Around the island….

Posted October 6, 2010 at 9:14 am by

When you go to the library next, drop in on Treasure Cove, the Friends of the Library's gift shop, just to the right of the entrance as you go in. They're open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 11:30-3:30, and Sundays from 1-3:30.

What’s up….

• If you got the chance to see Hanna last month, it was awesome! She asked me to post a little thank you to you:

Hana and proud mom Cynthia

Well, I’m headed back to Hollywood to begin my second year as a Musical Theatre Major at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy. I can’t help but think how lucky I am to live in such a loving and supporting community.

After my second Musical Theatre solo performance on the island on September 20th I was so overwhelmed with happiness towards all of the friends who had come for their first or second time to hear me perform and support me on this journey.

I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to perform and how much happier it makes me to perform for my friends on this island.  There were so many incredibly inspirational words and encouragements; it reminded me why I love this so much.

I cannot thank you all enough, for every word of encouragement will help me reach my dream.  Thank you! Sincerely, Hanna Burke

Yep, it was Corey's 30th birthday yesterday at Islanders Bank - wahoo!

This last weekend was the annual Find Joe Friday scavenger hunt…and they did! Here’s the report from Rebecca at Island Rec:

The Find Joe Friday Community Scavenger event was great!   It was a huge success with over 50 people of all ages competing in the event.  The participants had to solve clues and complete wacky challenges at a variety of locations scattered throughout the town in order to find “Joe Friday.”

Over 50 folks were on the hunt to Find Joe Friday....

See that picture? Click here to see a much bigger version, so you can see the people & check out who was there!

Here are the top three finishing teams. Thanks for posting!

1st Place Team: Amaya Johnson, Jessica Erickson, Roni Hanson, Zoe Keys
2nd Place Team: Joe Spadafora, Beth Spadafora, Chinmayo
3rd Place Team: Carol Capps, Cathy Tochluck, Barbara Sharp, Sue Buetell

Wednesday’s news….

Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:58 am by

It was a good-sized crowd at the Mullis Center for the last Lunch for All meal, last Wednesday, which is scrambling for funds. The popular program was set up for folks to get a free meal if they needed one....

Let’s see what’s going on:

John Pachuta is greeted after the show by fans Jessie (center) and Roxanne - "I'll Be Back Before Midnight" plays this weekend and next at the Community Theatre.

Just heard from Stevie Keys:

Friday Harbor Blues Night NEWS FLASH! Starting this Wed 10/6, Blues Night at the Rumor Mill will be going back to winter hours 6-9pm. So, adjust your inner blues clock and come on down!

• Over the weekend, I kept hearing that this is maybe gonna be a snowy & extra cold winter, so I looked up the news report for you (we gotta get some wood for the season).

• You can vote for Felicity (and her cakes at Felicitations) by clicking here.

This is fascinating – Mimi Wagner found this article which indicates that Orcas used to be the home where the buffalo roam – here’s more:

It’s an article about bison bones excavated on Orcas Island. What is really interesting is that the bison bones are dated at 11,990 (+/- 25 years B.C./B.P.), AND the bison bones have marks on them that the study’s authors believe indicate it was butchered by humans.  Humans… and bisons… and other animals mentioned in the article … on Orcas…. at 12,000 “before Christ” or “before Present”!!!

Looking good at the airport...

• Remember I told you Dave Ryan and the airport folks are re-doing the runways, last month? That went really well, as you can see in the picture (click here for a much bigger picture, with so much detail, you can find your house.)

FHHS' Jenny MacDonald turns the corner as she brings the ball up the right side in the Wolverines' 4-0 win over Mount Vernon Christian last night.

Victoria is offering a class on the 11th to get you up to speed, with the EDC:

EDC offers workshop on social media and SIM

Social media is revolutionizing the way we use the Internet, and its low- or no-cost tools can be used by small businesses to achieve remarkable results. Join instructor Victoria Compton to learn more about social media and SIM – social influence marketing.

The course will start out with a basic overview of social media and SIM – definitions, best practices, and most effective platforms. Then it will cover tutorials on setting up a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, and tracking SIM campaigns using tools like Google Analytics.

Additionally, the class will look at SEO – search engine optimization – with an eye toward results in Baidu and Tencent, China’s biggest search engines. The participants will leave the workshop with all the tools they’ll need to create a robust marketing program through social media. Continue Reading

The Phon-a-thon is coming October 18th!

Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:02 am by

Calling everyone on the island...

One of the fundraisers for the public schools on the island is the annual Phon-a-thon (which I’ll be doing a shift for, this year). This evening event features someone calling you for your donation to help keep the schools strong. I asked the school district folks to help me tell you why this is important, and this is what they sent over to share with you:

An Investment in Our Community’s Future—Phon-a-thon October 18

All school districts have financial challenges due to the way the state funds education. Our district has managed funds well and we have fewer of these challenges than most.

