EDC, Port Talk Makerspace in the San Juans

Posted October 13, 2020 at 5:30 am by

The Economic Development Council of San Juan County invites the public to attend a virtual discussion on the creation of a makerspace system in the islands, from noon-1 p.m., Friday, Oct. 23, in partnership with the Port of Friday Harbor. Continue Reading

Fish Taco Sale This Friday, Oct. 16

Posted October 13, 2020 at 5:00 am by

By Matt Marinkovich, Fish For Teeth

Fish for Teeth is continuing its tooth-fixing mission with a fish taco fundraiser from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 16,  at the San Juan Island Community Theatre.

An $8 suggested donation lands you a full-on burrito-sized “taco,” filled with sustainably-harvested Washington Coastal Rockfish, fresh organic salsa, Tillamook cheese, zesty greens, and a squeeze of lime. Absolutely delicious. Continue Reading

Letters: Vote Palmateer, Wolf

Posted October 13, 2020 at 4:30 am by

By Winnie Adams and Bob Gamble, Orcas and Waldron Islands

In the last few days we watched the League of Women Voters county council debate and have read the candidates’ replies to questions in the local papers.

It’s a hard choice for many because we have four very good people running for just two positions. Continue Reading

Buy a Wreath Or Pie, Support Friday Harbor Seniors

Posted October 12, 2020 at 5:30 am by

By Travis Ayers, Friday Harbor High School Grad Night Committee Chair

The Friday Harbor High School senior class of 2021 and the PTSA is now taking orders for their annual holiday wreath and pie sale.

Get a beautiful, aromatic, long-lasting, 24-inch Northwest Noble Fir wreath with pinecones, berries and a handmade bow in one of three colors for only $25. Continue Reading

League of Women Voters Recorded Candidate Forums

Posted October 12, 2020 at 5:00 am by

Watch recordings of online forums featuring candidates that will be on San Juan County ballots this November.

Below are links to the recordings of the League of Women Voters of the San Juans forums held from Oct. 6-8. To view the recordings, click each link, register and enter each forum’s unique passcode. Continue Reading

Dental Clinic for Kids, Pregnant Women on Orcas Island

Posted October 12, 2020 at 4:30 am by

The Arcora Foundation’s SmileMobile, a 39-foot dental clinic on wheels, will return to Orcas Island on Oct. 21-23 and 26-28 and will park at the Orcas Island Community Church, 176 Madrona St.

SmileMobile dentist Paul Phillips and dental team will provide examinations to babies (first tooth) up through high school age and pregnant and postpartum people with Apple Health and those who are uninsured. Continue Reading

How To Get A Flu Shot on San Juan Island

Posted October 11, 2020 at 5:30 am by


Contributed Image

Schedule with your provider, or register for the island’s flu shot drive-thru.


In the time of COVID-19, being vaccinated against the flu is especially critical.

Depending on COVID and influenza case activity, access to advanced medical care or testing may become more limited and could cause additional strain on health care systems.

San Juan County medical providers have flu shots available and have set up additional appointment times and clinics. In addition, some local pharmacies are offering flu shots. Contact your primary health care provider or pharmacy directly for more information and to schedule an appointment.

San Juan County Health and Community Services is also partnering with local providers and pharmacies to offer scheduled drive-through community flu vaccine events. These events will supplement the regularly offered efforts of local providers. Dates, times, and instructions on how to preregister are provided online here. These offerings may expand or adjust going forward.

San Juan Island Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine Event: Continue Reading

San Juan County Council Candidates Q&A

Posted October 11, 2020 at 5:00 am by

Priorities Differ on Governance, Economy, Environment


Four San Juan County Council candidates set themselves apart by offering different experiences, visions and priorities to voters in their responses to a new candidate questionnaire.

Community Rights San Juan Islands, Friends of the San Juans and the Madrona Institute put together a list of six questions for the four county council candidates with the hope that the citizens of San Juan County would learn more about the candidates as they compete for two available county council seats.

All four candidates, Christine Minney and Ryan T. Palmateer for Council Residency District 1, and Cindy Wolf and Rick Hughes for Council Residency District 2, submitted their responses.

Their full responses have been tabulated and can be viewed at http://tiny.cc/SJCcandidates. Continue Reading

Freezer Burned: No Matter What

Posted October 11, 2020 at 4:30 am by

“FREEZER BURNED: Tales of Interior Alaska” is a regular column on the San Juan Update written by Steve Ulvi.

