Small Town Survey IX

Posted February 27, 2014 at 5:12 pm by

Water. It’s delicious. It quenches thirst. It sustains us. A friend once said, “It’s the elixir of life”. It comes free without asking when you sit down in a restaurant… usually filled with ice cubes.

Remember, answers to previous surveys can be viewed on this page.

Play Ball!

Posted February 27, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Re-posting this story again – Don’t forget, this meeting is tonight…

Ed Yourdon photo

Ed Yourdon photo

Little League Spring Baseball and Softball Season is just around the corner! Boys and girls kindergarten through 8th grade are welcome to come out and play.

Attend our “Back to Baseball/Softball” parent information night for a BIG DISCOUNT on registration fees, Thursday February 27th at 5:30 PM in the Middle School Commons.

Go to for more details.

25 Years Ago – The Exxon Valdez

Posted February 27, 2014 at 5:40 am by

Oil coated rocks in Prince William Sound - ARLIS photo

Oil coated rocks in Prince William Sound – Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS) photo

This March there are a number of events happening around here, organized by the San Juans Alliance to recognize the 25th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in Alaska’s Prince William Sound:

  • Attend a lecture – to learn about what would happen to our islands in the event of a major oil spill.
  • Watch a movie – Black Wave: The Legacy of the Exxon Valdez – Screenings are happening on Orcas, Lopez and San Juan Islands
  • Look for drift cards – On March 24th, the anniversary day of the Exxon Valdez, a drift card drop will simulate what would happen here.

For more information and further resources, check out this official press release (PDF).

S.T.A.R. More Affordable

Posted February 27, 2014 at 5:25 am by

After School Care Now Even More Affordable
star-article2-photoStarting March 1st Island Rec is decreasing the drop-in price of STAR—Study Time and Afternoon Recreation. Instead of $12.50 ($21 for early dismissal), each afternoon will now cost only $9.50 ($17.25 for early dismissal)! Those on the free and reduced lunch program will still be eligible for scholarship pricing.

Operating out of FHES, each afternoon at STAR includes child initiated play, organized and diverse recreational and educational activities, structured homework time, craft or cooking activities, and a healthy snack. The flexible drop-in attendance options and convenient monthly billing will remain the same.

In the US more than 26 percent of school aged children are on their own after school hours, while over a million of these children are in grades K-5. With the drop in pricing, Island Rec hopes to keep the STAR program affordable for all families in the community and keep more school-aged kids out of empty homes during after school hours. Additionally, studies have shown that participation in after school programming helps decrease child obesity, expand physical activity, and increase parent and community involvement in schools. STAR is a reliable, fun, and convenient option for keeping kids safe and active.

Pick up a ‘School’s Out’ application and parent information packet at FHES, Island Rec’s office (580 Guard St), or by visiting For more information about STAR enrollment, fees, and financial assistance options call 378-4953 or email
Diana [@] islandrec [.] org

Geo Tech Club

Posted February 26, 2014 at 9:16 pm by


Join Park Ranger, Raena Parsons, Thursday evenings from 6pm-8pm, February 27-March 27 at the San Juan Island Public Library.

Learn Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map your world. Create online maps, add pictures and other information to maps, and share with your friends.

GeoTech Club is open to kids 11 to 15!

For more information, contact Raena Parsons at 360-378-2240 ext 2222 or
Raena_Parsons [@] nps [.] gov

Moving Day

Posted February 26, 2014 at 9:04 pm by

Hey, the San Juan Historical is moving some stuff on Saturday and they sure could use some help. Get a free lunch and a warm, fuzzy feeling by doing right by your community. Morning shift starts at 8:30 AM and goes to 11:30 AM. Then it’s time to eat. Afternoon shift starts at noon and goes to approximately 3:00 PM unless everyone works fast!

Meet at their location on Price Street.

Click for larger poster

Click for larger poster

Lilies on the Land

Posted February 26, 2014 at 5:50 am by

Four Women - Click to enlarge - Keith Busha photo

Four Women – Click to enlarge – Keith Busha photo

SJCT Winter Play Tells Story of “The Forgotten Army”

While the men were off fighting, the women kept their country fed. San Juan Community Theatre showcases Great Britain’s Women’s Land Army in the play, Lilies on the Land, presented on the Whittier stage February 28, March 1-2 and 6-9.

The play charts the personal journey of four women, played by islanders

  • Patti Bair
  • Cori Morrell
  • Pat Rishel
  • and Joy Van Camp

who signed up for the endless hours of backbreaking farm work in order to do their best for the war effort during World War II. Based on 150 letters and interviews with original “land girls,” the characters come from different walks of life, all having volunteered to leave their families and the basic comforts of home behind to deal with the hardships of farming life and the pressures of war.

Director Julie Laidlaw says “there was something about the energy required by these women to do their part for the war that struck me as important and moving.” Continue Reading

FHFF – The Whale

Posted February 26, 2014 at 5:46 am by

What’s up next at the Friday Harbor Film Festival’s “Tuesday Night Films” screening?…

The WhaleThis film tells the captivating, true story of a wild orca named Luna, who somehow got separated from his family off the west coast of Vancouver Island, B.C. He turned up alone in Nootka Sound, a narrow stretch of sea between mountains. Because orcas live in tight-knit family groups and are clearly social animals, one who gets separated from family usually dies. Without familiar orcas nearby, Luna sought out the attention of people in boats and on the shore.

As rambunctious and surprising as a visitor from another planet, Luna endeared himself to humans with his determination to make contact, leading to laughter, conflict and unexpected consequences.

Tuesday, March 4, 7:00 PM at the Grange – The Whale (85 minutes)

Click here for trailer and more info.

