Simple pleasures, simple treasures….

Posted November 5, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Small treasures, small pleasures....

Small treasures, small pleasures....

This Saturday from 6-8pm, there’s an opening at Gallery San Juan – here’s more from Matt & Barbara:

Hi Ian,
This Saturday Nov. 7th we will be having an opening we’re calling “Small Treasures, Simple Pleasures” – small works of original art at an affordable prices.  Show runs through Dec. 24th.

Matt & BJ Dollahite
Gallery San Juan & Framing

Boats afire in the harbor at Roche Harbor…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 7:07 pm by

Richard Roderiguez has more about the huge fire – with photos & the Coast Guard report – on his Bitter End Blog. Check it here….

And…here’s about a minute of video, from Juan Lopez, of the boats on fire:

Election results trickle in….

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:45 am by

Carrie was all smiles as she hears the news that she will be sworn in as the Town's first woman mayor.

Carrie was all smiles as she hears the news that she will be sworn in as the Town's first woman mayor.

It was an off-year election, but it was interesting to us, because the Town Council changed around, and the County got a chance to move ahead with a chance for money. In brief:

The Town Council looks pretty different as we head to the end of the year – new mayor Carrie Lacher will be joined by new council members Felix Menjivar & Noel Monin (elected last night after being selected in the summer to replace Chris Wolfe)…and someone will be appointed to fill out the rest of Carrie’s term.

The fireworks ban was upheld, the County Levy Lid Lift was approved, and Island Rec’s six year levy was approved, which serves to reinstate sports at Friday Harbor High.

Incumbent Greg Hertel held onto his seat as a Port Commissioner, while Amy Windthrope joins Island Rec’s Board.

Tim Eyman’s I-1033 went down statewide 55%-45%, which echoed the County’s vote, while the County voted strongly in support of state referendum 71, which was winning at the state level by a 2% margin early this morning.

A last look at the Halloween getups….

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:28 am by

Ann & Eli made an arresting couple...

Ann & Eli made an arresting couple...

Just in case you missed the costumes, here they are:

Folks all over town on Halloween night

Elementary school kids in the costume parade

Kids at Island Rec’s Teen Halloween Party

Halley looked great, with feathers everywhere. Proud she's a peacock....

Halley looked great, with feathers everywhere. Proud she's a peacock....

Civics test…not for the faint of heart…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:12 am by

What if you had to pass a test to get to immigrate to the USA…how would you do? Here’s a chance to find out, with this upcoming LWV event. Here’s more from Susan Dehlendorf:

Test your civics knowledge!

Those of us lucky enough to have been born U.S. citizens may not realize that immigrants seeking naturalization have to know a lot about our government in order to earn citizenship.

Join the League of Women Voters on Monday, November 9 at noon at the San Juan Library to test your knowledge by taking the new short answer civics test which aspiring citizens must pass.  The test will be self-administered and self-graded; no results will be shared.

We’ll also talk a bit about the history of immigration, the League’s position on immigration reform and current government initiatives about immigration.

The public is encouraged to attend.

If it ain't Baroque, don't fix it….

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:02 am by

Close your eyes and go back a few hundred years....

Close your eyes and go back a few hundred years....

You’re gonna love the Chamber Music San Juans show this weekend – here’s more from Jan at the Community Theatre:

Chamber Music San Juans brings the majestic sounds of Bach, Vivaldi and other Baroque composers to their November concert on the Whittier stage.

Artistic director Patricia Kostek is gathering up several CMSJ Island favorites to join the concert, including violin/viola duo Ron and Roxanna Patterson, cellist Doug Davis, flautist Jeffrey Cohan and bassoonist Martin Kuuskmann. The ensemble has left many CMSJ audiences awestruck with their high degree of talents (remember the memorable performances of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Bach’s Messiah ).

The group will be joined by Seattle’s George Shangrow playing the harpsichord. Founder of the Seattle Chamber Singers and Orchestra Seattle, Shangrow not only is a critically-acclaimed keyboardist, but also an experienced conductor and music director (having started his professional conducting at the young age of 18). He is also a frequent lecturer throughout the Northwest.

This festive concert is sure to warm those Northwest chills.

If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it….

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:02 am by

Close your eyes and go back a few hundred years....

Close your eyes and go back a few hundred years....

You’re gonna love the Chamber Music San Juans show this weekend – here’s more from Jan at the Community Theatre:

Chamber Music San Juans brings the majestic sounds of Bach, Vivaldi and other Baroque composers to their November concert on the Whittier stage.

