The Garden Club meets next Tuesday…

Posted February 22, 2011 at 6:05 am by

Evergreen huckleberries...

Here’s the word from Joyce & Dot – be sure & let them know you’re coming by Friday! Here’s the scoop:

Please join us for the monthly San Juan Island Garden Club Meeting
Time:  1:00 p.m.
Date:  Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Place: Mullis Center
Speaker:  Naturalist Susan Vernon
Topic: Wildflowers and fauna that we will enjoy in the springtime/summer – how to identify them and how to enjoy them in our midst


All are welcome to join us for tea, coffee, dessert, and wonderful gardening discussion of all topics.  We are featuring an exchange of gardening magazines as well at this meeting. Bring your used gardening magazines to share/exchange with other members.

Morning song: “Crazy Mind” by Kels….

Posted February 22, 2011 at 5:52 am by

Playing for the crowd last fall....

On this cold & grey morning, with snow called for in the evening to come, hope this warms you up to get the day going. Here’s “Crazy Mind” from Kels Boreen’s recent release “Life is Too Sweet”….

There’s a Hunter Safety course, starting today…

Posted February 22, 2011 at 5:07 am by

Bob Wilson says he has a few spots left for this certified course which gets underway today for no charge – here’s more:

Hunter Safety Course

02/22/2011 – 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (Tue)
02/23/2011 – 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (Wed)
02/24/2011 – 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (Thu)
02/25/2011 – 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM (Fri)
02/26/2011 – 09:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Sat)

Location: Friday Harbor High School – Room 205

Instructor Information
Bob Wilson (360) 317-5985 and Andy Holman (360) 378-1611
Kelby Anderson (360) 317-8770
Cost: No charge

General Information
Hunter education classes focus on three broad topical areas: Firearms and outdoor safety; Wildlife management; and,Hunter responsibility.
The average class includes 4 – 6 sessions spanning 16+ hours.
Successful students must pass a written test, demonstrate safe firearms handling skills and a positive attitude.

There is no minimum age required to enroll in hunter education, but instructors may require a parent or guardian to attend all classes if students are under 12 years of age. All hunter education classes are taught by instructors certified by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

IMA moves to new spot, offers online auction…

Posted February 22, 2011 at 4:16 am by

Wendy at IMA wants to let you know about the online auction that kicks off this weekend:

IMA recently moved into its new location on Spring Street in Friday Harbor, after losing its home to the National Park Service last fall. The Museum hopes to remain in this wonderful location until a successful Capital Campaign is completed in 2012, when a permanent museum home in Friday Harbor will be established. Please help IMA on this journey, as we would love nothing more than to continue inspiring & delighting you with exceptional exhibitions, events & educational programming!

IMA is truly grateful for the kind donations of these 23 artists, all who have been in previously juried shows at IMA. The San Juan Islands Museum of Art & Sculpture Park could not hold this wonderful fundraising auction event without this group of artists’ support! Thank you!!

We thank all ‘Art Auction Participants & Donors’ for your support!

See the artwork in person at the museum, or go to our beautiful new website at to view the artwork and receive the official link & password for the online auction starting on Feb 25th at 5pm.

Starts this weekend...

Aaron’s doing better….

Posted February 21, 2011 at 4:56 am by


Last week, Aaron D’Errico had a heck of a week…

On Wednesday, his proposal for a comic superhero for the Stan Lee Foundation was chosen as number 14 of the top 20, which means he’s still in the running to be picked (results: early in March.)

Also mid-week, he and twin bro Adam celebrated their 32nd birthdays.

Then, Friday, Aaron was in an accident on Spring Street which crunched his wheelchair/scooter and sent him sprawling on the pavement. He was flown off with head injuries….

When I talked to his mom Cynthia Elliott last night at St. Joseph’s in Bellingham, she expressed guarded optimism that he’d be home this week sometime. She says he took a few steps Sunday, and you could hear her smile when she said his verbal ability hasn’t been impaired. She says Aaron is very moved by the love, concern, and support of family & friends on the island.

