The Sounds of Sculpture…

Posted August 5, 2011 at 6:16 am by

The weekend event celebrates the installation of Coss' piece at the Sculpture Park....

There’s going to be music, food & and art at the Sculpture Park out at Roche Harbor this Sunday from 5-8pm. It’s $5 to enter the park; kids enter free. Music by the LITTLE WING BAND — a Tribute to Jimi Hendrix as well as local faves The Chameleons. Here’s more from the Islands Museum of Art’s director Jennifer Elise:

The first ‘Sounds of Sculpture’ Event at the Sculpture Park, located at Roche Harbor begins this Sunday, 4-9 p.m. with hot live music, food, and a celebration of the installation of ‘Tides of March,’ an artwork installation by well known Seattle Artist, Mary Coss.

Saddened by the loss of life and displacement following the Japanese Tsunami, Seattle artist Mary Coss paid homage in this sculpture installation to the people of Japan, who are a part of our global family.

Using a sawzall, Coss transformed fallen logs into bones.  The carved bones were placed into a human scaled steel handbag which appears to have drifted into the Puget Sound on the ripples of the Pacific, after the Tsunami.  There the sculpture sits in the Bay.

The ‘Sounds of Sculpture” Event at the park features this installation, hot live music, food, festivities, and an opportunity for you to leave your wish at Westcott Bay for the Japanese people who suffered so much in the Tsunami.

Artist June Sekiguchi, whose family comes from this devastated area, joined Coss in this installation.  Together they created the Japanese Star Festival ritual of Tanabata at the IMA Sculpture Park at Roche Harbor.

Plan now to attend this August 7th event and add your wish to this ongoing collection of wishes which will eventually find its way to Japan and a group of children who have lost a parent in the Tsunami.  The ‘Sounds of Sculpture’ Event includes live, hot music, food, and this wonderful Artwork in Process on Westcott Bay.  In addition, over 28 new pieces of sculpture have been added to the Park, along with a Starfish area for children to build their own sculpture after traveling the paths with parents.

Two future additional Sunday ‘Sounds of Sculpture’ events should be placed on your calendars now: September 4, Labor Day and October 2, ARTSTOCK Week-end, both are Sundays.

The Park is open dawn to dusk every day and the IMA Museum on Spring Street is open for the Kurt Wenner ‘Asphalt Renaissance’ Exhibition, Thursdays through Mondays, 11:00- 5:00 p.m.  Also, check out the IMA website at, or call Jennifer Elise, IMA Director at 360.370.5050 or email her at admin (at) for further information.

Meanwhile, at Waterworks Gallery….

Posted August 5, 2011 at 6:01 am by

Jet, by Melinda Hannigan. Oil on canvas 42x42.

Ruth has a new show this weekend, which opens tomorrow – drop by & check it out:

WaterWorks Gallery Announces August Artists
August 6 – 27, 2011

WaterWorks Gallery is pleased to feature for its August show Melinda Hannigan, Oil Paintings and Jan Hoy, Ceramic sculpture.

The working side of the maritime world, the freighters, tankers and barges, inspires Melinda’s paintings. She paints this world as a concept and not the actual vessels.Malinda’s paintings evoke the history and symbols of this world complete with the rust, scrapes, drips and smears that define each ship’s physical aspect.
Jan working in water based clay, finds her inspiration in the organic shapes she creates, distilling simplicity into the form and adding a painterly finish.

Melinda Hannigan and Jan Hoy evoke different moods while working beautifully together. With this show at WaterWorks Gallery, these two women artists exhibiting together create a serene and calm atmosphere.

When the killer whales go by….

Posted August 5, 2011 at 5:47 am by

There's more here than meets the sized-down eye - click on this picture to see the full-sized "wow" version -thanks, Heather!

For most folks there is a moment of awe when they see killer whales, and I think this nice picture by Heather who went out sea kayaking with Outdoor Odysseys in July captures that.

Check out her blog!

Morning song…time to get going!

Posted August 5, 2011 at 5:27 am by

Sweet Honey in the Rock has been singing for over three decades, and when they sing “Let There Be Peace” you know you have a great day ahead:

This weekend: Since you’re out garage saling, anyway…

Posted August 4, 2011 at 11:35 am by

You just as well go to different ends of the island…

• Over at Kim’s:

Rocky Bay annual yard sale. 08/06, 9am-1pm.

Multi family with a little bit of everything. Kitchen, housewares, clothes, TV’s, kid’s stuff, outdoor, furniture, and much more!!! 6312 Roche Harbor Rd. (In unit A).

