Newscap: Tuesday

Posted December 6, 2011 at 7:36 am by

At Strand's Open House on Sunday, Dean & I didn't have glasses of good cheer to clink, so we clinked rum balls instead.

Let’s take a quick look around:

• The Wolverines are back in action tonight with basketball at FHHS – they started the season last weekend with the girls beating South Whidbey 41-35, and the boys coming close before dropping a 48-44 decision. Concrete comes visiting tonight for their first game of the season.

By the way, the wrestling team has a rare home match on Friday – see ya there!


Welcome to the island, Clark Gabriel!

• When I dropped by to visit Bettie Wilde at LUSH hair & nails studio on Friday evening, we chatted for a bit & she mentioned that she was due to deliver her baby around the 28th…well, Christmas came early, as baby Clark Gabriel arrived this weekend instead – congrats to Bettie & Sascha!


• It’s an annual island thing: The Lighted Boat Parade is this weekend, with the Santa Ship for the kids coming to bring Santa to the middle school ’round 6:30pm on Sunday…drop by & say hey to Santa!


Rebecca was wondering if you would like to lend a hand on New Year’s Eve:

Volunteers Needed for New Year’s Eve Community Celebration

Island Rec and the San Juan Island Prevention Coalition are teaming up once again to offer an alcohol-free community party on New Years Eve from 7-9pm at the Mullis Center.  Volunteers are needed to help decorate the day of and to lead fun activities at the event.   Please call Rebecca at 378-4953 if you are interested in volunteering for this wonderful and exciting community event.


Friday night at the Christmas Tree Lighting event downtown, you could tell that Julie (left), Nancy and Joy were ready the celebrate the season coming to the island....


Have you been by Cotton Cotton Cotton (next to The Rumor Mill) lately? Linda has her jewelry there (Linda's Design's) - cool stuff!

• Just got this note to share with you, from Jennifer at the IMA:

For the month of December 2011, the IMA is presenting a window display of selected student work from the 6th through 12th grades.  The IMA helps provide grants for Art Teachers in the San Juan Island Public Schools.  We want to thank our members and the community for supporting the Museum with donations and volunteering to make this possible!!!! Get on Santa’s “Good List” at the IMA!!!!  Make sure your name is on our Member List and support art in our school system!!!!!  Happy Holidays from the San Juan Islands Museum of Art and Sculpture Park!!!!

Beginning in January 2012, an additional grant/donation funded program by the IMA will be providing art to K-2nd grade and students who did not have an art teacher this year!!!!!! This program will involve community artists teaching our children!  The creativity and determination of our community supporting the IMA has made this happen.  Thank You!

Get involved with the Islands Museum of Art and its continued support of Art Education!

Contact IMA Director Jennifer Elise to volunteer, donate, and become a member of the IMA!
Write admin (at)  or call 360-370-5050.


Ruth Offen welcomed former Garuda & I owner Dianne Coe this past weekend at Waterworks Gallery to show her jewelry....

Community Theatre comes alive with Holiday Festival….

Posted December 6, 2011 at 7:02 am by

Debra & Mitch were among the theater-full of folks who came out to the Holiday Festival this past weekend....

It was great to see so many people turn out for last weekend’s Holiday Festival at the Community Theatre. The theatre’s biggest fundrasier of the year went very well – raising the money that needed to be raised, and getting people on the same page in support of that.

But there was more than that. There was the high school-prom-like feeling of everyone dressing up and coming to the place to see each other….

And there was more than that. There was the entertainment & environment, with the amazing John Curley auctioneering (along with his delightful daughter Charlie) & talking faster than a human has a right to. Great music, great food.

And there was more than that. There was the feeling of us all coming together and enjoying being together, and of the Community Theatre creating a community of folks for a night that enjoyed each other, and being together, while celebrating the chance to do that, all year long.

When we’re together, it works. There doesn’t need to be more than that.

Here’s a little slideshow of folks all dressed up with somewhere to go, with video to give you a flavor (and memory) of the night. By the way, if you haven’t seen Sharon’s pictures on the San Juan Islander from the night, check ’em out – she did an awesome job.

Community Dinner – this Wednesday!

Posted December 6, 2011 at 12:45 am by


Posted December 5, 2011 at 7:58 am by

The still waters of Roche Harbor at sunset last were there.

