For a good time…go to the Whale Museum’s “Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony” this weekend…

Posted May 13, 2009 at 5:57 am by

Think of the places that define what our island is about: Lime Kiln, Roche Harbor, Memorial Park, the ferry, and…the Whale Museum. Well, this weekend is your chance to support this island treasure & have fun while you’re at it. The Museum’s Amy Traxler has more:

The Whale Museum’s upcoming 3rd Annual ‘Celebration of the Orca Greeting Ceremony’ fundraising dinner and auction will be held on the evening of Saturday, May 16th at the Mullis Center in Friday Harbor.

Just as the Orca whales come together in what are called ‘greeting ceremonies,’ so, too, The Whale Museum wants supporters of these wonderful beings to come together for this fun evening.

The evening will begin with happy hour & silent auction at 6:00 p.m.; the no-host bar is tended by Clark Gilbert. An audio-visual program will be shared by Val Veirs of an actual Orca Greeting Ceremony. Val will play acoustic recordings while showing photos and video of this amazing event. Continue Reading

Laurie King's new book…

Posted May 13, 2009 at 5:44 am by

Laurie King

Laurie King

Laurie King’s book “Folly” has won numerous awards, including being the book chosen as the book to read for the Friday Harbor Centennial this year. Set on a fictional island in the San Juans, it’s a story of woman who moves here to get away from people but instead ends up finds a new sense of community…

You may have seen her when she came to San Juan in February to read from “Folly” & talk. She was pretty awesome.

Now she has a new book out, as well as a promise to write another book set in the islands. Here’s more from book reviewer Lesa Holstine.

King's new book: The Language of Bees

King's new book: The Language of Bees

Laurie King’s new book…

Posted May 13, 2009 at 5:44 am by

Laurie King

Laurie King

Laurie King’s book “Folly” has won numerous awards, including being the book chosen as the book to read for the Friday Harbor Centennial this year. Set on a fictional island in the San Juans, it’s a story of woman who moves here to get away from people but instead ends up finds a new sense of community…

You may have seen her when she came to San Juan in February to read from “Folly” & talk. She was pretty awesome.

Now she has a new book out, as well as a promise to write another book set in the islands. Here’s more from book reviewer Lesa Holstine.

King's new book: The Language of Bees

King's new book: The Language of Bees

Relay Idol – it's tonight!

Posted May 13, 2009 at 4:40 am by

Corey tells me this was great last week – drop by! Here’s more:

Last Wednesday May 6th was the first night of Relay Idol Auditions.  30
songs and a total of $152 raised for the American Cancer Society later,
the Judges have finally narrowed it down to three contestants:
Jake Beliveau sang “Freedom 90” by George Michael
Kira Sable sang “When Will I Be Loved” by Linda Ronstadt
Todd Cochran sang “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zepplin
Who will join our three contestants May 30th 2009 for Relay Idol Finals?

Tune in next Wednesday May 13 @ Herbs to view the next set of contestants.

Here’s how it works:

Islanders Bank is looking for the next Relay Idol 2009!

“Relay Idol” is a fundraiser put on by Islanders Bank.  Proceeds go to
the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Friday Harbor.  American
Cancer Society raises money to improve education, early detection and

The idea of “Relay Idol” is patterned after “American Idol.”  There are
three evenings for auditions. Auditions start at 9:30pm on Wednesday May
6th, 13th, and 20th at Herb’s.  There is a $5 registration fee per
audition.  Each performance will be judged by 4 judges from the
Islanders Bank Relay For Life Team.  The top three performances from
each evening will come back for “Relay Idol” finals.  Finals are
Saturday May 30th at 6pm. Contestants are allowed to audition more than
once in an evening for an additional $5 registration fee.  Also if a
contestant does not make it into the top three one week then they are
welcome to come back the next week to audition.

Like “American Idol”, our “Relay Idol” is determined by the audience
participation.  On the Finals night contestants will perform two songs.
During the second performance is the time for the audience to cast their
votes.  Votes are cast by placing cash donations into the performer’s
donation bucket.  The contestant that collects the most cash during
their performance will be crowned “RELAY IDOL 2009”.  Islanders Bank is
making the prizes this year even bigger and better than last year. The
1st place winner will sing the National Anthem at the Relay for Life
Event on Saturday July 25th and receive $200 cash!  Second place will
receive $150 cash and third place will receive $100 cash.  So don’t miss
out.  Come back to Herb’s on May 30th and vote for our next “Relay Idol

Relay Idol – it’s tonight!

Posted May 13, 2009 at 4:40 am by

Corey tells me this was great last week – drop by! Here’s more:

Last Wednesday May 6th was the first night of Relay Idol Auditions.  30
songs and a total of $152 raised for the American Cancer Society later,
the Judges have finally narrowed it down to three contestants:
Jake Beliveau sang “Freedom 90” by George Michael
Kira Sable sang “When Will I Be Loved” by Linda Ronstadt
Todd Cochran sang “Whole Lotta Love” by Led Zepplin
Who will join our three contestants May 30th 2009 for Relay Idol Finals?