• Over at Carol, Desi & Bristol’s (here’s a note from Desi!):

The Whalen women are going off in all sorts of directions. My sister, Bristol, will be moving into her very first apartment here within the next couple of weeks. As for myself, I’m taking off for school down in California around the same time. Now that both of us kids are moving out, my mom is downsizing, and we’ve all found ourselves with WAY too much stuff to move!!

Thus, we are having a massive garage sale this coming weekend, August 6th and 7th, from 8am-3pm at our house (819 Sunday Drive, behind the Elementary School Softball Fields). We have everything from bedroom sets, desks, an ABUNDANCE of clothes, and much, MUCH more. We’ll also be having a side bake sale, so there is something for everyone! If you wouldn’t mind spreading the word for us and maybe posting here on the Update, we would really appreciate it. The more we sell, the easier all of our moving will go!

Roxanne Angel is downsizing – her sale is Sunday from 9am – 3pm at 501 Kelsando Circle in Fox Hall:

I’m at it again as I continue to work through my goal of departing from the excess baggage in my life! LOTS OF NEW GOODIES in store! Household goods, women’s’ clothing- ALL SIZES, purses, accessories, girls’ clothing, toys, DVD’s and CD’s. linens, small animal habitats, the list goes on and on. MUST move all my discontinued Arbonne products too- $5-$10 for most make-up!!!! Screamin’ deals!!! See you there. 🙂

The Story of The Pencil

Posted August 4, 2011 at 9:35 am by

Not just your ordinary writing instrument...

A friend sent this in & asked me not to tell you it was her (hint: she works downtown, she has brown hair, and she has two kids who play with your kids, she has an infectious laugh, a beguiling smile & an ever-inquisitive eyebrow).

I guess I really like the hope (expressed here) that having an eraser gives us (my favorite part). See what you think:

The Story of The Pencil

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter.

At one point he asked: ‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about me?’ His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to her grandson: I am writing… about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I’m using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up.’

Intrigued, the boy looked at the pencil. It didn’t seem very special. ‘But it’s just like any other pencil I’ve ever seen!’

‘That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world.’

First quality: you are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.

Second quality: now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpner. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, he’s much sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.


Fourth quality: what really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

Finally, the pencil’s fifth quality: it always leaves a mark. In just the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

Source: “Like the Flowing River” by Paulo Coelho

This’ll wake ya up….

Posted August 3, 2011 at 8:17 am by

The Sleepy Man Banjo Boys were on Letterman three weeks ago, and they’re amazing!
They’re my new favorite group – watch this little four-minute video & you’ll see why:

Around the island….

Posted August 3, 2011 at 8:00 am by

That was yesterday morning's sunrise, before by John Miller (thanks, John!)

There’s sunny days ahead…get outside & play!

Leslie, surrounded by friends, including Elayne...

Animal Shelter Director Leslie Byron tells me last weekend’s Wags To Riches fundraiser was a blast, in large part because of guest performer & comedian & animal advocate Elayne Boosler, who had people laughing for the evening…wasn’t a straight face in the crowd. And the Animal Shelter wins, again…

You wouldn’t forget your ferry tickets, right? Well don’t forget your Terry tickets, either! Megan Kilpatrick-Boe has the scoop:

Tickets are now available to purchase for the Terry Ogle Benefit Fundraiser dinner! They are $25 each and are available at Spa d Bune & Be Chic Boutique during their normal business hours.

• Plan on it: As part of the County’s planned furloughs to save on the budget, the Transfer Station is closed Friday this week….so, you gotta wait till Saturday to make a dump run.

The Noise Guy

The Reading Program sponsored by the Library each summer is so cool – here’s what’s happening today (you’ll love it!):

Wednesday @ 1:30 pm @ the Elementary School: Noise Guy Charlie Williams is back for a repeat performance. He promises to be funnier than ever, tweaking our Summer Reading Program theme to Many Noises, One Mouth! Get ready for some side-splitting laughter with the Noise Guy. This program is free & open to the public. Come on by & check it out!

Blood drive today at the Mullis Center! From 12-6pm!

You saw Sakana Rakasa three weeks ago at the Farmers Market – this month’s show features a special guest, this weekend – here’s more from MeganVivenzio:

Local belly dance troupe Sakana Rakasa is hosting special guest dancer Fatifah from Eugene, OR at this Saturday’s (Aug 6th) Farmers Market in Friday Harbor at 11:30 am for their monthly show at the market. Bring family and friends, come watch wonderful dancing, hear great music, and browse the market. You won’t want to miss it!

