Things Going On

Posted November 27, 2012 at 4:31 am by

Aaron Shepard got a great shot of a Trumpeter Swan on Egg Lake this past Saturday. Thanks for the photo, Aaron!

Trumpeter Swan on Egg Lake


Give Blood!

Wednesday, November 28
Noon until 6:00 PM
Mullis Community Senior Center

Walk ins welcome. Donors with appointments have priority at registration. For information or to set an appointment, contact Curt Van Hyning at 317-8399. Sponsored by the San Juan Islands Lions Club


Carter Travel Fund

Nicole Elben sends this message:

I would like to let our community know that there is a travel fund set up at Wells Fargo Bank to help Sam Carter’s sister Aylcia and her family travel from Anchorage Alaska to Seattle to attend his Celebration of Life in Friday Harbor. Their financial situation won’t allow them to purchase airline tickets. As this community always does when one of us is in need, let us come together and help the Johnson Family. Go to any Wells Fargo branch and ask to donate to the Alycia and Lionel Johnson travel fund. You can also contact me at 378-6139 or 317-7054. Thank you.
Nicole Elben


New Board Members Named to Home Trust

Mary, Chary, Martha and Erin

Four islanders familiar to many have been named to the Board of Directors of the San Juan Island Community Home Trust, just as the organization received a $15,000 matching grant from an anonymous donor. Continue Reading

Pet of the Week

Posted November 26, 2012 at 5:38 am by

Jake – Pet of the Week

Hi there!  I’m Jake.  As you can see I’m a handsome boy of about seven years old.  My previous owner went away to college and I was left without a home. I have perfect manners and get along well with other dogs. Cats are a different story as I find them delightful to chase….  Continue Reading

What’s Going On?

Posted November 26, 2012 at 4:23 am by

Here are some cool things coming up this week, next week and one cool event from last week that you might want to take a look at:

Join San Juan Island National Historical Park staff and volunteers for the annual old-fashioned Holiday Social, tree-trimming and cookie potluck from noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, December 8, at English Camp.

Visitors are invited to bring holiday cookies and ornaments to hang on the tree, which will be erected in the old British Royal Marine Light Infantry barracks building — just as it was likely done in the mid-1860s when the camp was in its heyday.

The park’s 2012 Volunteer of the Year award and volunteer recognition is scheduled for 2 p.m.

Admission is free. The park will provide beverages, two crackling fires to warm the bones and entertainment to include staff and volunteer re-enactors in period uniforms and dress, storytelling and contra dancing with “Pig War.” The San Juan Carolers also plan to drop by for a few songs. Volunteer awards also will be presented.

A motorized golf cart will be available in the English Camp parking area for persons with accessibility needs. For information, call 378-2240, ext. 2233, 2228 or 2227.



You are invited to a Bead Party! A BeadforLife Bead Party will be held at Islanders Bank (in the conference room) from 1-4 p.m. Wednesday, November 28. Former Islander Theresa Morrow is hosting the party to benefit impoverished women in Uganda. BeadforLife teaches Ugandan women to make beautiful jewelry out of beads made from recycled paper. The beads are then sold worldwide, with the funds going back to Uganda to help women create their own businesses, pay school fees for children, and obtain housing.

Help eradicate poverty and enjoy the beauty of these recycled paper beads by attending the Bead Party. It’s a great way to buy gifts for family and friends, and feel good doing it!


Click image above to see the photos

The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner was a big hit. Here are some photos shot by Rich Norris sent over by Diana Mancel for you to enjoy. And a few more photos sent over with a thank you note from Jim and Minnie Knych:

Thanks to all the service clubs, businesses, volunteers and diners who participated in the 14th annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the Grange.  The day certainly lived up to the name of Thanksgiving celebration.
So many people said “Thanks for doing this” but even more emphasis is on the giving part.  The most frequent comment is, “What can I do to help?”  And, there is always another job to be done at a big event like this.  
Between 425 and 450 diners enjoyed the community celebration.  It is not possible to name all who participated in some way for this venture.  Please just know that we are thankful for all of you and hope you enjoyed being part of this big San Juan Island family as much as we do.
Jim and Minnie Knych

Jim & Minnie – thank YOU!

Around the island….