Get well, friend, and hurry home!

Willy Dunn makes state in wrestling…

Posted February 21, 2011 at 4:23 am by

He was among the best: FHHS junior Willy Dunn got in two matches at the state wrestling tournament last weekend. Photos by Stuart Dunn (thanks, Stuart!)

For Friday Harbor High junior wrestler Willy Dunn, it began with a trip to state as an alternate as a freshman. He wrestled last year at state as a sophomore, and again last weekend in the 285 pound division. Although he lost both matches in Tacoma, Willy remains upbeat.

“The experience helps. Overall, I think I wrestled fine, but my opponent was ready for everything I threw at him, in both matches. I’ll continue to modify what I’m doing, and that will help,” Will said last night when I called him. “My goal is to do better next year.”

Willy was the only wrestler to go to State this year from Coach Neil MacDiarmid’s Wolverine squad, which performed well enough to send a sizable contingent from districts to regionals, but only Willy got a ride to Tacoma.

He won’t be resting on his grappling laurels – baseball starts in a week, and he’ll be lifting this summer to get ready for football this fall. Then…a senior year shot at state in the winter.

Way to go, Willy!

Baseball & softball for kids: Ready for the spring

Posted February 21, 2011 at 3:28 am by

Matt is a senior at Claremont McKenna this spring...he played his youth baseball & high school ball here on the island.

Our baseball & softball programs here on the island have turned out some amazing success stories – Matthew Rothisberger is wrapping up his senior year of college ball, while Richie Ochoa begins his sophomore year at WSU, the FHHS basball & softball teams are regular playoff contenders, and Fletcher Vynne just wrapped up his job coaching minor league ball in Wenatchee (he’s in the Navy, now.) And all of them started on the back fields of our elementary school.

So now it’s time to look at the coming youth season, which promises both growth and some new programs – here’s more from Kris Brown:

Richie has a good first year last spring with the Cougs....

After last year’s record registrations, Friday Harbor Baseball & Softball is looking forward to another year which includes “upping” the level of play at older levels. Junior baseball is starting a month earlier and has scheduled games mainly with off-island Babe Ruth teams. “The minor and major boy’s baseball and girl’s softball will be moving to Pony rules which adds a new excitement to the game,” according to new FHBSA president, Joel Arnold.

What is different about PONY ball? The field size increases gradually, starting at 60′ between the bases for ages 9 & 10 – then 70′ for ages 11- 13, 80′ for ages 13 & 14 and 90′ for ages 15-18. The pitching distance increases also. By contrast, Little League keeps the 60′ distance through age 12, then jumps up to 90′ at age 13. Starting at age 9, PONY leagues play “real baseball” – players may lead off their bases (instead of waiting until the ball is pitched) and pitchers learn pickoff moves. “As a result the game moves faster, and everyone has to stay on their toes,” said Arnold.

With the new level of play, age groupings become key: The try-out session on Sunday March 13th will assess playing abilities so that 3-4 teams of equal abilities can be drafted into two levels for boys and girls.

Boy’s baseball minors are for all 9-10 year olds and very athletic 8 year olds.  Majors will be for ages 11-13 (Juniors have already tried out). All games will be kid pitch with stealing; no pitching machines for minors unlike the last three years.

Softball will be divided into U11 for 3rd-5th graders who focus on building pitching (limited use of pitching machine), hitting and fielding skills and with the U14 for 6th-8th graders expanding those skills with more rigorous play.

Rookies (coed baseball) will bridge the gap between T-ball and the higher level of play as kids learn to hit by coach or machine pitch. “Last year we found this was a good way for kids who’d already played two years of T-ball to transition into the higher expectations of baseball and softball,” Arnold explained.

After leaving Little League in favor of  “self-ruled” on-island play in 2008, FHBSA has created a “spring fever” that has expanded the program by 20%, involving nearly 300 kids ages 5-14.  An informal inter-island league with Orcas and Lopez, culminated in an Island-wide tournament to end the 2010 season.