Very special guest dancer Fatifah from Eugene joins Sakana Rakasa this weekend at the Market.

• Remember the kids & the greenhouse project, across from the high school in that field between the high school & courthouse? They got underway this week, as materials began to arrive from off-island.

It's a lot of work, and it takes a lot of volunteers - Brickworks project manager Pete Kilpatrick oversees Friday Harbor Mayor Carrie Lacher helping lay bricks earlier this week....

Debbi Fincher sent over this little two-minute video of three local high school students in Anaheim last week – here’s more, from Debbi:

Teddy McCullough from Lopez, WA and Brett Paul and Sam Waite from Friday Harbor, WA trained at CADCA National Youth Leadership Initiative in Anaheim, CA this week. They tell us a little bit about their experience and look forward to returning home to get more involved in their community. Will you help them make positive change in our community?

• It’s Friday! Lavendera Day Spa is hosting a Reception & Open House on Friday, August 5th  from 7:15 pm to 9:00 pm, for Artist Sondra Bayley, who will be showing her mixed media work in a show called “New Directions” at Lavendera Day Spa from August 1st to September 30th, 2011. The show is located at 440 Spring Street. and runs from August 1st- September 30th.

Talking about bowheads….

Posted August 3, 2011 at 7:22 am by

The Whale Museum Lecture Series – Frances Robertson
The Bowhead Whale in the Age of Natural Resource Extraction

Bowhead whale

The Whale Museum continues its Research Lecture Series with PhD candidate Frances Robertson from the Marine Mammal Research Unit at the University of British Columbia. Robertson will discuss her work with the bowhead whale and the impacts of oil and gas industry activities on its behavior and distribution.

Frances Robertson has carried out studies involving marine mammals and human disturbance issues in Canada, Scotland and the US; other research activities have included a behavioural study of blue monkeys in Malawi, and minke whale foraging ecology and photo-id in the Salish Sea, WA. Frances has also spent 5 years working as a free lance marine mammal observer for the seismic survey industry.

The August 3rd lecture is free and open to the public, although donations are encouraged. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 23.

Time to Gear Up for the kids!

Posted August 3, 2011 at 12:21 am by

Time to get the gear for the fall....

I checked in with Michele at Islanders Bank & sure enough, they’re holding their annual Gear Up for Schools this month…take a moment & help! It couldn’t be more direct – everything, every dollar, every crayon…it all goes right to students here on the island who need the help. Here’s the scoop, from Islanders Bank:


Happy new month!

Posted August 2, 2011 at 8:48 am by

That's the sunrise this morning, down at the marina in Friday Harbor...Russell Sadler tells me, "The color lasted perhaps 10 minutes before it faded. Pays to get up early this time of year!"

Looking around the island….

Deborah & Hobbes - congratulations, you two!

• The stories you heard are true – the reason you see Hobbes & Deb smiling so much lately is they got married last month – congrats, you two! You make a great team!

• Make your plans to give – the Blood Drive is tomorrow (Wednesday) at the Mullis Center from 12-6pm…it’s easy, it’s fast & it helps.

• There’s a special deal at the Whale Museum on Thursday, but you gotta be a member (you can join at the door) – here’s the scoop:

The Whale Museum is celebrating its 32nd anniversary with a special Members’ Only event on August 4.  The museum will stay open an hour later, from 6 until 7 p.m., just for members!  Whale Museum staff and docents will be on-hand to visit with members about programs, activities and issues. A special sale of 32% off regularly priced merchandise will be offered (consignment items excluded).  Treats and goodies will be served.  Anyone is welcome … if you are not currently a member, you can join at the door.  Hope to see you there!
For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 30.

Hot off the press, again...after being out of print for a while now, Catherine at Griffin Bay Bookstore shows off the new cover for June's classic about living in the islands...get yours today!

• This is great news – June Burn’s Living High has been republished!

Although June passed away in ’69, her book of her & Farrar’s life here in the first third of the last century remains not only a classic but a compeelling read because she’s such a bright, cheerful & energetic spirit…and a heckuva writer.

Here’s a writeup about her – and get down to the bookstore & get your copy.

I honestly believe this oughta be required reading for folks to live here…read it! You’ll be glad you did!

It was slammin' busy in Friday Harbor this past weekend...sunny & bright & fun. Glad you were here!

Happy tapping!

Posted August 2, 2011 at 7:08 am by

Hey, this is good – Rob Simpson is putting on a good show this evening:

Monday night (August 15) will be a change of pace for the Conscientious Projector series at the library. We will be screening a film that follows 10 people over only 4 days as they try a stress management technique called EFT (or “tapping” on a couple of the energy meridians that are the foundation of Chinese medicine).