Artistic director Patricia Kostek is gathering up several CMSJ Island favorites to join the concert, including violin/viola duo Ron and Roxanna Patterson, cellist Doug Davis, flautist Jeffrey Cohan and bassoonist Martin Kuuskmann. The ensemble has left many CMSJ audiences awestruck with their high degree of talents (remember the memorable performances of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Bach’s Messiah ).

The group will be joined by Seattle’s George Shangrow playing the harpsichord. Founder of the Seattle Chamber Singers and Orchestra Seattle, Shangrow not only is a critically-acclaimed keyboardist, but also an experienced conductor and music director (having started his professional conducting at the young age of 18). He is also a frequent lecturer throughout the Northwest.

This festive concert is sure to warm those Northwest chills.

What it takes to be fake beautiful…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 3:01 am by

It’ll be a great day when beauty isn’t shaped & molded & artificially rendered, and put out as a nearly unattainable thing…. let your light shine, today & tomorrow. You’re beautiful just the way you are, my friend.

Asian food nut reports in….

Posted November 4, 2009 at 2:39 am by

Hey, that would be me.

I went to the Golden Triangle last night for the first of their Tuesday nights featuring Vietnamese food….and it was awesome. I had ginger chicken & Josie had a vegetable/noodle/spring roll dish that was great. Make plans for next week!

Meanwhile, tonight & subsequent Wednesdays Avon will feature food from Laos…I’ll probably see you there.

Writers' Cafe this Friday…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 2:08 am by

Pam Herber had a crowd last time – come by & read (or listen) this month! Here’s more:

Hi Everyone,
We had such a great turnout in October we’ve scheduled Writers Cafe for the first Friday of every month!
The next Writers Cafe open mic event is Friday, November 6th, 5:00 – 6:30pm at The Naked Bean. Bring your fiction, nonfiction or poetry to read. Or, simply enjoy a cup of coffee and the words and company of writers.
Everyone’s welcome.
I hope you join us,
Pam Herber

Writers’ Cafe this Friday…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 2:08 am by

Pam Herber had a crowd last time – come by & read (or listen) this month! Here’s more:

Hi Everyone,
We had such a great turnout in October we’ve scheduled Writers Cafe for the first Friday of every month!
The next Writers Cafe open mic event is Friday, November 6th, 5:00 – 6:30pm at The Naked Bean. Bring your fiction, nonfiction or poetry to read. Or, simply enjoy a cup of coffee and the words and company of writers.
Everyone’s welcome.
I hope you join us,
Pam Herber

Only 45 spots left for December derby…

Posted November 4, 2009 at 1:30 am by

You signed up?

You signed up?

Debbie at Roche Harbor says this is going well, but there are still some spots – you in?
Here’s more:

Roche Harbor’s Hook ‘em & Hold ‘em Salmon Derby & Texas Hold ‘em Tournament

Roche Harbor, WA – Roche Harbor is pleased to announce the first Annual ~Hook ‘em & Hold ‘em Salmon Derby & Texas Hold ‘em Tournament on December 3-5, 2009. Continue Reading

Donate a coat!

Posted November 4, 2009 at 1:00 am by

Got an extra coat?

Got an extra coat?

Amy from the Town says this will be your chance to make someone’s winter a bit warmer – this is sponsored by the Town & the Town’s workers’ union:

The Town of Friday Harbor and the San Juan Island Family Resource Center have made donating a coat simple.  Just bring your clean, gently used coats and jackets to the Town Hall Administration Office from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on November 2 -12th, 2009.  Then the Town and the Family Resource Center will take care of the rest.

All donated coats will be given to the San Juan Island Family Resource Center for distribution to local people in need.  Contact Information: Town of Friday Harbor, Amy Taylor / Roxanna Zalmanek at 378-2810 or [email protected] / [email protected]

Fundraiser for DVSAS…it's this week!

Posted November 4, 2009 at 12:19 am by


Fundraiser for DVSAS…it’s this week!

Posted November 4, 2009 at 12:19 am by


It's this weekend – Great Island Giveaway & Social!

Posted November 3, 2009 at 11:59 pm by

Pat (left) and Phyllis get ready for the weekend....

Pat (left) and Phyllis get ready for the weekend....

Soroptimist Heather Spaulding just wrote to remind us:

Great Island Giveaway and Social

Remember our wonderful community recycling/swap meet last January?  Well, get your unused treasures out, dusted off and ready for exchange for this Saturday, November 7, 2009.

Since the Great Island Give Away held last January was so popular, Soroptimist International of Friday Harbor are sponsoring a second one. For those who did not attend, this event was thought up as a way to encourage both recycling and helping those in need.  It was well attended and we expect a good crowd for this event too.

What does it entail? Well, first take a few items Continue Reading