“When despair for the world grows in me, and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be — I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.

“I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought or grief.

“I come into the presence of still water.

“And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

Wendell Berry

Hey, want a sub? Kenny’ll get it to you!

Posted December 5, 2011 at 7:50 am by

It starts today - Kenny at KO's Subs begins free delivery to your place in town, at work ....just call 370-5496. Delivery hours are 11-2, Monday through today!

It’s this week! The Flea & Craft Market!

Posted December 4, 2011 at 11:44 pm by

Bikes & Santa…this week

Posted December 4, 2011 at 12:01 am by

Glenda Edwards, Mikial Denker and Frank Penwell...ready to get a bike to a kid near you....

Here’s a note from Glenda about what Santa & she are up to:

This started with a drive into town over Labor Day weekend when I saw some bicycles lined up on the side of the road with a big FREE sign in front of them.  I thought here’s an opportunity to join forces with Santa to find good homes for these bicycles. They were in need of some attention before they could find a new home.  They needed to be cleaned up, some needed the rust removed, new tires and new seats for starters.

I immediately thought of Mikial with “Travel Light Cycles,” who reconditions pre-peddled bicycles and resale’s them at affordable prices.  He gladly jumped aboard to provide the TLC needed to make these bicycles ready for new peddlers.  He’s passionate about getting more kids on bicycles, as well as the young at heart.  And if you have a bicycle that needs a tune up go by and see him at Surina Business Park.  He also has lots of other bicycles for sale for kids as well as adults, so think of your Christmas list…….

We thought this would be a great annual event.  But where could we continue to get bikes to rehab to give away to Island boys and girls?  Mikial suggested Frank with “Consignment Treasures”.  So we meet with Frank and found some bicycles he had available as well as a few bicycles helmets.  He was excited about our project and is happy to continue to donate bicycles that are dropped off.

Here’s how you can help….. if you have a bicycle or a helmet you’re not using anymore you can drop them of with Mikial or Frank.  This can be done at any time during the year, as there’s always next Christmas……

Write Santa a letter as to why you or someone you know should be the proud owner of one of these bicycles.  Here’s your opportunity to be Santa’s helper.  Do you know of someone who could really use a bicycle?  Be sure to include your/their age, contact information and other details.  That’s what the holiday season is all about helping and giving to others.  Bicycles will be delivered on Sunday, Dec.18th.

Send your letters to Santa by December 10th at:

Santa’s Cycles • P. O. Box 457 • Friday Harbor, WA  98250
Email: santa (at)

 For more information, details, pictures, and updates go to

or LIKE Santa’s Cycles on Facebook!!!

Around town on a Saturday….

Posted December 3, 2011 at 1:31 am by

The Farmers' Market is inside today at the high school from 10am-1pm...see you there!

When you’re out & about, here are some things to check out:

• Whoa! Susan Feldmiller has an open house for her massage studio set for 11-3 today & Sunday at the Technology Center on Mullis Street (next to Napa Auto Parts). Besides massage, she and her studio partner Karen offer handmade lotions. Complimentary massages  – drop by & visit!


Earlier this week, Aaron (high) and Ashley (low) hung the lights at the Palace Theatre...Friday Harbor looked great last night during the tree lighting ceremony & afterwards, up and down Spring Street & down the side streets too!


• Well, if you gotta cook chicken at one point or another, you need a little bit of a plan…and that’s where Hobbes comes in – here’s his approach (and here’s his website):


• Have  you voted for Aaron D’Errico‘s design yet?
Voting ends today, so hurry! Here’s the design & the place to cast your vote:


By Dianne Coe....drop by & see her at Waterworks Gallery today from 1-4pm for her trunk show of her latest works! Dianne was the longtime owner of The Garuda & I -she ahs always been a jeweler with an eye towards the unusual and the unique.


• Kevin Holmes just posted this little (and wonderful) vid of harbor seals out at Roche Harbor teaching their pups to hunt or play in the water or play with their food, or maybe all three. You’re gonna say, “Awwwww….” – see what you think:


An Olde Tyme Christmas at the San Juan Island Historical Museum…

Posted December 3, 2011 at 12:47 am by

Uncle Jimmy Chafee & niece Sienna Rose Bartlett enjoyed the swirl of colors & light & song at The Historical Museum on Thursday night....

