Something to wake up to….

Posted June 1, 2010 at 9:32 pm by

Here’s Deep Blue Something with their Breakfast at Tiffany’s….get up & dance, first thing….

If geese can do it…..

Posted June 1, 2010 at 10:43 am by

Geese heading north, yesterday....

Yesterday, against the grey & drizzly skies of Anacortes, I saw & heard these Canada geese honkin’ across the sky above me…here’s the scientific bit about how they get better lift & stay in touch with each other, flying in that precise V formation.

The lessons they suggest were pulled together in remarks by Dr. McLeish in 1972 – I was thinking you might find them interesting, so I posted ’em here for you & me:

By Dr. Robert McNeish

We live in an area where geese are very common. We see them coming in the Fall and leaving early Spring.Their migration is an awesome sight. There is an interdependence in the way geese function.

FACT: As each bird flaps its wings, it creates an “uplift” for the bird following. By flying in a “V” formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.

LESSON: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another. A shared vision and sense of purpose create synergy, making the going a little easier for all.

FACT: Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone. It quickly gets back into formation totake advantage of the “lifting power” of the bird immediately in front.

LESSON: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those we see who are headed where we want to go.

FACT: When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies at the point position.

LESSON: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership — people, as with geese, are interdependent upon one another.

FACT: The geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

LESSON: Positive encouragement is a strong motivator. We need to make sure our “honking” from behind is empowering, and not something less helpful.

FACT: When a goose gets sick or wounded, two geese drop out of formation to follow him or her down to help and protect their fallen companion. They stay with him/her until [s]he is either able to fly again or dies. Then they launch out on their own with another formation or catch up with their flock.

LESSON: If we have as much sense as the geese, we will learn to stand by each other as we are achieving our goals.

Dr. Robert McNeish is Associate Superintendent, Baltimore Public Schools ( retired)

Remembering on Memorial Day…

Posted May 31, 2010 at 12:48 am by

This year’s ceremony is at Memorial Park at 10:30am…here’s the details.

Around the island….

Posted May 31, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Not just any ol' shirt - the cats' picture was designed by longtime former owner of Dolphin Arts, Vivien Burnett, who saw me on the street & we thought it was cool I was wearing one of her shirts.

What’s going on around the island….

• I know you’re thinking about it – I am, too! The San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour happens next weekend – here’s the scoop for the two day event with places all over the island to visit. Here’s a nice vid they put together to give you a taste of this ever-changing annual event:

• Wanted to tell you about the CSA deal out at Heritage Farm – Jim & his crew raise food just about all year, and you can sign up for a weekly portion of the wonderful produce they grow…

Veggies with tofu...dinner last night. All the greens are from Heritage Farm...

Here are details about how to sign up for the year, or for seasonal shares.

By the way, Josie & I signed for the May-November run, so we’ve had veggies for four weeks now, and I gotta tell you, it’s pretty awesome to always have good food in the house. We go out to the farm each Friday & load up…sign up! You’ll be glad you did!

By the way, “CSA” stands for Community Supported Agriculture,” which also sounds like a good idea.

It's Debbie's birthday this week!

• My, oh, my….the ferries sure had their hands full this weekend, as the Hyak missed a turn on Saturday, and customs delayed the boat Sunday from Sidney. Leaving the island today (Monday)? Get down in line early….

• For the nerds & search engine watchers among us: Here’s an article about how Google continues to shuffle its rules for how it lists things. A number of island businesses depend on Google to help visitors find them during the season…you’ll probably find this interesting.

One key tip: Don’t depend on just the search engines for your marketing – cast a wider net with other outreach.

You know you’re from Washington….

Posted May 29, 2010 at 12:22 pm by

Jeff Foxworthy

The following observations have been attributed to comedian Jeff Foxworthy, although I’m pretty sure you say the same stuff about islanders, just standing in the produce department of King’s and listening.

Shoot, just yesterday I dialed the “wrong” number and ended up spending a half hour talking to an old friend. See what you think, and check what you know:

If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don’t work there, you live in Washington.

If you’ve worn shorts, sandals and a parka at the same time, you live in Washington .

If you’ve had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed the wrong number, you live in Washington.

If you measure distance in hours, you live in Washington.

If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you live in Washington.

If you have switched from ‘heat’ to ‘A/C’ and back again in the same day, you live in Washington .

If you can drive 75 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you live in Central, Southern or Eastern Washington.

If you design your kid’s Halloween costume to fit over two layers of clothes or under a raincoat, you live in Washington.