Posted November 26, 2012 at 3:51 am by

The family was there for the “12 Artists – 12 Months” opening at Waterworks Gallery this past Saturday, as (from left) Charles (Matthew’s brother from New York), Matthew Gray Palmer, his mom & stepdad Kathy & Todd joined Danielle to celebrate her work on display – be sure & drop by & check out the show!

Let’s take a look around the island & see what’s happening – it was a great Thanksgiving weekend, wasn’t it? 🙂


Senior parent Melissa Guard was on hand to sell wreaths for the FHHS Class of 2013 this weekend – do you have yours?

• Did you get your wreath at the Holiday Marketplace? You still have a chance – here’s more from Tammy Cotton & the senior parents:

You may have seen us at the Artisan Fair as we are raising money for our Senior Class of 2013 to have a fun and most importantly a safe graduation party!  We are selling the beautiful 24″ holiday wreath with red bow for $25 each (checks payable to FHHS PTSA).  We have about 35 left that we need to sell, and we will deliver!  Please call Tammy at 298-4970 if you would like a wreath.  A huge thank you to those of you who have already purchased wreaths in support of this year’s Senior Class!!

Great to catch up with Wendy with High Seas Tuna at the Holiday Marketplace – she’ll be at the Saturday Market this Saturday at the high school – catch her there & stock up!


Peggy at The Rumor Mill said the show Saturday night with the True Spokes was great – and that folks left more behind than just memories:

A fabulous time was had by all last night, thanks so much everyone! So in the light of day we are finding the left behinds~~ numerous outerwear items, one pair of ladies shoes, 1 barbie doll, 1 little red fire truck, and a few other things….


• It was nice to read the nice writeup that Ted Strutz put into Yelp about the Hungry Clam, one of my favorite places to eat breakfast in the world….check it out!


• Passing: It was sad to hear of Sam Carter‘s passing on Friday….in a report from the sheriff, there was an accident down at the Port, which is still under investigation. Condolences to the family….hard times & difficult news.


That’s Charlie Anderson & Lenore Bayuk cutting the ribbon to open the new hospital a couple of weekends ago, but the Peace Island Medical Center officially opens today (November 26!) for business….it’s a dream come true for the island.


The day before Thanksgiving last week….on the water with Jim Maya (thanks, Jim!) – click to see the larger picture!


Water’s Edge Lecture Series continues…

Posted November 25, 2012 at 5:30 am by

Part 4: At the Water’s Edge Lecture Series


Wednesday Nov. 28th 6:00-7:00pm at the Grange Hall (152 First ST Friday Harbor)

What time of the year and how long are juvenile Chinook present in the nearshore environment of the San Juan archipelago? Amidst which shoreline types are they most likely to be found? What river or stock are these juvenile Chinook originating from?
To answer these questions, a study took place throughout the San Juans in 2008 and 2009. Working collaboratively with many local partners, including volunteer citizens and our WRIA 2 Salmon Recovery Program, salmon biologists Eric Beamer and Kurt Fresh conducted beach seine field work.
In his lecture Eric Beamer will provide insight into the presence and origin of juvenile Chinook salmon within the shoreline habitats of our archipelago. Shoreline Planners and Managers have the opportunity to utilize these findings in the effort to recover and protect Chinook salmon.
Eric Beamer is the Research Director with Skagit River System Cooperative (the natural resources arm of the Swinomish and Sauk-Suiattle tribes). His partner in this study, Kurt Fresh is the Estuarine and Ocean Ecology Program Director with Northwest Fisheries Science Center. They each thank all the individuals who showed up on the beach, in all kinds of weather, to help gather the nets and document the data.
For more information, please contact Karrie Cooper at info [@]


New Event for Lavendera Massage
Discover the joy of tincturing your own herbal medicines for mind, body, and spirit. Learn the immune supporting benefits of roots, barks, and berries and lore associated with the plants. In this hands-on workshop we’ll explore methods of harvest and preservation in tinctures for cold and flu season. Everyone will take home medicine from our efforts!
Aunde Cornely is a certified herbalist specializing in the herbs of Celtic countries. She combines modern science with an intuitive approach to support mind/body/spirit wellness.
Thursday November 29th 6:30 PM – Please note we are moving up the meeting time to 6:30 instead of the normal 7 p.m.
360-378-3637 or for more information

Holiday show opens at Waterworks Gallery tonight!

