Captain Smartypants

Posted March 16, 2010 at 7:39 am by

Captain Smartypants

Captain Smartypants

These guys are coming this weekend, and David Bentley started me off with sending a couple of videos of them singing Jingle Bells and Dreidel. Like you’ve never heard the songs before….this is going to be a fun show!

Jan from the Community Theatre has more:

Get ready to laugh and enjoy the sounds of music when Captain Smartypants lands on the Whittier stage THIS Saturday, March 20 at 7:30 pm!

The nine-man ensemble is an off-shoot of the internationally-renowned Seattle Men’s Chorus, the largest community chorus in America and the largest gay chorus in the world (along with the Seattle Women’s Chorus).

Friday Harbor is lucky to help the ensemble celebrate a decade of mixing their cerebral humor and talented voices.  Their zany 2010 show features “the best of the best” of those ten years, including scenes from such themed shows as:

“Trousers of Terror,” based on classic and contemporary horror films; “PowerPants!,” which reinvented the group as superheroes; “Cirque du Slaque,” when the ensemble runs away to the circus; and “Air Smarty,” featuring a plane crash and Annie Lennox songs.

Folks who have experienced Captain Smartypants live, are already smiling enthusiastically, including San Juan Island’s Sharron Kick.  “These men are really, really talented singers and they’re really, really funny!” said Sharron.

Check out more about this fun-filled ensemble at

Captain Smartypants appearance is underwritten by Friday Harbor’s PFLAG Chapter.

Around the island….

Posted March 15, 2010 at 10:49 am by

That's Andrea Champlin with baby Alexis this past weekend - the Friday Harbor grad and her husband have moved back to the island, which has gotta make grandparents Bev & Dave happy.

That's Andrea Champlin with baby Alexis this past weekend - the Friday Harbor grad and her husband have moved back to the island, which has gotta make grandparents Bev & Dave happy.

Let’s see what’s going on around here:

Heading back to school in frosh Conner Johns dropped by the island for spring break, and he'll be back when Carroll University's spring term end in early May.

Heading back to school in frosh Conner Johns dropped by the island for spring break, and he'll be back when Carroll University's spring term end in early May.

• You were probably late to work today if you forget to re-set your clock for Daylight Savings Time. Hope you enjoyed sleeping in.

Next up: Equinox, this coming weekend.

• I hear former island girl Kristina Thalacker is engaged to her sweetie Patrick Ewing (not the NBA one.)

• Coach Rob Cuomo & the lacrosse team played four games in a two-day tournament in Bellingham this past weekend to get their season going…one of the guys said the Dragons lost to the eventual champs by one. Sounds like we have another strong squad this year – the team plays at home this coming weekend.

• Big weekend this coming Friday (Mr. San Juan Contest at Roche Harbor) and Sunday (the Run Ladies Run 10K)….getting ready!

Most of 'em were from out of town...

Most of 'em were from out of town...

• At shows at the Community Theatre, SJCT director Merritt Olsen usually asks for a show of hands to see how many people came from off-island to see the show, and usually gets a handful of raised hands.

At Friday’s show for the Irish Music Camp’s teachers, since the crowd included over 120 people who came to camp, and their friends & family, it showed a lot of folks had come from points near & far.

Have you been by to see the new Bean Coffeehouse? Check it out...that's the place the other day in the morning sun...the first reviews for the place have been good. Drop by & have a cup (and eat, too!)

Have you been by to see the new Bean Coffeehouse? Check it out...that's the place the other day in the morning sun...the first reviews for the place have been good. Drop by & have a cup (and eat, too!) Located right behind Pelindaba, on First Street.

Sivers: I don’t need to worry about you

Posted March 15, 2010 at 10:03 am by



Each of us has a story about something we remember and treasure about our grandparents. Here’s a little memory (and affirmation) from Derek Sivers:

We called my grandfather Papa Bill (as my mom called her grandfather Papa Bill, too.)

He’d been in bad health for years.  A few years of false-alarms, but this time he had decided it was his time.  He went off the life-support and medications, and asked to spend his last days at home.