If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow and ice, you live in Washington.

If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction, you live in Washington

If you feel guilty throwing aluminum cans or paper in the trash, you live in Washington.

If you know more than 10 ways to order coffee, you live in Washington.

If you know more people who own boats than air conditioners, you live in Washington.

If you stand on a deserted corner in the rain waiting for the “Walk” signal, you live in Washington .

If you consider that if it has no snow or has not recently erupted, it is not a real mountain, you live in Washington.

If you can taste the difference between Starbucks, Seattle’s Best, and Tullys, you live in Washington.

If you know the difference between Chinook, Coho and Sockeye salmon, you live in Washington.

If you know how to pronounce Sequim, Puyallup, Abiqua, Issaquah, Snoqualamie, Wenatchee, Spokane, Umpqua, Yakima and Willamette, you live in Washington.

If you consider swimming an indoor sport, you live in Washington.

If you can tell the difference between Japanese, Chinese and Thai food, you live in Washington.

If you never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho, you live in Washington.

If you have actually used your mountain bike on a mountain, you live in Washington.

If you think people who use umbrellas are either wimps or tourists, you live in Washington.

If you buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find the old ones after such a long time, you live in Washington.

Around the island….

Posted May 28, 2010 at 10:52 am by

Ruffles (J1), yesterday on the by Jim Maya

What’s up….

• Hey, Billy’s back! I love the way he writes up his sense of the Friday Harbor Marine Labs in his blog, here.

• Nan & Steve are offering this cool class over at St. David’s (she told me it’s OK if you missed the last one – you can come to the rest!):

If you’ve ever felt connected to a spiritual force while experiencing the wonders of the natural world, this discussion group might just be for you!  “And God Saw That It Was Good” is a Christian education course accompanying the PBS film The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.  A film clip from the popular Ken Burns film will be shared each week as we explore the following themes:  The Creator and Creation, God in Nature, Made in the Image of God, and A Covenant with Every Living Thing.

Earth Ministry, a Christian community in environmental stewardship, has made this program available to Saint David’s Church.  Steve and Nan Simpson will facilitate the class.  Come and join us, Sunday evenings, for the next four weeks as we explore personal experiences in the world outdoors, and consider the challenges of environmental stewardship.

Join Us!  All are welcome!

When: May 23, 30th and June 6th and 13th – 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: St. David’s Episcopal Church, 780 Park Street, Friday Harbor

The class is free and open to all.  Although we think you’ll enjoy all the sessions, each evening is an independent class.

Nan and Steve Simpson

Eddie & Genie Williams have a cool deal at the Hot Shop this weekend:

Hi Ian,
Just wanted to let your readers know that on Saturday 5/29 and Monday 5/31 the McCanless Family from Zane and Zack’s World Famous Honey Company will be here sampling their award winning products at the open space between the Drug Store and the Hot Shop. Sam, Tina and their 4 boys are involved in every step of the process from the beehives to the finished products.  Stop by and sample their yummy Chipotleyaki, Honey Habanero, Honey Chipotle, Four Brothers, Three Brothers (before Hans was born) and their flavor enfused Sea Salts. Lots of fun for the whole fam.

• The Woodwards have a fundraiser next week – make your plans! Here’s the scoop:

Children of the Nations asked our family, just after the first of the year, to consider being a host family for short term mission teams that will be coming down to the Dominican Republic. We have accepted this opportunity and will be going back to the Dominican Republic again this summer, June 18-Aug. 2nd. We will work with various projects in serving the Haitian refugees there. Steve and Winnie Brumsickle have graciously opened their home, see below, for a benefit dinner to help us raise support for this mission. Last year our going with other from the community connected San Juan Island to the island of Hispanola, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, many helping hands.

Dominican Republic Mission – Benefit BBQ dinner
When – Thursday June 3rd, stop by anytime between 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Where – 320 Ross Lane, at the home of Steve and Winnie Brumsickle, call 378-6015 for directions
Why – Support the Woodward’s Dominican Republic mission
What – We will serve – burgers, chicken, or vegies + salad & drink $10 donation – silent auction too. Please bring the family!

We are also celebrating Monique’s 40th birthday at the dinner, yahoo!

Thanks so much –
Vic, Monique, Ellie and Carly

Graduation changes a bit….

Posted May 28, 2010 at 1:15 am by

It's at five this year....

Did you know that graduation for Friday Harbor High this year is going to be at 5pm on June 12th (that’s a Saturday!)