What are these challenges?

• Because state funding is significantly reduced due to the current economic situation—state support for K-12 education continues to decrease and budgets continue to be cut by the state.

• Revenue sources for public schools are based on sales tax, business tax, property and real estate taxes. These state revenues are down, therefore state support for K-12 education is down plus student enrollment has decreased, as it has statewide due to demographics.

• Voter passed Initiative 728 which supported smaller classes, was eliminated. Funds to support math and science teachers have been cut. Fourth grade has been hardest hit by larger class sizes.

• State forecast shows that there will be additional reductions and there will be revenue decreases to our district.

How have you responded to these issues?

Because we are faced with either cutting programs and services or coming up with additional levels of local support, we have taken several steps to balance the budget, for example, we:

• Teamed with Island Rec to protect the athletic program
• Hired fewer administrators
• Reduced building budgets
• Coordinated services by partnering with community members and agencies
• Reduced expenses through greater operational efficiencies
• Implemented strategic cuts

What are the various budget funds of the district?

• General Fund provides for maintenance and operation
• Transportation Vehicle Fund provides pupil transportation and equipment
• Debt Service Fund is for redemption of bonds and payment of interest
• Capital Projects Fund is for land and buildings
• Associated Student Body Fund is for student activities

What is the Maintenance and Operation Budget (M&O) and how does it work?

There is a maximum amount by law that we can ask the voters for to support and enrich programs outside the state’s definition of basic education. San Juan Island voters passed an M&O levy at the maximum amount but there is still a gap.

What will my Phon-a-thon contribution do?

It is vital for community members to continue to support our excellent programs.

The need is for:

• Maintaining class sizes/teacher retention
• Ongoing textbook adoptions
• Field trips
• Science supplies
• Art supplies
• Partnership with the Friday Harbor Labs
• Ongoing excellent local food program

Please join community members in supporting our public schools at the October 18 Phon-a-thon. You may contribute by cash donation to the general fund or for a program or item you would personally like to support. It takes all of us to support the quality programs in the San Juan Island School District.

Artstock reviewed…it was great!

Posted October 4, 2010 at 11:54 am by

Kids love art - they even hug it sometimes! That's at waterworks gallery on Saturday by Peggy Sue McRae

Friends at the different galleries around the island that were part of Artstock told me it was gratifying to see all the folks who came by to visit this past weekend…here’s a sample, in pictures, of what was going on.

Lavelle Foos displays her jewelry and designs outside of Anne Sheridan's by Peggy Sue McRae

Pam Pressley, a former flutist for the Seattle Symphony, entertains at Kristy Gjesme’s studio. (photo: Sally McRae)

Claudia welcomes visitors to Islands Studio. (photo: Peggy Sue McRae)

David Bentley purchases artwork from photographer Anne Sheridan at her studio on Second by Peggy Sue McRae

Remembering the Islands Village Faire…

Posted October 4, 2010 at 8:37 am by

One of the original names of the IVF is the "Stress Less Faire," which even the kids understand, including Solomon Buck... :) by Jane Buck

Jane Buck got some great phtos from the Islands Village Faire a couple of weeks ago, and sent them over to share – thanks, Jane!

Yummy calzone by young by Jane Buck

Dancing round the Earth Ball! (photo by Jane Buck)

Systems Thinking workshop coming up – sign up this week!

Posted October 4, 2010 at 6:57 am by

Tracy Roberson told me about this workshop, which needs folks to register by October 8th this week…I’ve been to Systems Thinking classes & applied it to my business (and a couple of non-profits I help with), and I think you’ll find it really useful – here’s more from Tracy:

New Habits of Mind for New Solutions:  Applying Systems Thinking to Transform Our Organizations, Our Communities and Ourselves

October 16 2010, 8:30 am – 5 pm, Friday Harbor House (San Juan Room)

Leadership San Juan Islands and San Juan Island Prevention Coalition have teamed up to sponsor a systems’ thinking workshop by Seattle University’s Dr. Colleen Ponto, EdD. Dr. Ponto is a core faculty member of the Organization Systems Renewal Graduate Program which specializes in helping adult learners to become designers and leaders of systemic organizational change.  Dr. Ponto is also a consultant and teaches systems thinking to organizations.

What is a system?  What is systems thinking?  How can systems thinking help me?

This workshop is ideal for those who work with people who want to make positive changes, whether they are personal, in business, or in the community.  Participants will gain tools to become more effective, save time, and reduce stress by developing a deeper understanding of complex issues, better understand recurring issues and identify leverage points for systemic organizational change.