Early bird registration ends March 2nd and full-price continues until March 13th. For information on registration go to and either register on-line or print out registration forms.

Kris Brown, kbcbrown (at)
home 360-378-3432

Sunday evening at the Whale Museum – it’s Ray Troll!

Posted February 20, 2011 at 2:30 pm by

Trolling for a good time - check out Ray!

If you’re looking for a fun evening in Friday Harbor, drop by the Whale Museum tonight, because Ray’s on the island…here’s the scoop from Jenny:

The Whale Museum’s Artist and Author Series: An Evening with Ray Troll

The Whale Museum is pleased to welcome Alaskan artist, author and humorist Ray Troll on February 20 at 6:00 pm for an evening presentation. Ray Troll has been cranking out fishy T-shirts for nearly three decades, gaining him a widespread audience among fisher folks, scientists, and fellow paleo-ichthyo-freaks around the globe. He has appeared on the Discovery Channel, lectured at Cornell, Harvard and Yale, shown work at the Smithsonian and has even had a ratfish named after him (Hydrolagus trolli). Not too bad for a t-shirt wearing kinda’ guy.

The focus of the February 20 event is Ray’s latest book, Something Fishy This Way Comes, which gathers the cream of the his art crop. During the evening, Ray will talk about the twists and turns of his quirky career and share background tidbits on many of his best-known designs along with a few that never got off the drawing board. For more information, check out Rays’ website:
The February 20th event will be held at The Whale Museum and begins at 6 p.m. with a reception. Copies of the bookSomething Fishy This Way Comes will be on sale and Ray will be available to sign. The event is free to the public (suggested donation of $10 per person would be appreciated). For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext. 26.


Updates for Thursday….

Posted February 17, 2011 at 8:58 am by

Looking around the island:

• Yep, the San Juan Island Co-Op has its Grand Opening this Friday & Saturday in the Bakery San Juan Building – drop in for music & fun! Here’s more.

• I heard that Meaghan McCormick delivered her baby in San Francisco…more details soon.

• Liz just sent me the scoop on the Contra Dance this weekend:

It’s the Third Saturday Dance, at the Grange Hall, 7-9p.m.

Cindy Holmes (Anacortes) calling & teaching contras, squares and waltzes, with The Boys of the Bog (from SJI): Gordie Elliott, Dan Paulson, Dan Finn and Judy Francis on fiddle, bazouki, guitar and piano. All welcome – singles, families – come as you are. All dances taught. No experience necessary. $10/person donation. Join us for beginner instruction at 7pm and get in for half price! Grange sponsored. Information, 378-3836.

• Mentioned to you earlier this week that Credence & Ann just had their baby (welcome, Azalea!) – wahoo!

Turns out she has a rare congenital birth situation & will have to stay at Children’s Hospital for 6-12 weeks…so friends are putting together a fundraiser for next weekend (the 26th) – that’s the short story; here’s the rest of the story. See what you can do to help!

• Speaking of the Grange…the San Juan Grange (as an organization) is all re-organized & back in business! Here’s the scoop from Frank Penwell:

The Washington State Grange has officially re-opened San Juan Island Grange #966.  On February 2nd, San Juan Grange members voted for officers:  Master Frank Penwell, Overseer Marlene Crosby, Secretary Katie Nollman, and Treasurer Ruth Fleming.  These Grange officers, as well as other elected Grangers, will be installed at the March meeting.

While the Grange has its roots in agriculture, it is better known in most communities as a Community Center, wherein citizens gather to promote educational activities such as study groups, arts, crafts, and talent nights. Granges across the state participate in the State Grange Convention held once a year to set legislative goals and to showcase many types of talent. All Grangers can compete in yearly state and national displays and competitions in speaking, debating, the performing arts, and  arts and crafts.