It’s mostly been at 6pm the last few years…don’t come late!

What’s new…..

Posted May 27, 2010 at 4:05 am by

Brand new counter for the Little Store - it was installed Tuesday...

Let’s see what’s up:

•  An artist at waterworks gallery: Ruth has a bit more about David:

The gallery received new works by David Ridgway. His masterful and colorful landscape oil paintings of the area are wonderful to see this time of year. He uses a color saturated palette to achieve his particular look. David left his home on Orcas Island recently and has relocated to Bellingham. The gallery will continue to represent David and looks forward to paintings from a new perspective.

"farmhouse in winter" by david ridgeway....

Every five years, the Conservation District reviews its assessment, to keep it going – here’s the info about its public hearing for you, from the CD:

On Tuesday, June 8, 2010, the Board of Supervisors of the San Juan Islands Conservation District will hold a public hearing to gather information and comment regarding its long term resource conservation program and request for renewal of a special assessment to support that program. The proposal to renew the special assessment will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners not later than August 1, 2010 for their approval or amendment.

The proposal requests an annual assessment in the amount Five Dollars per parcel (or 10% of that amount for Designated Forest Land, as prescribed by State law) for a period of five years beginning in 2011. The public hearing will be held at the Grange Hall, 152 First Street, Friday Harbor, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. All interested parties are invited to attend. Written comment (to SJICD, 350 Court Street #10, Friday Harbor  98250) is also welcome. For additional information, contact Josie Byington, Office Manager, at (360) 378-6621.

• Here’s a screen shot from the National Geographic website, featuring a photo by Keith Busha of Lisa Moretti in last year’s Fourth of July parade on San Juan Island – way to go, Keith!

The tamer....

Amelia from Pelindaba says the new Visitor Center opens this weekend:

On May 28, 2010, at the start of Memorial Day Weekend, a new Visitor Centre will open at Pelindaba Lavender Farm on San Juan Island.

The Visitor Center will feature poster and video monitor exhibits as well as audio self-guided tours covering the history of the farm, lavender cultivation, the processing of essential oil and other raw materials, and the many roles that lavender has played in cultures throughout the world over at least two millennia.

“For several years we have tried to share some of the basics through limited fixed signage in the fields.  In addition, we have given periodic in-depth docent tours, most notably with ElderHostel (now Exploritas) groups, as well as during our annual third-weekend-in-July harvest festival.  The consistently positive reception we have had for these tours has prompted us expand the educational experience more broadly,” said Stephen Robins, founder/owner of the farm.

“In essence, for those who are interested in more than a relaxed stroll through the fields or browsing in the farm store, the Visitor Center will allow us to significantly enhance and enrich the visiting experience throughout the summer season rather just on special occasions.”

In addition to the exhibits, visitors will be able to see the Distillery and, during the late summer distillation, watch it in active operation.  Also, for both adults and children, the lavender craft workshop that has been so popular during the festival will now operate throughout the season.  As always, plant starts will be available for sale along with lavender-based cookies and liquid refreshments.

Date changes:

– The 2010 Garden Tour has been cancelled this year, so they’re looking ahead to 2011, according to Richard & Fiona Norris.

– FHHS’s graduation will begin at 5pm this year (on Saturday, June 12th) rather than the usual 6pm.

Drop by & check out Jennifer's sale at The Elephant Room....

Jennifer at The Elephant Room says her Memorial Weekend Sale includes items for $5/$10/$15 – located at 2260 Spring Street, inside Jeri’s Mall.

• When you look at the All-Conference team for lacrosse, you’ll see five San Juan kids: Calen Mehrer, Forrest Dayton, Ryan Guard, Brady Sundberg & Michael Ausilio.

And, with Wednesday night’s win, they’re headed for the championship! They beat Lake Washington 9-8 to move the final at Seattle Memorial Stadium (that’s the one next to the Seattle Center & Space Needle, where the Seattle Marathon ends) with Lynnwood. (Thanks, Facebook friends, for the reports!)

Here’s the state report on the game. And…here are pictures that Sandi Guard pointed us to….

• You can buy rhodies from Mary & Smithy at Bakery San Juan…you’re gonna be planting this weekend anyway – go get some! (Tell ’em you read it in the Update!)

Get 'em at Bakery San Juan!

• Did you see the nice review that Julie & San Juan Florist got in The Insider Pages? Check it out.

Duck Soup Inn‘s Friday Happy Hour continues….and yep, they’re open from Thursday-Sunday now.