Posted November 24, 2012 at 10:19 am by

Holiday Girl, by Elizabeth Bruno

The opening is tonight! Here’s more from Ruth at Waterworks Gallery:

WaterWorks Gallery
Twelve Artists in the 12th Month
November 24 – Dec 21, 2012

Celebrating Twelve Artists in the 12th Month, this show features recent work in painting, glass, ceramic and stone by gallery artists including Abi Spring, Amanda Richardson, Cathy Schoenberg, Dana Roberts,Elizabeth Bruno, Jaime Ellsworth, Leslie Cain, Michael Dickter, Melinda Hannigan, R & J Gumaelius, Randall Tipton, Tom Rierden & Tom Small and introducing Danielle Dean Palmer. And of course an amazing selection of artisan jewelry, complimentary gift wrapping and delivery.

Reception for the artists, Saturday, November 24, 3-8pm

Gallery open Thursday thru Monday!

Island Lights!

Posted November 24, 2012 at 5:30 am by

Earthbox Motel, December 2009 – Photo by Tim Dustrude

Annual Island Lights Celebration and Holiday Decorating Contest
Sponsored by the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce
Cookies, Caroling, Crafts and LIGHTS!
Once again this holiday season, Friday Harbor will be transformed into a winter wonderland, as huge lighted snowflakes adorn the lamp posts and shops sparkle with holiday spirit. The annual Island Lights Celebration at the foot of Spring Street will kick off the season Friday, December 7. “Last year the old lights finally bit the dust,” says Rebecca Parks, events coordinator for the Chamber. “This year we have all new lights, thanks to the Town of Friday Harbor and the Chamber of Commerce.”
The festivities begin at 5 p.m. Dec. 7, with the lighting of the trees at Memorial Park. New lights this year promise a spectacular Flipping of the Switch! Island Rec will lead an ornament-making workshop, there will be singing by the Friday Harbor Elementary School Choir, and Island Chordsmen will be barbershopping their way down Spring Street (beginning at 4:30.) Cookies, the Kiwanis Kaboose, and the announcement of the winner of the annual Holiday Decorating Contest will round out a light-filled evening of fun and sparkle.
The Island Lights Festival was started in 1995 by the Chamber of Commerce under the direction of Debbie Pigman.

Island Lights Holiday Decorating Contest
Friday Harbor businesses will decorate their doors, windows and storefronts this Christmas season in the annual Holiday Decorating Contest. Winners will be announced at the tree lighting ceremony December 7.  Applications – available at the Chamber office at 135 Spring Street – must be in by Wednesday, December 5.  Entry fee is $20. Please contact  the Chamber of Commerce for more information: 378 5240.

Islands a Cappella Sings of Good Cheer and Reverence

The Islands a Cappella singing group, with members from Orcas, Lopez and San Juan Islands and directed by Angel Michaels, will sing of Christmas cheer and reverence at three concerts:

  1. November 30 on Orcas Island at the Rosario Resort Music Room at 6 p.m. The Orcas Boys Choir will join Islands a Cappella in performance. Tickets are $10 at Darvill’s Bookstore. Seating is limited.
  2. December 1 on Lopez Island at the Lopez Center at 6 p.m.
  3. December 2 on San Juan Island at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 6 p.m.

The program at each venue represents the breadth of millenia with songs by Michael Praetorius (“Let All the World Rejoice”) and Heinrich Isaac (“A Virgin Shall Conceive”) from the 16th century; through Maurice DuRufle’s “Where There is Love” from the20th century; to contemporary composers Javier Busto (“Light Shines on Us Today”), Damien Mocnik — who with his family came to Orcas in 2007 —  (“Verbum Supernum”); and Morten Lauridsen, a Pacific Northwest native who once worked at as Forest Service lookout and now lives in Los Angeles and on San Juan Island. Lauridsen says his work, “O Magnum Mysterium,”  affirms “God’s grace to the meek.”
Interspersed with these pieces of the mysterious reverence of Christmas are bright, uptempo songs: the bright greeting “What Cheer;”  “Deck the Halls” with a “fascinating rhythm” of 7/8 time; “Where Riches is Everlastingly,” a joyful rumba; and a modern spiritual “Jesus is Born in Bethlehem,” featuring tenor solo Gary Alexander.
There are audience participation songs too —  “Lo How a Rose e’er Blooming,” “Away in a Manger” and “In the Bleak Mid-winter.”
Islands a Cappella started in 2002 as Orcas a Cappella with the mission of “Building Bridges and International Goodwill through Shared Musical Experience.” The group has performed at Europa Cantat choral festivals in 2003, 2006 and most recently in Turin, Italy in 2012. The choir has also sponsored local performances of composers, choral directors and choirs from Sweden, Slovenia, England and Romania.
Rehearsals are Sunday afternoons at whichever island is best served by the ferry schedule. For more information about Islands a Cappella, go to Islands-a-Cappella (Facebook)


