>Editor’s note – this story was originally published on Feb. 9. Reposting this story today because time is running out for you to sign up to participate in this brainstorming session. If you want to be included, sign up at the link below before the end of this weekend…
Sunshine Alley – Click for larger image
You are invited to participate in a design workshop to be held for all interested persons on the 26th and possibly the 27th of February at Brickworks to brainstorm ideas for the improvement of the Sunshine Alley block.
Workshop participants will divide into small groups to develop ideas for alley entries and portals, pathways and connections, alleyway treatments, building backside improvements and uses, outdoor dining areas, performance areas, children’s play, green space and green features, accents, landmarks, and lighting as well as any other topic the workshop participants wish to consider.
YOU MUST GO TO www.surveymonkey.com/s/SunshineAlleyDesignWorkshop AND SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE. The Town Website will also link you to photos of existing conditions as well as examples of designs that have been accomplished for other alley improvement projects that may give you ideas.
Due to space limitations at Brickworks and to allow participants a hands-on experience, you may be assigned to participate in the design workshop to be conducted on Wednesday, Feb. 26th or Thursday the 27th from 6:00-8:00 pm at Brickworks – BUT YOU MUST SIGN UP OR YOU MAY NOT HAVE A SPACE ASSIGNED FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE.
The concepts you create in this design workshop will be detailed, evaluated, tested, and refined by the consultant team in the following tasks of this process. The purpose of this design workshop is for you to create ideas – not resolve all the details.
An open house will be conducted at Brickworks and on-line once all of the design workshop concepts have been compiled, compared, and refined where you may review, critique, and rank (vote on) the ideas.
Please contact Duncan Wilson Town Administrator at 378-2810 or:
duncanw [@] fridayharbor [.] org if you have any questions about the design workshop or this project.