• Meanwhile, Wendy Meyers says the summer hours are set for The Bluff Restaurant-Bar-Terrace at the Friday Harbor House: they’re now open daily Sunday – Thursday 11:00am – 9:00pm, and Friday & Saturday 11:00am – 10:00pm.

• The Tacoma Youth Symphony (92 members!) travels to the island this weekend to play at the Community Theatre – here’s more.

• When our middle school softball girls were over on Orcas the same day as the Sustainability Fair earlier this month, they were interviewed by Didier – check them out:

Worm bin composting – good way to reduce the carbon footprint….

Posted May 26, 2010 at 4:35 pm by

Clara (left), Jenny & Madi have a project that is making a difference....

Each year, the students at FHHS have Community Projects, and it’s always great to see what they’re up to – each one makes our community just a little better.

Madi McPadden, Clara Brand and Jenny Dunn have been working on an interesting way to help reduce our impact on the earth – here’s more, in a report written by the girls:

Our main goal is to promote environmental awareness through composting and waste reduction. Our project focused on worm bin composting as a means of reducing our community’s carbon footprint.

Worm bin composting, also known as “vermiposting” is the process of having red worms and other decomposer organisms process our organic waste and turn it into an excellent natural fertilizer. The end-product is a nutrient rich soil known as worm castings.

Starting a worm bin is easy! It only takes about twenty minutes a week to manage and the benefits are substantial. As a “vermiposter” an individual can help divert organic waste away from landfills and recycle them back into the earth. Worm castings can also be used as a replacement for other chemical fertilizers that lack natural organic nutrients that are capable of regenerating damaged soil and helping retain soil moisture. They can also be sold for profit, usually about $3.50 per pound.

A worm bin cycles through the compost in about a month. Worm bin composting is based on the three “R” principles: Reduce, Recycle, Reuse. By vermiposting, one REDUCES their waste output, RECYCLES organic matter, and REUSES the otherwise thrown away food waste as a natural fertilizer for plants and crops.

Our island is the perfect environment to foster support for such an environmentally important issue. Local islanders and businesses can reduce their monthly organic waste output, in addition to reaping the monetary benefits that come along with having a smaller amount of overall waste. The three of us have made informational brochures, instructional handouts and other useful tools to introduce local islanders to a good way to get involved in helping the environment.

We would love to meet with any local islanders or businesses that are interested in starting their own worm bin! Our community project is all about awareness and getting people involved, so we would highly appreciate any feedback or support. Please get in contact with us at the following email: [email protected] or at (360) 298.0456

Worm facts:

• Red worms can eat over half their body weight in organic matter every day.

• About 26% of the United States’ annual waste output is food residuals and organic waste.

• In 2008, 249.6 million tons of municipal soild waste was generated in the United States.

• Each year, Americans discard more than 96 billion pounds of good food. If 5% was recovered, it could provide the equivalent of a day’s food for four million hungry people.

• If every family in the United States composted, about 54.6 billion pounds of organic waste could be diverted from landfills every year.

Where it all begins...

Around the island….

Posted May 26, 2010 at 4:26 pm by

Helen gets her hand painted by Marci Hahn at the Teddy Bear Picnic a couple of weekends by Cyndi Brast.

Let’s see who’s doing what….

Bryan & Carolyn Leighton welcomed Hazel June early yesterday morning (at 12:49am!) She is 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long. Here’s a photo from when they were pregnant with Norah at Halloween 2007, in front of their shop, the Sandpebble. (Click here & scroll halfway down.)

Says on the door of the Sandpebble they’ll be open today from 12:30pm-5:30pm.


• Time to help our friend….Lori Holforty has been diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer and needs our help. On Sunday, June 6th from 3-9pm at Roche Harbor Pavilion there will be a fundraiser for her. Tickets are $20, sold at the door or can be picked up at both Market Chef or Haley’s. (Check in on her Facebook event page.)

-live music by the Jesus Chords
-silent and live auction emceed by BooBoo
-handmade earrings by Lori

You know her from when she’s been your server at restaurants on the island, most recently at Roche Harbor. She’s been your friend, made you laugh, served you meals, laughed at your bad jokes…so let’s get together and show a little love.

It's a "jumpkelp" not a jumprope, yesterday when the fourth graders weere done with their data collection on their beach seine by Debbi Fincher

...which breaks, eventually.

