Killer whale at Sea World kills trainer…

Posted February 25, 2010 at 7:42 am by

Just off the wires…an orca kills a worker at SeaWorld in Florida, where the killer whale is being held captive. Here’s more, from the BBC.

I thought that the response by the Orca Network folks (Howie & Susan, co-written with Ken Balcomb & former Secretary of State Ralph Munro), sums up the situation with a clear eye on what’s going on, tinged with compassion & hope. Please take the time to read this.

Around the island! Wahoo!

Posted February 25, 2010 at 1:00 am by

The orcas are last week from Jim Maya.

The orcas are last week from Jim Maya.

Let’s see what’s happening:

• Jet lag: Just saw that Juan & Heidi Lopez are back from a few weeks in Spain.

A few weeks back, Nate Smith bowled a non-league 300 at Paradise Lanes...he was on the way to a bowling tourney last weekend on the mainland. He remains the only goalkeeper in FHHS soccer history to score - his punt sailed over the other keeper's head.

A few weeks back, Nate Smith bowled a non-league 300 at Paradise Lanes...he was on the way to a bowling tourney last weekend on the mainland. He remains the only goalkeeper in FHHS soccer history to score - his punt sailed over the other keeper's head.

• I heard Desi Whalen was selected to play the lady in “My Fair Lady,” with Daniel Finn as Higgins….gonna be fun!

• High school players – wanna play lacrosse this spring? Come to the sign up meeting Thursday…here’s more.

• Nature-Contact healing arts degrees offered for Reiki Energy Healing Touch, Tao, Qigong and Tai Chi…wahoo! Looks like Mike Cohen is continuing to expand Project Nature Connect‘s offerings. Here’s more about the degrees.

Devorah wrote to tell me she has a Garage/Estate Sale this weekend…she says it’s Friday thru Sunday from 2pm-6pm. Call 317.5612 for more details – she’s at 93 Reef Net Rd. (Egg Lake to Three Corner Lake to Miller Rd. to Reef Net). Everything from music gear, jewelry, furniture, housewares, artwork, building supplies, clothing (sizes 0 to 5/6)…and, of course, Devorah’s cds at $10. or 2 for &15.

Lainey Volk and her family got their photo taken with bronze-medal moguls winner Shannon Bahrke at the Swiss/USA hockey game. That's Becky Volk, Shannon, Deanna ( Lainey’s granddaughter), and Cristine (Lainey’s daughter). Photo by (you guessed it!) Lainey.

Lainey Volk and her family got their photo taken with bronze-medal moguls winner Shannon Bahrke at the Swiss/USA hockey game. That's Becky Volk, Shannon, Deanna ( Lainey’s granddaughter), and Cristine (Lainey’s daughter). Photo by (you guessed it!) Lainey.

• The Volks go to the Olympics! Lainey & Becky sent me these photos from their three day trip to Vancouver last week…they reported the trip was amazing & the Canadians & visitors were all very welcoming & friendly.

Volks, all in one place: That's Christopher (Orr), Cristine (Volk Orr), Gabriel (Orr), Deanna (Orr), Lainey, Ian, Becky, John, and Geoffrey.

Volks, all in one place: That's Christopher (Orr), Cristine (Volk Orr), Gabriel (Orr), Deanna (Orr), Lainey, Ian, Becky, John, and Geoffrey.

• FHHS junior Corwin Perrin has put together a nice little page for local classifieds – check it out here: .

• If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

• Kristine Odle sent me this cool news about a cool program with a cool recipient:

Angela Bolger receives Soroptimist Opportunity Award

Soroptimist Lenore Bayuk (left) and award winner Angela Bolger

Soroptimist Lenore Bayuk (left) and award winner Angela Bolger

Angela Bolger of San Juan Island, has been chosen as recipient of the 2010 Women’s Opportunity Award from the local Friday Harbor Soroptimist International club.  The $2500 monetary award was presented to Angela at the February 3, 2010 club meeting by Kristine Odle.  A special thank you goes to judges Kathleen Heric, Sharon Kick, Connie Biggers and Colette Lauderville.

