Sunny day countdown to the Fair…

Posted August 15, 2011 at 9:58 am by

The moon over San Juan Vineyards on Saturday by John Miller

Let’s see what  is going on:

You can get a copy of David's album at Island Studios, or at his show!

• Just got a note from David Bayley that he’s playing this week & next:

I’m back performing my rags and blues for two more performances at the Cask & Schooner!(the former Ale House) The dates are Tuesday the 16th and Tuesday the 23rd. Both nights kick off around 8:30. See you there!


• Megan Vivenzio tells me her belly dance group Sakana Rakasa will be performing before the Fashion Trashion Show at 7:30 on Wednesday!


• Check in with the elementary school PTA if you want to help with the pie booth – they have over 300 pies this year! Come do your shift!


Jim Maya reports there were killer whales out in the Strait all yesterday – transients in the morning, and a superpod, and into the evening on the west side.


• The fundraiser for Terry Ogle is amping up, and here’s a piece of it from Megan Kilpatrick Boe:

Everyone knows Dave Hall, from Island Glass Service on Beaverton Valley Rd., right?!

Dave, before (now).

Then of course you know about his famous long white ponytail! Well, Dave is generously offering to cut off his long locks to raise money for his friend Terry Ogle, at the Terry Ogle Benefit Fundraiser! Better yet, Dave’s hair will be cut at the benefit, on August 26th, for all to see! He has 12” of hair that can go!

What can you do to get in on this once in a lifetime event to see Dave get his hair cut?

I’ll tell you! Pledge a minimum of $5.00 per inch, or any flat rate amount of your choice, before or during the fundraiser, then come and see how much Dave is willing to cut! To top it off, Dave’s goal is to raise $5,000 and if that goal is reached, then he will shave his head!!! Don’t miss out on being a part of this fun event to raise money for a great cause, and to have some island style fun!

You can pledge by calling Megan Kilpatrick-Boe at 370-5797, Island Glass at 378-1900, or at the event.


Breach on the west side yesterday - photo by Jim Maya (thanks, Jim!)

It’s coming on Wednesday at the San Juan County Fair – the Trashion Fashion Show!

Posted August 15, 2011 at 9:05 am by

All tied up: Jan made a dress out of ties in 2009 - see the video below to see what 2010's show looked like!

I heard there were over 18 people entered & ready to go late last week (so, at least 19, hey), so it looks like people are getting ready for this year’s show! It’ll be Wednesday night at the San Juan County Fair – see you there!

To get you in the mood, here’s the portfolio of photos from 2009’s show (seems to me there was a lot of plastic wrap & mermaids that year!

And…here’s the Update writeup about that show.

And now… here’s the new 2010 video Update video reporter Cassy Meyers just posted:

Around the island…

Posted August 13, 2011 at 8:01 am by

Birthdays on Friday: Dave at the Sweet Retreat notched #41, while John at the Rocky Bay turned 44. Happy birthdays, guys!

Things are happening – check it out:

Daughter Wynn (FHHS '08, Seattle U '12) says hey to Bryn Bernard Thursday night - Bryn's taking off early next week to teach at an American school (well, 60% American, 40% Kuwaiti) in Kuwait for a couple of years - good luck!

• She knows her stuff, and now Sherry Otis has an online store!

Sherry’s carries fun, affordable jewelry, scarves, hats, accessories, incense, gifts and more! Sherry’s was founded in July 2011 and is based in here in Friday Harbor, Washington. Check it out!


Carolyn from the Fire Department says we have 16 new wildland firefighters trained & ready to go – here’s the scoop:

In preparation for the 2011 fire season, 16 men and women recently trained to be certified as wildland firefighters for the San Juan Island Fire Department.

They are Matthew Dobbs, Joseph Foriska, Deven Foss, Dustin Geldermann, Peter Goddu, Thomas Lean, Kurt and Peggy Long, Mike MacLellan, Charles Nash, Micah Powell, Connar Smith, Tony Smith, Emilie Sperl, Marc Vermeire and Sam Waite.

Each of these department members are now nationally certified wildland firefighters.

Others outside of the department were involved in supporting a related class. The department would like to thank Mike and Jeri Ahrenius of Jensen’s Shipyard and Will Hamilton of Roche Harbor Highlands for making their properties available for our wildland driver training class.

And a thank you is due to Roche Harbor for allowing us to use the farm property for driver training, for live fire training and for ongoing drills.

The island has experienced relatively few wildfires this season due to the higher than average relative humidity for this time of year. However, the vegetation moisture is expected to decrease over the next week thus the fire danger level may increase.

As additional protection, the fire department supports the Firewise Communities program. Trained Firewise Specialists who are members of the San Juan Island Fire Department will do free home property inspections assessing the risk of fire and then making suggestions on how to minimize the risk of losing your home.

