New board member, Marney Reynolds brings to the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) her love of art and education. Walking into the museum about 5 years ago she was “amazed and thrilled at the sight of this art showcase and someday dreamed of being a part of it.”
Born and raised in Seattle, Marney was surrounded by people who were designers and craftspeople. Having graduated with an MFA in Ceramic Sculpture at the University of Washington, she went on to teach in the art department at Western Washington University.
Moving back to Seattle, she was a studio artist, devoting time to her art and activism. Eventually, she started a graphic design business and invested time in the Henry Art Gallery (UW) to become one of their premier docents. Spending several years in the business world and art education world she then set her sights on moving up to the San Juans (having been visiting here since childhood).
Today she and her husband live on Lopez Island, have a very large garden, and run a berry selling operation. Marney currently serves on three boards: Vice President of Lopez Locavores, Co-Director of NoSprayZone (Seattle), and now San Juan Islands Museum of Art.
Using her experience, skills and insights, one of Marney’s first projects is to work with other volunteers on developing a docent program for SJIMA.