker Steve Jones, grain breeder and director of the WSU NW Research and Extension Center, Mt. Vernon, will inspire and challenge us with examples of successful innovation on small farms and in local food systems in the NW.

Keynote speaker David Montgomery, University of Washington geologist and author of Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, will explain the perfect parallel between the rise and fall of ancient civilizations and the state of their soils, bringing the message home and challenging all of us to restore our farmland soils.

Participating organizations include Organic Seed Alliance (OSA); Washington State University (WSU) NW Research and Extension Center; NW Agriculture Business Center (NABC); and the WA State Small Farms Team. Continue Reading

Starr Excavation Expands

Posted March 3, 2014 at 5:57 am by

Craig Starr, owner of Starr Excavation here on San Juan Island, and Orcas Septic Service, is expanding operations to include portable toilet rentals which are great for large outdoor events and weddings, etc. He will also be doing septic inspection and pumping.

Previously the owner of another local septic service company, Craig brings his experience and know how to provide these necessary services to all the islands, including many non-ferry-served islands, and in many cases, he can provide 24 hour emergency service as well. Give him a call at 378-5045 or 378-8060 (cell).

John Kulseth Announces Candidacy for Assessor

Posted March 3, 2014 at 5:50 am by

John Kulseth, Chief Appraiser for the Assessor’s office, shares this announcement of his candidacy for Assessor…

“Kulseth-Announcement-PhotoI’ve had the privilege of working in the Assessor’s office for 10 years and am now seeking the opportunity to lead the next four years of the assessment process in San Juan County. As an appraiser, manager, and database administrator I have participated in every function of the Assessor’s office and I recognize the challenges facing our office.

The property tax system is fundamental to government budgeting and taxpayer trust and I will dedicate my time and effort to resolving those challenges and providing the service I want and expect as a taxpayer. I have endorsements from both the previous Assessor and the current Assessor. I look forward to talking with the community about the issues affecting our property taxes and asking for your vote in November.”

Pet of the Week

Posted March 3, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Dizzy is this week's Pet of the Week

Dizzy is this week’s Pet of the Week

This beautiful girl goes by the name of, “Dizzy”. She recently arrived here at our shelter when her owner died unexpectedly. She is about six years old and came in with another female kitty, named Pumpkin, who is also in need of a new home. We are told she shared her home with three other cats prior to her arrival here.

She’s a little sad and disoriented now, but we’re starting to see some sparkle in those beautiful green eyes and she responds very sweetly to our attempts to cheer her up. She loves affection and we’re starting to see a bit of a playful nature as well. We think she’d be an excellent addition to just about any family – perhaps yours? Give us a call at 378-2158 or stop by for a visit; 111 Shelter Road.

San Juan County Open Houses

Posted March 3, 2014 at 5:34 am by

County-LogoSan Juan County invites you to their upcoming open houses. Staff from Public Works, Community Development and Planning Department and the Economic Development Council will be available to discuss upcoming road projects, the proposed Economic Development Element of the Comprehensive Plan, the amendments to the Eastsound Subarea Plan, the Lopez Village Plan, and amendments to the shoreline and critical area regulations.

Open houses will be held at the following locations:

  • Lopez Island
    Tuesday March 4, 2014
    Woodman Hall
    11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  • San Juan Island
    Wednesday March 5, 2014
    Public Works Office
    915 Spring Street Friday Harbor
    11:00 – 3:00
  • Orcas Island
    Thursday March 6, 2014
    Eastsound Fire Hall
    11:00 – 3:00

Orca Greeting Ceremony

Posted March 2, 2014 at 6:40 am by

8th Annual Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony

Each summer, our resident pods of orca whales come together in what are called “greeting ceremonies.” In this spirit, The Whale Museum invites all orca supporters to our 8th Annual Celebration of the “Orca Greeting Ceremony.” This Fundraising Dinner and Auction will be held on Friday, May 9 at Brickworks in Friday Harbor. The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a happy hour & silent auction followed by a gourmet dinner, live auction and dessert auction. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 30.

Music at the Rumor Mill Tonight

Posted March 1, 2014 at 4:02 pm by


Lopez Island band Isle Zen rocks the Rumor Mill tonight with their mix of high energy Rock, Country, Funk and some Metal. (covers and originals). Head down there and dance your socks off.

The Rumor Mill
175 First Street
8:00 PM

St. Patrick’s Extravaganza

Posted March 1, 2014 at 10:09 am by

Annual St.Patricks Day Dinner to Fund Soroptimist Projects

Click for full-size poster

Click for full-size poster

Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor will hold their 16th annual St. Patrick’s Day Extravaganza, on March 15 at the Mullis Center. The group’s largest annual fundraiser supports the work Soroptimists do to improve the lives of women and girls in the community.

The festivities begin at 5 PM with dinner at 6 PM and include an irresistible dessert auction, a bonny live auction and basket raffles. Dinner will be a traditional corned beef and cabbage feast or vegetarian pasta entrée provided by Vinny’s Ristorante. Irish songs by the Island Chordsmen Plus will entertain the festive crowd.

Topping the evening will be the drawing for a week at an ocean-front Kaua`i condo. Transportation to and from SEA-TAC will be provided by Classic Cab and Bellair Shuttle. Only 100 $50 tickets will be sold making chances to win excellent! Tickets will be available at Kings and the Marketplace along with those for a raffle for gift baskets.

