Working Washington Small Business Grant program gets additional $5 million infusion

Posted April 24, 2020 at 12:02 pm by

$10 million now available to address some of estimated 25,000 applications from businesses up to 10 employees

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Department of Commerce today announced a doubling of funds available to very small businesses impacted by COVID-19 through the Working Washington Small Business emergency grant program. The program launched April 7 with $5 million from the state’s $200 million emergency response fund approved by the Legislature in March, and this new $5 million comes from the Governor’s Working Washington economic development strategic reserve fund.

“Economic recovery is a top priority,” Gov. Jay Inslee said. “Safe return to public life will look more like a turn of the dial, than a flip of the switch. We continue to do everything we can to support and help small businesses weather the storm today and prepare for a safe return to work soon.”

“These funds support very small businesses, many of which have not been able to access federal business assistance programs,” said Commerce Director Lisa Brown.  “We are focusing where we know assistance funds will immediately recirculate and strengthen communities.” Continue Reading

WSF Seasonal Fare Increase

Posted April 24, 2020 at 11:57 am by

Several fare changes will go into effect beginning Friday, May 1.

The annual peak season surcharge for single vehicle fares is scheduled to begin. Peak season runs from May 1 through September 30. Passenger fares and multi-ride products are not affected by the peak season changes.

In addition, general fare increases and policy changes will also take effect on May 1. These changes include:

  • 5% fare increase for all vehicles
  • 2% fare increase for passengers
  • An additional 5% fare increase for oversize vehicles on the Anacortes/Sidney B.C. route (currently not in service because of COVID-19)
  • A 25-cent increase for the capital surcharge, dedicated to the construction of new vessels

For more information, please visit the Washington State Transportation Commission’s Ferry Fares page. To view current fares, please visit WSF’s Fare Information Page.

You can view all travel alerts at the WSF Travel Bulletins page. This alert was sent on 04/24/2020 at 11:51AM. Please do not reply to this message. Replies are sent to an email inbox that is unmonitored.

Visit the WSF Website or Contact Us page for more information about Washington State Ferries. You may also change your Account Preferences anytime. Please visit the COVID-19 Travel Updates page for all up-to-date travel information regarding COVID-19.

Unemployment Benefits Information

Posted April 24, 2020 at 11:46 am by

Minnie Knych from the NW Workforce Career Center shares this information with you about Unemployment Insurance…

The Career Center is open for business.  However in order to protect your health and limit the spread of the virus, we are conducting business by phone and email.  If you have questions about employment or if you are seeking employment, you can call the Career Center at 360 378-4662. 

There have been many calls about unemployment insurance applications and I hope the below information from Employment Security will help to answer some of those questions. 

The best source of information for unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 crisis can be found here:

And here’s a few more helpful things as well: Continue Reading

HOT TOPIC #19: April 24 Why Covering our Faces Matters So Much

Posted April 24, 2020 at 10:44 am by

Photo by @TitoVailona

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders

On April 5th, following guidance from the Centers For Disease Control and the Washington State Department of Health, we asked islanders to cover their faces when in close proximity to people from outside their household.

San Juan County residents listened and for many, masks become a regular part of life. By making this commitment, islanders took a big step to further reduce the risk of disease transmission in our community.

According to San Juan County Health Officer Dr. Frank James this effort continues to be a vital recommendation, “As we head into the next phase of this crisis, the wearing of face coverings is a vital tool in keeping our community safe. While case numbers have fallen dramatically, the risk of a second surge is very real. Mask wearing will help make sure that as we slowly reopen our economy, we avoid needing to close it back down again.”

Covering our faces is truly an example of a community coming together to fight a common foe. If we have the illness but are feeling healthy, face coverings greatly reduce our potential to infect others. This sort of spread was a big part of how COVID-19 got a foothold in Washington, and avoiding it in the future will let us get about our lives as quickly as possible. Covering your face also reduces the chance that you’ll touch your nose or mouth with your hands. Continue Reading

“COVID-19 Community Conversations” Round Three

Posted April 24, 2020 at 8:43 am by

This week “COVID-19 Community Conversations” continues with three short videos that highlight efforts from organizations and people providing key services and crucial leadership in our community.

You can find these videos on our YouTube channel “San Juan County COVID-19 Response” at

Jamie Stephens, San Juan County Council Member (Lopez and Shaw): Stephens takes a moment to update the public about the work he is involved in regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. “We are running a radio ad campaign in the Seattle area to discourage travel to the San Juans. These programs seem to be helping. Ferry traffic is 33% of normal.” He also discusses funding for health services, meals programs, testing issues, economic issues, and more. “Please fill out your census form! The information gathered by the census determines funding… for many services.”

Kristen Rezabek, Health & Nutrition Coordinator for the San Juan County Health and Community Services: Rezabek takes a moment to talk about how to access various health services during the COVID-19 pandemic from maternity support services, to food access, to immunizations and more. “The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children under the age of two continue with their immunizations… we want to make sure that during the COVID-19 pandemic we strive to prevent outbreaks of vaccine preventable illnesses.”

