$10 million now available to address some of estimated 25,000 applications from businesses up to 10 employees
OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Department of Commerce today announced a doubling of funds available to very small businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the Working Washington Small Business emergency grant program. The program launched April 7 with $5 million from the state’s $200 million emergency response fund approved by the Legislature in March, and this new $5 million comes from the Governor’s Working Washington economic development strategic reserve fund.
“Economic recovery is a top priority,” Gov. Jay Inslee said. “Safe return to public life will look more like a turn of the dial, than a flip of the switch. We continue to do everything we can to support and help small businesses weather the storm today and prepare for a safe return to work soon.”
“These funds support very small businesses, many of which have not been able to access federal business assistance programs,” said Commerce Director Lisa Brown. “We are focusing where we know assistance funds will immediately recirculate and strengthen communities.” Continue Reading