SJI National Historical Park has received funding to begin the formal planning process for the Mitchell Hill and Westcott Bay properties added to the park in 2010 and in March 2013.
The Development Concept Plan (DCP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) process will address nearly 350 acres directly adjacent to the north and southeast park boundary.
The lands have a strong historic, ecological, and spatial relationship with English Camp, and offer high-quality opportunities for public use including hiking, biking and equestrian trails, and nature study.
“There are a number of challenges to managing the newly acquired parcels,” said Lee Taylor, park superintendent. “An extensive and confusing network of multiuse trails criss-cross pristine natural areas and we will need to partner with our coalition of user groups to manage these properties effectively.”
Currently bicycles, horseback riding and hiking are the primary uses on Mitchell Hill. Westcott Bay has been privately owned and not been open for public use. Although the areas are well-known to island residents, other visitors would have difficulty finding and accessing these units.
Stay posted to this newsletter and e-mail service, the park web site and local news media for updates on the process, including the initial public planning meetings.
For more information contact Jerald Weaver at 360-378-2240, ext. 2224 or Lee Taylor at 360-378-2240, ext. 2223.