My mom told me he’d been worrying about lots of loose ends: the will, the house, and all those things he always meant to say.

He knew that I was doing well: successful business, great relationship, and deeply happy.  So I went to see him, as soon as I walked in the door, he said, “Oh, I don’t need to worry about you.”

My mom had warned me that he couldn’t stay awake for more than a few minutes.

We chatted.  He wanted to hear about Santa Monica and how they feed the homeless.  He was telling me about how he used to go logging in Oregon and some good memories.

But the whole time, I had one big question on my mind.  One that was too big and bold to ask.

But when I saw him drifting asleep, I knew it was my last chance.  So I did:

“What’s it like to know you’re going to die soon?”

His eyes lit up!  His face lit up!  He said, “It’s wonderful! It’s the most natural thing of all. Every baby born is going to die. Everything else in my life has been great, so I’m sure this will be, too. It’s exciting!”

He started drifting, this time with a smile, so I quietly got up to go.

As I got to the door, he heard me open it, and seeing me still staring at him, he said, “Don’t worry about me. I’m happy.”

I said, “Oh, I don’t need to worry about you.”

He died the next day.

© 2009 Derek Sivers

Finally…a new car for the chief

Posted March 15, 2010 at 9:52 am by

Chief Vern Long and former Mayor Bill LaPorte show off the "new" car

Chief Vern Long and former Mayor Bill LaPorte show off the "new" car

The Town’s Fire Chief now has a new command vehicle…but there’s more to getting it than you might think. Personally, I have a soft spot for people who won’t take “no” for an answer…here’s more from Rick Galer (who is the department’s unofficial historian):

Three years ago when Chief Vern Long was hired as Town Fire Chief, he needed a command vehicle, and as usual there was no money for such a thing. He got creative, checked with Sheriff Bill and bought a retired Sheriff’s cruiser for $1.00.

Being a car buff from way back, he took it home and started work.  Stripped off all the old Sheriff stuff, ordered replacement parts, like back seat door handles, red lights etc.  As he recalls, less than $1500.00 was spent, along with lots of hours of work.

Then in January 2010, he was driving on Guard Street, approaching the stop sign, and the transmission started to ‘whine.’ After the stop sign, it popped out of gear, but the shift lever was still in place.  He pulled over to the side of the road and started over, wondering what had happened…. He continued on his way ‘slowly’!

Back in December of 2009 Assistant Chief Tom Eades had approached Chief Long about a used Chief’s car from Clallam County. They talked about it, took the idea to the Town Administrator who politely said….No; not right away, but still, no! There is no money!

A couple of days later Tom Eades received a phone call from Bill LaPorte, Chairman of the Firefighter’s Association, who was working the problem from another direction. (Tom was sworn to secrecy: the board had voted to finance the Chief’s car).

It seems that retired Mayor LaPorte was in the Town Administrators office talking with Mr. Fitch when the problem of the Chief’s car came up.  Mr. Fitch asked Mr. LaPorte if he could do anything about the problem. Two days later Mr. LaPorte was in Fire Chief Oakes’ office in Port Angeles, check in hand, signing paper-work for the “old” Clallam County car when the phone rang. It was Chief Long asking if the car was still available. Without hesitation, but with a big smile, Chief Oakes responded; “No, I am sorry, the car has been sold,” and hung up.  (LaPorte is still laughing about that!)

The ‘new chief’s car’ was stored at Dave Moorhouse’s garage for a week while tax and license were worked out.  The car was presented to the Fire Chief at the regular Monday night meeting, being run by Assistant Chief Tom Eades, in front of all the Firefighters, with the help of Town Mayor Carrie Lacher, Town Administrator King Fitch and retired Mayor Bill LaPorte.

Chief Long was totally surprised.  Total cost to the Thrift House/Firefighters Association: $2000.00 plus tax and license.  Total cost to Town of Friday Harbor was
only the transfer of equipment.

Editor’s Note:  20 years ago the Town Fire Chief drove his own car at his own expense and we had not finished inventing the Thrift House!