As a single mother, Angela is working full time, going to school ¾ time, and, in the words of one of her references, “is an amazing mother”.  Another reference said “I personally cannot think of a better individual to receive this award.  She is the epitome of what Soroptimist is all about and would be and is a great example.  I know that she touches everyone that she comes into contact with and I think the profession she has chosen suites her so perfectly.  I would strongly recommend you choosing her as the recipient of this award as I know what she personally gains from this will prove to make our community a better place.”

The Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects. Eligible applicants must be women who provide the primary financial support for their families, and who are enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program. The winners may use the cash award for any costs associated with obtaining education including tuition, books, supplies, childcare and car care.

Angela is now eligible for consideration at the Soroptimist International Region level which grants one first-place award for $5,000.  For more information on Soroptimist projects and the various awards visit:

Amy Traxler wanted me to share with you a project she’s involved in, that you might find interesting:

Hi Ian!

Many islanders know that I’ve been working with an overcrowded, high-kill shelter in California for almost 2 years now, bringing up small dogs to this area for re-homing.  To date, I’ve brought up over 60 dogs and 11 of them have found permanent homes right here on San Juan Island!  I’m now working with a wonderful newly-formed organization called “Friends for Life Animal Rescue.”  We’re an all-volunteer, non-profit, no-kill companion animal rescue group that works through a network of foster homes rather than a shelter. We don’t have a central facility, but we have animal fosters in Skagit, San Juan, and Snohomish counties at this time.

We’re looking for a couple more dog foster homes on San Juan.  Continue Reading

There are always more than TWO options…

Posted February 25, 2010 at 12:56 am by



I always like to hear from Derek Sivers…here’s a little bit he wrote about a common mindset blocker that I believe shows a chance for…more chances. See what you think:

There are always more than two options

Lately I’ve been helping a lot of friends with decisions.  The common theme I’ve found is that they thought they had only two options.

That’s not a decision. That’s a self-created dilemma!  The way out is to realize there are always more than two options!

Backing up: When someone says they only have one option, they’re really saying, “I have no choice,” and you know that’s wrong. (At very least, add “do nothing” and “go insane” as choices.)

When they say they only have two options, beware.  It means they got stuck.  Once people get two options, they start comparing the pros and cons of those two, and forget to think of more options.

But remember those silly creative brainstorming exercises we did as kids?  As adults, people let the “real world” wear them down so much, they forgot that those lessons were not just for kids.

As an example, a friend was trying to decide between:

1. sticking with his well-paying boring job

2. or quitting to start his own company

I suggested some other options:

* Fully delegate your new company. Just fund it and direct it. Hire a manager that understands your vision, and spend only an hour a day overseeing it.

* Bring your new company idea to your boss, and propose it as a division of their company, so you can stay on salary.

* Go into work 2 hours early, but spend the first 2 hours just setting up your new company. Use lunch breaks and downtime as well. Do this until the income from the new company is 50% of your salary, then quit.

* Rent out your house for a year and be a house-sitter, to reduce your living expenses to almost-nothing, and take a year-long sabbatical, reading and learning as much as possible about this new industry you want to go into, so you can attack it with more confidence in a year when you return.

* Decide this new business is a hobby, not a business. But you hate your existing job anyway, so find a new job that would allow you the flexibility to spend a good part of each day or week on this new hobby that makes you happy.

* Go work for the leader in the field of your new company. Learn even more about that industry so when you’re ready to launch your new company, you’re doing it with full strategic advantage and connections.

* Be the worst employee ever, and show up to your boring job every day but refuse to do any work.  Pretend to be super-busy all the time, but really just be working on your own company, on their dime. Use every sick-day and vacation day until scolded. Do this until fired.

* Do neither, and move to New Zealand’s South Island to be a tour guide on the hiking trails.