And here’s a note from Stan Matthews over at the County:

Charter Amendment Transitions Not Simple
The approval of three amendments to San Juan County’s Charter on November 6th has launched the County government into a six month period during which it will have three different County Councils and the executive authority now held by an appointed administrator will be transferred to the elected Council.

The three members of the current Council whose terms end in January, will serve out their terms. The Council members, who were elected in the November 6th election, will be sworn in on January 14 and serve with the three members whose terms have not expired, until the new three-member Council takes over in May.

The newly elected members whose terms will be truncated by the charter amendments  are: Rick Hughes of Orcas, Marc Forlenza of Friday Harbor and Bob Jarman, representing San Juan Island South. They replace departing Council Members Richard Fralick, Howie Rosenfeld and Lovel Pratt. Members Rich Peterson, Jamie Stephens and Patty Miller will continue to serve until the six member council goes out of existence in May.

The timeline for selecting the new three-member Council is as follows:

December 14, 2012 – filing deadline for County Council Candidates.

Beginning December 12, candidates can file in person at the County Elections Division or via fax or email. Filing fees must be received by the Elections Division no later than close of business on December 14. Candidates may file via U.S. Mail with postmarks as early as November 28. Online filing will not be available.

All Council members will be selected by voters countywide, but the candidates must file for the position that corresponds to their residence – Basically Orcas-Blakely, Lopez-Shaw, and San Juan Island. (Updated district maps will be posted on the County website shortly).

February 12, 2013 – Council Primary Election (If needed)

If 3 or more candidates have filed in any district, voters will select the two that will appear on the general election council ballot.

April 23, 2013 – Council Election
May 13, 2013 – New  3-Member Council sworn in

The Council will define the duties and extent of the authority held by the County Manager that they appoint, and the Council’s relationship with departments not headed by an elected official.

The transition process offers some interesting possibilities, including the chance that two Council members could already be campaigning against each other for the same seat on the three-person Council when they are sworn in for a truncated term on the six-person Council in January.

The timeline also complicates the recruitment of a County Manager, as it is possible that the final job description may not be written until the new Council takes office in May.

When appointed to serve after the resignation of Administrator Pete Rose last June, County Administrator Pro Tem Bob Jean informed the Council he would be available to serve until March 31. That was expected to be enough time to find a permanent replacement Administrator. After the passage of the charter amendments, Mr. Jean indicated that he will be discussing his availability to assist in transition process after the end of March.

More information about the Charter Review Process and the Amendments is available at
Complete election results are available at

Good News for Brickworks

Posted November 23, 2012 at 5:26 am by

Good news for Brickworks!