Looking over to the Marine Labs….

Posted March 15, 2010 at 9:42 am by

Sunny day: It was a good day to look out over the harbor, a couple of Saturdays ago, at the University of Washington's Marine Labs.

Sunny day: It was a good day to look out over the harbor, a couple of Saturdays ago, at the University of Washington's Marine Labs.

Looks like we may have a grey week, but it has been pretty nice the last couple of months (Last week, someone said, “Looks like it’s spring, again.”)

One door leads to another….

Posted March 15, 2010 at 9:17 am by

Over the past few months, Rob Simpson has been setting up the open mike at the Doctor’s Office each Saturady (and other stuff)…but here’s a side of him you might not have known about:

Island Resident Opening Some New Doors

Rob performing as keyboard legend Ray Manzarek, of the Doors

Rob performing as keyboard legend Ray Manzarek, of the Doors

After a lifetime as a musician and an independent producer in Los Angeles, new San Juan Islander Rob Simpson is finding unexpected opportunities.  During the eight years before he moved to Friday Harbor, Rob played organ and bass in the grandfather of DOORS tribute bands, Los Angeles’ Wild Child.

“It was funny to play in a band that has been re-creating DOORS concerts for over 20 years.  That’s almost four times longer than the original DOORS did it. But, the audiences for that show were always great…from teenagers to people who were there the first time around.”

Except for the occasional trip to L.A. to do a guest appearance, leaving Los Angeles meant Rob had to give all that up.  Then a few weeks ago he received a call from a Seattle-based DOORS tribute show called THE AMERICAN NIGHT.  Continue Reading

Around here…

Posted March 12, 2010 at 8:46 am by

Let’s see what’s going on:

• You know Daylight Savings Time kicks in this weekend, but that’s not the only change of hours – Islanders Bank is opening up a little more, too, starting on Monday – you’ll like this: check it here.

Emily Reed has been doing Emily’s Guides since the early 1990s, and is still going strong – she’s consolidated her guidebook into an easy to read, easy to unfold & find stuff map now, and it works. Check it out here:

Irish fiddler Antóin MacGabhann will be playing....

Irish fiddler Antóin MacGabhann will be playing....

The Irish Music Camp Concert is tonight! Here’s more from Jan at the Community Theatre:

Once again, we’re fortunate to host a performance by the teaching staff of the esteemed Friday Harbor Irish Music Camp!

The camp celebrates the end of its ninth annual session THIS Friday, March 12 at 7:30 pm by bringing the teachers to the Theatre to share their talents, both solo and in improvised ensembles.

Founded by acclaimed Irish fiddler Randal Bays of Whidbey Island, and Friday Harbor’s own Irish music enthusiast and musician Dan Paulson, the camp is renowned for its caliber of teaching musicians, as well as its master-class style format and intimate class sizes.  For the first time, the camp was located at Roche Harbor this week.

Bays says 2010’s staff is “probably one of the most exciting groups of musicians we’ve ever brought to the Island.”  In addition to Bays and MacGabhann, the teaching staff includes : flautist Sean Moloney; Ireland’s young star accordion player Johnny  Óg Connolly; Florence Fahy on the concertina; fingerstyle guitarist Tony McManus; and tinwhistle instructor Andrea Cooper.

• Vernadel from the Chamber of Commerce wants to remind you:

Just a reminder that the deadline for entry to the San Juan Island Summer Arts Fair is quickly approaching!!!  Please submit your completed application, $10 Screening/Processing fee, and samples of artwork and booth by Tuesday, March 16.  Visit our website for application information. Also be sure to enter for the Poster Contest.

Time for spring planting…

Posted March 10, 2010 at 8:53 pm by

In bloom...

In bloom...come get yours!

Hey, you’re gonna get out in the garden this weekend (I know you are), so why not put some rhodies in? Here’s the scoop from Mary & Smithy about how you can start:

Ryan’s Rhodies for sale: ~ Rhododendrons!