Mike Sharadin, Owner of Mike’s Café and Wine Bar in Friday Harbor: Many small businesses are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, so we thought we’d share the experience of one small business. “We’re at about 5 employees part time as we go through this… in the summer we usually have over 30 employees.” He noted the addition of safety precautions, then added, “In the restaurant business we have a fairly robust set of protocols to keep your food safe already.” He closed by discussing long-term prospects saying, “I think you focus on what you can control.”

Grow with Google

Posted April 23, 2020 at 1:31 pm by

The Grow with Google team will be hosting a live, virtual event on May 6, 2020 at 9AM PT.

As a Grow with Google Partner, the San Juan Island Library, the San Juan Island Chamber of Commerce and the San Juan Islands Economic Development Council would like to invite you to tune in to a special livestream for small businesses: Manage Your Business Remotely in Times of Uncertainty.

Learning objective:

Discover tools, tips and resources to help you manage your business remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn how to update critical business information online to keep customers informed, and how to host virtual meetings and events. We’ll also share the latest resources from Google and other partners to help support small businesses.

The Grow with Google team will be hosting this live, virtual event on May 6, 2020 at 9AM PT.

Interested in learning about tools like Google My Business, Google Ads, Google Meet, and YouTube? RSVP to tune in today: In the “how did you hear about this livestream event” you can let the Google team know that you heard from the San Juan Island Library.

You can ask questions live during the event on Twitter by using #smallbizlivestream.

For more information please contact Beth Helstien at [email protected]

Food to Go

Posted April 23, 2020 at 1:27 pm by

Here’s a note to you from Cynthia Burke…

Hello Everyone – We miss seeing you at the Farmer’s Market so we put together some prepackaged items from both Cynthia’s Bistro and Felicitations Bakery for you to pre-order & drive by for pick up.

Or just stop by and see what we are offering – Cynthia will be stationed on the front porch of Cynthia’s and Felicity will be in the yard adjacent to the restaurant. We will set aside a space for pick up!

Sunday, April 26th from 10:00 to 12:00

Order yours from the lists below: Continue Reading

Spend a Dollar, Donate a Dollar, Volunteer an Hour!

Posted April 23, 2020 at 1:17 pm by

Stimulus Checks for Local Recovery—

Since government stimulus checks have started to arrive in bank accounts, many of our most vulnerable islanders have already spent their funds, need to hold onto their checks, or are not receiving any stimulus funds. We fully support everyone who needs to spend or hold on to their stimulus checks as a lifeline.

On the other hand, there are islanders who are wondering how to share a portion of their checks with the neediest in our communities. 

At the San Juan Islands Visitors Bureau and the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC), we are acutely aware of the hardships facing individuals and member businesses. We are joining forces in a campaign called Stimulus Checks for Recovery—Spend a Dollar, Donate a Dollar, Volunteer an Hour.

In the words of County Councilman Jamie Stevens, “Living here means we have the responsibility and the privilege to contribute and help our community during challenging times.” Continue Reading

Honors for San Juan Island School District Schools

Posted April 23, 2020 at 1:12 pm by

Just in time for Washington School Recognition Week (April 27 – May 1) comes good news for San Juan Island School District!

All three of our schools

  1. Friday Harbor Elementary School
  2. Friday Harbor Middle School
  3. and Friday Harbor High School

have been selected for honors through either the State Board of Education (SBE) or U.S News and World Report.

The State Board of Education recognized Friday Harbor Elementary School for last year’s academic growth for students who are English learners, and recognized Friday Harbor Middle School for narrowing the student achievement gap in the 2018-2019 school year.

According to information provided by the SBE, “Schools in Washington stand out for closing gaps, showing growth, and demonstrating achievement according to new data released by the state. Washington school recognition has been re-imagined to honor schools that have received support and are thriving, and to highlight positive school systems changes happening all over the state”. Continue Reading

HOT TOPIC #18: April 23 How to Access Mental Health Resources

Posted April 23, 2020 at 8:42 am by

COVID-19 updates from San Juan County around subjects on the minds of islanders

It is a time of so much stress and worry. Now more than ever, in this time of social distancing and with so many unknowns – please know this:

You are NOT alone

Stress about COVID-19, the economy, families living in close quarters, interrupted schools and daily life with social distancing are all stressful and create anxiety. There is nothing wrong with feelings of being overwhelmed, depressed and anxious. Sometimes finding someone to talk to – a family member, a friend or a neighbor is enough to help and sometimes we need other help, outside of our normal circles.

San Juan County Public Health Officer Frank James, MD said, “There are many counseling and mental health resources available throughout San Juan County and Washington State. In the San Juan Islands, we are very fortunate to have so many islanders offering their professional experience and expertise to meet the health and mental health needs of their neighbors.”

