The Conservation District Election is next week – you have to go by the office & pick up your ballot & get it in by next Tuesday….here are the candidate statements & the info about how to vote:
Candidate Statement from April Lalande
As a lifelong Washington resident, I spent many memorable early years on San Juan Island with my family. My husband Mike and I decided to move to San Juan Island permanently last year, and have been fortunate to meet some wonderful people. I hope to be able to continue my work of helping farm owners through the San Juan Islands Conservation District, which faces many unique challenges serving San Juan County landowners.
Experiences related to running for this position: Educator/Facilitator: We provided tours and education on our demonstration farm in North Bend for over 300 landowners and educators over the last several years in conjunction with King Conservation District, Horses for Clean Water, Washington State University, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife and King County DNR, on a range of diverse topics including: low impact horse logging, growing productive pastures for specific species, forest stewardship, protecting ground and surface water, optimal composting, wildlife diversity and enhancement, elk management, and managing livestock costs by implementing specific best management practices. I am a writer for Horses for Clean Water and The Green Horse, and have contributed to various northwest horse publications as well as to Thurston, Mason, Snohomish and King Conservation District literature.
Current Work: Horses for Clean Water – I provide research, writing, continuing education, and support at community events in the Northwest. We help farm owners network and find the tools they need to make their farms and animals the healthiest and most productive they can be – a win-win for all. I am also a Washington State Certified Water Operator and run and own a small Class A water system.
Award Winner: Our farm was awarded the 2008 Landowner Farm of the Year for King County, and was runner up for Wildlife Farm of the Year in 2006.
I am honored to be running for a seat on the San Juan Islands Conservation District Board of Supervisors, and am asking for your vote.
Thanks for your consideration,
April LaLande
Candidate Statement from Ron Zee
As a past District Manager of the San Juan Islands Conservation District, I am a strong proponent of land and water conservation and stewardship. My family owns and operates Sweet Earth Farm on San Juan Island and we have sold produce at the San Juan Farmers Market for over five years. I have served on the County Agricultural Resources Committee for the past six years, three of those years as Chair. I am a member of the Stewardship Network of the San Juans, a coalition of public and private organizations, which promotes a stewardship ethic in the islands. If elected to the SJICD Board, one of my top priorities will be working to ensure cooperation between San Juan County and the Conservation District regarding the Voluntary Stewardship Program that the County Council recently opted into to address the CAO and agricultural activities.
Vote in the San Juan Islands Conservation District Election
The election of the San Juan Islands Conservation District will be held on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. All San Juan County registered voters are eligible to vote in this election. One supervisor will be elected by registered voters and one supervisor will be appointed by the Washington State Conservation Commission for a 3-year term on the governing board of the San Juan Islands Conservation District.
The Board of Supervisors is responsible for governance and oversight of the Conservation District, for formulation of policy regulating District operations, for approval of District budgets, and monitoring use of District resources. The Board of Supervisors meets monthly, and individual supervisors typically also serve on District committees and provide technical support as appropriate. Supervisor positions are not compensated.
We have one appointed position vacant as well. This position expires in May 19, 2012 and is a three-year appointment.
The Washington State Conservation Commission must receive applications for appointment no later than March 30, 2012 by 5pm.
For more information, please contact Carol Maas at the San Juan Islands Conservation District 360-378-6621 or e-mail [email protected], or visit the Washington State Conservation Commission website at
This election will be conducted by mail-in or drop-off in person at the polling station, 540 Guard Street, #150, Friday Harbor from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28, 2012.
Those wishing to vote in this election, by mail, must request a ballot, and must do so not later than February 21, 2012. Ballot requests may be submitted, to the attention of the Elections Officer. Please provide your name, address, phone & email address. These are needed to verify voter registration.
mail: SJICD, 350 Court Street, #10, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
telephone: 360-378-6621
fax: 360-378-2445
email: [email protected]