The cost of the workshop is $35 and includes continental breakfast, hot lunch and course materials.  Class size is limited to 30 participants and registration is due by October 8, 2010.  For more information please contact Jim Hooper at 370-5603.

Good way to spend the evening: “I’ll Be Back Before Midnight”

Posted October 2, 2010 at 9:21 am by

Hey, I went to see the play at the Community Theatre last night and it was fun…ever sensitive to telling you WHY it was fun (that would spoil it for you, I’m pretty sure – it IS a thriller, after all), let me tell you that Rachel & Deb & John & Ken do a super job of weaving a tangled web, which is both fun (it’s a comedy) and exciting (it IS a thriller), and a wonderful cautionary tale about who to trust, especially in your own family.

Newcomer to the island Rachel Schneider is a natural as a woman on the edge, and a perfect balance to funny but just-a-little weird Ken Serratt, as they keep an eye on the imbalances in bro-sis John Pachuta & Deb Langhans, and try & figure out what THEY’re up to. Nice ensemble cast, who obviously enjoy doing a show together.

I’m looking forward to seeing the show near the end of the run…it was good enough to see twice.

I’ll Be Back Before Midnight plays this weekend, and the next two…catch it! You’ll be glad you did!

Don't miss this one!

Artstock spotlight: Anne Sheridan & John Sinclair

Posted October 1, 2010 at 10:39 pm by

"Gestation" from Anne's "Transform series" (photo by Anne Sheridan)

That's Anne and Soleil (the golden doodle) by Peggy Sue McRae

There are a couple of photography studios along the Artstock route – drop in on Anne & John this weekend:

Photographer Anne Sheridan welcomes you to her studio to celebrate Artstock this Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Anne will be showing new works from her “Transform” series. In her images Anne explores the potential of digital photography to create evocative imagery.

Anne’s daughter Jenny Lee will be showing etchings and digital collages from her senior thesis exhibit. Jenny is a 2010 Graduate in visual arts/education from Bates College in Maine.

Anne’s guest artists Lavelle Foos and Terrea Bennett will be showing jewelry and prints.


Meanwhile, photographer John Sinclair will be showing his new work at Concepia gallery on Spring Street during Artstock. John is going to close Concepia for the winter months, so he is having a big sale this weekend.

Photo by John Sinclair

John told me, “I’m also offering free advice on any aspect of photography during the Artstock weekend, so if anyone has a problem or questions, feel free to come by and pick my brain!” Here’s another great opportunity brought to us by Artstock. Refreshments will be served.

John Sinclair, photo by Siege Lehman

The kid’s got it….

Posted October 1, 2010 at 7:09 am by

It starts here: Getting kids to eat crap is good for business & bad for them, bad for the earth, and bad for the future. Here’s an 11-year-old who has more sense than the FDA folks who allow what you eat. He’s the real deal – listen. Please listen. (BTW, Bill Keener in the five minute talk is my cousin’s husband – great farm in Tennessee.)

We have a great food program at our public schools here on San Juan Island. We have great farms, and healthy food. This kid from Asheville gets it…and points to a future that will work.

Wolverines beat LaConner in shootout, 1-0

Posted October 1, 2010 at 12:51 am by

FHHS senior forward Clara Brand settles the ball in front of the LaConner goal.

It will rank as one of the great games of the Friday Harbor High soccer program, and one of the more memorable.

Senior midfielder Hannah Starr heads the ball to a teammate....

LaConner and FHHS battled for two halves and had a 0-0 draw after 80 minutes. Overtime didn’t add anything to the score, so it came down to a shootout, with Wolverine keeper Rhiana Franklin getting a glove on the Braves’ last shot to end the game.

This year’s squad plays entertaining soccer, and has been making fans all season; this game emptied the stands as fans & players engulfed Rhiana after her huge save. She told me, “We work on this at practice, and it really helps that our players are all good PK (penalty kick) shooters. That makes me better. On that last shot I was lucky, but it helped that I was prepared.”

The Wolverines are at home tomorrow with Meridian.

The afternoon's shadows lengthened as did the scoreless minutes for FHHS junior goalkeeper Rhiana Franklin, here taking away the breakaway by the Braves.

Remembering Francesco…

Posted October 1, 2010 at 12:12 am by

Where there is hatred, let me sow love....

This weekend is the feast day of St. Francis, with The Blessing of the Animals on Saturday at St. Francis Catholic Church as well as a joint Lutheran/Episcopalian service (Blessing the Animals) at St. David’s Episcopal Church.

So, to add to the occasion, here’s my version of Brother Sun, Sister Moon, the title song written by Donovan for the movie about Francesco, from my collection of songs called Things Seen & Unseen (used with permission.)