Brickworks Receives $100,000 Matching Donation Pledge

NOVEMBER 20, 2012 – The San Juan Islands Agricultural Guild is delighted to announced its receipt of a new major $100,000 matching donation pledge to help pay for building renovations at its Brickworks site in the core of Friday Harbor, San Juan Island.  Under the terms of this pledge, for every donation contributed by others up to $100,000, the anonymous pledge donors will contribute a like amount to the Capital Campaign now underway.
When completely matched, the resulting $200,000 will represent a major step towards the Guild’s initial goal of $430,000 to complete both the building renovation and the addition of a commercial kitchen.  “This amazingly generous contribution by a local island resident family provides a major boost to our fundraising activities”, said Susie Wampler, Ag Guild board member helping to spearhead the funding campaign.  “Coming hard on the heels of several other major recent contributions and pledge commitments, we are fired up by the extraordinary support we are receiving from the community for the Brickworks Project.”
The Ag Guild Capital Campaign’s overall goal of $800,000 will not only cover all the planned renovations and additions, but also pay off the original loan taken out when purchasing the property.  Achieving this will help make the project self-sustaining through rental fees and proceeds from other events undertaken by the Guild or others at Brickworks.
“Through extraordinary leadership grants and pledges such as this, along with the growing number of donations and in-kind contributions by an enthusiastic  group of volunteers, our objective of having the building up and running by next summer is now clearly in sight,” said Wampler.
The Brickworks Project represents a centerpiece for the Ag Guild’s mission to foster a vibrant and sustainable local food system in San Juan County, Washington, through technical and financial support to the agricultural community, consumer education, and advocacy on behalf of consumers and agricultural producers.  When completed, it will also serve as a significant economic driver for the island’s economy, bringing new life and sense of community to a previously underdeveloped and neglected part of the Friday Harbor downtown area.
For information on volunteering and donating, visit or write to info (at)

The True Spokes rock the Rumor Mill Saturday night, Nov. 24th.

“Together [The True Spokes] come up with music that strikes a nice balance between being musically and lyrically creative and yet likely to have wide appeal. There are touches of retro sounds, but originality dominates. The group often shows some cleverness, and yet it’s fairly subtle and unpretentious.”
George Graham – WVIA-FM


Photo from WA State Prevention Summit 2012

San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Island youth and Prevention Coalition leaders traveled to Yakima for the 3 day WA. State Prevention Summit. Over 750 youth and youth advisors participated from all over the State! The Youth Leadership Track includes training workshops, service projects, motivational speakers and networking opportunities so we can return to our communities and apply our new skills and confidence in the area of prevention.This year’s theme was Prevention is EPIC: Empower, Promote, Innovate, Collaborate. Want to join us? Contact the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition at 378-9683.

More Thanks

Posted November 22, 2012 at 12:10 pm by

I should have included this in my earlier “thanks” post below, but I was pretty sleepy when I posted that and it just really didn’t hit me til now, but I want to shout out a huge Thank You to Ian Byington. Thank you Ian for being such a great friend through the years, for being my mentor, my counselor, my advisor, and when I worked at By Design – probably the best employer I’ve ever had… Thank you for creating this wonderful website, The Update, which helps keep everyone in our community close to one another, and a great big Thank You for trusting me to take it forward as you move on to your next adventure. I have big shoes to fill. And to everyone giving positive comments and encouragement to me about this new endeavor – Thank You!!


Posted November 22, 2012 at 5:36 am by

For all the things we have to be thankful for, great friends, good neighbors, a wonderful community to live in with great people, we also can be thankful for ZZ Top. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Meanwhile, on Friday….shop local!

Posted November 21, 2012 at 10:13 am by

You wanted to get out & around the island on Friday anyway, didn’t you? Here are some ideas of things you can do, without leaving the comfort of your island:

• The Island Artisan’s Holiday Marketplace gets underway at 10am – here’s the scoop from Rhonda Scott:

San Juan Island Artisans are sponsoring their 34th annual event featuring the ‘best of the best’ San Juan County artists. Fifty-five artists will sell their unique, hand-made arts and crafts this year, offering a wide variety of great gift-giving items, from soaps and lotions to jewelry, clothing, cards, paintings, island-made foods, scenic photography and more.

There will be delicious snacks available by local caterer Cynthia’s of Course to keep shoppers satisfied. This is a fundraiser for the Island Artisans Scholarship Fund. Time: Friday, November 23 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  For more information contact Rhonda Scott at 298-0300 or email: [email protected]


Come see Randy & Gail!

• Also open at 10am, Gail has a sale at Cotton Cotton Cotton:

It is that time of year to start holiday shopping and Cotton Cotton Cotton wants to help! Please come in Friday, November 23rd  – 25th for a return of Mystery Discount! Friday come in and pick your discount out of the basket and get anywhere from 15% – 50% off entire purchase!  Saturday and Sunday 15% – 40% off!

Also all weekend get an additional 15% off sale items! Discount excludes all jewelry and other consignment items. Hope to see you here!  We will be open at 10:00am.

Drop by & see Kim!