Stan Matthews from the County says we have a new Deputy Director of Administration:

The San Juan County Council today voted to confirm the hiring of David Kelly of West Jordan, Utah as the Deputy Director of Administration. Kelly has a dozen years experience in local government, most recently having served in administration for the the City of Chehalis from 1995 until 2003. His background also includes work in the administration of Moffat County and the town of Craig, Colorado. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the University of Colorado.

Kelly left local government in 2003 to become an insurance agent in Utah. Last year he ranked  number one in  auto and homeowners insurance sales among State Farm agents in that state.

Ran into Archie Brooks after he saw "Shrek" last night...he tells me his schedule for officiating at weddings this summer is filling up. You can check him out at

He will fill a position left vacant five weeks ago by the departure of Adina Cunningham, who has become Town Attorney for Friday Harbor.

Planning for Memorial Day – Minnie Knych says the Memorial Day ceremony is at 10:30 at Memorial Park, with the Elliott Bay Pipe Band playing for the ceremony.

Karl Mueller, Viet Nam veteran and past Post 163 commander, will be the guest speaker.

The local American Legion Auxiliary will distribute poppies in honor of those who have sacrificed their lives for the country.

Poppies are made by disabled veterans.  All contributions for the poppies are used for local veterans in need and their families.

Humpbacks & killer whales around the island…

Posted May 26, 2010 at 8:30 am by

A humpback and her calf were near the island - here the calf by Ivan Reiff with Western Prince.

Late last week and on Saturday there were humpbacks around…as Ivan from Western Prince noted, there have been few sightings of the resident whales (Sandy Buckley says she saw the L’s yesterday, though) but lots of transients and some surprise visits from gray whales and humpbacks. Jim Maya saw some transients  – he’s pretty sure they’re T100’s – over next to Orcas.

Baby with by Ivan Reiff/Western Prince

The tail of the juvenile humpback last Tuesday last week, traveling up the coast of San Juan Island just north of Lime Kiln. Sent in by John Boyd, Capt. Hobbes, Nancy Hardy/Western Prince.

Just breathe...transient orcas near Orcas on Monday. Photo by Jim Maya.

Bunko Night goes great….!

Posted May 26, 2010 at 4:09 am by

It was a fun night for everyone, including bunko winner Krispi Staude

Heather from the Soroptimist Club files this report about Bunko Night last month:

The Bunko After Party:

When Soroptimist  Friday Harbor found out that San Juan County has one of the highest cancer rates in the United States, they decided to do something about it, and began their Cancer Support Mission.

This program, among other things,  helps provide ferry tickets to San Juan Island residents who need-off island treatment.

On April 30, the Spring Bunko Event,  attended by more than eighty people,  brought in $3,131 for the Cancer Support Mission.  What a success!  Once again this community has come together to help other islanders.  Thank you to all that attended, and thank you to those who donated goods and services for prizes and gift baskets:

The Hot Shop
In-Style Salon
West Marine
Serendipty Books
Ace Hardware
Spa D’Bune
Compost It
Café Demeter
Captain Jim Maya
Whidbey Island bank
Sandbar Soaps (Heather Cain)
Focused Body Work (Denise Salsbury)
Café Feminino (Soroptimist Friday Harbor)

Bunko Night will be a repeat event, so for those bunko fans who couldn’t make it, and those who would like to join in on the fun for a good cause, keep your eyes peeled for future dates!
For further information, go to

A couple of magic men on the island….

Posted May 25, 2010 at 10:23 pm by

Hamid (left) and Cam check out the repaired guitar....

OK, I gotta tell you a story about two guys who do magic on the island.

Very different kinds of magic, brought together by a broken guitar.

Back in January, my son Cameron was returning to the University of San Francisco, and asked me to send his guitar to school by UPS, since he couldn’t carry it on the plane and because we had seen the video “United Breaks Guitars” and that made us a little nervous, even though he was going on Southwest. So we went to Post San Juan and Hamid helped us get it off with UPS, with insurance, packaged the way Cam received it in its hard-shell case three years before.

The guitar after it arrived in San Francisco....

Well, imagine Cam’s surprise when the guitar made it to SF…he opened it & the neck was shattered. Here’s where hero #1 comes in. Hamid was awesome. UPS refused to cover the total cost to replace the guitar, saying the guitar wasn’t packed right & it wasn’t their fault. They did say they would pay some, if it was repairable.

Hamid spent a bunch of time in the back & forth related to this, trying to set things right. When he’d see me at basketball games, he’d report the latest…he was a king, looking after us. I’ll go out of my way to do business with him & Dora anytime.