And…here’s the prayer often attributed to Francis, which is a good way to get the day going:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
when there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved as to love;

for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying [to ourselves] that we are born to eternal life.

Artstock spotlight: Darleen Nixon

Posted October 1, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Darleen, in action....

It’s this weekend! Artstock runs for Saturday & Sunday – here’s the story about THAT. One of the studios to drop by this year – Darleen Nixon.

Her creations...

Darleen Nixon creates jewel-like glass beads. The technique she uses is called “lampworking” because the artisans who invented this method used wax or oil lamps to melt their glass. At the consistency of honey the molten glass is worked within the flame.

Today, artists have more modern equipment. Darleen tells me her studio will be open and she will be demonstrating her glasswork over an 1800 degree oxygen/propane torch during Artstock this weekend. She will also be demonstrating electroforming on glass and cold working glass on the lapidary wheel.

Don’t miss this great opportunity to watch a glass artist at work. Darleen’s studio is at 163 Elena Drive (off the Roche Harbor  Road).

Thursday, around the rock…

Posted September 30, 2010 at 9:54 am by

She's moving on...she's been here for just a year, but she's made such a difference. Chamber of Commerce executive director Vernadel Peterson's last day is mid-October as she moves back to a job in her old stomping grounds in Chehalis, but from the first day she's helped bring business owners and groups together on the island (that's her helping open the Friday Harbor/Sidney ferry run last March). She'll be much missed.

Let’s catch up with each other a bit:

Kay Kohler tells me last week’s Blood Drive had over 84 folks show up to donate – way to go! The next time the Blood Bank folks come is right before Christmas – good time to give!

• Have you ever seen The Oaks from the air? Josie took this nice photo Tuesday afternoon when we came home from Seattle on Kenmore Air (she, as you can see, was on the sunny side of the plane). Below is the little picture – click here to see the really big one.)

The Oaks, from the sky...

• The Backdoor Kitchen will have Noodle Bowl Monday starting up at lunch this coming Monday and the Monday after that (until December sometime), but will be closed for dinner from October 4th through the 20st as Sasha & Lee & the crew take a well-deserved vacation (except Lee has to work for NBM!)

• Meanwhile, Ivan says he’ll still be running out with Western Prince for the month of October – good chance to go on a nature tour on the water!

Felicity made a fine cake for Hobbes' bon voyage part at the Rumor Mill last night...the music was good, the food was good, the company was good - and a good time was had by all.

Kevin Klein says this new derby is gonna be fun:

Puget Sound Anglers present the “Resurrection Derby” on Dec. 3rd. and 4th. in Friday Harbor, with a $10,000 first prize. $400.00 per team entry fee, up to 4 anglers per team.  Only 100 teams may enter, so get your tickets now!  Go to for more info. Tickets on sale now. Proceeds go to Salmon enhancement and education.

Kathleen Foley (left, with summer intern Anna and little blue friend) has been named a 2010 Disney Conservation Hero.

• It was cool to see that our good friend Kathleen at the Preservation Trust was named a Disney Conservation Hero for her work with the Western Bluebirds – here’s our story about her work, that we posted in the summer with awesome pictures, and here’s the Disney press release.

Nice to see recognition for a worthwhile program, and the work it takes to make it happen – way to go, Kathleen!

Friends and neighbors…

Posted September 30, 2010 at 8:27 am by

Heading out to sea....

Last week, Michele Wassell (Creative Freedom Photography – check her out…she has awesome pictures!) was out on a trip with Jim Maya’s Charters when she caught this humpback visiting a cruise ship which was headed west out the Strait of Juan de Fuca, off the Victoria waterfront.

A very, very fine house…with two cats in the yard

Posted September 30, 2010 at 8:10 am by

I hope you get up this morning with someone to sing this to (or someone you used to sing it to, or someone you hold in fond memory)…it’s Crosby, Stills, and Nash:

A month to go for Rich & Laura Jo….

Posted September 30, 2010 at 7:54 am by

The candidates at the San Juan County Fair last month: Rich Peterson (left) and Laura Jo Severson

Ballots for the general election are due on November 2nd this year, and in this island’s only contested election, voters in the Second District will choose between incumbent Rich Peterson and challenger Laura Jo Severson. To give you a chance to get to know the candidates before it’s time to choose, here are their websites:

Laura Jo:


Here are the maps of the islands’ six districts, and here’s the second District (click here for the full, big map.) This is posted as a community service by your San Juan Update, so you can see if you’re IN the district, and to help answer the friend who asked me at the Fair, “Do you know what part of Orcas that is?”

There are three of the six council seats from San Juan Island - the district that includes Friday Harbor, and the north & south districts.