* etc.

Some of those are intentionally silly, but made him say, “You made me realize I need a vacation before making a decision. I’m just feeling really stressed because of this new manager at work, and I was wanting a quick exit, but I think I need to confront this manager about our bad communication. It wasn’t the new business that was inspiring me so much, but just needing to fix my current situation.

Anyway – to my other friends out there who haven’t come to me with decisions yet: Great insight only comes from opening your mind to many options. Brainstorm them all, from the hybrids to the ridiculous.

It takes under an hour, but has always helped my friends feel less stressed, think clearly, and honestly – get excited about a decision that used to feel like a dilemma.

The Dining Room opens tonight!

Posted February 25, 2010 at 12:26 am by

Here’s more from Jan at the Community Theatre:

A.R. Gurney’s The Dining Room opens THIS Thursday, February 25 at 7:30 p.m. on the Whittier stage.

This show promises to be fun....

This show promises to be fun....

Both humorous and poignant at the same time, the play is set, not surprisingly, inside a dining room. Here, we meet a variety of characters played by six adult actors who change roles, personalities and ages (even becoming children as in the birthday party scene above).

Director Merritt Olsen says the story creates a portrait of a vanishing species: the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP). “The play also has a thought-provoking message about the dining room and family relationships, and how they relate to modern times.”

For the actors, it has been a very creative and challenging experience as they quickly change costumes and characters. Those island talents are Rosa Blair, Marcy Hahn, James Krall, Dorian Oliver, Amanda Wyckoff and Nicholas Zervas.

The Dining Room also plays THIS Friday and Saturday at 7:30 pm and Sunday at 2 pm. It continues March 4-6 at 7:30 pm

St. Paddy’s Dinner….

Posted February 24, 2010 at 8:57 pm by

It was packed last year - get your tickets early!

It was packed last year - get your tickets early!

Soroptimist Heather Spaulding wanted to tell you about this year’s party in a couple of weeks (get your tickets now!)


For the eleventh year running, Soroptimist are having their St. Patrick’s Dinner and Auction. It will be held at the San Juan Yacht Club, Friday Harbor, Saturday, March 13, 2009.  Dinner Event begins at 6 pm with a Silent Auction and Raffles.  The Live Auction begins at 7:30pm with beautiful items and wonderful services that are truly worth bidding on this year. Wear your green and bring your green! Please mark your calendar for this fun event.

Soroptimists Bonnie Hendrickson and Nancy Hanson at last year's shindig....

Soroptimists Bonnie Hendrickson and Nancy Hanson at last year's shindig....

The Friday Harbor club uses proceeds from this St. Patrick’s Day Extravaganza Soroptimists to support High School Scholarships, Violet Richardson Award, Women’s Emergency Fund, Family Resource Center, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services, Women’s Opportunity Award, and much more.

Back by popular request is the prepaid ‘To Go Dinner’ available for pickup 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Better yet, attend the event for a memorable St. Patrick’s Party.  Event tickets are $20 Adults, $15 Seniors (65+), $10 Children (under 10 yrs) and the prepay ‘To Go Dinner’ ticket is $12.

Tickets will be sold at the Toy Box, or, look for the Soroptimists at Kings and Market Place February 26th and 27th and March 5th, 6th and 12th.  Contact Becki Day, 378.9519 or visit the events page on

Open mikes in Town…

Posted February 24, 2010 at 6:09 am by

Sign up with Steve to play at Pazzo Vivo....

Sign up with Steve to play at Pazzo Vivo....

It’s been fun to watch these take off…Steve Dyer‘s been hosting the Open Mike at Pazzo Vivo on Thursday nights, which goes from 6-9pm, and the last few weeks has filled the place (or was that because it was Natalia’s birthday? Both, I think…)

Meanwhile, on Saturdays, Mary at the Doctor’s Office has a nice little stage setup from 6-8pm, and that’s been bringing in a crowd, too – see you there!

