Co-Op Member Capital Credit Checks Are In The Mail

Posted December 10, 2013 at 5:15 am by

opalco-logoWere you a member of OPALCO in 1988? If so, you may be among the 4,192 people who will get a check from OPALCO later this month as capital credits are distributed. This is one of the distinctions that make an electric co-op unique: it is truly member owned and operated and we each have a “stake” in the utility. Once a year, as OPALCO’s finances permit, the Co-op returns capital credits to its members on a 25-year cycle. The decision is made annually by the Board after a thorough examination of the Co-op’s financial position.

What are capital credits? Because OPALCO is a not-for-profit cooperative, it does not retain profits. Instead, any revenues over and above the cost of doing business are considered “margins.” These margins are allocated to members as capital credits at the end of the year. We all receive a statement in our bill each summer that indicates the amount of capital credits allocated for the previous year. This member capital allows our co-op to finance operations and some construction projects, with the intent that this capital will be repaid to us in later years. Continue Reading

$6 Million for Marina Reconstruction

Posted December 10, 2013 at 5:04 am by

port-logoOn December 4th, the Port of Friday Harbor Commission approved borrowing $6 million in a general obligation bond from Islander’s Bank. The funds will be used to pay for the final phase of a multi-year marina reconstruction project. The Commission is pleased to work with Islander’s Bank and this is the first time the Port will work with a local lending institution to fund a major capital project.

The Port issued a call for bids for the reconstruction of the oldest parts of the marina – C, E and F docks. The wooden docks will be replaced with concrete floats. Ninety wooden pilings will be removed and fifty-four steel pilings will secure the new structures. The marina’s electrical system will be upgraded at the same time.

The earlier phases of the marina reconstruction project were funded with revenues saved from marina operations and dedicated to the Marina Reconstruction Fund. More than $1.3 million in electrical and dock upgrades have been performed over the last five years.

Trails Reopened

Posted December 10, 2013 at 5:00 am by

trailsAll the trails at Roche Harbor Highlands around Briggs Lake are open again for public use. The new dam construction has been completed, right on schedule.

The trails in the area had been closed for reasons of public safety since construction started in July, and the printed maps still show them as closed — though existing maps will be altered by hand until they’re used up.

San Juan Island Trails Committee, a committee of Island Rec, facilitating and participating actively in the creation, maintenance, and use of a network of trails for non-motorized use on San Juan Island

Yep, Kinda Chilly…

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:50 am by

Frozen Fountain at the Port; Kevin Holmes photo - click for larger view

Frozen Fountain at the Port; Kevin Holmes photo – click for larger view

Icy Waterfall at the Port; Kevin Holmes photo - click for larger view

Icy Waterfall at the Port; Kevin Holmes photo – click for larger view

In case you live under a rock (indoors somewhere) and didn’t notice, it’s been kinda cold outside lately. Look at these photos shot Saturday morning by Kevin Holmes.

This is the fountain and waterfall down at the Port in Fairweather Park. Pretty cool huh? But it’s probably not safe for ice skating yet.

Surf Smelt Restoration

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:50 am by

Before: No longer needed to support forestry operations, this log handling facility and 110 dump truck loads of rock and associated fill was removed from the north Thatcher Bay beach on Blakely Island.

Before: No longer needed to support forestry operations, this log handling facility and 110 dump truck loads of rock and associated fill was removed from the north Thatcher Bay beach on Blakely Island.

FRIENDS of the San Juans Restores Surf Smelt Spawning Beach on Blakely Island

FRIENDS of the San Juans recently spearheaded the restoration of a documented surf smelt spawning beach along Blakely Island’s Thatcher Bay. Surf smelt are a food source for larger fish, seabirds and mammals. Loss of forage fish can lead to less salmon, seabirds and whales, decreasing wildlife viewing and fishing opportunities for all of us.

“Forage fish are known to lay their eggs on only 10 miles of beaches in San Juan County. Protecting and restoring this critical habitat is crucial for the health of the marine environment and efforts to recover Puget Sound Chinook salmon,” said Tina Whitman, FRIENDS’ Science Director. Continue Reading

SJ Firewise Program to Receive Awards

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:40 am by


Firewise is a national program consisting of some 1,000 neighborhoods throughout the country. These San Juan County Firewise neighborhoods have learned how to minimize the chances of wild land fires destroying life, property, and resources in their immediate areas.

The communities receiving awards on San Juan Island are ALASKA PLACE, CATTLE POINT, MITCHELL POINT, and ROCHE HARBOR who have been active for ten years. They were numbers 92 to 95 in the nation to become certified. In the past ten years the program has expanded in San Juan County to 5 communities on non-ferry served islands, 2 on Orcas Island, 1 applicant on Lopez Island, and 38 communities with 3 applicants on San Juan Island. This has been due to the dedication of San Juan Island Fire Rescue’s Ron Garner and the Firewise team plus the Firewise community leaders.

The ceremony will be held at the County Council Chambers at 9:15am December 10, 2013.

All are invited to attend and get more information for their own neighborhoods.

For more information contact Brent Johnson, Firewise Co-odinator.

Bake Sale

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:34 am by


St. Francis Ladies Guild is having a Bake Sale next Saturday.
Cookies ~ Cakes ~ Pies ~ Breads ~ Candy ~ Almond Roca ~ Jams
Saturday, December 14th
10:00 to 1:00 at Heffernan Hall – 425 Price St.
Click here for more info.

