Relay for Life: Fundraiser at Haley’s for Cinco de Mayo

Posted May 4, 2009 at 10:50 pm by

Michele Mayer tells me her Relay for Life team from Southeby’s has a Cinco de Mayo event at Haley’s tonight – they have “Amateur Server Night”…no telling how you’ll be served, but the tips go to Relay. Continue Reading

The solar age is dawning….

Posted May 4, 2009 at 10:34 pm by

A solar array that provides power for 10,000 houses, in Spain

A solar array that provides power for 10,000 houses, in Spain

You may wonder what this story has to do with the island…well, think about it. What DO you think the future holds, energy-wise? The guy who built the solar panels  over at the Technology Center told me in 1995 that a 3/4 acre lot covered with solar panels could provide the island’s power needs.

Check out this story from Spain, where a solar tower is lighting up 10,000 homes. They’ve quit thinking about it; now they’re doing something.

Think about it, then let’s get to work.

Thanks for your help at the Sports BBQ – it worked!

Posted May 4, 2009 at 10:06 pm by

I don’t think I know anyone who works harder for the schools than Elisa Howard, or with better heart. After the success of the fundraiser this weekend (here’s more), the Purple & Gold prez had a ton of folks to point out as the ones who made it all happen…here’s more:

It was a successful fundraiser….

The May 2nd fundraiser at the Beaverton Valley Business Park was a huge success – we raised close to $53,000 to sustain Friday Harbor High school’s fall sports program! Although Purple & Gold spearheaded the event, it could not have been as successful without the many helping hands and organizations that made it happen!!

I would like to give a heartfelt thank you to the following; for use of the facilities, David McCauley; for all the food that was donated for the dinner, Valmark.

For the outstanding cooking and food setup, chaired by Donny Galt and the Masonic Lodge # 175 crew; Brad Smith, Glen Hargrove, Glen Gullickson, Bobby Erickson, Dave Shaw, John Kurtz, Paul Register, Craig Starr, Frank Hasting John Zerby and Kent Meeker! Thank you to our athletic director, Rod Turnbull, for being one of the cooks!

I would also like to thank Don & Sarah Galt with Friday Harbor Athletic Association for all your time, efforts and support.

Ed Ashcraft for chairing the entertainment: Janet Olson and the Friday Harbor High School Jazz band, Bob Leytze and Mike Adams, and Steve Cutting’s band the Dirt Monkey.

Scott Bell for being our MC and the FHHS cheerleaders for giving a big “island rumble” cheer!

For chairing our decorating, Tammy Ashcraft, with help from Michelle Meyer and the volleyball players and coaches.

To Eric & Diane Jangard and students, for setting up the tables and chairs and returning them on Sunday.

To San Juan Vineyards, Vinny’s Restaurant (Becky Day), Harbor Rental, Masonic Lodge, and Wood Duck for use of their tables and chairs.

Thank you to the auction committee who put in many hours to make the auction a success; Mary Elford, Jane Burton Bell, and Liz Covert.  Thank you, Mike Adams, for not only performing but also being the auctioneer.

Thank you Laurie & Tanner Buck and all their helping hands for the slide show.

To all the parents and students who provided desserts.

To Printonyx for printing our posters, tickets and forms.

To all the coaches and players that contributed to the event, auctioning services, bringing desserts, making posters, serving food, busing tables and collecting dinner tickets.

To Rod Turnbull and Rich Warin for setting up the stage.

To the Purple & Gold board and members; Stacey Baker, Sherri Lawson, Dora & Hamid Ukra, Sue Neilson, Penny Dunn, and great job selling merchandise and inscribed bricks, Becky Nash.

Lastly, to the community; to everyone who contributed with their gracious donations, and the 600 people who attended that evening! Each and everyone who attended understood the importance of making sure our athletic program stays strong for our island children – thank you!

Elisa Howard
Purple & Gold President

On to Girls' State this year….