San Juan County has nearly half of the FireWise Communities in the state, 37 out of 85, and San Juan Island has 33 of those 37 San Juan County FireWise Communities. Seven of the Island’s Firewise Communities are celebrating their 5-year anniversaries, with three others now in their 6th & 7th years, and still four others with 8 years as a Firewise Community. Thank you to Firewise Coordinator Ron Garner and all of the Firewise Communities for reducing wildland fire hazards and reducing the chance of home ignitions, making your firefighters’ jobs much safer.

To get your community or single home risk assessment and fire protection advice, call the fire department at 378-5334. For more information about Firewise Communities USA, visit

Assistant Chief Brad Creesy, at right, measures wind speed, while others look on. From left: Lt. Tony Smith and firefighters Connar Smith, Thomas Lean and James Chaffee. Photo by Ron Garner.


• Just heard: The memorial service for Landis Pederson has been scheduled for 2:30pm at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church on August 2oth…more information to come.


The start of last weekend's Shaw Island by John Miller.


• Want to help? Kris Brown could use a hand:

The baking booth is still looking for judges to help judge these three areas:
Cakes and Decorated Cakes
Healthy Foods, Heritage Recipes and Candy
Youth Cookies
We need two to three judges in each category. Judging the tasty creations starts Tuesday, August 16, at 6:00p.m. in the main fair building and takes about an hour.

To find out more, check out this website and call or e-mail Kris Brown as soon as possible. kbcbrown (at) or 378-3432


I saw this one: A fox makes his way down University Road (from the Labs) onto Tucker, on his way to hear music in town, probably.


• The Art Market got started Thursday – how did it go? Debbie Pigman reports:

The Friday Harbor Art Market enjoyed a successful opening night on Thursday on the new plaza at the Brickworks property on Nichols Street.  A steady stream of curious folks strolled through the just completed Brickworks plaza, enjoying he sounds of local musicians and the creations of fourteen artists, talking with the artists, catching up with friends and purchasing gifts or souvenirs to take back home. The Art Market will continue to run weekly from 5-8pm until September 1.

Art Market artists include Hayley Bolstad Hatten – etched metal jewelry, Patti Barker – fiber art accessories, Beth Hetrick – watercolors,  Brandy Ballard – beach/bottle top Glass jewelry, Geneva/Karen Mottet – knitted items, paintings,  Debbie Pigman – beaded jewelry, Alison Johnston– acrylics, Linda Francis – soaps and lotions, Terrea Bennett – art prints and magnets, Paula West – porcelain tableware, Kasimir – handcut gemstones, amulets and jewelry,  Doris Schaller – oils,  David Halpern and Jennifer Armstrong – flip books, art and felted wares and Jane Buck – photos, cards, photo mugs.

Music was provided by OPA and Teddy Deane.

The Friday Harbor Art Market 2012 season will run from June until September. The market is coordinated by Debbie Pigman of Pigman’s Artworks with the assistance of Elaine Kendall with the San Juan County Ag Guild.  For more information contact Pigman at pigmansartworks (at)


A blur of color: That's local belly dance troupe Sakana Rakasa with guest dancer Fatifah last Saturday at the Farmers Market. Photo by Cyndi Brast.

• Do you see her pictures? Cyndi Brast posted last week’s Farmers Market on her site.


• Here’s a report from Debbi Fincher about what some island kids have been up to:

FHHS junior Brett Paul participates in an activity in Anaheim last month.

Let the Training Begin…
Recently, members of the San Juan County Youth Council represented our San Juan Island Prevention Coalition and Lopez Island Prevention Coalition this team of youth made the commitment to participate in a weeks long training with nearly 80 other Prevention Coalitions from across the US and 8 International Coalitions joined in!

In fact, our team had the pleasure of including a student from Brazil, who also made the journey to Anaheim to join this CADCA (Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America) sponsored event. It takes just one to start a movement for change.

Our youth learned valuable skills and gained confidence that they can use to bring real change at the community level on issues that affect them directly. Substance abuse issues have been a main focus for our Prevention Coalitions, but we also understand that we need to support our youth in all areas of their life. Through Leadership Training programs such as this one, our youth feel empowered to get involved and really effect change among their peers and our community. These kids are great role models for all of us!

I asked Teddy McCullough, recent Lopez graduate and founder of the San Juan County Youth Council, Brett Paul and Sam Waite, both entering their junior year at FHHS, and co-chairs of HOTS, “What do you need from your community to succeed?”

They all commented on the value of guidance from their community members and shared resources. They have the drive and desire but could use our help to implement their goals for positive change in the community.

