First San Juan County Resident Tests Positive for COVID-19 Coronavirus
An Orcas Island resident has tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“The patient is in stable condition and is being treated at home,” said Dr. Frank James, San Juan County Health Officer. “The patient was seen by their physician after experiencing COVID-like symptoms. The COVID-19 test was administered at the UW Medicine Orcas Island Clinic in Eastsound, test results were received on Friday, March 20th.”
Dr. James said, “The patient is isolated and being treated at home. Family members residing in the home are being quarantined. County Health staff have contacted a small number of people who have had close contact with the patient. These individuals are being guided to quarantine themselves at home and to monitor themselves for fever and respiratory symptoms for 14 days following their last exposure.”
As of March 20, this is the first San Juan County resident who has tested positive for COVID-19.