The scene on Tucker Avenue at night, just past the road that goes to the Labs....
Let’s see what’s going on ’round the town:
• Tree Lighting tonight! Sing-a-long at 5, lighting at 5:30pm! Here’s the deal:
Friday Harbor Tree Lighting Celebration
5:00 pm – Holiday Music and Sing-a long
Children’s Creative Center ~ crafting holiday tree ornaments, Hosted by Island Rec in the Arcade Building
Cookies, Coffee, & Cocoa ~ Hosted by Soroptimists in the Arcade Building
Kiwanis Club of Friday Harbor – K-Boose Hot Dogs!
Bring your camera for Photos with Santa at Memorial Park, and bring your donation of cash or food items for our local Food Bank.
5:30 pm Tree Lighting Ceremony
Please join us at The Whale Museum after the Tree Lighting Ceremony for some holiday treats and goodies – free to the public and open until 7p.m.
We are located at 62 First Street North. For more information call Sue Vulgares at: (360)378-4710 ext.30.
Try it!
It's NEXT weekend - The Lighted Boat Parade is on the 11th - but do you have your lights? Get ready! Photo by Norris Palmer.
• This is a great night to finally catch Blithe Spirit.
This is the final weekend, with shows tonight & Saturday at 7:30 and Sunday at 4pm.
Meanwhile, the Rumor Mill has Open Mic tonight & OPA tomorrow, so when you’re stepping out you got ideas where to go….
It's Saturday!
• Holiday gift ideas, while keeping things local:
1. If you’re getting a book, you know that we have three of the best independent bookstores around – drop by Serendipity (used books! recycling at its best!), Harbor Bookstore next to the ferry, and Griffin Bay Books across from Kings.
2. Drop by Printonyx to get your cards & stuff made – Kris & the crew do an awesome job!
3. Get that photo made into a cloth-based picture – it’ll look good on canvas! Call Regan today at 317-6936, or drop by Strand (she has her open house tomorrow!)
4. Drop by Island Studios anytime – it’ll give you plenty of ideas from plenty of artists from the islands. Great place to dream.
5. Have you seen Mark Gardner’s Images of the San Juan Islands coffee-table book….it’s been a best-seller for years here – here’s more.
6. Set aside a half-day where you go see your five best friends & you drop in on them & give them a holiday hug, and tell ’em you’re glad that they are your friend. Easy to budget, easy to deliver. You have the love….share it.
7. Quietly drop stuff off at the Food Bank, and if you need to (it’s cool, and it’s there to make your budget work out), drop by & get food. It’s called sharing because it goes both ways.
8. Take a walk in town…a lot of shops have sales.
9. Tomorrow at the MarketPlace, there’s an all-day collection for folks in the Armed Services…think about sending a bit of love from home.
10. A certificate from any restaurant or store here in town…keeps you from guessing whether you got it right or not for the present-receiver. And if you bought it here in town, you guessed right.
Have you been by Jeannie Gibson's place lately? She has an amazing collection of consigned clothes, and she can make anything you've got fit better (she's an excellent seamstress!) She's at 849 Spring Street - call ahead at 378-3378.
“When you wake up in the morning, Pooh,” said Piglet at last, “what’s the first thing you say to yourself?”
“What’s for breakfast?” said Pooh. “What do you say, Piglet?”
“I say, I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?” said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
“It’s the same thing,” he said.
• The shuffle is on – here’s more from Michelle Carson:
Start the shuffle this weekend, for next weekend!
Hi Ian,
The Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool have teamed up to create a Toy & Clothing Shuffle. Here’s more:
Please take a little time this weekend to go through your childs’ closet and clear out those outgrown or unwanted clothing and toys. Make some room for the treasures Santa might be bringing.
The Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool have joined together to create the TOY & CLOTHING SHUFFLE and BAKE SALE.
We are looking for Donations of toys and clothing in GOOD CONDITION. (Clothing for 0-5yrs, and maternity. Sorry, we are unable to accept stuffed animals or car seats.)
All toy and clothing donations will be accepted at the Presbyterian Church (425 Spring St) Friday December 9th between 5-7pm. If you don’t have any toy or clothing donations, maybe you could bake something for the bake sale?
The following day (Dec. 10th 10am-2pm), come treat yourself to a goodie from the bake sale while browsing, and see what treasures you can find for your children.
No money is exchanged; however, we will gladly accept cash donations. Any money received will benefit the Family Resource Center and Lighthouse Preschool programs.
What a great way to have an affordable & “green” Christmas!
• A friend could use a hand – here’s more from Marie Dicristina:
Elizabeth Welch Medical Fund now established
The friends and family of Elizabeth Welch have set up a fundraiser account at Wells Fargo Bank to help with the overwhelming medical costs from her cancer surgery and treatments.
Elizabeth is known by many as President of the Island Arts League (provides art education and holds the Art Raffle at the Fair). She is a gifted artist, holds a master’s degree in History, lover of music,has a passion for drama and theater and is kind soul who now needs the giving community to assist her in her battle and medical costs. She has been involved with the San Juan Singers, a San Juan Library volunteer, worked with the Library beading fundraiser group and has made many friends with many islanders and artists. She is currently in the process of writing a small book on a local legend and fellow artist.
Any kind gift would be appreciated. Please make checks to the Elizabeth Welch Fund account and take or send to the Wells Fargo Bank, P. O. Box 189, Friday Harbor, WA 98250 (378-2128). Many thanks to those of who can contribute and best wishes to all this holiday season.
The friends and family of Elizabeth Welch