Tune in next Wednesday May 13 @ Herbs to view the next set of contestants.

Here’s how it works:

Islanders Bank is looking for the next Relay Idol 2009!

“Relay Idol” is a fundraiser put on by Islanders Bank.  Proceeds go to
the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Friday Harbor.  American
Cancer Society raises money to improve education, early detection and

The idea of “Relay Idol” is patterned after “American Idol.”  There are
three evenings for auditions. Auditions start at 9:30pm on Wednesday May
6th, 13th, and 20th at Herb’s.  There is a $5 registration fee per
audition.  Each performance will be judged by 4 judges from the
Islanders Bank Relay For Life Team.  The top three performances from
each evening will come back for “Relay Idol” finals.  Finals are
Saturday May 30th at 6pm. Contestants are allowed to audition more than
once in an evening for an additional $5 registration fee.  Also if a
contestant does not make it into the top three one week then they are
welcome to come back the next week to audition.

Like “American Idol”, our “Relay Idol” is determined by the audience
participation.  On the Finals night contestants will perform two songs.
During the second performance is the time for the audience to cast their
votes.  Votes are cast by placing cash donations into the performer’s
donation bucket.  The contestant that collects the most cash during
their performance will be crowned “RELAY IDOL 2009”.  Islanders Bank is
making the prizes this year even bigger and better than last year. The
1st place winner will sing the National Anthem at the Relay for Life
Event on Saturday July 25th and receive $200 cash!  Second place will
receive $150 cash and third place will receive $100 cash.  So don’t miss
out.  Come back to Herb’s on May 30th and vote for our next “Relay Idol

Update on the Burke girls…

Posted May 13, 2009 at 12:05 am by

Hanna and Claire have great things ahead....

Hanna and Claire have great things ahead....

The other day I saw Cynthia Burke at the grocery store & asked how the girls were doing – it was fun to see her face light up as she told me about their adventures & the things they have ahead. I asked if she’d write a bit of that up, and she sent me this to share with you (photos by Mark Gardner) – you can see why she & Christopher are so proud of them:

Claire is now in her junior year at Evergreen State and currently is in San Francisco working/studying at a Waldorf School.  This is an independent learning contract with Evergreen School that Claire put together entitled  “Studying the Philosophical Differences between a Waldorf School and public school education.”  Claire will be home for the summer but intends on creating other Independent contracts for her senior year at Evergreen.

Hanna is finishing her sophmore year at Oregon State University and will be leaving for Los Angeles (Hollywood) in the fall.  Hanna has decided to study Musical Theatre with her focus on Broadway.  After an arduous month of auditioning for colleges, she has decided to go to the American Music and Drama Academy in LA. There is also a school in New York and she may spend some time there as well.

Hanna will also be home for the summer – both girls will be working 24/7 I think!!  Cheers – Cynthia

Claire looks to the future...

Claire looks to the future...


Posted May 12, 2009 at 11:57 pm by

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Mohandas Gandhi


Posted May 12, 2009 at 7:57 am by

When we forgive evil we do not excuse it, we do not tolerate it, we do not smother it. We look the evil full in the face, call it what it is, let its horror shock and stun and enrage us, and only then do we forgive it.
Lewis B. Smedes

Selling those hot dogs….

Posted May 12, 2009 at 7:43 am by

Over 800 people fed!

Over 800 people fed!

You recognize the Kiwanis Club’s hot dog booth – the caboose seems like it’s at events all over the island! It was on hand for the Children’s Festival a couple of weeknds ago, with Kiwanians: Tammy Cotton (Vice-President), Reni McCutcheon, Julie Corey (President) and Lori Ronhaar on hand to give away over 800 dogs during the day (everything at the Children’s Festival is always free, by the way.) Not pictured, because he worked the morning shift – Hamid Ukra. Way to go, Kiwanis!

Sports update: The entire playoff picture ahead….

Posted May 12, 2009 at 7:27 am by

Rich & Kim sailing to victory last Saturday - the baseball team won two to advance to State.

Rich & Kim sailing to victory last Saturday - the baseball team won two to advance to State.

It was great to see the baseball boys on the way to their double victories on Saturday morning…Coach Rich Warin (in photo with Kim, one of our favorite teachers at the elementary school) does a super job of keeping the guys focused on the game ahead, and the results have been good. The baseball team plays for seeding this week, then heads for state next week.

Here’s the word from FHHS AD Rod Turnbull about the entire spring sports playoff set up:

Boys Soccer played at Lynden Christian on Tuesday, May 5, where they lost 7-0. Their season has now been completed.

Boys & Girls Golf will be playing May 13 & 14, in the District 1 Qualifying event. The boys will be at Homestead golf course in Lynden on May 14th, and the girls will play at Similk in Anacortes on May 13. Individuals who qualify at this event will move on to the Tri-District event on May 19, at Eagle Pride golf course in Tacoma.