Celebrating reading, next week….

Posted February 24, 2010 at 12:13 am by

Joyce & Carolyn sent this over, and asked me to share it with you:

A Birthday Invitation

“I am what I am! That’s a great thing to be!
If I say so myself, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!”
From Happy Birthday To You! By Dr. Seuss

Next Tuesday....drop on by!

Next Tuesday....drop on by!

Since 1998, March 2nd has been designated as Read Across America Day. Why March 2nd? That’s Dr. Seuss’s birthday, and what better day to celebrate and get kids excited about reading – adults, too, for that matter. Dr. Seuss’ books emphasize his philosophy that “nonsense wakes up the brain cells”!

Reading is a crucial building block – brain cell builder for lifelong learning. You cannot start too early!

We encourage you to make your home a reading environment home. This not only helps children develop thinking, listening and communication skills, but also promotes later success in school. According to Pre-K Now, a campaign of the Pew Center of the States (2009), “if children enter school unprepared, they may never catch up to their peers”.

William H Gates, Sr., co-chairman of Washington’s Thrive by Five, was the keynote speaker at the San Juan County Early Learning Leadership luncheon in June, 2008. His message stressed that investments in early learning pay huge dividends for children, families and society. By increasing the likelihood that children will be literate, and become gainfully employed, we decrease school drop-out rates, reduce the need for remedial education, reduce crime and delinquency, and increase employment and earnings. “The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out,” Gates said.

Early learning research describes a young child’s brain as a place of constant activity. Indeed, a three year old’s brain is twice as active as yours or ours. A child between the ages of birth to five is continuously alert through all of his/her senses, and his/her brain is “ready to receive”. How fortunate that this early learning research has been pivotal in the planning of activities for children and families here on San Juan Island. Children are born learning! We encourage you to visit the Born Learning Trail at the Family Park at the Fairgrounds and learn to turn simple ideas into learning games.

Experience even more opportunities promoting early learning and literacy by attending Lapsit and Linger, Preschool Storytime, and the occasional Pajama Storytimes that bring parents and children together to support and enhance the reading environment at home.

With funding provided by Thrive by Five of Washington, the San Juan Early Learning Consortium, in partnership with the San Juan Island Public Library and the San Juan Island Community Foundation, is pleased to invite everyone to join this local birthday party for Dr. Seuss on March 2nd at 3:30 p.m. at the public library. Who knows? Maybe some of your favorite Seuss characters will appear for this afternoon birthday cake celebration!

Happy Birthday, today, Dr. Seuss! Happy Reading everyone, everyday!

Dr. Carolyn Haugen is the Chair, of the SJCF Education Workgroup of the Critical Needs Task Force. Joyce Sobel is the Director of the San Juan Island Family Resource Center. Both are members of the San Juan County Early Learning Consortium.

A project called The Greeting Place is underway…

Posted February 24, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Kindergartner Luke (he's in Ms. Minke's class) looks over the work done last week when it was sunny....

Kindergartner Luke (he's in Ms. Minke's class) looks over the work done last week when it was sunny....

It was sixteen years ago that my son began kindergarten at Friday Harbor Elementary School…one of the great deals about picking him up outside the kindergarten door was getting to hang out with the other parents (many of whom are still friends, as we made our way through sports & classes & activities & dating & drivers’ ed & finally FHHS graduation together).

Well, there’s new project to make that area even nicer to hang out – here’s more from Debbie Fincher:

The Greeting Place is where our Kindergartners can safely meet & greet their “rides” at the end of their school day, while enjoying the beauty that will be added with interesting mosaics and other artwork made by local artists.  James Hubbell’s recent visit to the island gave way to this project – we thank IMA for hosting James Hubble”s inspirational lecture!

