You may remember a short mention of the Parking Lot Sale at Mullis Center on the Update last month. While I was there getting photos I ran into Ina Mullis who said she would offer some background information on the Mullis Center and what they’re all about and how the whole thing is based so much on volunteers (which are really needed right now). So here’s Ina, with more on that…
The Mullis Community Senior Center has been community funded for community and senior use from its beginning in 2001. When the previous senior center (Grey Top Inn at the Fairgrounds) was falling apart and the county couldn’t help, the seniors and the larger community (led by the Senior Services Coordinator at the time) raised the funds for the building and my parents donated the land. This is different from Orcas, for example, where the county owns the senior center building.
On San Juan Island, there’s a county/community cooperation where the county rents space for its Senior Service department (Wendy Stephens, Coordinator) at the Muliis Center. Then, the Senior Services Advisory Committee has the typical responsibilities of regularly advising the Coordinator on Senior Services, but on San Juan Island has the additional, rather large responsibility of operating/maintaining the facility.
Advisory Committee members are all volunteers, with the election of members held every fall. The ballots and descriptions of candidates are in the September newsletter (the Senior Signal), and the results announced in October. So, now is the time for candidates to volunteer! Being on the Advisory Committee is not hugely time consuming, but it is an important responsibility. The Center can really benefit from individuals with expertise in many areas—financial, building maintenance and repair, lawn and garden, law (rental agreements, etc.), non-profit regulations, publicity, cooking, and fund raising of all types. Candidates need to contact Bonnie Sliger, Assistant Coordinator, by September 11, 2013 at 378-2677.
Senior Services is holding its annual membership drive: $15.00 per person and $25.00 for a couple. It offers many valuable services, such as:
- Lunch Mondays and Thursdays at 11:30 for $5.00 (60 and over) or $6.00 (under 60), including a great salad buffet. ***There is a continual crucial need for volunteer drivers to bring seniors to lunch and to deliver lunches to seniors who are unable to attend.
- Regular trips for seniors in a wheel chair accessible van (shopping, scenic areas, etc.), “Friends and Neighbors” help program, foot care clinic, advice on senior services and insurances, etc.
The Advisory Committee holds fundraisers and also rents the building for community events (managed by Kathie).
- Pancake breakfast first Sunday of the month—all you can eat Pancakes.
- Coupon book which became available in May, and still has many good discounts (restaurants, dentists, and many stores around town).
- The annual parking lot sale and, then, other events as people think them up (e.g., dinner dance, entertainment such singers, dancers).
I’m happy to answer questions anytime. Also, it would be nice to raise awareness about the community responsibility for the Center. I could be wrong, but as the island population changes, more and more people could be just taking the building for granted and may not even know that it is dependent on community support.
Many thanks, Ina