Looking around the island:
• Yep, the San Juan Island Co-Op has its Grand Opening this Friday & Saturday in the Bakery San Juan Building – drop in for music & fun! Here’s more.
• I heard that Meaghan McCormick delivered her baby in San Francisco…more details soon.
• Liz just sent me the scoop on the Contra Dance this weekend:
It’s the Third Saturday Dance, at the Grange Hall, 7-9p.m.
Cindy Holmes (Anacortes) calling & teaching contras, squares and waltzes, with The Boys of the Bog (from SJI): Gordie Elliott, Dan Paulson, Dan Finn and Judy Francis on fiddle, bazouki, guitar and piano. All welcome – singles, families – come as you are. All dances taught. No experience necessary. $10/person donation. Join us for beginner instruction at 7pm and get in for half price! Grange sponsored. Information, 378-3836.
• Mentioned to you earlier this week that Credence & Ann just had their baby (welcome, Azalea!) – wahoo!
Turns out she has a rare congenital birth situation & will have to stay at Children’s Hospital for 6-12 weeks…so friends are putting together a fundraiser for next weekend (the 26th) – that’s the short story; here’s the rest of the story. See what you can do to help!
• Speaking of the Grange…the San Juan Grange (as an organization) is all re-organized & back in business! Here’s the scoop from Frank Penwell:
The Washington State Grange has officially re-opened San Juan Island Grange #966. On February 2nd, San Juan Grange members voted for officers: Master Frank Penwell, Overseer Marlene Crosby, Secretary Katie Nollman, and Treasurer Ruth Fleming. These Grange officers, as well as other elected Grangers, will be installed at the March meeting.
While the Grange has its roots in agriculture, it is better known in most communities as a Community Center, wherein citizens gather to promote educational activities such as study groups, arts, crafts, and talent nights. Granges across the state participate in the State Grange Convention held once a year to set legislative goals and to showcase many types of talent. All Grangers can compete in yearly state and national displays and competitions in speaking, debating, the performing arts, and arts and crafts.
Historically the Grange is known for its grassroots policy work. It was responsible for promoting rural electrification, rural postal service, school bus routes, and women’s rights. Recently in our State, the Washington State Grange promoted the Washington State primary voting rules “Top 2” that the Democrats and Republicans disliked so much that they took the issue to the Supreme Court. The Washington State Grange won that court case. Locally, the San Juan Grange has participated in the Dictionary Project and awarded scholarships to high school seniors. Our local Grange has been a sponsor of the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Grange Hall , a sponsor of Christmas Island with Santa, and a sponsor of the Third Saturday night Dances.
If you would like to join our local Grange, please contact Frank Penwell at 378-6473 or Marlene Crosby at 378-2858. Dues are $36.00 a year for new members.
It isn't free, but it's a good deal - check it out!
• Carol over at the Conservation District says the election is coming up:
The election of the San Juan Islands Conservation District will be held on March 29, 2011.
All San Juan County registered voters are eligible to vote in this election.
One supervisor will be elected for a 3-year term on the governing board of the District. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for governance and oversight of the Conservation District, for formulation of policy regulating District operations, for approval of District budgets, and monitoring use of District resources. Continue Reading