Historically the Grange is known for its grassroots policy work.  It was responsible for promoting rural electrification, rural postal service, school bus routes, and women’s rights. Recently in our State, the Washington State Grange promoted the Washington State primary voting rules “Top 2” that the Democrats and Republicans disliked so much that they took the issue to the Supreme Court. The Washington State Grange won that court case. Locally, the San Juan Grange has participated in the Dictionary Project and awarded scholarships to high school seniors. Our local Grange has been a sponsor of the Thanksgiving Dinner at the Grange Hall , a sponsor of Christmas Island with Santa, and a sponsor of the Third Saturday night Dances.

If you would like to join our local Grange, please contact Frank Penwell at 378-6473 or Marlene Crosby at  378-2858.    Dues are $36.00 a year for new members.

It isn't free, but it's a good deal - check it out!

• Carol over at the Conservation District says the election is coming up:

The election of the San Juan Islands Conservation District will be held on March 29, 2011.

All San Juan County registered voters are eligible to vote in this election.
One supervisor will be elected for a 3-year term on the governing board of the District. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for governance and oversight of the Conservation District, for formulation of policy regulating District operations, for approval of District budgets, and monitoring use of District resources. Continue Reading

Deadwood Revival on Saturday!

Posted February 17, 2011 at 8:27 am by

Deadwood Revival...this Saturday!

Jan says it’s gonna be great, and they came all the way from Port Townsend just to play for us:

Bluegrass Meets Acoustic Grateful Dead at SJCT Concert

Port Townsend’s Deadwood Revival brings their “feel good” acoustic music to San Juan Community Theatre’s Whittier stage on Saturday, February 19 at 7:30 pm.

The string band, composed of four musicians from four completely different backgrounds, has created a repertoire filled with the spirit of bluegrass, Appalachia and soulful American roots.

Whether a rockin’ hoe-down or a tasty ballad, their original tunes have been described as “old time with smokin’ hooks.”  In addition to bluegrass, the band also breathes new life into a variety of fiddle, folk, rock and a few Grateful Dead tunes.  The group brings with them not only their powerhouse vocals but also their collection of spirited instruments–including a percussive claw hammer banjo, acoustic guitars, homemade “stomp board,” fiddle, and bass ukulele.  For more information on Deadwood Revival, check out their website at

What’s up with the Village People…

Posted February 17, 2011 at 8:13 am by

Just checked with Anne & she has a few things going on:

VILLAGE AT THE HARBOUR is doing it again!  Save The Date…February 20 at 6:30!  Islanders new and old are in for a treat, come and see how our wonderful island got its start!  Join us at the beautiful Village Venue and hear the secrets of the island as told by Mike Vouri and Kevin Loftus from their two books, “Images of America” Friday Harbour and San Juan Island.  Also, learn the exciting history of the fishing industry in the San Juans from John Wade, author “Fishermen and Fisheries”  Books and authors will be available for signing.  Call for more information at 3798-7144 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Also, join us at the Interisland Medical Center the morning of the 21st as we are helping to sponsor the Health Care Screening and providing healthy snacks.

Ask about our FREE meeting/singing/dancing space available to nonpolitical and non profit groups.

Guten tag! German TV show at the library…

Posted February 17, 2011 at 8:02 am by

Molly just dropped me a note about this special event at the Library for the next three weeks:

It's this weekend....

SUNDAYS (February 20, 27 and March 6th)
6:30 to 8 P.M.


A Berlin Love Story before the fall of the Wall

Two families in East Berlin in the 80’s, the Kupfers and the Hausmanns, could not be more different. The Kupfers rank high in the state security. The Hausmanns come from a background critical of government. When Martin Kupfer falls in love with Julia Hausmann, their love threatens the foundations of both families’ lives.

It has been dubbed a cold war Romeo and Juliet and drew huge television audiences in Germany since its launch in mid-September, 2010.

Sponsored by the San Juan Island German Society, which meets every Wednesday at 4:30 at Griffin Bay Books. All are welcome!