Thursday night at the Museum was awesome – there was a lot to like!

There was plenty of food (the chili & Ivar’s clam chowder was a hit, and the cookies were all nearly gone when the evening was over, and the apple cider, too!) and the music just kept coming, with the Island Chordsmen & then Mary & Phyllis, and I got to play & do a singalong with a wonderful group of 7-part harmony carolers at the end of the night…it was great. Thanks to director Kevin Loftus, his very involved board, and all the volunteers who made it all happen!

Here’s are some photos by Update photographer Tamara Weaver of happy faces, among the dozens that were there.

Maury & Molly Liebman get into the spirit of things...

People sing along with the old familiar Christmas songs, led by Phyllis Adelman (organ) and Mary Doerflein (violin). It was beautiful....

My action. Thanks, you guys - you sounded awesome!

I get a chance to visit with Conrad (left) and Fred Yockers (right); meanwhile, Colin & his daughter Sailor enjoy the evening.

Newscap: Heading into the weekend…

Posted December 2, 2011 at 6:31 am by

The scene on Tucker Avenue at night, just past the road that goes to the Labs....

Let’s see what’s going on ’round the town:

Tree Lighting tonight! Sing-a-long at 5, lighting at 5:30pm! Here’s the deal:

Friday Harbor Tree Lighting Celebration
5:00 pm – Holiday Music and Sing-a long
Children’s Creative Center ~ crafting holiday tree ornaments, Hosted by Island Rec in the Arcade Building
Cookies, Coffee, & Cocoa ~ Hosted by Soroptimists in the Arcade Building
Kiwanis Club of Friday Harbor – K-Boose Hot Dogs!
Bring your camera for Photos with Santa at Memorial Park, and bring your donation of cash or food items for our local Food Bank.
 5:30 pm Tree Lighting Ceremony

Please join us at The Whale Museum after the Tree Lighting Ceremony for some holiday treats and goodies – free to the public and open until 7p.m.
We are located at 62 First Street North. For more information call Sue Vulgares at:  (360)378-4710 ext.30.


Try it!

It's NEXT weekend - The Lighted Boat Parade is on the 11th - but do you have your lights? Get ready! Photo by Norris Palmer.


• This is a great night to finally catch Blithe Spirit.

This is the final weekend, with shows tonight & Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 4pm.

Meanwhile, the Rumor Mill has Open Mic tonight & OPA tomorrow, so when you’re stepping out you got ideas where to go….


It's Saturday!


Holiday gift ideas, while keeping things local:

1. If you’re getting a book, you know that we have three of the best independent bookstores around – drop by Serendipity (used books! recycling at its best!), Harbor Bookstore next to the ferry, and Griffin Bay Books across from Kings.

2. Drop by Printonyx to get your cards & stuff made – Kris & the crew do an awesome job!

3. Get that photo made into a cloth-based picture – it’ll look good on canvas! Call Regan today at 317-6936, or drop by Strand (she has her open house tomorrow!)

4. Drop by Island Studios anytime – it’ll give you plenty of ideas from plenty of artists from the islands. Great place to dream.

5. Have you seen Mark Gardner’s Images of the San Juan Islands coffee-table book….it’s been a best-seller for years here – here’s more.

6. Set aside a half-day where you go see your five best friends & you drop in on them & give them a holiday hug, and tell ’em you’re glad that they are your friend. Easy to budget, easy to deliver. You have the love….share it.

7. Quietly drop stuff off at the Food Bank, and if you need to (it’s cool, and it’s there to make your budget work out), drop by & get food. It’s called sharing because it goes both ways.

8. Take a walk in town…a lot of shops have sales.

9. Tomorrow at the MarketPlace, there’s an all-day collection for folks in the Armed Services…think about sending a bit of love from home.

10. A certificate from any restaurant or store here in town…keeps you from guessing whether you got it right or not for the present-receiver. And if you bought it here in town, you guessed right.


Have you been by Jeannie Gibson's place lately? She has an amazing collection of consigned clothes, and she can make anything you've got fit better (she's an excellent seamstress!) She's at 849 Spring Street - call ahead at 378-3378.