Baseball completed the District 1 tournament on Saturday, May 9 winning the event by defeating Lynden Christian 7-1 and Meridian 10-0. They will now move on to the Tri-District Tournament as the District 1 #1 seed. By earning the #1 seed from District 1, they have also qualified for the first round of the Regional State Tournament. They will play Saturday, May 16 at Sammamish HS vs Bellevue Christian to determine seeding to the State Regional Tournament. The game will start at 10:00. A win against Bellevue Christian would have them play Chimacum, also on Saturday May 16 at Sammamish, 1:00 start. A loss in the first game would mean Friday Harbor would enter State regional play as the # 3 seed.

Softball will host a play-in game on Friday, May 15, vs Coupeville at 4:45. With a win, they would play again on Saturday, May 16 in the District 1 Tournament held at Janicki Fields in Sedro Woolley. The game on Saturday would start at 12:00pm; win or lose on Saturday they play again at 2:00pm. Three teams from the Saturday tournament will advance to the Tri-District Tournament the following weekend, May 23 at Janicki Fields again. A loss in Friday’s play-in game or two losses on Saturday, would end their season.

Boys Tennis will continue play from the fall for those that qualified. Our # 2 doubles team will play in a feeder game on Monday, May 18 at Coupeville. A win will advance them to the Quad-District Tournament at the Nordstrom Tennis Center in Seattle on May 22. Our # 1 singles and #1 doubles players have already qualified for the Quad-District Tournament.

Girls Tennis completed their District 1 event on Saturday, May 9. Friday Harbor placed 1st in singles, 2nd in singles and 2nd in doubles. These players will now advance to the Tri-District Tournament being held at the Nordstrom Tennis Center in Seattle on May 21.

Track will begin their post season at the District 1 meet held at Lynden Christian on May 13 and May 15. Here individuals will be trying to qualify for the Tri-District Track meet to be held at Kings High School on May 21 and 23.

Bob Low – running for mayor….

Posted May 12, 2009 at 6:47 am by

Fire Marshal Bob Low is running for mayor this year

Fire Marshal Bob Low is running for mayor this year

There’s another candidate in the mayor’s race – Fire Marshal Bob Low has announced he’s running. Here’s more from his announcement:

I’m running for Mayor because I love this community. Since age 5, I have been coming to the Town of Friday Harbor on vacations and holidays at my grandparents home. I have watched the town change from a sleepy fishing village to the community we see today.

I have been a full time resident of San Juan Island for over 20 years and have been a resident of Friday Harbor for 13 years.

I believe that it is my duty as a citizen of our community to serve and help make this a better place to live. I have served the community as Town of Friday Harbor volunteer firefighter and have served as its Fire Chief. I am an elected member of the board of directors of the Inter Island Medical Center and currently volunteer as an EMT with San Juan EMS. I am currently employed as San Juan County Fire Marshal.  I am also currently President of the Chiefs Association and President of the Region Three Task Force.

I know that I have the skills needed to lead the Town through many tough decisions that need to be made and at the same time bring in fresh ideas to make our town a better place to live.

I’m running for Mayor because I love this community.

I’m running because I believe I can make a difference.

I’m running because I recognize I have an obligation to the community to serve.

I’m running because I believe we can solve our problems together with leadership and direction.

I’m not running just for me – I’m running for you.

On the way to the mainland…

Posted May 12, 2009 at 6:28 am by

Chris (left) and Rose on the way to America....

Chris (left) and Rose on the way to America....

It was good to run into folks on the ferry Saturday… friends Rose Shaw and Chris (of Christy’s Salon) visited, as you can see. Rose was on the way to Bellingham for a nice birthday weekend with husband Bill, while Chris was explaining how good I would look with hair extensions. 🙂  -oo-

Great lodging deals on the island…

Posted May 12, 2009 at 4:42 am by

This month, there have been some pretty good deals for people coming to stay…here’s more, from Darren at San Juan Islands TV:

Hi, Ian!
Robin Jacobsen from the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau as well as some local businesses were on KOMO 4 News last Friday night. As part of their “Tactics 4 Tough Times” segment, they reported on the hot lodging deals currently happening in the islands.

If anyone wants to watch the news story, we’ve posted the video on our home page: Kudos to Robin for getting the great coverage!
– Darren

Out on the water…

Posted May 11, 2009 at 7:42 am by

Ivan from Western Prince sent this little video of his new boat, the Western Explorer, and a trip they made (set to music)….he includes some of the cool photos he’s taken over the years, as well. See what you think!


Posted May 11, 2009 at 7:17 am by

You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, ‘My God, you’re right! I never would’ve thought of that!'”
Dave Barry


Posted May 11, 2009 at 6:01 am by

It was sad to hear last week that Pam Nichols lost her battle with cancer last week…the Journal of the San Juans posted a writeup you will want to read. Our condolences to her family & legion of friends…