Superintendent Kari McVeigh – Contributed photo
Dear Staff, Parents and Community,
I am writing today to express GRATITUDE. During this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, I am extremely grateful that to date, our island has no known cases.
I am grateful for a community that overwhelmingly supports our students by passing levies. It is our Capital and Technology levy that has allowed us to be able to purchase enough Chromebooks so that every student from Kindergarten through high school can access tele-schooling instruction from their teachers. In addition, I am grateful for Rock Island Technology Solutions for stepping up to provide internet access to those families previously without. What a team!
I am grateful for Kevin Cooper our Director of Technology and Bre Urness-Straight, our Director of Instructional Technology, who are each on a part-time contract from Northwest Educational Service District (NWESD) but have been giving 1000% to our district. Kevin and Bre have made sure that the instructional technology our teachers need is ready and that our teachers are ready to use it. Bre is providing our Teachers, Para educators and their substitutes with the training and support they will need to provide state of the art instruction through the tele-schooling model. Continue Reading