Thanks again to Jane & Sam Buck, John & Sam McMain, Brad, Luke & Zach Fincher, Jeanette Longan, & Juan Toban. Together, we installed stepping stones (donated by Site Elements) that will mark the path around the new benches.  As you may know, four benches were donated by Lynn Danaher, John & Sharon Boyd, Marty Robinson and Alphabet Soup Childcare & Preschool.  Bob Carroll, FHES Building Engineer, offered to build and install the benches, keeping the costs down.

Thanks for your support! Watch for ways you can still help as this project continues to grow. We welcome your ideas and help!

(Thanks for donations already: Site Elements, Brownes, Consignment Treasures, San Juan Interiors, Home Port Flooring & Design, Thrift Store & Mullis Senior Center.)

“Integrating art, nature and beauty into the life
of individuals and communities.

“Physical patterns and direction that bring humanity’s inner and outer world in harmony with the changing rhythm of our lives.” James Hubbell

Making it happen: Brad Fincher (left), Sam McMain, Sam Buck (behind), John McMain and Jane Buck as new benches are being installed and stepping stones are being set.

Making it happen: Brad Fincher (left), Sam McMain, Sam Buck (behind), John McMain and Jane Buck as new benches are being installed and stepping stones are being set.

Here’s looking at you, kid…kinda

Posted February 24, 2010 at 12:01 am by

Right side up....

Right side up....

Do you ever think about how everyone in Australia has the bottoms of their feet pointing at us right this minute (if they’re awake)?

I think about stuff like that.

Signing up for the chipper…

Posted February 23, 2010 at 9:15 pm by

The chipper in action....

The chipper in action....

Ron Garner says Firewise communities can use the free chipper…here’s more:

New & Existing Firewise Communities Eligible for Free Chipper Time

Communities that have joined the Firewise program by February 12, 2010 are eligible to use a chipper in their community for a half-day. San Juan Island Fire Department/Department of Natural Resources will bring a chipper and staff to operate it, for chipping woody debris collected by the residents and placed along the common roads in your community. Be sure to pile the branches with their butt-ends facing the road. With the chipper and help from the residents, a community can become a safer place to live.

To be eligible, the community must have started the process of joining the free Firewise program by February 12th. The chipping will start on March 1st. To join the Firewise program, SJI Fire Department will assist areas with organizing, assessing and completing all paperwork, which is minimal. This program is free.

The Firewise program helps homeowners protect themselves and homes from wild fires. Such simple actions as cleaning the gutters in June, filling pot holes and keeping a 12×12 foot opening along all driveways and roads for fire truck access will be a start toward self protection.

This free service is available to existing Firewise Communities, also. For more information or to sign up, view the Firewise website at or contact Ron Garner, 378-7722 or Tom Odegard, 378-3213.

What a party…100!

Posted February 23, 2010 at 5:58 pm by

Seanene asked me if I’d like to drop by the Village at the Harbour for cake for a birthday party…Kathryn Pinion celebrated her 100th today. She had quite a mob there, of family & friends. I asked Seanene to send me a little about her, and she replied:

Mrs. Pinion with her daughter, islander Pauline Mulligan at her 100th birthday.

Mrs. Pinion with her daughter, islander Pauline Mulligan at her 100th birthday.

As a young, married college graduate, Kathryn Pinion worked as a secretary in the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and in the office of the Governor of Tennessee. Her husband, Dwight Pinion, was legal counsel to the Senate and he and Kathryn were often guests of the White House during the term of FDR. She raised three wonderful, bright daughters who are all dedicated to their amazing mom.

Kathryn now has a lovely apartment at Village at the Harbour in Friday Harbor and despite some loss of sight, is totally independent and more informed than anyone here…staff included.

She has supported President Obama since he first surfaced and will give up anything to watch him speak – even exercise class which, otherwise, she never misses. She keeps us all informed of current events on a daily basis and as I said, her support of the Democratic Party has never wavered. She turned 100 on February 23 and we are planned quite a party!

Again, we are grateful for your interest in this truly amazing lady.

Baby picture – this week!