Bobby Warren

When the issue of whether it was repairable came up, I knew who I wanted to see it – Bobby Warren (hero #2, if you ask me). His guitar-making & guitar-fixing business is RAW Guitars – check it out here.

Bobby surprised me by saying, “Sure, I can fix that,” and then described how he would work the wood so he could make a new head that would fit right into the neck.

So, he took it to his shop. When I saw the finished product (and happily gave him all the insurance money that UPS gave us, thanks to Hamid), I was astounded. The guitar plays well, the fretboard allows for smooth playing, and you’d have to look to see where the two pieces are joined – you sure couldn’t tell otherwise.

People are always talking about islanders helping islanders – these guys do it! Thanks, Bobby & thanks, Hamid for being there when we needed you!

The repaired guitar - more solid than ever, thanks to Bobby

Relay Idol – final auditions tonight!

Posted May 25, 2010 at 9:44 pm by

Already chosen: Corey is ready for next more will join her & the others already chosen after tonight.

Tonight at Herb’s – the last chance auditions for Relay Idol – the Herb’s based fundraiser for July’s Relay for Life. Looks like they have seven spots left – here’s the word from the committee:

This Wednesday is the last night for Relay Idol Auditions.  Team Herb’s Relay for Life has 7 more spots to fill for the Finals Night on Saturday June 5th.

To audition all one has to do is go to Karaoke at Herb’s on Wednesday and sign up at the Judges table with a $5 donation.  Auditions will run from 9pm till midnight, and at that time the finalists that are selected to move on to the finals will be announced.  Relay Idol Finals are Saturday June 5th.

This fundraiser event is like “American Idol” The “Relay Idol” winner will be selected by audience participation but instead of texting in votes, votes will count as the dollar amount collected on Finals Night.  The finalist with the most money raised on  Finale Night will be crowned “Relay Idol 2010.”  The first runner up will receive $150.  The second runner up will receive $100.  “Relay Idol 2010” will not only get to sing the National Anthem at the Relay for Life Event in July but will also receive $200.

A song for the morning….

Posted May 25, 2010 at 9:12 am by

Pearl Jam, with “Just Breathe”….

‘Round here….

Posted May 24, 2010 at 9:42 am by

Jaime Ellsworth and several folks from the Animal Shelter visited a pet rescue place in Utah last week - here's Jaime with her new friend, Bo Bo.

Sunny days ahead….let’s see what’s up…

• Jamie (above) reported she found a new friend in Utah:

“This is Bo Bo, he is one of the Michael Vick pit bulls rescued by Best Friends. He ripped my heart out – all he wanted to do was put his head under my chin and be held tightly in my arms.  I was going to take him for a walk but he just wanted to be held. So that’s what we did, I sat and held him. His body was all scarred up from fighting.  I know he will get a good home!”

John Sinclair at Concepia.....

• I like the way John Sinclair has his shop set up, since he re-located Concepia at the old IMA spot (and before that the Springtree Restaurant, and a few other things) across from Wells Fargo on Spring Street. He says Concepia will include  more retail items, as well as  a nice porch to come sit – drop by & see what he’s doing!

• A little over a week ago, Darren & Lisa welcomed Arriana Eva-Mae O’Brien…since they own & run SanJuanIslandsTV, naturally they put her onscreen right away. Here’s her first vid, and a chance for you to meet her:

Margaret Johnson wants you to get this on your calendar (everyone is welcome!):

The San Juan County Democrats will hold their quarterly meeting on Saturday, June 12th, at 11:30 at the Garden Path Café on San Juan Island. Please contact Ruth Fleming at 360-298-1374 or Margaret Johnson at 360-472-0123 if you have any questions, or if you need a ride or directions.

Meanwhile, you can keep up with the local GOP on their website – check it here.

This week – the interisland ferry switches to the Hiyu…here’s the scoop from WSF:

Beginning Monday, May 24 through the Memorial Day weekend the 34 car Hiyu will replace the 87 car Evergreen State on the inter island route. Customers should plan ahead for this temporary capacity reduction and expect longer wait times. While the Hiyu is serving the route, the 11:05 a.m. sailing from Friday Harbor will take inter-island traffic to Lopez.

WSF is moving vessels to conduct a required emergency response exercise on Tuesday, May 25, and to complete necessary repairs on the 124-car Chelan. When the Chelan repairs are completed (after the holiday weekend), the 90-car Sealth will serve the inter-island route. We apologize for the inconvenience.