Pets of the Week

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:30 am by



Meet Lilly and Jake, two of the nicest little dogs you’ll ever meet! Lilly is 4 years old and Jake is 3 years old. They are very well-mannered, quiet and affectionate and love snuggling! Lilly loves to have her pink belly rubbed and Jake just loves a nice warm lap.



They’re both a little on the “chubby” side, so would benefit from some walking and activity. Most of all they just need a home to call their own where they will get the love and affection they so deserve.

They’ve lived together most of their lives and would love to find a home together, but would do alright in separate homes too. They’d love to meet you!

Kiwanis Toy Drive

Posted December 9, 2013 at 5:07 am by

santa3The Kiwanis Club would like every child to have a great holiday!!! In order to make every little person’s dream come true the Kiwanis are once again sponsoring and organizing a TOY DRIVE.

There will be boxes for toys at Key Bank, Islanders Bank, Wells Fargo, Whidbey Island Bank and Friday Harbor Drug. Please come celebrate the holiday spirit by gifting new toys for kids up to age 12. If you do not have a toy, the Kiwanis would gladly accept cash donations that will be turned into toys at our North Pole location. Cash donations may be sent to Kiwanis, PO Box 814, Friday Harbor, WA 98250

If you know of a kid or family that might need something special extra or is just not in the family budget this year, please call one of Santa’s helpers at the Santa Hotline at 378 1534. Please tell Santa the age, gender and interests of the recipient if known.

The Kiwanis thank the entire community for coming together and making sure that no one goes without.

Seasons Greetings,
Kiwanis Club of San Juan Island

Spontaneous Combustion

Posted December 8, 2013 at 9:07 am by


Vehicle fire believed to be started by faulty wiring – Nick Power photo

You may have heard about Nick Power’s truck burning last week. This was the scene he woke up to Thursday morning. If you own an older Ford Truck you might want to look at this link:

Luckily the barn in the photo was saved, but the truck (obviously) was a total loss.

Oh This Doesn’t Look Good

Posted December 7, 2013 at 1:48 pm by


Town Administrator Duncan Wilson surveys the leakage from a suspected water main break on Spring Street Saturday morning.

San Juan Singers Flashmob

Posted December 7, 2013 at 1:15 pm by

Just saw the San Juan Singers at Marketplace today. If you missed it, you can still see them at their “A Night Before Christmas” event at the San Juan Community Theater on Dec. 14 at 7:30 pm or Dec 15 at 2:00 pm. Come and enjoy an evening of song with your family and friends!

Tickets are on sale now at the box office or online at

Fly and Shop!

Posted December 7, 2013 at 5:45 am by

Check out what Westwind Aviation is offering this holiday season…

SpecialShoppingA Day to shop in Downtown Seattle via Westwind Aviation!

Take in Nordstrom’s, Macy’s, Westlake Center. Maybe hop over to Pike’s Place or the Seattle Center.

Your own personal charter flight from Friday Harbor to Seattle’s Boeing Field including town car service to/from Boeing Field to downtown Seattle

Cessna 172 package -for 3- $149/Per Person*
Cessna 303 package -for 5 – $149/Per Person*


*Package price based on 3 passengers in Cessna 172 or 5 passengers in twin Cessna 303. Town Car driver gratuity not included.

If These Walls Could Talk….

Posted December 7, 2013 at 5:30 am by

Historic Tour of the Whale Museum
(Originally known as the Odd Fellows Hall)

museumJoin Robin Jacobson on Monday, December 9, 2013 at 6pm for an insightful

“if these walls could talk … and sometimes they do”

presentation and tour of the historic Odd Fellow Hall Building, today known as The Whale Museum.

odd-fellowsHear about the murder trial of Richard Straub, the only person ever to have been condemned to death in San Juan County, and stories about the ghost believed to walk the museum late at night. Discover the International Order of Odd Fellows, the benevolent organization that built the building for its lodge and community in 1892.

Visit the sick. Relieve the distressed. Bury the dead. Educate the orphan. ~ Odd Fellows Credo

December Orca

Posted December 6, 2013 at 5:55 am by

Another beautiful day – another beautiful photo from Captain Jim. And here’s his message for you today…

Photo taken on December 10, 2010 - Capt. Jim Maya

Photo taken on December 10, 2010 – Capt. Jim Maya

Just a reminder that we do see Orcas in every month of the year. And we have a covered boat with a heater. And I love to take folks out to see our amazing wildlife all year long!

Capt. Jim
Cell (360) 622-6305

Friends of the Library Holiday Book Sale

Posted December 6, 2013 at 5:50 am by


Shop local and support our library! The Friends of the Library Holiday Book Sale is December 14, 10 am to 2 pm, in the San Juan Island Library conference room. There will be a selection of specialty books, individually priced and suitable for gifts, including a number of history books focusing on World War II. Also available are fiction and nonfiction books sold for $1.50 an inch, as we have done in the summer book sale.

As a special feature, we are offering, by silent auction, a vintage copy of the Coastal Zone Atlas of Washington, Volume three covering San Juan County. In addition to books, there will be jewelry and other gift items from Treasure Cove, and a gift wrapping service for a modest charge. All proceeds go to support library programs and equipment not covered by tax dollars. We are fortunate to have a such a great community resource that provided such vital services during the communication outage last month.