If you think this may be too “out there” think again. Sports teams are now using it to manage the stress of competition.  (Not that any of us are dealing with stress… 🙂 Come on down and check it out. 7:00pm –  Monday night – at the library. And thanks to the Friends of the Library, there will be free organic pop corn to help us digest the information.

Job prospect….

Posted August 1, 2011 at 11:26 pm by



How Facebook can help you to make money:

1) Go to your account.
2) Click account setting.
3) Deactivate account.
4) Go to work.

A couple of decades of the scene from Lime Kiln Lighthouse…

Posted August 1, 2011 at 8:28 am by

For the past twenty two years, Dr. Bob Otis has come to the island from Ripon College in Wisconsin to observe & record the behavior of the killer whales & other marine mammals from Lime Kiln Lighthouse (he’s here till the 10th if you’d like to go visit him)…he told me last night about this video that Tamara Kelley put together, using footage from Bob’s files from the past couple of decades:

Notes from the Update’s editorial offices…

Posted July 29, 2011 at 1:44 am by

On the lookout for news & gossip & tidbits, all tied together by our shared sense that we're glad to be here together on our island.

Good morning! Hope your day is off to a super start! There were a few little things I wanted to share with you, partly because you asked how you can participate in helping keep the San Juan Update healthy & strong & occasionally funny…

• Here’s one – I think I have enough work now to need help! I’m looking for an intern to help me with the work of this online community site – it’ll probably grow into a paid position down the road. Interested? Drop me a line at editor (at)!

• See those ads to the left, starting under the Calendar? Great way to get the word out about what you’re up to, or at least that’s what I hear. You & I are among thousands each week who read The Update…just as well have ’em read about you, too. Contact me at editor (at) for more info! Let’s get you started!

• See that yellow “donate” button to the left, down the page a little? Yep, that one. That’s part of what let’s me know we’re on the right track here…if you have a little change to spare (or just inherited a fortune & need guidance whom to share it with), that would be a great place to start.

• Finally, keep those cards & letters coming! It’s always great to hear from you, especially when you have things to share with the rest of the island. I love hearing from you!

As always, I feel so lucky – I have the greatest readers in the world!

All good things,


‘Round here…

Posted July 29, 2011 at 1:17 am by

A couple of weeks ago, John Miller composed this amazing still life after on the picture to see a larger, cooler version.

Did you see the sunset last night? THAT was awesome…and here’s some other stuff that’s happening:

• Cassie reminds me & you it’s time to sign up, if you haven’t:

Tiger Football practice starts on Monday Aug. 1st. If you have not signed up, we will have registrations at the field by the Elementary school.  Practice is from 4:00 to 6:00pm for ages 9 – 14 and 5:30 to 6:30 for ages 6 -8.


• Yep, till the 20th of August, Island Stage Left’s The Winter’s Tale plays at Roche Harbor on Thursdays-Sunday at 8:15pm. Don’t forget to bring a blanket and a warm jacket!


• I hear you can help Terry, now, without waiting till the fundraiser in late August….

Monetary donations can now be given through Islanders Bank, via the Terry Ogle Medical Benefit Account. Donations can be brought into the bank directly, or mailed to:
Islanders Bank/Friday Harbor Branch
PO Box 909, Friday Harbor WA 98250
Checks should be made out to the “Terry Ogle Medical Benefit Account”


Here’s the deal – if you’re at the high school & you want to play a sport, you gotta get a physical. Here’s a good way to take care of that, at San Juan Healthcare…here’s the times, from Karie:

San Juan Healthcare Fall Sports Physical Clinics
August 8, 9, 11, 15, 22
Please call our office to schedule your appointment
Mandatory Sports Physical paperwork is available on our website or by stopping by our office
Please bring your completed forms to your appointment
San Juan Healthcare


They're getting ready for the Animal Shelter's Wags to Riches fundraiser on the west side....

There are a few tickets left for The Animal Shelter’s Wags to Riches this weekend…here are some of this year’s great live auction items…

***Dessert of the Month for 12 months
***2 Mariner & Hotel Packages for 4
***Port Ludlow Resort Getaway
***2 Fantastic Wine Collections
***Artwork by Jaime Ellsworth
***Picnic Cruise for 12 on the Pintail
***Salt Spring Island Getaway
***Cooking Class & Dinner for 8
***A-1 Angus Beef, Propane Barbecue and Wine Package
***Aerial Photo on Canvas of Your Home or Favorite San Juan Location


• Hey, did you know this? Just in from Karie at San Juan Healthcare:

Dr Burk Gossom MD has been awarded a Certificate of Attendance from the American Heart Association.  On Saturday June 11, 2011 Dr Gossom attended the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course presented by LifeTek, Inc  in Everett Washington.  Upon completion of the course he was awarded renewal of his ACLS License.