We have many varieties, colors, & sizes, ranging from 18” to 4’ tall. PJM’s are in bloom right now. Some are fragrant! Plants will be brought to Bakery around blooming time.
Prices vary according to the plant.

LOCATION: Bakery San Juan on Mullis St. Stop by and see what’s on the porch & in the yard!
DEAL: Buy 2 & get a $5.00 Bakery Coupon!
Contact: Smithy & Mary at 378-2728
Email:  meadsmith (at)

Make an appointment to visit the farm. Delivery of plants can be arranged. God Bless You!

Getting back to square one…

Posted March 10, 2010 at 8:36 pm by

Here’s Coldplay with Square One…a little song for your morning!

Around the island….

Posted March 10, 2010 at 12:36 am by

Ravens in the Courthouse's tree....

Crows in the Courthouse's tree....

Here’s a few bits for you:

Howard and Helen

Howard and Helen

• He’s one of the elders of the tribe, and one of the finest gentlemen on island. It was cool to see Howard Schonberger out for dinner last night with Helen & friends for his 89th birthday at the Golden Triangle. He told me he’s looking forward to it as he begins his 90th year – happy birthday!

• Speaking of newspaper legends, the Los Angeles Times has a travel article with San Juan Island as #1 on a list of historic places to visit. Check it out here.

Marita from the IMA (Islands Museum of Art) has Art Wolfe’s show opening Saturday, with Art himself here…here’s more:

“Art Wolfe is a virtuoso whose eye brings home, again and again, the
absolute need to preserve what we have.” – Morgan Freeman

Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe

IMA, Islands Museum of Art, opens Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge, an exhibition of photographs from the award winning American Public Broadcasting series of the same name. A lecture by the artist of Between Heaven and Earth will be held between six and seven in the evening Saturday, March 13 at the  Community Theatre.

The exhibition opening will be held between seven thirty and nine thirty at the Islands Museum of Art, at 28 First Street. The artist will be available for book signing during the reception at IMA .

Art Wolfe’s images interpret and record the world’s fast-disappearing wildlife, landscapes and native cultures. Over the course of his 30 year career, he has worked on every continent and in hundreds of locations.  He aims to win support for conservation issues by “focusing in what’s beautiful on the earth.” Wolfe has published over sixty books and received numerous awards. The 13-part public television series hosted by Wolfe, “Travels to the Edge”, has been broadcast around the world.

The lecture is part of IMA/s ongoing series “Art as Voice.” A multi-media photography adventure, this presentation centers on the Himalaya region and reflects Wolfe’s most personal statement to date.  It begins with a brief look back at the history and events in Wolfe’s formative years that triggered his imagination and wonder towards a path of blending his creativity and art with photography while documenting  the wild world.

The exhibition Travels to the Edge explores some of the world’s most intriguing places. From majestic glaciers and expansive deserts to elusive wildlife, teeming rain forests, and tribal gatherings, this is an intimate yet stunning selection of Art Wolfe’s favorite images.  Wolfe said of the public television series, “I’m excited to give audiences a portal into some of the planet’s most incredible places, and I feel the series has two main purposes: to inspire people to get out and explore, and to get them thinking about what they can to help protect these places.”

Art Wolfe will be available for interviews via telephone or at IMA March 13, 2010
For scheduling or photos, please contact IMA.

Finishing touches on the entrance to the kindergarten….

Posted March 10, 2010 at 12:28 am by

That's the artwork designed by Jeanine Earnhart (right, on bench) outside of the kindergarten entrance. Jane & Sam Buck (on bench) helped mount it, as did Brad Fincher, Sharon Minke, Bob Benz & Allison, along with Zach & Luke.

That's the artwork designed by Jeanine Earnhart (right, on bench) outside of the kindergarten entrance. Jane & Sam Buck (on bench) helped mount it, as did Brad Fincher, Jeanette Longan, Bob Benz & Jeanette's daughter Madison, along with Zach & Luke.