“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?”
“What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?”
“I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
“It’s the same thing,” he said.


• The shuffle is on – here’s more from Michelle Carson:

Start the shuffle this weekend, for next weekend!

Hi Ian,
The Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool have teamed up to create a Toy & Clothing Shuffle. Here’s more:

Please take a little time this weekend to go through your childs’ closet and clear out those outgrown or unwanted clothing and toys. Make some room for the treasures Santa might be bringing.

The Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool have joined together to create the TOY & CLOTHING SHUFFLE and BAKE SALE.

We are looking for Donations of toys and clothing in GOOD CONDITION. (Clothing for 0-5yrs, and maternity.  Sorry, we are unable to accept stuffed animals or car seats.)

All toy and clothing donations will be accepted at the Presbyterian Church (425 Spring St) Friday December 9th between 5-7pm. If you don’t have any toy or clothing donations, maybe you could bake something for the bake sale?

The following day (Dec. 10th 10am-2pm), come treat yourself to a goodie from the bake sale while browsing, and see what treasures you can find for your children.

No money is exchanged; however, we will gladly accept cash donations.  Any money received will benefit the Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool programs.

What a great way to have an affordable & “green” Christmas!



• A friend could use a hand – here’s more from Marie Dicristina:

Elizabeth Welch Medical Fund now established

The friends and family of Elizabeth Welch have set up a fundraiser account at Wells Fargo Bank to help with the overwhelming medical costs from her cancer surgery and treatments.

Elizabeth is known by many as President of the Island Arts League (provides art education and holds the Art Raffle at the Fair). She is a gifted artist, holds a master’s degree in History, lover of music,has a passion for drama and theater and is kind soul who now needs the giving community to assist her in her battle and medical costs. She has been involved with the San Juan Singers, a San Juan Library volunteer, worked with the Library beading fundraiser group and has made many friends with many islanders and artists.  She is currently in the process of writing a small book on a local legend and fellow artist.

Any kind gift would be appreciated. Please make checks to the Elizabeth Welch Fund account and take or send to the Wells Fargo Bank, P. O. Box 189, Friday Harbor, WA 98250  (378-2128). Many thanks to those of who can contribute and best wishes to all this holiday season.

The friends and family of Elizabeth Welch



You can lend your name & support….

Posted December 2, 2011 at 5:39 am by

Here’s an idea from Alan, sharing an idea from our friends at the Community Foundation:

The Ideal Holiday Gift: A Personalized Brick at the PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center

 Need a new holiday idea that celebrates a special event, remembers a loved one or sends a message? Inscribed bricks and dedicated garden benches at the new PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center are now available. The bricks will cover the outdoor plaza adjacent to the main lobby and the garden benches will provide outdoor respites throughout the site. Sample bricks and images of the bench will be on display, and available for purchase, at the Marketplace on Friday December 9 and Saturday December 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and from the San Juan Island Community Foundation throughout the holiday season. Continue Reading

What about a $100 Christmas?

Posted December 1, 2011 at 1:56 am by

More than enough...gotta be more to it, than that.

There are lots of different ways to look at this…here’s one, by one of my favorite writers, Bill McKibben, in an essay I’ve posted each year in one form or another since the days when I was a long distance runner (now I’m a long distance walker, and that’s what I did last year for Christmas): check it here.

And a happy one to you, too….


Sand dollars…

Posted November 30, 2011 at 11:54 pm by

Finding, not keeping....

Here’s a little story from our friend Derek Sivers:

232 sand dollars

When I was 22, I lived alone on the Oregon Coast for a year, just practicing, recording, dreaming, and going for 10-mile runs in the sand.

I had been coming to this beach since I was a baby, and had spent hundreds of hours walking every bit of it.

As a kid, our rare golden treasure was to find an unbroken sand dollar shell on the beach. It had happened maybe five times in my life.

But that year, one cold spring day, when I had the whole beach to myself, I was out for a run, and I found one! A few minutes later, I found another! 30 seconds later, another, and another. I carried them in my pocket at first, but then had to take off my shirt to use it as a bag.

By the time I got home, I had collected 232 unbroken sand dollar shells.

I put them all out in the sun to dry, amazed at my good luck.

I bragged to my family. This had to put me in our beach-house history book.