The good news is they want to do it, but need a little assistance to get things started. Can you help? Contact our Prevention Coalitions on San Juan Island 378-9683 or Lopez Island 468-3770.


An eagle out Roche Harbor Road, watching over his by John Miller.

Pretty good bite in this Hound…you’ll love it!

Posted August 12, 2011 at 9:50 am by

Their show was a hit: Ed Wilson & Bristol Whalen share a moment in the lobby after Thurssday night's show....

I got to go see The Real Inspector Hound last night at the Community Theater, and playwright Tom Stoppard’s play makes for a good summertime evening. I’m telling you about it now because there are only tow nights left in the run of the show, tonight & tomorrow.

Although the play is described as a “play within a play” I believe it is also, at times, a metaphor within a metaphor, a thought within a thought, and a theme within a theme. You have to pay close attention to get it all, but you wouldn’t want to miss it, anyway!

Director Jane Maxwell Campbell has done a super job of pulling together a diverse cast who genuinely enjoy sharing the stage with each other. She and the actors meet the challenge of pulling together a funny and witty farce with pacing that both makes the script clear, with action on stage that gives the show the energy a good murder mystery deserves.

I know you’ll enjoy this play – go see it!

Sister Golden Hair for the foggy morning….

Posted August 12, 2011 at 8:39 am by

Remember America? One of their more memorable tunes….

FHHS grad/Seattle U alum Lindsey Youngquist heads for Nepal with Rotary backing

Posted August 11, 2011 at 11:33 am by

You’ve watched Lindsey Youngquist (FHHS ’07) over the years here on the island, as she moved from the Friday High junior varsity in soccer to the captainship of the varsity, as she excelled in academics, and as she was invited back to FHHS after graduation to give her graduation speech to the next fall’s teachers, to fire them up for the coming year. She’s a leader, whom people listen to.

Now that she’s graduated from Seattle University this spring, it comes as no surprise that the district-level Rotary folks have selected her as an Ambassadorial Scholar for the year 2011-2012. Here’s more from Thomas Sandstrom with the local Rotary Club:

Lindsey: On her way to help out in Nepal

Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar Selected from Friday Harbor

Lindsey Youngquist has been selected to represent Rotary District 5050 as an Ambassadorial Scholar for the year 2011-2012.  Lindsey graduated Magna Cum Laude from Seattle University with a major in premed and biology. The Rotary Club of San Juan Island, Friday Harbor, is proud to announce that Lindsey will be leaving for Nepal on August 15th to continue her studies and represent and support the Rotary’s mission of international understanding and World Peace.

Lindsey says, “I am so grateful to have grown up on San Juan Island. The beauty of the land and the support of the community have made a big difference in my life.”

Lindsey will be traveling to an area called Dhulikhel to study community health at Dhulikhel Medical Institute with Nepali students.  Lindsey will also volunteer at the local Hospital for Rehabilitation of Disabled Children affording her an opportunity to learn about physiotherapy and rehabilitation surgeries and also work with kids who are in recovery. There is also the Kavre-Banepa School for the Deaf and Lindsey is excited to share her artistic skills by teaching art to students with disabilities.

Jenny Guard Anderson walked with Lindsey at graduation here in 2007.

Lindsey is looking forward to developing relationships with the local Rotary Clubs in Nepal and becoming a part of their community.  She will be living with local Rotarian host families and hopes to become fluent in Nepali. Lindsey writes, “I look forward to developing relationships with the local Rotary Clubs and becoming a part of their community.  I am excited to explore my interests in global health while in Nepal and I also look forward to trekking in the Himalayas!”


Lindsey’s commitment to Service Above Self led her to work with Bellevue Rotarian Rob Rose who co-founded The Rose International Fund for Children (TRIFC) with a Nepali friend. The mission of this non-profit is to improve the lives of children in Nepal, particularly those with disabilities. Their focus areas are education, medical needs, nutrition, facilities, and environmental improvements.  As part of TRIFC’s fund raising efforts, Lindsey painted six of Mr. Rose’s photos, which are now printed into greeting cards. These cards represent daily life, people, and scenery of Nepal and are available for a donation of $15.00.

100% of the profits from card sales go to TRIFC. Each pack of cards contains six different watercolor images. The paintings can be viewed on Flickr by typing “Lindsey Youngquist” into the Search box. To order a pack of cards email lindseyyoungquist (at) with the number of packs and a mailing address. Payment either online or with check/cash can be confirmed through email.  Continue Reading

Trash in Fashion! Fashion Trashion! Get ready!

Posted August 11, 2011 at 11:32 am by

Last year's show was a blast! Photos by Marie DiCristina.

Cynthia recycled ferry schedules...lookin' good!