Letter from FAC

Posted February 26, 2014 at 5:12 am by

Press Release from San Juan County Ferry Advisory Committee

The Hiyu in Friday Harbor - Tim Dustrude photo

The Hiyu leaving Friday Harbor – Tim Dustrude photo

Date: Feb 25, 2014

Most of us in the islands are concerned about the ongoing problems with the Sealth, one of our three mainland ferries, which is undergoing lengthy repairs in Anacortes. Understandably, cancellations and late sailings have given rise to a great deal of frustration. There is a tendency to blame Washington State Ferries for not solving the problems quicker, or at least providing another boat that could substitute for the Sealth in the meantime.

Each time Washington State Ferries visits the islands for their semiannual public meetings, we’ve heard David Moseley (Assistant Secretary and head of ferries) repeat the concern that ferries is not financially sustainable. What we may not have understood, until now, is that he was talking about exactly the situation we find ourselves in, with one boat out of service and no adequate replacements available. Continue Reading

Library Launches Mobile App

Posted February 26, 2014 at 12:09 am by

boopsie-appsOne click access to library information from any internet-capable phone or device

Want to renew a book or place one on hold? We have an app for that. Library hours or locations? We have an app for that. Download an eBook? Find information fast? We have an app for that, too.

The San Juan Island Library has recently launched Library Now, a mobile app to put the library at your fingertips. From any mobile phone or tablet connected to the internet you can instantly tap into library resources, anytime, anywhere. You can search the library catalog, check your account, ask a question, find events, and more.

boopsie-qr-codeTo access the library’s mobile app, point your device to, or search Library Now in your mobile device’s app store, or scan the QR code at right, and download the app today. It’s free!

“Almost everyone lives on their mobile phones these days, so it’s important for the library to be easily accessible whenever and wherever people need access to our staff and rich resources,” says Laurie Orton, director. “Our mobile app puts library information just one click away with much faster access than going through a browser. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this new way to use the library by downloading our app today.” Continue Reading

Dahlias for Your Island Garden

Posted February 25, 2014 at 5:02 pm by


It’s on March 4, 2014, 1:00 pm, at the Mullis Community Center – 589 Nash Street, Friday Harbor

Paul Flack, San Juan Island Dahlia grower, will present the latest and best growing tips and information about growing Dahlias in our island gardens – a bit of history, the best choices for beginners, up-to-date insider data for enthusiasts and an explanation of sizes, shapes, classification, cut flower care and showing. There will also be an opportunity to purchase tubers for this year’s garden enjoyment.

Dahlias come in every size, shape and color imaginable and grow extremely well in our local soils and climate. So, move over lilies! Make room for some DAHLIAS!

Everyone is welcome! Come and enjoy coffee, tea, dessert and wonderful discussions about gardening topics. Please RSVP to Marguerite Bennett (378-8524) no later than March 2, so we can ensure adequate seating and desserts for everyone!!

Visit our website for more information about the SJI Garden Club.

Climate Change and Resistance talk by Guy McPherson

Posted February 25, 2014 at 2:24 pm by

Dr. Guy McPherson - Contributed photo

Dr. Guy McPherson – Contributed photo

Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson will discuss climate change, fossil-fuel addiction and energy decline.

He lives off the grid in a hay bale house and travels lecturing on sustainable choices. Why does it matter? Come find out.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014, 7:00 p.m., San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street, Friday Harbor.

Cheese Shop Hiring Part Time Help

Posted February 25, 2014 at 5:45 am by

sji-cheese-logoI just heard from  Richard over at San Juan Island Cheese – they’ll be reopening in March after taking some time off during the quiet season, and they’re looking to hire some folks.

Part-Time positions are available for:

  • Cook-Expeditor
  • Lunch Cook
  • Front of House

Click here for more info (PDF)

Public Land Bank Meeting

Posted February 25, 2014 at 5:27 am by

land-bank-logoLand Bank Commission welcomes public to monthly meeting

The monthly San Juan County Land Bank Commission meeting will be held Friday, Feb. 28 at 8:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. at the Mullis Center on San Juan Island. The public is encouraged to attend. Public comment time is scheduled for 9:00am. The agenda is available here (PDF) or by calling the Land Bank at 378-4402.

FHFF Presents “Celebrating the Beatles” with Film and Music

Posted February 25, 2014 at 5:08 am by

Editor’s Note, 3/7/2014: This event has been cancelled.

Please join the Friday Harbor Film Festival for this important fund-raising event at the Grange, Saturday, March 29th, 6 PM-9 PM

It’s been 50 years since the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show and took contemporary music in a new direction. To celebrate and honor the Beatles, the Friday Harbor Film Festival is hosting a fun-filled evening of film and music. Come dressed in your favorite 60’s outfit… we will have prizes for the best costumes! And plan to sing along and dance to the songs we all know and love.

Tickets for this very special event are $50 per person / $85 per couple, and will include two glasses of beer or wine, unlimited non-alcoholic beverages, and heavy appetizers (all provided by our local restaurants). In addition, there will be a live auction featuring many unique items, such as:

  • Friday Harbor Film Festival tickets and passes
  • a Pedego Electric Bike
  • a week’s stay on Kauai
  • a weekend get-away in Seattle
  • a weekend of sailing the San Juans
  • a three-hour boat tour for you and up to 30 friends

The Friday Harbor Film Festival is funded primarily from donations,as ticket sales cover only a small portion of our operating costs. We therefore need YOUR support as we look forward to our second annual festival next fall. So mark the evening of March 29th on your calendar, and plan to come join the FUN

Tickets available March 1st at the FHFF office; 10 First Street or
Call for reservations & to purchase your tickets; 360-298-1939