Posted May 4, 2009 at 9:54 pm by

Khaili and Cheyenne

Khaili and Cheyenne

Minnie Knych tells me the selections of the two girls from FHHS for this year’s Girls’ State have been made – here’s more:

Cheyenne Cook and Khaili Radden were chosen as the Girls State representatives for the Unit 163 American Legion Auxiliary for 2009. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the week long leadership camp for girls. Full tuition and board are provided for the representatives from Friday Harbor. Girls from all over the state will assemble for Girls State at Central WA University in Puyallup during the week of June 14-20.

Girls State is a nationwide Americanism and government training program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. The honor of being a Girls State representative is bestowed each year on a high school junior who has demonstrated good citizenship and leadership qualities and who will make the commitment to return to school as a senior high school student to use what was learned during Girls State for the good of the school and community.

This program allows teens the opportunity to spend a week as self-governing citizens and informs them about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship. Through participation, delegates may better understand the functioning of their government and the responsibilities they will assume when they become adults.
In order to experience how our system of government works during their week at Girls State, all of the participants are organized as citizens of four counties comprised of fifteen cities. Each girl becomes a member of either the Nationalist or Federalist Party. As citizens of these fictional cities, counties and political parties, the girls learn through activities, the techniques, advantages and disadvantages of two-party government. Every girl has a part in the operation of her city. The citizens of each city elect their officials and set up their government.

The Girls State Legislature is organized upon the principles of the Washington State Legislature. Bills are introduced and, by legislative process, defeated or enacted into law. Procedures are conducted according to Reed’s parliamentary rules, and the laws of the State of Washington. Political parties are organized at the city precinct level and continue through county and state conventions. Platforms are endorsed and primary and general elections are held. Two girls will be elected Senators and one girl will be elected by her peers at the governor.

As a culmination, the two Senators and the Girls State Governor will represent Washington State at Girls Nation in Washington D.C. in July 2009.

On to Girls’ State this year….

Posted May 4, 2009 at 9:54 pm by

Khaili and Cheyenne

Khaili and Cheyenne

Minnie Knych tells me the selections of the two girls from FHHS for this year’s Girls’ State have been made – here’s more:

Cheyenne Cook and Khaili Radden were chosen as the Girls State representatives for the Unit 163 American Legion Auxiliary for 2009. The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors the week long leadership camp for girls. Full tuition and board are provided for the representatives from Friday Harbor. Girls from all over the state will assemble for Girls State at Central WA University in Puyallup during the week of June 14-20.

Girls State is a nationwide Americanism and government training program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. The honor of being a Girls State representative is bestowed each year on a high school junior who has demonstrated good citizenship and leadership qualities and who will make the commitment to return to school as a senior high school student to use what was learned during Girls State for the good of the school and community.

This program allows teens the opportunity to spend a week as self-governing citizens and informs them about the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of American citizenship. Through participation, delegates may better understand the functioning of their government and the responsibilities they will assume when they become adults.
In order to experience how our system of government works during their week at Girls State, all of the participants are organized as citizens of four counties comprised of fifteen cities. Each girl becomes a member of either the Nationalist or Federalist Party. As citizens of these fictional cities, counties and political parties, the girls learn through activities, the techniques, advantages and disadvantages of two-party government. Every girl has a part in the operation of her city. The citizens of each city elect their officials and set up their government.

The Girls State Legislature is organized upon the principles of the Washington State Legislature. Bills are introduced and, by legislative process, defeated or enacted into law. Procedures are conducted according to Reed’s parliamentary rules, and the laws of the State of Washington. Political parties are organized at the city precinct level and continue through county and state conventions. Platforms are endorsed and primary and general elections are held. Two girls will be elected Senators and one girl will be elected by her peers at the governor.

As a culmination, the two Senators and the Girls State Governor will represent Washington State at Girls Nation in Washington D.C. in July 2009.


Posted May 4, 2009 at 9:33 pm by

All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.
Charles M. Schulz

Sports auction raises more than $53K; fall sports saved

Posted May 3, 2009 at 3:50 pm by

David gets a hug - there were a lot of smiles Saturday night, as the fall sports at FHHS were saved.

David gets a hug - there were a lot of smiles Saturday night, as the fall sports at FHHS were saved.

The final number will probably change, but Purple & Gold’s Elisa Howard told me this afternoon that we raised over $53,000 at last night’s BBQ fundraiser & auction. When the final tally is in, it may even exceed that, after expenses are backed out & new donations are backed in.

The evening was a fun get together of over 600 islanders who enjoyed the music of the FHHS Band (they were awesome) as well as the donated food (from Valmark), music all night (dancing the night away), and the perfect space – part of the Beaverton Valley Business Park (donated by David McCauley, photo, with his good friend). The volunteers kept things moving, and it was a great night for us all to hang out with each other, and do a good thing…restore the fall sports that were cut, setting up full restoration of all sports at FHHS, with the passage of the Island Rec levy in November.


Posted May 3, 2009 at 3:41 pm by

It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.
Frederick Douglass

The prom was a blast!

Posted May 3, 2009 at 2:53 pm by

The kids had a great time at the prom!

The kids had a great time at the prom!

I hope you don’t have anything planned for the next few minutes, because I know you’ll want to look over these photos from James Krall of the prom last week (it was on the 25th.)

They start here (or you can click through, from his front page) – he was the official prom photographer, and he did a good job of capturing the spirit of a fun evening. Check ’em out – see who you know!! (You can buy the pictures, too!) -oo-

So, San Juan Canvas is ready to sew….

Posted May 3, 2009 at 2:08 pm by

That's (from left) Peter & Susan & Andra & Patrick & Lauren & Derek...Andra was away with the girls playing softball, but was there in spirit, as you can see.

That's (from left) Peter & Susan & Andra & Patrick & Lauren & Derek...Andra was away with the girls playing softball, but was there in spirit, as you can see.

Saturday’s Open House for San Juan Canvas brought together the past & present owners to celebrate Derek Steere & Lauren Cohen taking over the sewing machines last month… the company was begun by Susan & Peter Risser in 1972, who passed it on to Patrick & Andra Pillsbury in 2006. Here’s more about San Juan Canvas – friendly folks down there – drop in! -oo-

Another new islander….

Posted May 3, 2009 at 1:58 pm by

Amber & Channing

Amber & Channing

It was great to see Amber with twelve-day-old (today) Channing at the Children’s Festival this past weekend. -oo-

The Children's Festival – one of the best ever!

Posted May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Smiles, all day long at the 19th Annual Children's Festival last Saturday.

Smiles, all day long at the 19th Annual Children's Festival last Saturday.

One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you could see your kid (if you were).

I’ve been to most of the 19 festivals we’ve had, and this was a great one, in the tradition of great ones. Everything was free, including the over 800 hot dogs and all the face painting, crafts, and activities. Kudos to Island Rec Director Sally Thomsen & her ace staff & army of moms & volunteers – you put on an awesome show!

The Children’s Festival – one of the best ever!

Posted May 3, 2009 at 12:01 am by

Smiles, all day long at the 19th Annual Children's Festival last Saturday.

Smiles, all day long at the 19th Annual Children's Festival last Saturday.

One of the great things about going to the Children’s Festival is…ya never want to leave. There is so much to see and do there – so Josie and I shot a bunch of pictures and made a 80-photo portfolio (click here) so you could get the idea (if you weren’t there) and so you could see your kid (if you were).

I’ve been to most of the 19 festivals we’ve had, and this was a great one, in the tradition of great ones. Everything was free, including the over 800 hot dogs and all the face painting, crafts, and activities. Kudos to Island Rec Director Sally Thomsen & her ace staff & army of moms & volunteers – you put on an awesome show!


Posted May 2, 2009 at 1:24 pm by

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.

FHHS spring playoffs (that's baseball, soccer, softball, tennis, golf and track)…what it looks like…

Posted May 1, 2009 at 3:23 pm by

FHHS Athletic Director Rod Turnbull has pulled together a list of what’s happening in the coming playoffs for our spring sports – here’s the scoop: Continue Reading

FHHS spring playoffs (that’s baseball, soccer, softball, tennis, golf and track)…what it looks like…

Posted May 1, 2009 at 3:23 pm by

FHHS Athletic Director Rod Turnbull has pulled together a list of what’s happening in the coming playoffs for our spring sports – here’s the scoop: Continue Reading