I mentioned this to you before, but I want to make sure you’ve started working out your costume for this year’s show – here’s the scoop from Fashion Trashion Show organizer Francie Hansen for next Wednesday’s show at the San Juan County Fair:

Attention, Fashion-istas!

This is a reminder, encouragement and opportunity for you to begin creating your outfit for the Fashion Trashion Show, August 17, at 8 pm at the San County Fair, Main Stage.  Great music, a few surprises, awards, and lots of fun!

The time is NOW…to Razzle Dazzle and Shine.  Information and a registration form can be found online at (look under “fair information” and then “special exhibits”), or you can call the fair office at 378-4310.

I know if you look around your recyclables, you’ve got enough “stuff” to put together something special!

NOTE:  Short, mandatory rehearsal on Monday night, August 15, at 6 pm.

Steve's dressed up....

In Thursday’s news….

Posted August 11, 2011 at 7:47 am by

Island Rec's successful Music on the Lawn series had its last show of the season last night at the Historical Museum, with the Sliders putting on an awesome show...way to go, Sally & the Island Rec crew! Photo by Kevin Holmes

Hope you have a great weekend planned! Here’s more:

Hermione checks in with her son in "The Winter's Tale" - playing this weekend & next! Photo by John Sinclair.

• There are just a couple of weekends left for the Shakespeare Under the Stars show The Winter’s Tale by Island Stage Left…the show runs Thursday-Sunday this week and Thursday-Saturday next week. Here’s what one play-goer said about this year’s show:

“After seeing the play last night I’ve decided that “The Winter’s Tale” is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. I love the we way are dropped into the height of paranoia and supreme tragedy and like a fairy tale we are lifted out and into a world where laughter reigns and beings make peace. Thank you for a most inspiring evening.”

See you there!

That's Paul helping Wendy with the stand at Farmers' Market - drop by & see them & get a sample this Saturday, and check their site at

• With all the proceeds going to victims, the Barefoot Bandit has made a court-approved movie deal – here’s the report from the Everett Herald.

• Hey, if you need someone to look after your store in town for a day or two (or a bit longer) because you have to get away, I’ve been hearing nothing but good things about Debbie Dickinson‘s “store sitting.” She does bookkeeping, too!

• If the clouds allow, and your sleeping habits usher you outside, maybe you’ll see the Perseid Meteor Shower tonight or tomorrow night. The Perseids are at their peak Saturday morning near midnight with the weekend’s full moon, so it may be hard to see ’em.

You have to stay up late to make it work –here’s the deal.

Old news is still good news - that's Ron, Meghan, Susan, and Brian at the Ironman competition in St. George, UT back in the spring - sure proud of our iron-people!

You’re not alone…

Posted August 11, 2011 at 6:39 am by

Just played this at a wedding, so I reckon it’s running ’round in my head a bit….let’s share that, hey – here’s Carole King’s song, by James Taylor…and you have a friend, you know:

Around the island….

Posted August 10, 2011 at 11:31 am by

Sunrise, as seen from the redeye ferry last by Kevin Holmes

Let’s take a look at what’s going on….

• I heard the PTA Pie Making Party made 230 pies for the Fair last night…thank you!

• Hey, you know the little “park” I put in yesterday’s postings, next to Friday Harbor House? That was done by Dennis Garl/Dovetail Builders. Way to go!

Even the bees are playing in the sun this past by Kevin Holmes

• It’s all about the music this weekend:

Tthe Pirates’ Latitudes & Attitudes NW Cruiser Rendezvous has music at Sunken Park on Saturday, The Chameleons play at Roche Harbor on Friday & Saturday; The Shotgun Messengers are at Herb’s Friday & Saturday, and The Rumor Mill offers Blues Night tonight, T:FLO’s live band karaoke tomorrow, and The Tease on Friday followed by Uncle Otto on Saturday, with the San Juan Jazz Quartet on the bill Sunday.

• Meanwhile, at the Community Theatre, The Real Inspector Hound finishes its run with shows Thursday-Saturday…get your tickets now!

That's Dana with Classic Cab keeping his car spotless as he waits for the ferry to unload...I like it that he & the other cab drivers' smiles are often the first thing someone coming to the island sees....

• Teddy Deane & the San Juan County Arts Council have their monthly article – here’s more:

Let’s add to the allure of the San Juans  by making it into an Arts Destination!

Here we are in the beautiful San Juan Islands, one of the most picturesque and precious environments in the United States or anywhere; a place where the surroundings alone energize us. What a wonderful home for artists of all flavors to enjoy and blend their creations into exciting dishes for the world to savor.

We have an opportunity to share this feast with all who would come to be inspired, to learn, to study with our artists, to listen and to buy.

