History in the making: Thursday evening, at the end of the 5:30pm meeting, the Town will swear in Carrie Lacher as Friday Harbor's first woman mayor.
There are a few things you might have heard about:
• The folks at the cell phone place want you to know: San Juan Wireless is hosting a Shop Late and Customer Appreciation Party on Wednesday, December 16, 2009, from 5pm to 8pm. Enter the drawing for a Toshiba Blu-ray DVD plus discounts varying from 50% to 100% on all accessory purchases. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Thank you for being such great customers throughout 2009! 818 Mullis Street, 378-8260
• When someone at the Chamber of Commerce meeting Monday night mentioned that noted chef (and former islander returning to his roots) Greg Atkinson was cooking for Thursday night’s Black & White Dinner fundraiser for the Whale Museum, there was a hush that came over the room, and then a bunch of people going, “Oooooo”…
So you better get your ticket now! Here’s more info.
By the way, Whale Museum director Jenny Atkinson is not related to Greg, and neither is the Atkins Diet. Just telling ya.
• The Annual Bird Count by the Audubon Society is this weekend on Saturday… wanna volunteer? Barb Jensen is setting up the routes for folks, so call today at 378-3068 to get yours.
• Expecting…you know Darren & Lisa from San Juan Islands TV? Lisa tells me they’re four months along with a new baby.
Meanwhile, Floyd & Adrienne Bourne are gearing up for their new one in February – congrats, you guys!
• Saw this on an island friend’s Facebook page: “Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.”
• The FHHS basketball teams are playing on Friday at home against Orcas – see you at the gym. Starts at 4:30pm.
• Rob says: “Are you a chess player? A local chess tournament is being organized for all local chess enthusiasts. Weekly playoffs will begin after the holidays at The Doctors Office. Anyone interested in meeting other chess players for warm up games please contact The Doctor’s Office at 378-8865; or email Rob at 321gold (at) gmail.com.”
Phil Olbrecht
• The San Juan County Council voted Tuesday to select Seattle Attorney Phil Olbrechts as the County’s Hearing Examiner. Olbrechts currently serves as the Hearing Examiner for seven municipalities in Washington and estimated that he has conducted well over 1000 hearings in the past twelve years.
• From Debbie at the Roche Harbor Market – good news about the Derby, and a story about the one earlier this month: “Happy to share that the February 2010 7th Annual Roche Harbor Salmon Classic has sold out! A wait list has been started ~ don’t hesitate to call (360-378-5562)! Please check out this great website by one of our outstanding anglers, Mike Simms, who has a great write up on our December Derby ~ thanks Mike!
• You know the Nash Christmas Tree Lot out front of the Fat Cat….I asked Pat how it looks this weekend, and he replied: “Thanks for the bit on the tree lot! I took off and bought some fresh trees and we still have some left. We do have a 10-foot tree that will be beautiful. I picked it up for someone and it was more than they could use. We are hoping to be open from 10am to 5pm until sold.”
• I heard that the County Council yesterday agreed to set a date for a public hearing regarding the polystyrene food container ban. Good! The Town took the right first step – let’s take the next one!
• The Kids Art Show at Gallery San Juan last week had over 75 kids show up – wahoo! They created wonderful holiday art and were featured at a reception at the gallery. Barbara says, “This is our 11th annual event and the kids do such a great job with their art.” She says the people’s choice winners were:
4-6 year olds –Emily Atwell
7-9 year olds – Silas Holden
10 year olds – Amelia Clavery
11 year olds – Jullian Urbach
12-14 year olds – Daisey Roth
Indigo & Laura had a great time....