Pet of the Week

Posted January 8, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Nellie is this week’s Pet of the Week – Contributed photo

Well. Happy New Year. It’s just me, Nellie. I’m still here at the animal shelter where I was last year at this time.

Why don’t you have a seat and explain to me why you don’t have room in your home for a sweet girl like me? I’m elegant, well-mannered and easy-on-the-eye, if I do say so myself.

It’s not like I’m asking for a new sports car or a side by side refrigerator freezer, you know. My needs are very simple. I’d just like a home of my own where I can curl up in front of the fire and help you read a book. And maybe one of those aquariums, so I can watch the fishies. Perhaps the occasional can of sardines wouldn’t be too much to ask? And my own cozy bed? In pink?

I know we’ll be best friends – if you just take a chance on me. I’ll be here. Waiting.

Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor
111 Shelter Road
(360) 378-2158

Letter from Dr. Diaz

Posted January 6, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Dear Editor:

Dr. Danna Diaz – Contributed photo

By proclamation of the governor, January is School Board Recognition Month. It’s a great time to recognize our elected community members who selflessly give their time and energy in support of high-quality public schooling for our youth. School board members in San Juan Island School District are entrusted by this community with responsibility for an annual budget of $11 million, 768 students, 112 employees and 7 buildings.

School boards are charged with making decisions that can sometimes be quite difficult, or require sifting through a great deal of information. They also bear responsibility for developing a vision that will guide the school district for years to come. Through collaboration as a team, and with school district staff, their governance and advocacy are building the future of education in Washington state.

This January, we’re encouraging all members of the community to thank a board member. Please thank them for volunteering their time and playing a critical civic role that helps form the bedrock of our democracy – public education. As a crucial bridge between the local community and the school district, their efforts are instrumental in helping all of us realize the hopes and dreams we have for the children of our community.

The men and women serving the San Juan Island School District and their years of service are:

  • Sarah Werling Sandwith, Position #1, elected November 2017
  • Barbara Bevens, Position #2, elected November 2017
  • Ralph Hahn, Position #3, six years of service
  • John Kurtz, Position #4, two years of service
  • Jack McKenna, Position #5, six years of service

For more information about the San Juan Island School District School Board, visit

Thank you for your support.


Danna Diaz, Ph.D.
San Juan Island School District

Community Forum

Posted January 6, 2018 at 5:45 am by

E Pluribus Unum; Where’s the Unum?
A search for unity in a time of divisiveness – Sponsored by Spring Street International School

Presentation, panel discussion and group collaboration

The following presenters will share thoughts about issues that have polarized many Americans and discuss how we might come together:

  • Megan Dethier, Associate Director for Academics & Environment, U.W. Friday Harbor Labs: environmental issues, role of science
  • Rick Hughes, San Juan County Commissioner: county government and broader political culture
  • Sylvia Sullard, F.H. Presbyterian Church Youth Pastor: ethics, moral reasoning, social justice
  • Bill Cumming, retired S.J. County Sheriff: law enforcement and justice issues

Join us, listen, share your ideas!

Open to the public

January 11th from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church

2018 Master Gardener Native Plant Workshop

Posted January 5, 2018 at 5:49 am by

Interested in using native plants in your landscape?

There are many wonderful reasons to use PNW natives: they are often long-lived and don’t need maintenance, they provide year-round color and garden interest, they can be used to stabilize hillsides and prevent erosion, and some are drought and heat tolerant, helpful in a warming climate. And they’re a “welcome mat” for wildlife, providing food and homes for beneficial insects, amphibians, birds and mammals.

Join botanist, native plant enthusiast, and Master Gardener Jane Wentworth for an introduction to native plants. Jane will discuss how to plant bare rootstock and care for your new garden additions in their important first year, and will provide an in-depth review of plants offered in the 2018 Master Gardener Native Plant Sale.

Pre-order your plants for the best selection. Order at the Workshop or online. Plant descriptions and the online order form are located on the Master Gardener website.

Quantities are limited and they do sell out before the sale on March 24th.

Native Plant Workshop
Presented by the Master Gardener Foundation of San Juan County in Cooperation with San Juan County Washington State University Extension.

  • Saturday, January 20th
  • 9:00 – 11:00 am
  • San Juan Island Grange
    152 First Street, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island

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Campsite Reservations for County Residents

Posted January 5, 2018 at 5:48 am by

Click to enlarge

San Juan County Parks & Fair is again offering advance camping reservations for people who reside in our county year-round!