Posted February 23, 2010 at 12:08 pm by

Babies in the '80s....this is how it starts! These guys grew up to be the FHHS Class of 2006...

Babies in the '80s....this is how it starts! These guys grew up to be the FHHS Class of 2006...

Alisa sent me this reminder for you (click here to see a ginormous version of the picture above, and click here to see my photos from the 2006 graduation, eighteen years later):

Here’s a reminder that this Saturday, February 27th, 2010 is the Graduating Class of 2027 group photo.  If you have a baby that was born between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009 please meet at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church at 10 am.  Kathleen Ballard Photography will be taking the photo. For more information including photo prices please contact Alisa Schoultz at [email protected] or 378-4102.

Going with the dogs…

Posted February 23, 2010 at 11:47 am by

Kim with her sled & a truck full of dogs...

Kim with her sled & a truck full of dogs...

It was cool to run into Kim Bertrand on Sunday, coming back from Crystal Springs in the middle of the state, where she & her huskies had been in a mushing event…you can tell she loves her dogs! (And they love to get fed!)

Dinner time...

Dinner time...

Stuff from around the island….

Posted February 23, 2010 at 11:07 am by

That's the ferry heading for Anacortes last night, catching & reflecting the last rays of the afternoon as it passes Mount Baker.

That's the ferry heading for Anacortes Sunday night, catching & reflecting the last rays of the afternoon as it passes Mount Baker.

Hope you had a great sunny weekend, as we head into the rainy season….! Let’s see what’s going on around the island…

Hobbes, last Thursday night at Pazzo Vivo - what's cookin'?

Hobbes, last Thursday night at Pazzo Vivo - what's cookin'?

• This coming weekend my friend Hobbes is offering cooking classes, set to start this Saturday in Friday Harbor… they run Saturdays from Feb 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th. He says: “Bring a pen and paper. Classes start at noon, at my condo opposite Downriggers, park up by Vinny’s, and walk down the steps keeping Vinny’s back wall on your right. It’s the first condo on the right – F202.

“Sign up by calling 360-370-5734 or capthobbes (at) It’s $45 per person. You will learn to make two sexy appetizers and a classic French meal, using all organic whole foods.”

• Keri from the Town tells me this month’s firefighter is Tony:

Town of Friday Harbor Firefighter Tony Smith moved here from McMinnville, OR when he was 14 years old.  He joined the fire department after his family home burned down and currently enjoys working with the guys and helping people. Tony works full time as a landscaper, likes all kinds of music, and spends free time with friends, his sister and his dog.  The hardest part about living in Friday Harbor is finding the time to go off island.

Tony is a Captain in the department, finds going on calls the most exciting, and the hardest skill to master is being a good leader.  His ‘Ideal Day’ is having a ‘safe day.’

• It FEELS like spring, so this is a good day to do it – you can sign up for spring baseball, tee ball & softball now – here’s more.

• The Whale Museum is open seven days a week from 10-5 each day…and did you know that Thursdays are free for locals?

Important bits around:

Today Kathryn Pinion turns 100!

Rumours & more rumours: I’ll check into ’em – I heard someone’s talking about opening a Subway here, and that two very famous & important people on the island got married! I’ll get back to you if I hear more.

Meanwhile, Floyd & Adrienne Bourne delivered baby Atticus earlier this month (I love the name!), and the folks at Wells Fargo tell me Jessica & Andy Johnson delivered baby Sofia….

Ron & Dorie Heeren out on the town the other night...

Ron & Dorie Heeren out on the town the other night...

• Today’s the day you can drop by the Library to have your kid read with the dogs…the Island Tail Tutors drop in from 3:30-4:30pm.

Give it a try – this is a program co-sponsored by our friends at the Animal Shelter. (Here’s more.)

Speaking of the Animal Shelter, their fundraiser dinner is tonight.

• Music tonight at Pazzo Vivo – it’s uke players Nickie Davis and Jesse Berube tonight @ 7:00.