I tried to think of all the things I could do with 232 sand dollars.

After two days, the excitement wore off. I realized I wasn’t ever going to do anything with them. Now it was just stupid for me to keep all of these sand dollars sitting there doing nothing.

The excitement was in finding them, not keeping them.

That weekend was a big 3-day holiday weekend, and the beach was going to be filled with tourists.

So Saturday morning at 6am, I took all 232 sand dollars, and went for a long 10-mile run on the beach, tossing them one at a time, very spaced out, so all the tourist kids could each find a few.

By the end of my run, as I was heading home, I got the quiet satisfaction of watching two kids scream with excitement at finding one.

Around the island……..

Posted November 30, 2011 at 2:31 am by

Mom & daughter: Cynthia (of course!) and Claire serve it up at the Holiday Marketplace last weekend....

I don’t mind if you tell me you need to relax, but don’t tell me there’s nothing to do! Let’s look around a bit:

• The Friday Harbor High basketball season gets underway this Saturday with games at 4:30pm & 6pm at home – see you there!


• You know that Holiday Festival deal at the Community Theatre on Saturday, with the auction by John Curley & all the food & silent auction things? There are still a few tickets left & it’s a fun way to support your local Theatre – if you want to see how it looked last year, with everyone all dressed up, take a look:


Keith, in action & on the airwaves...

• This is awesome – I’ve told you how proud I am of Keith Busha‘s film about Damanhur called Dreams of Damanhur (here’s the previous report – you’ll say “Wow!”).

Well, last night on Hay House Radio, Keith was interviewed by Eldon Taylor at 3am. I’ll bet you missed that one, but I didn’t – it was awesome to hear an islander on a station that has tens of thousands of listeners tell his story so well. The interview will be replayed at 1am-2am on December 3rd, and from 8am-9am on December 4th (if you’re the type to sleep in.)

The Hay House Radio is easy to dial in…just click on the website & choose the “Listen Now” link, and you can hear the show that’s on.


• Speaking of Keith, he and Susan Williams are back playing at The Rumor Mill tonight (they’re called RoseBlade) – catch ’em there!


• Did you get by The Golden Triangle last night? Avon’s Winter Dinner Specials are happening – Monday is Japanese Night, Tuesday is Vietnamese Night, and Wednesday is Laotian Night. See you there!

It was fun to find Dan Millman's book at a bookstore a couple of weeks ago in Canada - the cover is by island artist Taylor Bruce....

Meanwhile, the Coho Restaurant is doing Sushi on Wednesday evenings… here’s more from Anna Maria:

We’ve been doing it all month and will continue until summer. We offer a full dinner menu – hand made dumplings with local pork, chicken terriyaki, seaweed salad, miso soup, yakisoba, maki, temaki, sashimi and a special fish entree of the day. There is always lots of sake, sapporo beer and our house made ice creams for dessert. Come on by!


• Have you been thinking about buying an ad on The San Juan Update? I just checked, and we had 2700 visitors come read this page yesterday. The spots are just $75 a month – call me at 378-3597 & we’ll get you started!


• Bring your writing to The Writers’ Café open mic from 5:00 – 6:30 pm at The Bean on Friday, December 2nd. Bring your fiction, nonfiction or poetry to read, or just show up to listen. Coffee, tea, pastries and such will be available for purchase.


• Hey, there’s an Open House at The Mystical Mermaid on Saturday, to celebrate their new spot on Spring Street – drop by & say hey! The Grand Re Opening is from 10am-6pm at 270 Spring Street, with a raffle for $50 gift certificate, a contest to name the carved cedar mermaid (with $50 gift certificate as a prize!), and free cookies and muffins.


• Drop by Strand this weekend!


• I’ve gone to the Historical Museum’s Christmas Celebration the past few years & it’s great fun – come by & sing & eat! Here’s more from Kevin:

Annual Old-Fashioned Christmas Celebration
San Juan Historical Museum
Thursday, December 1
5 – 8 pm

Start the season off right by attending a time-honored island tradition. The event is the museum’s way of saying thank you to the community for its continuing support. The museum buildings will be decorated in holiday finery and the winter wonderland train set—a delight for children of all ages—returns. Enjoy baked goodies galore, world famous Ivar’s clam chowder, chili (vegetarian too) and hot apple cider. Traditional caroling by the Island Chordsmen, and Ian Byington will belt out the sing-a-long classic holiday tunes we all remember. Free and open to all, so come one, come all and come hungry!