We are sitting on one of the most desirable economic engines a community could wish for, but it’s underdeveloped and its potential is not yet realized. We have some excellent venues for the arts already. They are growing all the time within their own spheres, and we are so much the better for it – but imagine the power of combining all this energy under a single marketing roof. What if the whole island became aware of the opportunity that exists when a community incorporates the arts into their style of thinking and doing business? What if we actually made a point of attracting visitors who are in search of artistic and cultural experiences? What if we became known for our artists and the art of every kind that they produce? What if when you said “San Juans” people additionally thought of an artistic adventure? We’ve already got one of the best recreational locations on the planet!

This is all a work in progress and we don’t have any answers, but we do know that there is a vision here that can help us remain sustainable and more financially consistent in uncertain times. And what a wonderful way to impact our island’s economic growth!

Visitors in the picture...down by the ferry landing, right after disembarking....

Passing: Landis Pederson

Posted August 10, 2011 at 6:56 am by

I had caught up with Landis at graduation in 2009, during the ceremony & after, when the class was prepping for Grad Night.

Earlier this week, Landis Pederson (FHHS ’09) drowned, doing what island kids who grow up here have been doing for decades, swimming on a summer day in an island pond.

Landis’ family were among the very first people we met when we moved here in ’94, and I got to watch him grow at the elementary school, as a baseball & soccer player (I loved his left-footed crosses to the middle from the wing), and through high school.

As a young man he gave college a try, then returned to the island to work, lately at Friday Harbor House.

Last time I saw him, we visited in the street a couple of months ago, and he did that thing that shows the growth of maturity – after I asked about him & what he was up to, he asked how my sons were & what they were doing for the summer, and he asked how I was doing. We laughed about some soccer memory from eighth grade, then he moved easily down the street, with a smile. It’s always good to see a kid you know grow into a man.

Tough days for his family – Rhonda & Austin & Richard as well as Morris, Shelby and Alex, you know you have an island behind you who love you.

Missing you, Landis.


Posted August 9, 2011 at 7:52 am by

Beautiful morning out at Lime Kiln State Park when I was out there last week....

Let’s take a peek around the island….

She's at the Skagit County Fair this week, AND you can buy Kate's CD at Islands Studios or at your copy now!

• It’s that time of year! Are you getting ready for the Fair next week? Get your pickles pickled, your hogs washed, your songs ready to sing, your carb count low this week so you can eat elephant ears next week – it’s coming!

Speaking of Fairs, on Thursday, our own Kate Schuman is playing at the Skagit Valley Fair – I asked her how it’s set up, so people from the island might swing by & give a cheer, and she reports:

I am very excited to be playing at the Skagit County Fair this year, on Thursday, August 11th, at 11:00 in the morning.  Just stickin’ my toe in the water, so to speak, hoping they like what they hear and I’ll get to go back next year with a band.

I would be absolutely thrilled to see a familiar face or two in the crowd!  I’ve attached the flyer with more information.  The fairground is easy to find, just a couple blocks south of old town Mt. Vernon, at 1410 Virginia Street.

• Speaking of talent, I wondered if Doug McCutchen last night at pickup soccer was a good juggler (most soccer players do it with one ball, with your feet), and he said, “Well, yeah” and showed what happens when you take a circus skills class in seventh grade in Wenatchee:

Kings Market posted a reassuring note that you may have heard about that massive Cargill turkey recall (out of Arkansas) – they wanted you to know Kings doesn’t carry Cargill products.

Kenneth Atwell says hey to the pups going by in the Bow Wow Adventure Bus, down next to the ferry...

• There might be people in line in front of you for ice cream because of this – organizers for this year’s Latitudes & Attitudes Pacific Northwest Cruiser’s Rendezvous in Friday Harbor are expecting up to 120 boats and 500 people this weekend. Whoa! Here are the details.

• The folks at the Islands Museum of Art (IMA) want to pull together an artists’ registry of all the visual artists in the islands – here is the application. Here’s a bit more from the IMA:

This Artists’ Registry will provide a resource for the public, art connoisseurs and affiliations who wish to connect with artists living in our rich and varied artistic community on the San Juan Islands.

The Artist Registry, located on the IMA Website will give each Artist Member a display page which includes the Artist’s Name, a short biography, contact information, an image of their artwork, and a link to their individual website, gallery affiliations, and other websites where they are listed.

Remember Bison Gallery, when it was on theis spot? Or Neil's Images, a decade ago? Or the IMA, before the building was moved to American Camp? Well, this is the little park on the corner that's part of Friday Harbor House, now....(that's the Whale Museum in the background....)