Extravaganza tickets are $30 for adults, $15 for children 10 and under. Take-out dinners will be available for $12. Tickets can be purchased at The Toy Box and Spa d’Bune or from any Soroptimist.

Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor is an all volunteer service club and has spent over $45,000 to projects for women and children and community events in the current disbursement cycle. The Extravaganza proceeds help make their work possible. For more information visit

Replacement for Evergreen State Coming Tuesday

Posted February 28, 2014 at 11:15 am by

Good news from Jim at the FAC…

Ferry in Drydock - SJ Update File photo

Ferry in Drydock – SJ Update File photo

Editor’s Note: This story has been corrected. The headline originally said “Sunday” instead of “Tuesday”.  Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

An update on the Sealth: WSF has a vessel coming out of drydock in Anacortes on Sunday, which will allow the Sealth to be lifted out on Monday for continuing investigation and repair of the steering problem. But even better, that will also free up the Chelan which will take the Evergreen State’s place on the mainland run beginning Tuesday and allow the E-State to return to the interisland route. This will restore our service to normal levels beginning Tuesday morning.

WSF will be issuing a press release shortly with complete details.

Jim Corenman
Chair, San Juan County FAC

Calling All Artists!

Posted February 28, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Meadow Death Camas with Island Marble by Rosalie Howarth - Click to enlarge - art submission from 2013

Meadow Death Camas with Island Marble by Rosalie Howarth – Click to enlarge – art submission from 2013

San Juan Island National Historical Park is hosting a community art contest with entries due April 1-11. Get started on yours today!

The theme this year is Wildflowers and Pollinators of the San Juan Islands. Entries may be of any medium but must follow the size guide below:

  • 2-D size 8″x 10″ or 11″x 14″ only, portrait or landscape in orientation
  • 3-D size between 4″ and 18″ square

Community Arts in the Park is a competition that celebrates ecology through art! Through this program community members have the opportunity to raise awareness of the San Juan Islands’ natural diversity. Works will inspire community connections to local ecology and outdoor stewardship.

Community Arts in the Park is part of San Juan Island National Historical Park’s first ever BioBlitz, May 3-4, 2014, a special event that celebrates the area’s amazing ecology.

Contest Details: Art Contest Brochure and Entry Form (PDF)

For more information, contact Raena Parsons at 360-378-2240 ext 2222 or
Raena_Parsons [@] nps [.] gov

Rose Pruning Demonstration

Posted February 28, 2014 at 5:48 am by

Contributed photo - click for larger view

Contributed photo – click for larger view

Got Roses? Join your island Master Gardeners for a free rose pruning demonstration on Saturday, March 8, 2014 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

This year the event will be held on Jenny Prescott’s beautiful grounds, 1555 Bailer Hill Road. Jenny has a large, fenced, and fanciful rose garden, host to more than fifty roses, some trailing from a rustic pergola, others scattered about in cedar beds, all lovingly tended. WSU Master Gardener volunteers will be there with hands on pruning advice, as well as take away resource materials.

Roses can be daunting to the uninitiated, but once you select roses that are known to do well in the Pacific Northwest, once you plant them properly, sensibly prune them, water and fertilize them generously, the rose gardener will be rewarded with enviable bouquets all summer long and into the fall. Do deer love them too? Yes, they do, but an easy to make, homemade concoction can help with the dear deer. Recipe will be provided.

This free demonstration is open to all interested islanders. Bring your questions, your gloves, your hand pruners, and join us at 12:30 p.m., Saturday, March 8th at 1555 Bailer Hill Road. Look for the balloons at the turn.

Questions: call Judy Cumming at 472-0539

What is the “American Way of Life” to you?

Posted February 28, 2014 at 5:35 am by

republican-logoComfy home, good health care, freedom to worship as you please, good schools and a safe community? Is there a feeling of pride when we declare we are American? Do we appreciate the liberties we have as Americans? There is an American Spirit, a way of honor in our DNA. We are driven to hard work, pride and compassion.

San Juan County Republicans will spend 2014 concentrating on elections and ballot issues protecting our American Way of Life.

San Juan County Republicans will host Reagan Weekend Events March 7&8 on San Juan Island, Orcas Island and Lopez Island.

Bill Bryant, Seattle Port Commissioner will speak on “What American Liberty Really Means”. Other WSRP leaders will be attending including Vice Chair Luanne VanWerven, National Committee Woman Fredi Simpson, National Committee Man Jeff Kent and Snohomish County State Committee Man Jim Donner. Plans for 2014-2016 election cycles will be discussed while enjoying good food and fun.

Speaker Bill Bryant, Seattle Port Commissioner
“What American Liberty Really Means”

Friday March 7th, 5:00 PM
Dinner, Speaker, Silent Auction, Dessert Auction, History Trivia
Blue Water Grill, Friday Harbor
$50 ticket/RSVP 378-4738

Saturday March 8th, Noon
Lunch and Speaker
Lopez Community Church, 91 Lopez Road
$20 ticket/RSVP 468-2043

Saturday March 7th, 4:00 PM
Coffee and Speaker
Mamie’s Boardwalk Café, Orcas island Ferry Landing
Donation Appreciated/RSVP 376-2971