Choose from San Juan County Park, San Juan County Fairgrounds (RVs only), Odlin County Park, and Shaw County Park for any dates in 2018. To request your reservation, please email [email protected] for a 2018 Resident Reservation request form.

Resident reservations must be made directly through our admin office and are not available to book online. Early resident reservations will be accepted from January 16th until February 22nd  (starting at midnight on January 16th via email, or in person at the Parks and Fair Office in Friday Harbor at NOON).

Due to the popularity of this program, duplicate date requests may be randomly selected. Proof of residency is required; 2 sites max per household per stay.

Musical Theatre Workshop for Kids

Posted January 5, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Kids performing in last year’s production of Shakespeare Rocks – Contributed photo

New! Musical Theatre Workshop for Kids

Island youngsters get a chance to experience the music and dance of such classics as West Side Story, Oklahoma, and My Fair Lady this winter.

San Juan Community Theatre is holding a Classic Musical Theatre Workshop for kids in grades 2-5 on Monday afternoons from January 22 through February 26.

Instructor Jamie Mountford will lead students through vocal and dance training as well as theater games and warm-ups. The workshop includes a small showcase on the final day for family and friends.

Classes are held from 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the PARC Studio, 70 Saltspring Drive. Registration is $65 for the course; scholarships are available. Sign up at or the SJCT Box Office (open Tuesdays through Fridays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.). Contact Penelope Haskew at [email protected] for more information.

Real Estate Notes

Posted January 5, 2018 at 5:46 am by

Merri Ann Simonson checks in with more Real Estate information…

Shoreline Master Program – Does It Remove Uncertainty Or Increase It?

Merri Ann Simonson – Contributed photo

As you may or may not be aware, the County Council has recently adopted updates to the Shoreline Master Program (SMP), with the new regulations effective on October 30, 2017. Although the new regulations apply to all shoreline development, the focus of this article will be on regulations related to residential development in the County.

I recently had the pleasure of processing a waterfront transaction where my clients had numerous questions about what they could change on the property to make the home suitable to them. We were able to process a Residential Pre Application (RPA) at the County and obtain the answers to my client’s questions. It was a very positive experience if you don’t take into consideration the added expense. Some of the questions and issues that we had and what I learned are listed below:

Continue reading… (PDF)

Town to Offer Christmas Tree Recycling

Posted January 5, 2018 at 5:43 am by

The Town of Friday Harbor will collect Christmas trees for residents inside Town limits on January 8-12, 2018 on your scheduled weekly garbage day. Trees should be placed at the curb no later than 9:00 a.m. and should be separate from other unbundled trash and woody waste.

To ensure the success of the tree recycling program, please remove all tinsel, stands, lights, and ornaments, as these items can contaminate mulch and compost. Any tree in excess of 8 feet in height will need to be cut in half. Plastic tree bags should not be used for tree recycling, and artificial or flocked (painted) trees will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact the Town of Friday Harbor at (360) 378-2810.

“San Juan Islands Stewardship” Special License Plate Campaign

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:46 am by

“Evening Passage” by Nancy Spaulding

We need your help! We are almost there.

The San Juan Islands License Plate will raise money for local organizations’ conservation projects. We just need a few more signatures. If you have not yet signed the petition, please go to, scroll down the page and fill-in your information.

Thank you!

It’s Audition Time

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:45 am by

Beauty and the Beast Auditions January 8-10

San Juan Community Theatre is inviting folks to “be our guest” and audition January 8-10 for its spring musical: Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

Director Carol Hooper will be casting men and women in all four voice parts to fill 11 main roles and up to 25 ensemble roles; and one boy (or girl) 10 or older with an unchanged voice to play “Chip.” Auditions are inside the Gubelman Theatre. Men may audition on Monday, January 8 at 6:30 p.m.; women on January 9 at 6:30 p.m.; and “Chip” on Monday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. Callbacks will be held on Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m. Auditions will include singing and dancing for all parts and reading for main roles.

Hooper’s production will be using the original Broadway Disney’s Beauty and the Beast script based on the original Disney animated feature (not the current movie).

Contact Hooper, at 360-370-5605 for more information.