This is the weekend to drop your kids off at the Whale Museum! It’s a Pod Nod Weekend – here’s more from Cindy Hansen at The Whale Museum:

Last Pod Nod of the Summer at The Whale Museum

The Whale Museum is holding its final Pod Nod for the summer on Saturday, August 13.  This popular “pajama party” sleepover in the Museum for children ages 6 – 10 will be led by a Museum Educator with assistance from other adult professionals.  Youth participants will learn to value whales and their environment through art projects, science labs, music, games, and the traditional flashlight tour of the Exhibit Hall.  We promise a high adult/child ratio and a whale of a good time!

The theme for the final Pod Nod is ‘All About Orcas.’ The evening will begin at 6:30pm, with pick-up the next morning at 8:30am.  A bedtime snack and light breakfast are included. Continue Reading

Sunset over Canada….

Posted August 9, 2011 at 7:44 am by

Last night's by Brenna Woods (thanks, Brenna!)

The reds continued well after the sun dipped over the horizon & the Canadian mountains you see from the west side last night….

What are you gonna sing about this morning…?

Posted August 8, 2011 at 7:19 am by

Here’s the Counting Crows (with Vanessa Carlton) with a Canadian folks song by Joni Mitchell you just might remember….

Time to make pies for the Fair!

Posted August 8, 2011 at 5:55 am by

Actual pies at last year's Fair, before they disappeared...

Here’s more from Tori:

It is that time of year again, time to make pie for the FHES PTA pie booth.  We are having pie making parties at the high school kitchen on Tuesday, August 9 and Wednesday, August 10 from 4pm to 8pm. Bring an apron, a rolling pin and your smiling, hard working self!  You will also have the opportunity to sign up to work in the pie booth during the Fair.  If the pie party times don’t work for you, feel free to bake your pies at home and drop them off at the elementary school kitchen any day during the Fair between 9am and 5pm.  Remember, just berry and fruit pies, no cream pies.

Budget cuts are staggering and will take their toll.  Please participate as much as you can in this fundraising event and help us lessen the financial gaps for our school!  Call Tori Zehner, 378-6301, or Stacie Tangney, 378-3389, for more details or questions.


Time to bake!


Around the island the next few days…

Posted August 5, 2011 at 7:49 am by

That's a vulture above Alex Shapiro's head...see more on her blog (

Let’s see what’s up:

• The music is happening this weekend downtown!

Rewind is playing at The Port tonight from 5-7pm – “Rewind” is Tom and Tami Doenges with Kate Schuman. Sweet harmonies, beautiful music.

The Tease play Herb’s tonight & Saturday starting at 9:30pm.

Meanwhile, there’s Open Mic at The Rumor Mill tonight, with the DuoTones (Mike & Bob) on Saturday night at 7:30pm.


She'll show you how to make 'em!

Debbie Pigman has a Concrete Leaf Workshop on the 10th from 11am-3pm for $65…to register, call 378-0951 or pigmansartworks (at)


• What are you doing with all the zucchini? Here’s some ideas from Val Curtis (in her blog Mental Chew.)


• The Writers’ Café is tonight at The Bean Cafe! Starts at 5pm!


• The Pancake Breakfast at the Mullis Center this Sunday is from 9am-noon…Georgia tells me it’s $6 for adults, $3 for children!


• Missed Thor Hanson’s presentation a couple of weeks ago? He’s offering it again at the Library at 7pm on Saturday – here’s the details. He spoke to an overflow crowd in the last one…come early!


• People are telling me they like it, and I bet you will, too! The Real Inspector Hound plays this weekend & next at the Community Theatre – here’s the scoop. See you there! (By the way there’s music after the show: Rhiana Franklin on Friday, Amanda Brast on Saturday and Ed Wilson on Sunday

That's (from left) Julie, Michael, Amanda, Stephen, Bristol, Bo, Doug, Pete, and Ed in The Real Inspector Hound at the Communiuty Theatre this weekend & next!


• Last weekend, Josie & I went to the The Winter’s Tale and loved it…this year’s Island Stage Left summer Shakespeare Under The Stars show is the clearest production of this, one of Shakespeare’s later works, I’ve seen. The story is gripping, the second half is uplifting, and the acting, as always, is awesome.

The show runs Thursday through Sunday till August 20th…I know I’ll go see it again. See you there!

There are three weekends left in the run of The Winter's Tale (photo by Mark Gardner)


Got a note from Alex Shapiro that she saw a close encounter with a killer whale this week when Christopher Burke and a friend were fishing near Alex’s house with their motor off, and an orca came by…she notes (and photographed it):

A local friend (Cynthia) called yesterday, and mentioned that her husband was out in my area doing some salmon fishing.