Friends Inga (left) and Joanna drop by to say hey on the ferry....

Friends Inga (left) and Joanna drop by to say hey on the ferry....

Willie & Bob in the morning…

Posted February 23, 2010 at 12:11 am by

How many days start with a chance to sing along with Bob & Willie? Here’s Pancho & Lefty in 1993 (“out of kindness, I suppose…”):

Around town, around the island….

Posted February 19, 2010 at 11:13 am by

Jim Maya has gone out all this week & taken folks to see the incredible wildlife here, including these Steller sea lions earlier this week. By the way, these guys are named after naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller - did you know that?

Jim Maya has gone out all this week & taken folks to see the incredible wildlife here, including these Steller sea lions earlier this week. By the way, these guys are named after naturalist Georg Wilhelm Steller - did you know that?

What’s happening….

Deb at Lakedale Resort last summer....

Deb at Lakedale Resort last summer....

• You knew Deb Nolan has a catering business (besides being on the school board & doing a million other things for the community)? Here’s more.

• The Economic Development Council has a new domain name: .

Update your records. Or get some records. Or listen to your records.

• The County Republicans are having their annual Lincoln Legacy Dinner on Saturday – here’s the scoop.

If I find out where the Democrats are eating, I’ll let you know.

• The Town & County are using more recycled paper – wahoo!

The County’s Stan Matthews reports:

As a result of San Juan County’s conversion to use of paper with a 40% recycled content, the Town of Friday Harbor and approximately 50 businesses that were using virgin paper are now using the more environmentally friendly paper.

NOTE: The figures used concerning the environmental impact of switching to recycled paper were based on a total, countywide changeover of 80 cases of virgin paper @ 50lbs per case to 40% recycled paper for a 12 month period, as calculated by the “Paper Calculator” on the Environmental Defense Fund’s website. (

County Pollution Prevention Specialist Brian Rader and Gerard Post van der Burg of Islands Paper & Supply Company with the first shipment of paper delivered under the new agreement.

County Pollution Prevention Specialist Brian Rader and Gerard Post van der Burg of Islands Paper & Supply Company with the first shipment of paper delivered under the new agreement.

• The Backdoor Kitchen re-opens tonight & this weekend for the season – AND Noodle Bowl Monday is back this coming Monday! See ya there!

Doctor Pearson

Doctor Pearson

• Remember Ann Pearson? She graduated from the island in the 1980s at the age of 16, and went to Obelin before landing at Harvard, where she’s a professor of biogeochemistry in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Here’s more from the Harvard Gazette.

• You remember Be Chic Boutique has their 50-70% off sale this weekend, right? They’re lightening their load before moving down the street in a couple of weeks to the location where Dominique’s House was, and the Park Service before that.

Helping out....

Helping out....

• Helping our friends in Haiti: Yvonne Swanberg says the Rotary Club has been helping, and you can too – here’s more:

Donate Shelter Boxes for Haiti

San Juan Island Rotary has purchased two Shelter Boxes for disaster relief that will be sent to Haiti, and will accept donations for additional ones.

For those concerned that money donated for Haiti may not get there, or if it does, will go to the wrong place, then the Shelter Box program is the how one may help the relief effort in Haiti with confidence the money will go where intended, as the program is tightly controlled,  and each box is tracked as to when and where it goes, with the information reported back to the donor.

One Shelter box was purchased as a joint effort of Rotarians at their Wednesday meeting, and the second with Club matching funds.   The cost of one Shelter Box is approximately $1,000.00, however SJI Rotary will continue their efforts to purchase additional Shelter Boxes during the coming weeks.

Donations to Shelter Box can be made directly to Shelter Box. or you may contact Yvonne Swanberg, President of San Juan Island Rotary (syswanberg (at) to make a donation to Rotary toward a Shelter Box.

For additional information on Shelter Boxes, check out the website showing the Shelter Box units arriving on Haiti.