San Juan County Councilmember Bill Watson agreed, “If you are worried about a family member, neighbor or someone in the community, there are several resources available to help. Please don’t wait. Help is available.”

For a full list of assistance and support services please visit the San Juan County COVID-19 mental health resources page at this link: Continue Reading

Nature Notes – Never Underestimate A Salmon

Posted April 22, 2020 at 7:36 pm by

Salmon Fry

Contributed by Jenny De Groot, MSc., Speckled Trout Consulting, LLC

One lesson learned is that you should never underestimate salmon. They find ways to get up waterfalls, slip through nets too small to do so, and apparently, spawn when you never imagined they would.

Nearly five months since the first sighting of spawners, coho fry have emerged at Coho Preserve! We documented over a hundred, less than 1.5-inch fry in the creek on April 14, with many more likely undetected. It was a welcome surprise in very unpredictable times.

School of Salmon Fry

Did you know? Coho salmon were observed in Cascade Creek as far back as the 1950’s and are the only wild run of salmon known to exist in the San Juan Islands. Recent coho salmon returns are low throughout the state, similar to other salmon stocks. Coho are an important prey species for Southern Resident Killer Whales, particularly in autumn when Chinook salmon are less abundant.

Coho salmon spend at least a full year in freshwater before entering saltwater, making them particularly vulnerable in island streams that typically run low throughout much of the year. (The retention of water in island watersheds is critical for the survival and protection of our wild and native fish populations). Protecting unique places in the San Juans, like your Conservation Land Bank’s Coho Preserve, ensures that salmon have a place to rear, spawn, and hopefully, call home for many generations to come. Continue Reading

A Note From Dr. House

Posted April 22, 2020 at 4:13 pm by

Dr. House – Contributed photo

Antibody testing – this is the phrase on everyone’s mind right now. We’re getting high numbers of requests daily regarding this as these types of new tests are becoming available.

We are in the middle stages of evaluating these tests and have been looking at United Biomedical (who initially reserved a large number of tests for us), Cellex (who has shipped us a very limited quantity which will likely be used only to test against known positive patients initially) and UW (who we talked with this morning about their newly released serum antibody test). LabCorp also just updated us this morning that their serum antibody tests will be available next Monday.

According to the IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America) there are a number of concerns and facts that one should know before the conversation can proceed: Continue Reading

Candidate Filing Week – May 11th thru 15th

Posted April 22, 2020 at 10:05 am by

If you have ever wanted to be an elected official, now is your chance.  Candidate filing for positions open for election in 2020 is about to begin.

The list of offices available for filing is below. In addition to President (sorry, you can’t file for that one), all statewide elected officials and all State Legislative District 40 positions are open for filing. Locally, the San Juan County Superior Court Judge and two County Council positions are open. In addition, local voters will be electing a new Charter Review Commission to review and possibly make recommendations for changes to the County Home Rule Charter.

During filing week, candidates may submit their filings online, by email, by fax, or in person at the San Juan County Elections Office at 55 Second Street, Suite A, Friday Harbor. Online candidate filing will be available Monday, May 11, at 9 a.m. through Friday, May 15, at 4 p.m. In person, emailed and faxed filings will be accepted Monday, May 11, at 8 a.m. through Friday, May 15, at 4:30 p.m. Continue Reading

Our Islands Together Posters

Posted April 22, 2020 at 7:25 am by

Celebrate those in the islands working on the front lines of the COVID-19 response with these posters. Anyone in community who wants to print and hang one can feel free to do so. 

Click here or on the image above to see the posters available online and then click any one you like to download a full resolution, 8-1/2″ x 11″ version suitable for printing.

Mullis Center Update – April 2020 Responding to the COVID-19 Needs on San Juan Island

Posted April 22, 2020 at 7:24 am by

What We’re Doing While the Doors are Closed:
As you know, the Mullis Center is closed for regular services during this time of social distancing and stay-at-home directives, but staff and volunteers are still facilitating essential senior services such as foot care, general client assistance, case management and the production, coordination and delivery of Meals on Wheels.

See below for a full run-down on what all we’re doing how to find more information – Continue Reading

Virtual Sewing Bee Stitches Beautiful Protection for San Juan Islanders

Posted April 21, 2020 at 2:13 pm by

FRIDAY HARBOR, Wash., April 21, 2020 – It started with a simple request for support. In late March, Beth Williams-Gieger, director of administration at PeaceHealth Peace Island Medical Center, emailed Peggy Cregor, chair of the Peace Island Volunteers (PIVs) asking if they would be interested in sewing masks for medical providers at PeaceHealth Peace Island.

At that time, the CDC was still allowing cloth face covers to be used in support of personal protective equipment (PPE) conservation efforts and Williams-Gieger wanted to begin providing these to caregivers at the medical center.

The volunteers responded with their usual enthusiasm and commitment and the plan was launched to begin sewing masks – just a few. Krista Mattox took on the job of coordinating the project with Barbara Cable, another longtime volunteer, who developed a spreadsheet to organize and track results. Continue Reading