Performances of Beauty and the Beast will be held in the Whittier Theatre on May 11-13, 17-20 and 24-26, 2018.

Drop-in Adult Volleyball

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:44 am by

Island Rec’s evening drop-in programs are expanding in January to include Adult Volleyball in Turnbull Gym!

Beginning Thursdays, 1/11/17, stop by from 8-10pm for 2 hours of fun with your friends. All participants must be 16 & Up, and bring clean court shoes into the gym to participate. Sixteen and seventeen year old’s must have a parent signed waiver to participate. $3 drop-in, or purchase a 10-time pass for $25.

For more information visit; call 378-4953 or drop by the office 580 Guard St. Monday – Friday 11am-5pm.

Please note that the schedule for all drop-in programs is subject to change. Please visit our program calendar at to get up to date information.


Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:43 am by

OPALCO + PNGC = more power to shape our islands’ energy future

PNGC is a power supplier and cooperative of 15 regional electric cooperative utilities who are banding together to build greater access to affordable power, renewable resources and to influence public policy. It also increases OPALCO’s buying power as we plan for an energy future that includes more renewable and clean energy sources.  

Foster Hildreth, General Manager, joined the PNGC board in 2017 to participate in a regional dialogue about our power generation options post 2028 when our current contract with BPA expires. PNGC is advocating for its member utilities with state and federal elected officials and helping to navigate major topics such as the Columbia River Treaty with Canada. 

“Our industry is changing rapidly,” said Hildreth. “The expertise we gain through PNGC’s top-notch team is the most important long-term strategic cost-saving measure we could put in place.” PNGC is an extension of OPALCO now to improve reliability, provide accelerated resource planning, more direct interaction with BPA for billing, project management and more accurate forecasting for power purchases. “Joining forces with other energy co-ops,” said Hildreth, “gives us the buying power of BPA’s third largest customer.” Continue Reading

Help Wanted

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:41 am by

Friday Harbor Career Opportunity

Luxel is the world leader in freestanding ultra-thin films used as EUV and soft x-ray bandpass filters and pressure windows.  We are active in diverse fields such as x-ray astronomy, fusion energy research, extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL), synchrotron radiation research, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).  We have an immediate opening for a full-time Assistant Office Manager to join our growing team.

The Assistant Office Manager is responsible for a broad range of duties including: (click for more)

Meetings Rescheduled

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:39 am by

The regularly scheduled San Juan Island Fire Commissioners meetings for February and March have been rescheduled for 3 p.m., Wednesday, February 7, 2018 And 3 p.m. Thursday March 15, 2018 at the Mullis Street Fire Station, 1011 Mullis Street.

County Board and Advisory Committee Vacancies

Posted January 4, 2018 at 5:36 am by

The County Council is searching for San Juan County citizens to fill current and upcoming vacancies on various boards and commissions.

Additional information about each committee is available on the County’s website at: Persons interested in serving on a board or advisory committee should fill out an Advisory Committee Application or Contact the Council Office at: (360) 378-2898 [email protected]

Island Bicycles is Closing

Posted January 3, 2018 at 5:57 am by

Island Bicycles at 380 Argyle Avenue – SJ Update photo

After 31 years in business and 28 of those at its current location, Island Bicycles is closing.

“It’s been a really good ride and it’s the best career I’ve ever had” says owner Paul Ahart, “but there comes a time where you begin to value your free time a little more and your money a little less.”

In 1986, Paul bought the business from Mike Crandall and Maryanne Sevina, which at that time was on West Street, next to where Friday Harbor House is now. He opened the store at its current location in November of 1989 and in recent years especially it has really been booming as a rental shop. “More and more people are walking on the ferries these days and then wanting inexpensive and enjoyable transportation when they get here”.

And along with that increase in business, there has also been a shortage of suitable employees – our cost of living and housing crisis is just too much of a barrier for a lot of people.

As a result, Paul has had a 7-days-a-week work schedule almost every year from May through October. “I just need to find time to enjoy living on this beautiful island for a change.”

The store is closed now, but Paul will hold a liquidation sale at the store on January 19th and 20th. “I really want to move as much of this merchandise as possible so prices are going to be cut as low as they can go.” New bikes, used bikes, gear, clothing and accessories will all be priced to sell. Hours will be 10:00 – 5:30 at the store, 380 Argyle Avenue, next door to Ace Hardware. Continue Reading