Please contact the museum for further information at 360.378.3949 or visit &


• Scott Hale tells me the Island Inn at 123 West has partnered with Stash Hotel Rewards…here’s more:

The Island Inn at 123 West is pleased to announce its partnership with Stash Hotel Rewards®, the largest loyalty program for independent hotels in the United States.  Guests at The Island Inn are now able to earn points toward free nights at more than 150 independent hotels across the country.  And Stash members who travel off the coast of ordinary can earn and redeem points to stay at Friday Harbor’s newest best kept secret, The Island Inn at 123 West. Continue Reading

Stormy Thanksgiving Day….

Posted November 30, 2011 at 1:15 am by

Tossing the driftwood around like matchsticks at Deadman's Bay (click on the picture to see a larger version) by Kevin Holmes

You know how grey & windy it was last Thursday…the seas were heaving & crashing on our usually calm shores…here are some glimpses from the west side of the activity ’round the shore. You can click on the photos to make them larger!

The water rushes high onto the shore at Lime Kiln Lighthouse under the dark grey sky (click for bigger version) by Kevin Holmes


Waves crashing at South Beach....these are 40 feet or more high! Photo by Annie Adams.


Alex Shapiro took video outside her window & posted it on her blog Notes from the Kelp – here’s the power of the sea, at play:


Logs off the beach at Deadman's by Kevin Holmes

Thanks for the dinner….

Posted November 30, 2011 at 12:54 am by

Serving with a smile...all day. Photos by Minnie Kynch (thanks, Minnie!)

It was great the way dozens of people came together to make the Community Thanksgiving Dinner come together (you saw the video before) – here’s the backstory, by Minnie Knych:

Another great Community Thanksgiving Dinner
at the San Juan Grange

Over 400 folks came to eat & visit with each other....

Thanksgiving at the Grange was a day of sharing and caring as more than 400 people enjoyed a wonderful meal together.  This was the 13th annual event.  Despite the current difficult economic times, we do have a lot to be thankful for and that is especially true for San Juan Islanders.

How can we explain the army of volunteers and the masses of diners who join us for this day of giving thanks? Is it because people like the feeling of community and family? This is a time we can gather with a mixture of generations and viewpoints. It is a day we all join in the camaraderie of giving thanks for the blessings we have. Political differences and neighborhood disputes are forgotten. Everyone and anyone can bask in the feeling of family and community.

Many hands make light work...

On Wednesday evening, pre-dinner preparations include the Soroptimist Club and Leo Club helping with the set up of tables. Turkeys are seasoned and prepared for pick-up by volunteer cookers. Ingredients are mixed for the dressing, and the hall gets a final cleaning and decoration.

Thanksgiving Day starts off at a casual pace as the first of more than 100 volunteers show up to sip coffee and peel 150 pounds of potatoes for the mashed potatoes. As the diners arrive, the pace picks up and the volunteers have to rush to keep the turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans and Waldorf salad replenished for the diners.

Dave (left) and Kerwin swap stories & peel potatoes (you can tell Oregon State fan David was dressed in orange for the weekend's game with the Ducks....)

The 28 turkeys are donated by our local grocery, King’s MarketIsland Insurance owner Kerwin Johnson donates $500 toward the groceries.  Lions, Kiwanis, Soroptimists,  American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Sons of Legion, and Rotary each donate money to help pay for the groceries. The local Girl Scouts donate pies from their pumpkin pie sales and this year, served as greeters. (Be sure & see the video below – at the end they offer the Girl Scout Pledge!) Diners bring pies to share and many make a donation so that we are able to continue to meet expenses.

Once again, the Grange Hall served as the heart of the community. It is a great connection to Friday Harbor’s past and we hope it will continue to be a gathering place long into the future. But more important, it is a warm and friendly place to give thanks for the present.

Thank you to the volunteers, supporters and diners for giving us a wonderful Thanksgiving to remember.

Jim and Minnie Knych

You can see an awesome video of our Community Thanksgiving Dinner here: