Cutting up at school…

Posted November 3, 2010 at 7:37 am by

Alexandra and Emma put the last touches on their masterpiece....

There was a small mob of kids who showed up to carve their pumpkins last Saturday at Stepping Stones Pre-school on Park Street…there were bags of seeds and lots of happy faces. Great fun.

Studio Seven show on Halloween night…

Posted November 3, 2010 at 6:55 am by

Cynthia Church with paintings from her Morris Graves by Peggy Sue McRae

At Studio Seven artists Anthony DiMichele and Cynthia Church bring new creative energy to the Old Corner Store. The Studio Seven art show About Face: Portraits and Self-Portraits was a bright and lively stop this Halloween night.

The show features new works including paintings, prints, collage and photography by some of our most talented local artists.

The United Way needs your help…

Posted November 3, 2010 at 5:48 am by

Joy is in charge of development at the United Way, in a couple of different departments.

It’s simple, and it’s easy to help…the United Way for San Juan County gives that little extra push that so many agencies need to help the more vulnerable of our friends here in the islands.

When you look at the list of the 30+ agencies the local United Way helps out, you see teen programs, health help, teaching & learning assistance, family support – for the people who need it most.

It’s everybody – parents, kids, seniors, babies…everybody.

You got a mailer in the regular mail last week that includes an envelope that you can send your donation in with*, so find that envelope & do what you can.

If you can’t find the envelope, go to the UW’s site & you can donate there.

If that doesn’t work for you, call me up (7275, on San Juan Island) & I’ll bring you an envelope – I have extras.

The United Way’s Director Joy Goldberg is expecting her first child in January, and when I visited with her she tells me the fall campaign is running a little behind this year, and it’s hard to imagine what the agencies are going to do (or not do) without the help.

Take the time, and help out. They need it. Makes for a better island.

* I know that grammarians prefer that you not use a preposition to end a sentence; I’m checking to see if it’s OK to use two prepositions at the end of a clause. Seems kinda cool, somehow. 🙂 Especially if it helps the United Way.

Election: Rob & Rich are in…

Posted November 2, 2010 at 11:02 pm by

While several of the statewide elections are pretty close as I write this Tuesday evening, the two local races San Juan Island residents were watching are settled:

Deputy sheriff Rob Nou has been elected as San Juan County's next sheriff.

Rob Nou defeated Brent Johnson by a couple of thousand votes in a county-wide vote, while Rich Peterson held onto his spot on the County Council, setting aside a strong challenge by Laura Jo Severson by a little under a hundred votes. Both elections were called by County Auditor Milene Henley early Tuesday evening.

I called Rob Tuesday night…he says he is “energized to roll up his sleeves and get to work” when he is sworn in in early January. He says he found the election results both “humbling and gratifying at the same time,” and is looking forward to serving as the next county sheriff.

Voters elected Rich Peterson to a second term...

When I checked in with Rich, he says it’s nice to have the election over….  He says he’s thankful to his supporters, and he’s looking forward to the new County Council (Patty Miller ran unopposed and joins the Council from Orcas, while Bob & Jamie have it too close to call on Lopez). He says he’s looking forward to getting things done in the new term.

From my point of view, I’d have to say this was generally one of the better election campaigns I’ve seen around here, with bright, thoughtful committed candidates and positive, issues-centered campaigns. Congratulations to all of you, and thanks for your desire to serve.

Need a hand?

Posted November 2, 2010 at 10:57 pm by

California pot vote threatened B.C. bud industry

Posted November 2, 2010 at 10:03 pm by

Pretty close to home….

If you heard a sigh of relief Tuesday night from the north, it may have been Canadian pot growers who saw the California marijuana legalization initiative go down to defeat. According to the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), had the measure passed, it would have cost the illegal operations in Canada billions of dollars. Even with the exchange rate, that’s a lot of money. Here’s more from the CBC.

Kids in the streets…

Posted November 2, 2010 at 7:29 am by

FHES principal Gary Pflueger led the way, giving out free advice to everybody...

It was a fun Halloween, wasn’t it? I think maybe the only thing better than a day of Halloween is three days…it went on forever! There were people dressing up on Friday the 29th and still dressing up on the 31st…

And it all started on Friday with the elementary school’s costume parade down Spring Street – the teachers and parents bring the kids all the way from school, turn around at the other end of Kings Market, and then go back on the other side.

Here are two looks at the parade:

This is a 60-picture portfolio of the kids & teachers that I took – see who you know!

And here’s Ken Surratt’s nice video he took, earlier in the parade route.

And it was cool…the sun came out just as the parade started…wahoo!

The sun came out, and so did the smiles...

Monday ’tis…and a happy one to you

Posted November 1, 2010 at 9:13 am by

South Beach, on Halloween by Frank & Vicky Giannangelo (thanks, you guys! Click on the picture to see the larger version!)

Let’s look around the island a little here & see what’s up:

• If you’re early to work, I hope you get a raise & it’s because you’re excited to be there, and not because you didn’t know that Daylight Savings Time switches this coming weekend.

Coolest weekend of the year – an extra hour to sleep.

• Did you remember to vote? Get it in the mail, or drop it by that big box in front of the Courthouse.

Khali: Hitting the road for Cali...

Claire Burke tells me she’s moving to Bellingham today, while Khali at The Bean‘s taking off for San Francisco sometime next week. Over at Bakery San Juan, Leah‘s heading for Thailand mid-month.

And…bartender Jimmy at the Rumor Mill punched out for the last time Saturday night before heading on vacation to Florida & beyond, then heading to Utah to work for the winter.

Brian from the County’s Pollution Control Department says this Wednesday is a super time to empty your bathroom cabinet (and house!) of meds  you’re not using any more…here’s the scoop:

Medication Take Back – Free and Easy!

Wednesday, November 3, 10 am to 2 pm

It is time to take a look inside your medicine cabinet.  Anything expired?  Anything dusty from years of not being used?  Anything where the label is faded and unreadable, and you don’t really know what is in there anymore?  Have you been holding onto old medication because you simply don’t know how to get rid of it easily and safely?

Great news!  The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition has teamed up with the San Juan County Sheriff’s Department and your local pharmacy to provide a free and easy way to get rid of ALL of our unwanted medications.  This Wednesday, November 3, from 10 am to 2 pm, you can stop by any of the 3 pharmacies and drop off your unwanted medications for free and safe disposal.

Meds from the last Take Back...not Hallowween candy...

Taking advantage of this opportunity to safely dispose of old medications is a great way to make sure that your medications don’t get abused, end up polluting our drinking water, or poisoning fish or wildlife.  And, did I mention it is free???  And easy!

As you are cleaning the prescription medications out your medicine cabinet, don’t forget your unwanted over-the-counter medications, as well.  It is really important that drugs like aspirin and other pain relievers, sinus medications, and sleep aides NOT get flushed down the toilet.   Instead, bring them into your island pharmacy on Wednesday:

  • Friday Harbor Drug
  • Lopez Island Pharmacy
  • Ray’s Pharmacy.

-Brian Rader is the San Juan County Pollution Prevention Specialist.  You can reach Brian at 370-7581 or brianr (at)

Cats prowling the Halloween night...Eric & Danielle Eisenhardt with kitten Liv. Not sure if they saw the mouse in the picture above.... 🙂

Have you ever wondered what happens to those seals that get released back to the wild after Wolf Hollow takes them in to save them? Here’s an in-depth look at one of the release programs, in the Seattle Times.

Left to right: Ben Straub, Andrew DiRienzo, David Howitt, Capt. Richard Rodriguez (instructor,) Jeremy Talbott, Marshall Davis, Elizabeth Compton, and James Rogers.

• Richard tells me he has a new class that just graduated – here’s more:

New Coast Guard Captains Qualified
Participating in the course were a combination of fisherman, professional mariners, and yachters.  The group spent two months in preparation to become qualified as 100 ton Coast Guard Masters (Captains.)  Some have also qualified in Commercial Assistance Towing, and Sailing.

Instructing the course was Zenith Maritime’s Director of Operations, Captain Richard Rodriguez.  He stated, “It was a please to work with dedicated group of mariners who will bring a new degree of professionalism to their work.”

Capt. Rodriguez has certified over 500 mariners as Captains in Western Washington in the last eight years.  Rodriguez has worked as a primary Assistance Towing captain in the San Juan Islands since 2003.  His receives 1,200 visitors a day.

Zenith Maritime trains mariners to become Captains across the United States. Zenith graduates operate vessels up to 200′ across the country and received their licenses through our approved training as an alternative to stressful Coast Guard Examinations

You can find out more about Captain’s Licensing by contacting Capt. Rodriguez at captrodriguez (at) or 360-531-0698.

If you're looking for Friday Harbor espresso, there it is...this si a picture I took about three weeks ago, when I was coming back to the island with Kenmore Air. (Click for a larger picture.)

Best way to eat…

Posted November 1, 2010 at 6:02 am by

The fall crop is looking good at Heritage Farm....

You know, this island has some of the best places around to eat – some of our restaurants have awards, some have big crowds, some have specialties that bring people year round, just to eat here.

Part of last Friday's haul...

One of the places I like to get food isn’t a store or cafe, though – since spring, Josie & I have gone each Friday to Heritage Farm and picked up our share of the farm’s CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) allotment…we’ve had greens, carrots, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, leeks, and a few vegetables we had to look up on the Internet.

We usually have enough to share with friends, and it’s made for healthy choices the past six months. If you want to know more about the program, check out Jim’s website here; and yep, other farms have crop sharing programs, too.

It’s all part of what makes it cool to live here.

Soccer comes to successful end…

Posted November 1, 2010 at 5:46 am by

KIds' soccer wrapped up the season this weekend under mostly sunny skies...

This past weekend was the end of the regular season for the island’s soccer program…the on-island teams wrapped up the season under sunny skies (those are the teams that stay on the island for all their games each Saturday), while some of the travelling teams (they play about half their games here, and half over in the Skagit Valley somewhere – those are the U-13 & U-14 teams) have season-ending tournaments this Saturday.

Our U-19 team plays all their games off-island, and continue till mid-November – they’re about half & half for wins & losses, and the boys tell me they’re really growing tighter on the field. (The “U” thingie means “under” – like under 19 years old, by the way.)

All this wouldn’t happen if we didn’t have such cool & dedicated volunteers, and it sure wouldn’t happen if the kids didn’t make it so fun. It’s cool to go to school & see some 200 kids playing & their parents & brothers & sisters & friends cheering & reffing & coaching, with smiles all around. Nice season – way to go!

Some 200 kids played this fall season...

This was the first year for a program for the under-six kids...


Posted November 1, 2010 at 4:00 am by

Just heard that our good friend Shahn McGuire’s stepmother passed away in Texas…our condolences to Shahn…

Colletta Jan McGuire passed away peacefully at her home with her family by her side on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at the age of 59. She is survived by her husband David McGuire, children Cody Alexander and Cary Griffin of San Antonio, Texas; stepdaughters, Shahn McGuire of Friday Harbor and Sam Pruett of Hobbs, New Mexico as well as 7 beloved grandchildren and a large extended family.  Memorials gifts may be made to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, Inc c/o Cody Alexander 530 Adrian Drive, San Antonio, Tx 78213;

Halloween at Islanders Bank

Posted October 29, 2010 at 11:59 am by

The staff chose the theme "The Eighties" and they're livin' it, at Islanders Bank this morning. (Click on the picture to see a larger version)

Think up an excuse to drop by Islanders Bank today to see everyone all dressed up!

News around & about…

Posted October 29, 2010 at 12:07 am by

Sign down at the Doctor's Office by Richard Rodriguez (thanks!)

Let’s check out our isle…

• You know Molly Hogan, the friendly cashier at Kings Market – she tells me that she and her daughter Charlotte LaRiviere (FHHS ’10; she’s a freshman at the University of San Francisco now) traveled east for daughter Josie‘s wedding last week…wahoo!

Playoff update: The Lady Wolverines soccer team played hard, but dropped their playoff game at Kings High 7-0 to end a good season in which the repeat league champs showed a lot of heart & determination, as they improved all season long. Way to go, girls!

• I heard that Sam Buck, Jr. was named the local Realtor of the Year recently, and that Lisa Anderson was picked as Affiliate of the Year (she’s at Chicago Title)…way to go, you guys!

• The “Choking Game” incident at the middle school made the Seattle news last night – here’s their report. I hope parents & kids take the time to look at the video in the report together. The school is handling it well; now let’s get the kids to handle it. This isn’t fun, and it isn’t funny.

• Next Wednesday at Skagit Valley College/San Juan Center: It’s a three hour hands-on workshop (1-4pm) for getting the most out of PowerPoint. There’s still room – call by Monday at 378-3220 and sign up! (Disclaimer: I’m teaching the class. I approved this message.)

Ready for the Haunted House?

• I dropped by the Haunted House when they were setting it up earlier this week (that’s when I took those pix to the right, when the lights were on)…sounds like that’s gonna be pretty fun. Here’s the scoop.

• In other Halloween news, Robin at the Sheriff’s department has a safety item:

The SJ County Sheriffs office gives away glow sticks at Halloween. The idea is to keep our children safe in the streets and visible to oncoming traffic. Due to Halloween being on a Sunday this year, we will not be giving them away through the schools as in the past. Could you tell parents that the Sheriffs Office will be supplying glow sticks on Sunday? Just come by and pick one up while supplies last. Each island will have them available for pick up. San Juan Masonic Lodge # 175 has kindly funded this program for the past two years.

• This is the last weekend for Duck Soup Inn (with Friday night Happy Hour tonight, and they’re open for dinner tonight & Saturday) before Gretchen closes for the winter…

Meanwhile, over at the Coho Restaurant, Stephanie tells me they’re starting to offer sushi in a couple of weeks – here’s more:

Sushi at Coho

“Beginning Wednesday, November 10th, we’ll be open for lunch every Wednesday serving fresh, made-to-order sushi. Our prize fish is tender, young albacore brought in by High Seas Tuna, which will be featured in our weekly maki selections.  We’ll have other fish and vegetarian maki as well.  (Check our Coho blog to read about this amazing albacore and the sustainable fishing practices).

“There will also be a ramen bowl of the week- a flavorful soup filled with copious noodles and our chef’s selection of either smoked pork, chicken or shrimp.  Of course, we’ll also have all the traditional fixings including miso soup, seaweed salad, green tea, hot and cold sake, and Asian-inspired ice creams.   Dine in or take out, your pleasure – first come, first served – either way, you’ll experience the freshest sushi around!

“If you’re a sushi fan, plan your visit to the island this fall to include a Wednesday and join us for lunch.  Remember, we will be open Thursday – Saturday for our regular dinner service.”

Sweet Eats and Savory Thymes,
Stephanie Prima-Sarantopulos, Guest Services Coordinator

• You’re already planning to get a Christmas tree, right? Well, you get a good tree and help out Paideia – here’s more from Jill Urbach:

Hi Ian!  I’ve got some information I hope you’ll pass along to your readers.  (That would be everybody.  Hello everybody!)

Believe it or not, Christmas is right around the corner and it’s not too early to start thinking about the centerpiece in your house: Your Christmas tree!  Why not get a head start on the season and order your Christmas tree now?  It’ll be one less thing to have to think about after Thanksgiving!

Once again, Paideia Classical School is holding its annual fresh-cut Christmas tree sale.  This year we are using a new grower with local ties, King Family Trees.  4’ to 9’ Nobles and Douglas Firs are available and all trees come with a money-back guarantee.  Prices are the same as last year.

Orders must be placed by Friday, November 12.  Then you can sit back and relax, knowing your fresh tree will be ready for pickup on Saturday, December 4, just in time for you to decorate for the season.  (Delivery can be arranged for a small fee.)  Don’t forget about Paideia’s delicious bake sale when you pick up your tree!
To order your tree, talk to any Paideia student or parent or call Tammy Andersen at the school at 378-8322.  Thank you for supporting Paideia Classical School!  We appreciate it!

Cutbacks at the medical center shouldn’t mean less service – here’s more in a press release from Lenore last week, who is on the hospital board:

The SJCPHD#1 Board announced today that, due to current economic conditions and decreasing insurance reimbursements, significant adjustments to salaries and staffing are required for the Inter Island Medical Center (IIMC) to stay within its 2010 budget. These adjustments will not, however, affect the availability of 24/7 healthcare for island residents and visitors. All scheduled services will continue to be available Monday through Friday as well as on Saturday from 9am to 4pm.

“We regret the necessity of these changes and the impact on the entire IIMC staff. We’ve all been working hard this past year to reduce costs, manage staff turnover, and deal with changing insurance reimbursements,” said Lenore Bayuk, SJCPHD#1 Board Chairperson. “Nevertheless, we need to make these changes now to stay within our 2010 operating budget. Our ongoing planning for next year’s budget will also be impacted by these economic realities.”

The IIMC is designated as a rural medical clinic, and therefore its insurance and Medicare reimbursements are limited to fixed fees and do not meet the cost of providing services. This long recognized problem contributed to the Board’s strategic decision to establish a relationship with PeaceHealth which will lead to the opening of the PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center in 2012. This long range plan remains on track and will result in greater financial stability for the Hospital District.

San Juan County Public Hospital District #1 is a tax-supported agency that provides clinic-based medical services and 24/7 urgent care services at the Inter Island Medical Center in Friday Harbor. It also operates San Juan Island EMS which provides emergency medical services, critical care transport, and injury and accident prevention programs. The District is comprised of San Juan Island, Town of Friday Harbor, Brown Island, Stuart Island, Johns Island, Speiden Island, Pearl Island and Henry Island in San Juan County, Washington.

• You went to the Soroptimists’ Giveaway last year & loved it, so they’re doing it again – here’s more from Barbara Sharp:


Back again by popular demand!  The Soroptimists’ third annual Great Island Giveaway is Saturday, October 30 at the Mullis Center, 10:30am to 1:00 pm.  Free admission.

Here’s your chance to exchange items you no longer use for something you do need! If you have attended before, the rules are the same: Check in your donations between 10:30 am and 11:55 am, and receive one ticket for each item. Each ticket is good for one exchange.  When the bell rings at noon, you are free to exchange each ticket for an item on display. No exchanges, swaps or set-asides of goods before the noon bell.

Donations must be in good, clean working order. Look around the house for things you no longer use:  kitchen appliances, toys, lamps, books, gardening tools, books, vases, framed art, games, backpacks. However, clothes, shoes, TVs, computers, cellular phones or other outdated electronics will not be accepted. Furniture or other large items may be considered, but the donor is responsible for removal if the item is not chosen by the end of the event.

The doors open for check-in at 10:30 am.   Socialize with your friends and neighbors and enjoy a fresh cup of Café Femenino coffee and baked goods while you check out incoming treasures until the noon bell.  It’s fun, it’s free, and you can go home with a real treasure.

Sponsored by Soroptimists of Friday Harbor, this event is a service project to promote recycling and reuse of items.  For questions or more information call Pat Hansen, at 378-5958. For additional information on Soroptimists, visit

Should we have an Arts Council? Here’s your chance to give input:

Since 2009 a small volunteer committee has been meeting in Friday Harbor to discuss the possible formation of a San Juan County Arts Council.

On Thursday, November 4, 5:00 – 8:00pm at the Waterworks Gallery on Argyle Street, the community is invited to gather to discuss this proposal and to offer comments and suggestions on the potential role of an arts council in the San Juan Islands.

Here’s a chance to help honor women on the island, with the Soroptimist Club’s Barbara Sharp giving the details:


The Soroptimist Ruby Award honors women who have worked to improve the lives of women and girls through their professional and/or volunteer work. Through this award,  local Soroptimist clubs and the International Soroptimist organization are able to thank these women and encourage others to explore ways to assist women and girls. Do you know a woman in our community who is making a difference in the lives of other women?

Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor program is accepting applications to honor  women in our community for this award at the local club level. Award winners at the club level are then eligible for additional awards at higher levels of the Soroptimist International organization. The finalist receives a $5,000 donation to the charitable organization of her choice.

Women can be nominated by someone else or can submit their own application.  For more information about the Ruby Award and an application form, please contact either Francie Hansen at 378-2731 or Thane Bolger  at 317-4838/ thane (at)  Applications may also be downloaded from the Soroptimist website at  (go to “Community Projects” then “Awards and Scholarships”).  Applications are due by December 1, 2010. Submit it to Soroptimist of Friday Harbor, PO Box 2856, Friday Harbor, Washington, 98250.

• The auditions are Monday & Tuesday! Jan has more:

Auditions for 2011 Islands Playwrights Festival on November 1 and 2

Auditions for the 2011 Islands Playwrights Festival: A Lighthearted Look at Life in San Juan County are Monday and Tuesday, November 1 and 2 at 7:00 pm inside San Juan Community Theatre’s Gubelman Theatre.

The eight ten-minute plays are based on site-specific theater: each is set on the ferry or in an island motel room.

Casting needs include:

Act I – On the ferry

A Private Place by Ed Strum – 1m/1w –  two people keep the zest in their relationship alive

A Clearer View by Chris DeStaffany – 2m (middle aged) – one guy tries to persuade the other to run for public office

High Seas Infants by Jennifer Beck Furber – 2 or 3m/1 or 2 w (one pregnant)/1 little girl – a typical day on the interisland in a ‘monster’ storm

Mary’s on the Ferry by Don Pollard – 1m/1w – an overheard cell phone conversation “Can you hear me now?”

The Rock by Jim and Jan Zurcher – 1m/1w (retirees)/2older teen boys/1older teen girl – a mini musical about dreams for the future

Act II – In an island motel room – 3 VERY unusual relationship crises:

Moving On by Cinda Pierce – 1m/1w (middle aged or older)

The Retreat by Ernest Pugh – 1m/1w (middle aged or older)

A Glimmer of Hope by Sharon Lannan 2 (or 3) m / 2 (or 3) w 2 couples 20s-40s and an atypical minister

Scripts are available for perusal at the box office with a $10 deposit.  The box office is open on Tuesdays through Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The 2011 Islands Playwrights Festival runs January 28-29, February 3-6 and 11-12.

Above the island….

Posted October 28, 2010 at 9:42 am by

That's Friday Harbor in the bottom right, from the air on by Art Smith from Argyle House, when he flew with Jennifer in Todd Gardner's plane to Port Townsend. (Click on the picture to see a huge one, and to find your house. And yes, you can use it as a desktop picture on your 'puter.)

“San Juan Island” is coming!

Posted October 28, 2010 at 9:00 am by

The former “Home Prairie” of the Hudson’s Bay Company, todays American Camp is shown in this 1890’s photo. Two hands gather cut grain which is then bundled in preparation for threshing. Mount Finlayson rises in the background with the Jakle homestead on its lower slope.

Kevin at the Museum says the books are coming – this has been one of the island’s most anticipated books, ever since Mike & Julia’s Friday Harbor book came out last year (which was incredible!)…here’s more from Kevin:

The San Juan Historical Museum hosts authors Mike and Julia Vouri, Tuesday, November 9, at 7 p.m. for a presentation of the new book Images of America – San Juan Island. The museum’s newest publication is part of the Images of America series by Arcadia Publishing. A presentation and narrative of the photos used in the book will be discussed with a book signing to follow. “San Juan Island” is the second book collaboration between the Historical Museum and Mike and Julia Vouri, and follows the successful “Friday Harbor” book from 2009.

The new book will be available for purchase from the Historical Museum beginning Wednesday, November 3. Proceeds from books purchased at the Historical Museum benefit ongoing preservation efforts. Please contact the museum for further information at 360.378.3949 or

Halloween & dress up chances & the whole shootin’ match, all in one place….

Posted October 28, 2010 at 12:10 am by

For eleven years, the Teen Halloween Party has grown into a tradition for Halloween Night at the Fairgrounds.

Thanks for the notes & calls & requests that I post all the Halloween (and related, and sorta related) stuff in one place…let’s give it a go – if there’s anything I forget, drop me a line:


Brownies Bake Sale during the Parade in front of the Drug Store

Friday Harbor Elementary School Costume Parade through town at 1pm. (click here)

Community Theatre PARC Building Costume Shop – come get yours! 10am-4pm (click here)

Friday Harbor Athletic Association’s Haunted House next to Post San Juan – 7-10pm (click here)


Community Theatre PARC Building Costume Shop – come get yours! 10am-4pm (click here)

Pumpkin Carving Party at Stepping Stones at noon

Friday Harbor Athletic Association’s Haunted House next to Post San Juan – 7-10pm (click here)

The Wolf Hollow-een Costume Ball – 6-10pm (click here)

SUNDAY (Halloween itself…)

Halloween Pet Costume Contest at The Paw Spa & Resort – 11am-4pm (click here)

Trick or Treating in your neighborhoods…usually after dusk or so.

Islands Community Church Annual Harvest Party – 5-7pm (click here)

Friday Harbor Athletic Association’s Haunted House next to Post San Juan – 6-9pm (click here)

Island Rec’s Teen Halloween at the Fairgrounds – 7:30-10pm (click here)

Saturday night!