Singing a song for you, and Shannon…

Posted February 16, 2011 at 10:35 pm by

It’s always good to hear about talented folks, and that includes our siblings – here is FHES second-grade teacher Shannon Evans‘ brother Brant with Aubrey, by Bread (which he dedicates to her on YouTube):

Monday’s windstorm….

Posted February 16, 2011 at 1:43 am by

The waves were crashing at the lighthouse at Lime Kiln on by John Boyd (thanks, JB!)

It was a windy, windy day on Monday (with some left over for yesterday) here on the island…here’s a little video at Lime Kiln that Mike Martin thought you might enjoy.

Robin Atkins and her husband Robert went to South Beach to take pictures in the wind...awesome shot, Robin!

Wednesday’s checkin….

Posted February 16, 2011 at 1:36 am by

Seems like there’s a lot going on around the island….

Danny & Jess

• I hear that Jessica Oldwyn & Danny Carroll (right, both FHHS grads!) got married in Paris over the past couple of days – wahoo!

• Bob & Jamie report that the dogs showed up:

The golden retrievers have come home after nine days of being lost in the San Juan Island wilderness, Thank God. We would like to thank the community for their prayers and concern.
The Benz Family

• You knew Jonathon Piff is an awesome guitar player, but did you know he’s an investment guy, too? Here’s his page.

Jen & Art had a nice Valentine's Day dinner at the Rumor Mill on Monday while listening to Joe Bongiorno & Amy Janelle's solo piano performances.

• Last week, San Juan Island had a little 3.2 earthquake – yesterday morning Saltspring Island has a 2.9 quake…here’s more.

Passing – I just heard that John Heric passed away…our condolences to Kathleen,, and I’ll pass on more a little later.

Credence Ross & Ann Kiernan delivered baby Azalea this week – congratulations!

• People tell me Don Reitan is recovering at home from his heart problems last week – good to hear.

• They’re in Mexico, hanging with the dolphins – here’s more (with great pictures) from Nan & Steve Simpson.

Dave Ross

This weekend there will be a Celebration of Life for Dave Ross:

Islander Dave Ross passed away on December 24, 2010 after complications from a lung transplant. His friends and family are invited to either of the two celebrations are planned for this weekend; Saturday, February 19, from 5 to 7pm at the Yacht Club with appetizers served and Sunday, February 20 at Noon at the American Legion for a tribute and potluck. The Celebrations of Life for Dave were postponed in honor of Dave’s son-in-law, Douglas Graham, who will return from Iraq to be present. Contributions to help with expenses can be made to the Dave Ross Memorial Fund at Islanders Bank.

Caitlin Mead for Friday Harbor House has a deal for you:

It’s a Winemaker’s Weekend

February 18 – 21, 2011
Join us for the long weekend and indulge in a multi-course food and wine tasting feast. The Bluff’s Chef Kyle Nicholson will delight with a menu featuring San Juan Islands’ local produce, seafood and meat paired with wines from Northwest winemaker Chris Primus of San Juan Vineyards. After dinner, relax in your room and enjoy your bottle of sparkling wine and the crackling fire or a soak in your jetted tub-for-two.

Package Includes:
Two-night stay
Bottle of sparkling wine in room upon arrival
Winemaker’s Dinner for two in The Bluff Restaurant • Bar • Terrace
This offer is valid February 18-21, 2011. Rates start from $205 per night.*

Take the class at Skagit & you'll love your computer again.

• Next Tuesday-Thursday at Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center, I’ll be offering three hour classes in Intro to the Computer (PC), Excel, Word & Intermediate Word. Reasonably priced and it’s a fun way to learn your way around the programs – hope to see you in class!

• Make plans to go to the Contra Dance at 7 on Saturday at the Grange! Haven’t done folk dancing before? No problem – beginners welcome!

Check out the Wayback Machine…

Posted February 16, 2011 at 1:22 am by

The Update over the years....

If you click on this link, you can get an idea what your website looked like years ago – it’s fun!

Here’s the Wayback Machine.