The aging sow grizzly burned with an incessant urge to gorge on calories as her 10th winter hibernation neared. To provide for herself and both cubs through another denning, required an ongoing smorgasbord of nutrient-rich food as the days grew short and frost whitened the uplands.

Successful denning, getting through six months of a merciless subarctic winter, is do or die for a bear.

The bears followed the faintest promising odors as the profuse berry crop was done; eating fall sprouting mushrooms, dried grass, salmon carcasses and a few ground squirrels they dug out.

With cubs to defend, she gave a wide birth to dangerous boars trolling the best places. A few days further upriver, the water from a shallow slough smelled of fish and they eagerly waded in to scavenge a few salmon carcasses resting where the gulls and ravens couldn’t reach them. Continue Reading

Roy Leith Roberts

Posted October 10, 2020 at 6:00 am by

Roy Roberts / Contributed Photo

Jan. 9, 1964 – Sept. 30, 2020


Roy Leith Roberts was the youngest of four to the late Kip and Kitty Roberts. Roy was a 5th generation islander, born and raised in Friday Harbor.

His siblings are Cherie Roberts Jackson, Peggy Roberts Henscik and Nancy Roberts McAbee. Roy is the father of Tyler, Trent and Isabelle.  Roy and his family remained very close up until his passing, meeting for coffee “sesh” every afternoon. Continue Reading

San Juan Island Prevention Coalition’s Annual Survey

Posted October 10, 2020 at 5:30 am by

The San Juan Island Prevention Coalition annual survey will provide the organization with local information about community perceptions.

The survey is available online in English and Spanish. Thank you for completing this short 5-minute survey. Continue Reading

Remaining San Juan Property Taxes Due Nov 2

Posted October 10, 2020 at 5:00 am by

San Juan County Treasurer Rhonda Pederson would like to remind taxpayers that the second installment of property taxes will be due Monday, Nov. 2, 2020.

Typically, the second installment is due Oct. 31. However, because the statutory due date falls over the weekend, payments will be considered timely if postmarked or dropped off by Nov. 2, 2020.  After that date, interest charges and penalties will be added to your tax bill.

In-person payments are still suspended until further notice.

Payments may be made: Continue Reading

Trick-or-Treat on San Juan Island?

Posted October 9, 2020 at 5:30 am by

Haley Phelps, Unsplash / Contributed Photo

San Juan County Halloween Guidelines


With Halloween around the corner, kids and parents alike are wondering what Halloween should and should not look like.

There are no Halloween specific regulations, but there are existing requirements that might impact Halloween, and there are certainly some commonsense precautions that should be followed. Continue Reading

County Halts Lodging Tax Funding Proposals

Posted October 9, 2020 at 5:15 am by

The San Juan County Lodging Tax Committee is not requesting lodging tax funding proposals this year.

The pandemic has severely reduced lodging tax revenue, and funds are not sufficient for new tourism-related projects in the coming year. However, available funds will be distributed to the recurring entities: theaters, museums and San Juan County parks. Also, awardees in 2020 have been given extensions into 2021.

The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee is looking forward optimistically to increased funding in 2021.

Classes Resume at Spring Street International

Posted October 9, 2020 at 5:00 am by

Spring Street students back at school at Jackson Beach. / Contributed Photo

Spring Street International School has safely reopened for in-person instruction. Support from San Juan County Health and Community Services as well as the cooperation of the entire Spring Street community created a safe opening experience.

The student’s enthusiasm and relief during their first day back truly made the herculean efforts to get the campus pandemic plan in place worth every minute of work. Key features included rigid social distancing, masks, PCR testing of everyone prior to coming on campus, and frequent cleaning. Continue Reading

Stream Friday Harbor Virtual Film Festival

Posted October 9, 2020 at 4:00 am by

Contributed Image

Featured films run Oct. 15-25, student movies start Oct. 10


The 2020 Friday Harbor Virtual Film Festival will run from Thursday, Oct. 15 through Sunday, Oct. 25, providing on-demand access to 20 award-winning feature documentaries, 12 short films and 11 student short films.

Full details about the films, how to view them, and how to vote for your favorites are available at www.fhff.org.

Most filmmakers will participate in lively and informative, interactive Q&A sessions that will be recorded for later online viewing. Detailed information about the schedule and how to participate virtually is available on the website. Continue Reading