I asked her what his boat looked like, since about 20 small sport fishers were trolling in front of my house. She told me, I looked out, noticed a 6 foot tall dorsal fin headed his way, and told her that he and his pal were about to have a close encounter with a killer whale who hopefully won’t be interested in the salmon they happened to have on the line at that exact moment.

Boat: 16 feet.
Orca: 25 feet.
Fishing rod and net for catching whales: rather useless.
Experience: priceless. by Alex (thanks, Alex!)


• It took a small army to put on the Inter-tribal Canoe Journey’s visit to the island two weekends ago, so Stephanie at The Friends of the San Juan s has a lot of people to thank:

Thank you Inter-tribal Canoe Journey Volunteers!

On July 21-23, Islanders hosted over 230 tribal members from Heiltsuk, Kakawinchitl (Ahousaht), Bella Bella, Clayoquat, Cowichan, Songees, Tsawout, Victoria, Kwmut leleum and Lummi Nations.  12 canoes and their support crews traveled through the San Juan islands en route to the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community in La Conner. 78 canoes and thousands of people gathered in La Conner from July 25-31 for a week of traditional dancing, singing and celebration.

Friends of the San Juans was honored to coordinate this San Juan Islands stop-over with the support from individuals like you! It was truly an inter-island community involving many volunteers from service groups, churches, businesses and residents from Waldron, San Juan, Orcas, Shaw and Lopez (see names below). This September we will host a special thank you party for all volunteers and share images, stories, and celebrate!  If you would like to share any special photos of this historic gathering I am preparing a slide show for this event. Please email images to: stephanie (at) or mail cd’s to POB 1344 Friday Harbor, WA  98250.

The exchanges made between islanders and Coast Salish culture bearers, with their traditional knowledge from their communities, increases our collective understanding of culture, conservation and stewardship in the Salish Sea.

The resurgence of canoe journeys began in 1989 during the Suquamish Tribe’s “Paddle to Seattle.” Then, in 1993, the Heiltsuk Nation in Bella Bella, BC challenged all canoe nations to travel by canoe to their village participate in the Qutawas Festival. 28 canoes answered that challenge. Today more than a 100 canoes from as many as 90 US Tribes, Canadian First Nations and New Zealand and an estimated 12,000 people participate in the annual Tribal Canoe Journeys. People pull together, sing and dance in a sharing of culture to honor past, present and future generations.

A special thank you Swinomish Indian Tribal Community for allowing the San Juan Community to support the 2011 Inter-Tribal Canoe Journey’s Paddle to Swinomish.

And many thanks to the following islanders for your service. Your efforts were deeply appreciated! And my apologies for any incorrect name spellings or names that do not appear below.

Support Boats:  Jeff and Diane Dyer S/V Bluebird, Jeff Iverson and Jana Marks M/V Standard II, Marshall Davis and Gary Gero S/V Spike Africa, Rocco and Linda Cappeto M/V Study Girl, Cynthia and Gunner Stark-Wickman M/V Liz B, Jamie Stephens M/V Ledger, Colin Hermans and Mike Lemming S/V Alciope, M/V, Zack Blomberg, Ken Burtness, Lark Dalton, Chad Lyons, Arvid Lindstrum, David Lyod, Vessel Assist.

Waldron Volunteers:    Bob Schmoker, Camilla Loyd, Carson and Otto Sprenger, David Loyd, Dorothy Shayler, Fran Chevalier, John Orlman, Josie Scruton, Julie Carlson, Laurie Glenn, Mike Conner, Norma Campbell, Ryan Drum, Steve and Linnea Bensel, and many more.

San Juan Volunteers and Service Groups:  Betsy Ferguson, Betty Nash, Dona Wuthnow, Rev Shannon, Jennifer Allen, Barbara Merritt, Brad Smith, Carol Anderson, Carol Kibble, Clark Casebolt, Cynthia Burke,  Eleanor Hartmann, Gay Wilmerding,  Helen Venata,  Janna Gingras, John Straub, Katie Nollman, Lee Anderson, Lee Brooks,  Maya Burnett-Thompson, Marilyn O’Conner,  Nancy Maryboy, Shel Bedsole, Tami Hayes, Soroptimists: Anita Barreca, Bonnie Hendricks, Carol Capps, Carolee Maya, Cathy and Emily Tochluk, Dana Bune, Debbie Staelin, Ellen Roberts, Jana Meredith, Joyce Johnson, Judy Adams, Kathyrn Farron, Katie Loring, Kim Galton, Laura Jo Severson, Laura Tuttle, Lenora Bayuk, Liz Illg, Lori Stokes, Mary Ellen Courtney, Michelle Lyons, Nancy DeVaux, Pat Hansen, Peg LaBlanc, Robin Jacobson, Stephanie Buffum Field, Stephanie Primo-Sarantopolous, and Vivien Burnett.  Marty and Paul Ahart, Amy and Malcomb Wynn, Sam McMain and Victor Capron.  Unitarian Fellowship: Joann and Steve Ashlock, Jean Staben, Dick Coffee, Joanruth Baumann, Steve Ryan, Doris Van Allen.  Friends of the San Juans:  Barb and Dennis Conrad, Bill Watson, Colin Hermans, Cy Field, David Hoopes, Jana Marks, Janet Alderton, Karrie Copper, Kyle Loring, Leslie Viers, Louisa Nishitani, Lynn Bahrych, Marc and Dennis Florenza, Marta Nielson, Mike Kaill, Phil Johnson, Shirly Zyph, and Terrea Bennett.  Lion’s Club: John Bostrom, Jim Carroll, John Towson; Leo’s Club: Shaughn Anderson.