There’s a lot to this story – here’s more from Debbi Fincher:

When we first talked in September of creating a safer place for our kindergartners during “pick-up” times, Ms. Minke, our son’s K teacher, asked if there might be away to honor the memory of those parents who have passed away while their children have attended FHES, as one of her students had recently experienced such a loss. She thought of another family that she went through this with, too, the Benz family. Of course, it was a lovely idea and no one knew what was to come.

As time went on, we moved forward with asking for donations for benches to be built and found all 6 benches quickly sponsored. Each bench fully sponsored would get a plaque dedicated to whom ever they wanted. I then received a call from Bob Benz wanting to dedicate a bench in loving memory of his late wife, Patti.

The conversation with Ms. Minke came flooding back to me and I felt terrible that we already had all 6 benches sponsored, but said to Bob we would find a way to honor Patti.

I told him we were working on artwork for the area and perhaps this might be something he’d like to be involved in. Jane Buck was already collaborating on an art project with Jeanine Earnhart, so when she emailed me the super-imposed image on the school wall, I was excited to call Bob! Continue Reading

Lacrosse fundrasier…

Posted March 9, 2010 at 10:41 am by

In action...

In action...

Sandi Guard wanted you to know:

The Friday Harbor Dragons Lacrosse Team is holding our yearly spaghetti dinner fundraiser Thursday March 11, 2010 from 5-7:30 pm at The San Juan County Grange Hall.

We promise good food for a great cause. We will be having our famous Dessert Auction at 6:30. Adults are $12 & Kids $8. Tickets are available through any high school Lacrosse player, at the door or call Sandi Guard at 378-5228. It’s a great way to have dinner with the family before sports awards at the high school. Please come and support our hard working Lacrosse team and coach and have a GREAT time! Thanks…

All around the world….

Posted March 9, 2010 at 2:50 am by

If it's green, we've been seen.

If it's green, we've been seen.

It’s fun to look at stats & such…the stat tracker thingie says in the last month folks in 52 countries (the ones in green) checked out the Update. Cool.

Where are you reading from? Leave a note in the comments below if you like….

Keeping the beat….

Posted March 9, 2010 at 2:45 am by

Kenya brought some 300 drums, and got the crowd going....

Kenya & Maketa brought some 300 drums, and got the crowd going....

It was awesome.

Jane decorates the!

Jane decorates the!

Last night at the elementary school, two great things happened: the Friday Harbor High cooking class put on a dinner that couldn’t be beat, followed by a community drumming session that could be heard on the other side of the Fairgrounds & was a cool way to bring people together. The photos for this story were taken by & sent in by Debbi Fincher, who also mentioned that special kudos should go to Jane Buck, who was able to arrange the use of  African fabric tablecloths from a family on Lopez, and then did her magic with native flowers and vines in bottles she collected at the thrift store!

Rather than just taking pictures for you the way I usually do, I made a little two-minute vid that captures the evening better, since you can hear it. This will give you a taste:

Unloading the drums before the show...Kenya & Maketa brought 300 drums for the evening.

Unloading the drums before the show...Kenya & Maketa brought 300 drums for the evening.

Luke helping put the drums around....

Luke helping put the drums around....

Liz takes a photo of her chefs before the crowd arrives.

Liz takes a photo of her chefs before the crowd arrives.

A crowd came...and the food was awesome!

A crowd came...and the food was awesome!

Notes from the people around here…

Posted March 9, 2010 at 1:55 am by

Tom & Katie Pemberton on their way home on the ferry Sunday....

Tom & Katie Pemberton on their way home on the ferry Sunday....

Most of this is hearsay & innuendo:

• Babies on the way: Stephanie Walker says she hit 20 weeks last week, and proud papa Tom Pemberton tells me both Elliot & Mari have kids on the way in the late spring.

Nancy shows off her brand new grandboy Desmond to Melissa Posenjack at the Chamber of Commerce meeting last night....

Nancy shows off her brand new grandboy Desmond to Melissa Posenjak at the Chamber of Commerce meeting last night....

