A gull checks out what's left after a sea lion eats a skate, earlier this week. Jim Maya notes: "Sea lions love skate, and it's very dramatic when they eat one. A sea lion's teeth don't permit them to take a bite out of something, like we might take a bite out of a sandwich. By violently shaking their heads, the inertia rips the skate's body away from that portion that the sea lion keeps in its mouth. The gulls love it. Gulls will also follow orcas as the orcas feed on a seal or...sea lions." Photo by Jim Maya.
• Alice Hurd wanted me to tell you about this, coming up this weekend:
Would you like to know more about the wildflowers you are seeing on San Juan Island this spring? The San Juan Island Trails Committee, under the auspices of Island Rec, is organizing two wildflower walks in April. The walks will be led by botanist Louisa Nishitani, and will each last about 2 hours. The walks will be largely within the boundaries of San Juan National Historical Park.
On Saturday, April 10th at 1:00 the first walk will begin from the parking lot at English Camp, from where we will ascend (and descend!) Young Hill. On the following Saturday, April 17th, the walk will begin by the Interpretive Center at American Camp at 10:00 . Restrooms are available at both starting points. Due to the delicate nature of the terrain, dogs are not invited. Everyone else is welcome. Participants are reminded to bring drinking water.
Further information may be obtained by e-mailing the Trails Committee at info (at) sanjuanislandtrails.org. Also on the trails website are listings of plants found along various Island trails, including Young Hill and American Camp. These lists as well as trail maps may be printed off from the site and brought along on the walks.
It was pretty packed at The Bean a couple of days ago when Gordy brought his relatives over to see how nice the place is looking (and the food's good, too!)
• Have you heard of “glamping”? In May you can go glamping at Lakedale Resort – here’s more from the Seattle newsmagazine that wrote it up.
• It’s next weekend on the 17th (not this weekend), but this would be a good time to pre-register for Monique & Vic Woodward’s Restored & Remarried workshop. Here’s more:
Whether you consider yourself a step family or a blended family, Restored & Remarried is a hands-on resource for you. Been remarried for awhile or just contemplating the idea? Restored and Remarried will encourage and equip couples for the step family adventure. This seminar is fun and interactive and it’s most definitely, “guy friendly.” Here’s more.
Sophia Grace....
• The Fundraiser for Sophia Grace Krieg is tonight at Roche Harbor at 6pm (here are details). This kid’s had a hard start in life, but has a chance – here’s the story. See if you can help.
• Sandy says they need a new member for the Board:
The Town of Friday Harbor Historic Preservation Review Board has a vacancy. We are looking for a community member to fill the spot being vacated by long-time board member, Mary Jane Anderson. Mary Jane has been on the board since 2002 and has been an impeccable advocate for preserving the Town’s historic buildings and sites. It’s sad to see her go.
On the bright side, we are hoping to find someone to replace her who loves local history and has some background in historic preservation, architectural history, etc. If any of your readers are interested in finding out more, they can contact me, Sandy Strehlou, at 378.2810.
Went to the Pet Food store over in Surina Business Park yesterday & met Tyrone, who sits in the back. Be sure & drop by and say hey to him...