Lopez Volunteers and Service Groups:  Bob & Jan Sundquist, Bob & Patty Maxson, Bobbie DeVore, Brian & Jennell Kvistad, Bruce Botts, Canoe Island French Camp, Carol Steckler, Charlie Behnke and Amanda Tyler, Lopez Conservation Corps, Chom Chuenchom, Sangarasri Greacen, Chris Grecean, Christine Langley, Clive  Prout, Cynthia Moffitt, Dandy Porter & Ernest Clifton, David Zapalac, Debbie Hayward, Deborah Bonneville, Diana Zapalac, Dianne Dyer, Dixie and Ken Budke, Donna Hasbrouck, Eric Hall and Elf Faye, Eric and Tina Nation, George and Carolyn Woodbury, George Lawson, Ginger Lowell, Gordon Gruenke, Gordon and Karen Jonasson, Gregg Blomberg,  Hawk Arps,  Henria Bainbridge, Irene Skyriver, Susan Bill, Jackie Ashe, Jaime & Summermoon Cordova, Jamie Stephens, Neal Andersen, John Ryan, Joyce Brinar, Juan Velasquez, Julie Van Camp, Karan Yvonne, Kathy Booth, Kay Keeler, Ken Akopiantz, Ken Burtness, Kenny Ferruggiarro, Kristi Carpine-Taber, Linda Brainerd, Linda Hudson Liz Illg, Lynn & Marlys Waller, Marjoe Davidson, Mary Bywater Cross, Milla Prince, George Meilak, Natalie Wilson, Nick Teague, Pamela Maresten, Patsy Haber, Patty Ward, Paul Lewis, Rhea Miller, Read and Marianne Langenbach, Ron Metcalf, Sally & Tom Reeve, San Olson, Shantparv Roloff, Sheila Metcalf, Steven Wrubleski, Sue Roundy, Susanne Cunningham, Tim Clark, Todd Goldsmith, Sandy Bishop, and Zack Blomberg, Lopez Community Land Trust, Cloud Community, Lutheran Fellowship.

Businesses, Schools & Government: Arctic Raven, Blossoms Grocery, Columbia Sportsware, Cynthia’s Of Course, Griffin Bay Bookstore, Heritage Farm, Islands Bicycle, Kings Market, Outdoor Odyssey, Otak, Moss Green Screen Printing, Port of Friday Harbor, San Juan County Fair,  Rising Tide Graphics, Roche Harbor, San Juan Coffee Roasting Company, San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau, San Juan Prevention Coalition, San Juan Propane,  San Juan Transit, Spring Street International School, Thrift House, Tif and Gif Creative, Town of Friday Harbor, U.S. Customs, U.S. Senator Cantwell’s Chief of Staff Sally Hintz.

Hy’Shqe for all your support!

Stephanie Buffum Field, Friends of the San Juans Executive Director
2011 Inter-tribal Canoe Journey San Juans Stop-Over Coordinator

Upcoming Canoe Journey Hosts:
2012 Squaxin Island, WA (Olympia)
2013 Quinault, WA (outer Washington coast)
2014 Bella Bella, BC

Past Tribal Canoe Journey Hosts
1989 Suquamish, WA
1993 Bella Bella, B.C.
1994 Puget Sound
1995 Puget Sound
1996 Indigenous Games
1997 LaPush, WA
1998 Puyallup, WA
1999 Ahousaht, B.C.
2000 Songhees Nation, B.C.
2001 Squamish Nation, B.C.
2002 Quinault, WA
2003 Tulalip WA
2004 Chemainus, B.C.
2005 Lower Elwha, WA
2006 Muckleshoot, WA
2007 Lummi, WA
2008 Cowichan, B.C.
2009 Suquamish, WA
2011 Swinomish, WA

Lots of folks to thank!