• And…at 7am – Kim Wickman has special Black Friday deal at Be Chic Boutique:

Happy Thanksgiving to All! Well, this is my first “Black Friday Sale.”  Please come help me and the girls celebrate!  On Friday, November 23, 2012 from 7 am (yes 7am!) until Noon all clothing (except the new lines of workout wear) is 50% off!!!!  Gift wrapping available 🙂



Shopping Spree at Kings Market – wahoo!

Posted November 20, 2012 at 3:01 pm by

Donald & his mom Sarah did the honors….watch the video!

It was fast & it was fun.

Kings Market owner Verne Howard congratulates Sarah after the spree….

It’s been fun the last few weeks to wonder who would get to do the four minute annual shopping spree that the Lions Club puts on each year, right before Thanksgiving….

This year’s winner, Twoie Ridgway, chose her daughter Sarah Galt & grandson Donald Galt (who tells me the basketball team at FHHS is lookin’ good this year!) to do the four minute race, which came with a $50 certificate for meat & cheese.

Here’s the video I made (and sped up, so you can watch it in a minute or two) of the run – way to go, you guys!

The event benefits the Lions’ High School Scholarship Fund – wahoo!

Way to go, Kings Market & way to go, Lions!


At the end….nearly $600 of food!

Pies! Get yer Pies!

Posted November 20, 2012 at 2:39 pm by

This was sent over from the Elementary School….

Around the island….

Posted November 20, 2012 at 12:16 am by

Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center Director & Road Scholar Director Randy Martin congratulates San Juan Transit’s Dan Ward for a great Road Scholar season – Dan provides transport for nearly 900 program participants from March to November, hosted by Skagit here on the island. Great job, guys! (Dan’s on the ferry on the way to México for he winter….)

There’s a lot going on….let’s check it out:

• Today is the San Juan Island Lions Club’s Annual Shopping Spree, wherein a lucky winner has four minutes to run around Kings Market gathering as much as possible in a grocery cart. Kinda like the Running of the Bulls, but easier on the spectators….the action is at 1:30 Tuesday. This year’s winner is Twoie Ridgeway, with consolation prize turkeys going to Burk Gossom, Blue Middleton, and the Food Bank.

See you there!


• Hey, you knew the island’s solid waste facilities are closed on Thanksgiving, but did you know they’re closed Friday, too? Save it for Saturday, when they’re open….


Nancy Young welcomes home daughter Jenny MacDonald a couple of weekends ago when she came home for the weekend from the University of Victoria….great to see the kids back on the island!


• It’s sad to hear from Patsy Scribner about Bill’s passing – here’s more:

William J. Pierson passed away at his home in Wylie, Texas on November 9,2012. Bill was the former Chief Financial Officer of Islanders Bank and a Friday Harbor resident for more than 20 years. He is survived by three sons, William Pierson, Jr., Brian Pierson and Jmaes Pierson. He is also survived by his two grandchildren, Kaylee & William, all residents of Texas.


• My friend Caroline says we’re in the news:

Hello, Ian!

If you peruse Mark Bittman’s NYT links blog you’ll see that he included San Juan County’s rejection of GMOs! Perhaps his blog is of interest to your readers?

Happy Autumn!


Ciely is happy to welcome quilter Penelope Torkington, whose work is on display at the Lavendera Massage Center till December 31st….drop by & see her contemporary textile art today!


The soccer guys have had a great season….

• It’s cool to hear from Sam Paul-Barrette how the fall season went – here’s more (thanks, Sam!):

Hi Ian, Wanted to share with you that our Boys U19 (Under-19) soccer team recently finished a great season.

We had a record of 5-1-3 (5 wins, 1 draw, 3 losses), and tied for third place out of 10 in a league mostly including teams loaded with seniors as well as college freshman. Our team was one of the league’s youngest, with ten sophomores, four juniors and only one senior. Lots to look forward to for the spring varsity season, which begins March 9 against the defending state champions, Overlake. Thanks for your support!

Thanks, Sam “P.B”



• The good folks at the Port are sad to see  Bob go….here’s more from Deanna:

That’s Port Director Marilyn O’Connor, Harbormaster Tami Hayes, Port Commissioners Mike Ahrenius & Barbara Marrett, with Bob Freeauf & Port Commissioner Greg Hertel – congrats, Bob!

