Next week on the 23rd will be the second-to-last chance to see Mike Vouri’s show about Gen. Pickett – I hope you get a chance to catch it! Here’s more from the Theatre’s Jan Bollwinkel-Smith:
A Farewell to General Pickett …
San Juan Community Theatre’s longest running play takes its last curtain calls in 2009. After 14 years, Michael Vouri is closing his one-man show: The Life and Times of General George E. Pickett.
“I’m literally growing out of the part,” said Vouri. “I’m 61 and Pickett died when he was 50.”
Since 1995, Vouri-with musical accompaniment by Michael Cohen-has brought the Victorian-era Army veteran back to life, relating his moving story that included a stint on San Juan Island at the time of the Pig War and ended with the grueling battle at Gettysburg. Chief of Interpretation at San Juan Island National Historical Park, Vouri believes the play’s longevity came from both people’s interest in seeing a one-person show and his own commitment to ongoing research, making every season different.
Vouri says wrapping up Pickett this year will give him time to write another book and to move on to another history project. (His latest book, Friday Harbor-written with his wife, Julia, and the San Juan Historical Society-is for sale at the San Juan Historical Museum and several bookstores in town.)