• Speaking of babies – it’s been great to hear that Nancy & Dave Hanson from the Toy Box are now grandparents, as their boy Joel & his wife welcomed baby Desmond last week, in Australia. She wrote me to tell me & you:

Desmond Carlisle Crane weighed 7 lb 6 oz. They live in Melbourne, Australia, so I won’t get to see him until May. Thanks to the wonderful world of technology, I do get to see him on Skype!! Grandpa David and I are just thrilled.

Speaking of Melissa Posenjak – she’s been promoted to Branch Manager at Whidbey Island Bank. Wahoo & congrats!

I swung by the former Ale House to see how the renovation there is coming along. Hard to tell through the windows. So far, I’ve heard maybe a dozen guesses what’ll be there when it’s done. Pretty sure it’s probably not really gonna be a Chuck E Cheese.

I hope not, anyway.

Last spring, Ricie was All-League & All-World for the he's having a good run at WSU.

Last spring, Ricie was All-League & All-World for the he's having a good run at WSU.

• Over at Washington State, freshman pitcher Richie Ochoa (FHHS ’09) is already part of the Cougars’ bullpen. (Here’s his bio on the WSU website.)

He got a couple of innings in, two weekends ago against Bethune-Cookman in Texas, with his coach saying he was a huge reason WSU won. (Here’s the boxscore.)

Last weekend, he earned the victory in relief as WSU beat Utah 10-4 (here’s the story.) The Cougs are 9-1 to start the season & flying high…

• You know, the Adventurous Wench doesn’t just bring people TO the island…she takes islanders all around the world, too. Her women-only trips rock.

The Wench is ready...are you?

The Wench is ready...are you?

Check out where she’s going….

• Ran into FHHS senior soccer player José Charupe last night & he says the team is jelling – their first game is next Tuesday with Coupeville, here. He says they’re gonna be strong up front & he likes the way the defense works together.

Meanwhile, senior Kerri Goff has a big smile when she’s describing the Wolverine softball team…she says the pitching is stronger this year (as in deeper – she says there are promising young pitchers coming along), which means she may not be asked to throw as many innings this spring. They have their opener on Saturday at Orcas.

Joel & Desmond share a quiet moment....

Joel & Desmond share a quiet moment....

• Here’s another picture of Nancy’s son Joel with baby Desmond, all the way from Australia, mate.

• Hey, Kels is playing Friday at the Bean, with an acoustic evening of original music with the Kels Boreen Project. Starts at 7pm…don’t miss it!

• Oh, man – you gotta choose for Friday night! Also, it’s the Irish Music Camp Concert at the Community Theatre. It’s great – here’s more about it.

Soroptimists Lori & Lynn have fun selling tickets for Saturday's dinner & auction....

Soroptimists Lori & Lynn have fun selling tickets for Saturday's dinner & auction....

• The Soroptimist Club still has tickets for Saturday’s St. Patrick’s Day Extravaganza…this fundraiser helps fund the cool things the Club offers to women in the community, and to help provide ferry tickets to folks getting cancer treatments. What they do is great stuff…you can help, AND have a great time with the dinner & auction. Here’s more.

When I got through playing last Thursday at Pazzo Vivo's open mike, I took this quick shot of the crowd in front of the stage, from the stage: (from left): Ed (in red), Hobbes, Chuck, Canyon (in the air), Cecil, Britt, Ian, Bill & Jeff, Kirk, Donna & Donna. Thanks, guys!

When I got through playing last Thursday at Pazzo Vivo's open mike, I took this quick shot of the crowd in front of the stage, from the stage: (from left): Ed (in red), Hobbes, Chuck, Canyon (in the air), Cecil, Britt, Ian, Bill & Jeff, Kirk, Donna & Donna. Thanks, guys!

Working from home…

Posted March 9, 2010 at 12:57 am by

Going pretty well, thanks...

Going pretty well, thanks...

Folks have been asking lately how it’s going – my move from the Corporate Suites of By Design on Guard Street to the home office at my house in a 12 x 12 room that used to be my son’s hideaway. It’s great. Much easier to keep tidy, easier to make tea, and fun to play with the cats.

You should try it.