The Friday Harbor Port Commission honored Bob Freeauf at their meeting on November 14th. After 28 years taking care of the docks, buildings and grounds of the Port of Friday Harbor, Bob is hanging up the clipboard, turning in the walkie-talkie, putting down the hammer and calling it a day.

Bob began working at the Port in 1984 when the marina was half its current size. In his early years on the job he saw the construction of the new breakwater, additions to the office and restrooms, parking lot and park expansions. Later the Port added Jackson’s Beach and the Spring Street Landing Marina to Bob’s list of things to worry about.

Over the years he has saved energy, gotten rid of garbage, safeguarded stormwater, helped customers, improved safety, rebuilt restrooms, and kept the piling healthy and the floats floating.

With a smile on his face and a whistle on his lips, Bob has been a long-time presence on the waterfront. He will still be here on the island, playing his accordian, and planning his own maintenance projects in between travels with family and friends. Fairwinds, Bob!


Drop by!

• Ashley Paull at IPT reminds me there are a couple of days left:

Hi Ian!

It’s getting close to that time of the year again. I just wanted to announce that Islanders Physical Therapy is having their second annual Thanksgiving food drive this year. We welcome the community to drop by with any items they wish to donate. Thank you!


Get yours!

• You can pickup your Thanksgiving pie tomorrow – here’s the word from Barbara Lord & the PTA:

We have been busy making pies for the the Thanksgiving holiday! Come pickup pumpkin and pecan pies & help support your school and kids..Pumpkin Pies are $15.00 and Pecan Pies are $20 at the elementary school! See you there!


• It’s been 28 years! Steve Porten & Shann Weston celebrated their anniversary this week!


And now, a gallery of rainbows!

It was mid-afternoon yesterday down at the marina when Kerry Andrews caught this double rainbow – be sure & click on this picture to see a larger version! (Thanks, Kerry!)

Another angle, of the rainbow over the entrance to Friday Harbor – photo by Jack Woolsey (click to see full size! Thanks, Jack!)

I was in town, near Islanders Insurance, when the clouds parted…..

“First Snow”

Posted November 20, 2012 at 12:01 am by

Arctic Raven Gallery

Arctic Raven Gallery sends along this notice:

Our long summer drought is over and the familiar rains have made their first appearance.  “First Snow” is just around the corner. “Apiqqaagun” (Yup’k for first snow) has already arrived in the far north. The transition down here will be much more fun as we present the colorful works of Aleut artist Thomas Stream.

Geometric designs are embodied into his creatures to reflect the importance of the spiritual beliefs of the Aleut. The colors are the voices of life crying out: “We are all here in harmony of spirit.”

Arctic Raven invites you to come in out of the cold. There will be a hot cider reception on November 23 between 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm.

 Arctic Raven Gallery – 130 First Street South
PO Box 792, Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Passing: Sandy Cameron

Posted November 19, 2012 at 9:25 am by


It was so good to have Sandy around – whether he was helping welcome people at the Community Theatre or setting up the next Robert Burns Dinner (or telling me how cool it was that some Koreans were setting up one…in Korea! And were using him as a consultant….). The island misses him – here’s a writeup form Rona & his family:

Sandy Cameron
March 10th 1953 ~ October 24th 2012

Sandy passed away at home on his beloved San Juan Island  surrounded by nature. A place where his cherry trees flourished and deer, foxes and raccoons walked right by his window. Bearded Collie Dusty dog gave chase at the first whiff of intruders!  Sadly, Dusty took himself off to a favourite place in the woods and passed away in August at age 13. He was much loved by all who met him.  R.I.P.  darling Dusty…

Sandy leaves behind son Craig 30 and wife Michelle in Hawaii, son Euan, 28 in Rothes, Scotland, plus sister Christine, husband Pano and sons Georgie and Christos near Athens, Greece, uncle Jimmy and aunt Elsie  in Scotland and many friends on the island and around the world.

Bannockburn, Scotland was Sandy’s birth place and he was a keen cyclist in his youth. In later years he organised cycle races in Scotland, then cheered his favourites in the Tour De France every year on TV. Sandy graduated with Diploma in Town and Country Planning in 1975 from Glasgow School of Art, working as a Town Planner for Falkirk and Moray Councils and was a Small Business Adviser for some years. Continue Reading