The greatest error, driving in Friday Harbor: Trying to turn left at the intersection of Second & Spring, during the summer, when the ferry is just unloading. Stuck, forever. Good chance to wave at friends in the crosswalk, even chat with them, 'cause you ain't going nowhere.

Mariah (center) and her mom Bridget at Relay for Life, last year....


• When I dropped by Islanders Bank on Wednesday, Bridget Reitan told me that Mariah had just had her baby – you can tell by the beaming grandma that she’s pretty proud of her girl & new grandboy….


• Speaking of kids….Elizabeth Schubert is expecting again…this time it’s twins! Double the fun…


Skip Demuth has begun a blog about the Barefoot Bandit‘s journey through court with a visit with his mom…here’s more.


Jim Cole & the EMS folks have training coming up, and they need you:

San Juan Island EMS (SJIEMS) will be conducting an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course beginning October 8, 2011. The EMT course will last five months and be conducted on every Wednesday night and all day Saturdays.
There is need for a limited number of new EMTs here on the island since classes have not been held for several years, and the number of calls has steadily increased.
Interested full-time residents of San Juan Island are invited to investigate this opportunity online at


What a fox! Photo by Alex Shapiro (thanks, Alex!)

• Have you seen Alex’s photos on her Notes from the Kelp blog? Amazing stuff…


• Here’s a note from Maude:

School District seeks Facility Advisory Committee

The San Juan Island School District Board of Directors is seeking student, parent, and community volunteers to provide facility planning input and recommendations for both short term and long term projects.  The committee is expected to meet monthly and run for three to six months.

Activities will include reviewing district enrollment trends, reviewing existing fields and buildings for current and future needs, and advising the board on financing of future projects.  The meetings will run from one to two hours in the afternoons or early evenings.

No previous experience in construction or facility management is required, but would be helpful.  Interested parties should contact: Maude Cumming, 378-4133.

For further information please call SJISD Superintendent Rick Thompson at 378-4133.


Flowers, from Heritage Farm....the colors are amazing.


Music this weekend: The San Juan Jazz Quintet is at The Rumor Mill on Sunday from 6-8pm, while The Chameleons play Roche Harbor at 9:30pm on Friday & Saturday.

The One More Time Band plays tonight at The Rumor Mill, who will host Uncle Otto on Saturday night.

The DuoTones (that’s Mike & Bob) play at the Port today from 5pm to 7pm…great way to end the workday! At the Port on Sunday, it’s The American Night from 2-4pm.


Thu Bon River, Hoi An, Vietnam. Photo by Bob Stavers

Judy Chovan wanted you to know there’s a new show in the Community Theatre lobby:


An exhibit of works by Bob Stavers entitled The East: Photographic Images of the People and the Land is now on view in the lobby at the San Juan Community Theatre until Sunday, 28 August.

It is a sampling of images created during trips to India, Indonesia, Bhutan, Vietnam, Japan, and Cambodia. These countries have a rich cultural heritage and enormously varied landscapes that offer wonderful opportunities to capture moving and evocative photographs of “far away lands.”  All images are for sale and, if purchased during the exhibit, 40% of the proceeds will be donated to the Theatre. The Theatre lobby is open during the day from 11 am to 4 pm Tuesdays through Fridays and 11 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.


A few months ago, I ran a story about the women who meet at the Library to knit called Chix with Stix...and David Bentley (left) replied: "While there are lots of 'chix with stix' on the island, there are several men who knit on the island as well. Some of us have blue ribbons from the fair to prove it! Here's a photo of Lee Lange and myself at Island Wools working on socks and dish rags. We adhere to the slogan: 'Man Enough to Knit; Strong Enough to Perl.' "


You know that because of budget tightening at the County, there are furlough days where the offices are closed (YOU knew that Monday was a holiday in Canada – it’s BC Day – so this is a chance for you to go to Victoria instead of renewing your tags)…

So, Monday the first is one of them, and most (but not all) offices are closed…here’s the scoop from County Public Records Officer Stan Matthews:

Most County offices will be closed due to budget-related employee furloughs on Monday August 1.

Emergency and state mandated services will remain open. Those include the Courts, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, County Clerk, Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Dispatch. Continue Reading