Community Long-Term Care Options Task Force

Posted November 16, 2017 at 12:12 pm by

Here’s a letter from the newly formed task force that’s looking into what to do now that the Life Care Center has closed…

Over the last few weeks, many of you have shown concern about the limited availability of long-term care, rehabilitation and housing for our county’s aging and at-risk, or complex-care populations.  This subject has reached crisis-level with the closure of Life Care Center of the San Juan Islands; a facility that has been subsidized by Life Care Centers of America for the last 20 years in order to keep it open and serving residents across the County. 

A thoughtful community meeting held in late September at the Mullis Community Center in Friday Harbor highlighted many of your concerns, some facts about the depth of the problem, a willingness of many to be part of a sustainable solution and some brainstorming ideas.  Among these was the creation of a taskforce: Continue Reading

Eric Takes First Place

Posted November 16, 2017 at 5:46 am by

Frank Penwell shares this good news for Eric Sable…

Three cheers for Eric Sable ‘s talent, discipline, and perseverance. In June of 2017, Eric Sable represented Friday Harbor Grange #225 at the Washington State Grange Convention held at Ocean Shores, WA. Eric played a harmonica with a “beat box vibe.” Eric took first place at that June competition and was chosen to represent Washington State at the National Grange Convention. This year’s National Grange “Evening of Excellence” was held Nov. 10th, 2017, at the INB Performing Arts Center in Spokane, WA.

Friday Harbor Grange #225, and the two pictured San Juan Island cheerleaders, April Esposito and Jillian Urbach, went to Spokane with Eric, and we are honored to report to our community, and to recognize Eric, for his willingness to represent our San Juan Island community, and Washington State, at the 2017 National Grange Convention. Eric took 1st place in the instrumental division for playing three harmonicas with a “beat box vibe.” The yearly National Grange’s “Evening of Excellence” showcases talent from all around the United States. This year’s showcased talent also included: banjo playing, piano playing, singing, signing, speaking, and variety acts.

Way to go Eric!

Love in a Time of Fear

Posted November 16, 2017 at 5:43 am by

This invitation is shared with you from St. David’s Church…

Love in a Time of Fear: Recognizing Muslims as our Neighbors

The Reverend Terry Kyllo – Contributed photo

Muslims in the United States have often been subject to racism, xenophobia and scapegoating behaviors and attitudes. The human dignity and human rights of Muslims are often not respected.

Since December 2015, Love in a Time of Fear forums have drawn over 4,000 people to question, learn and affirm that – even in this time of fear – God is calling us to recognize our neighbors and work together for our mutual well-being. It is a crucial time for us to step forward and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

The next event will be held on Sunday, November 19 at 1:00 PM at St. David’s Episcopal Church at 780 Park St, Friday Harbor, WA 98250.  The public is warmly invited to attend.

We are people of faith respecting our differences and celebrating our commonalities and our common humanity. In this time of anxiety and tension we encourage all people to:

  1. Seek out neighborly relationships with people of other faith and/or non-faith traditions.
  2. Resist in ourselves and society exclusionist ideologies that contribute to the dehumanization of and violence toward others.
  3. Work in the public arena for the human rights of all people.

This forum, led by The Rev. Terry Kyllo, is sponsored by Saint David’s Episcopal Church, The Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia.

Boxing Circuit Classes

Posted November 16, 2017 at 5:43 am by

Looking for a new workout? Booboo’s Boxing offers the following circuit classes:

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:00 am, 10:15 am and 5:30 pm
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays at 8:30 am

Call Booboo James at (360) 640-4506 or Shannon Miniken at (360) 317-5225 for more info.

Classes will be held at San Juan Fitness in the boxing space – no gym membership required.

WaterWorks Open House

Posted November 16, 2017 at 5:40 am by

Ruth Offen from WaterWorks Gallery invites you to a holiday open house…

Okay… so we’re almost there… ‘Tis the Season

Please join me on Friday, November 17th to usher in the Holiday season. The gallery celebrates from 4 -7 pm with Prosecco and chocolates. Let the shopping begin!

Lots of new works from the gallery’s jewelers, painters and sculptors. Stop by and celebrate.

Gallery open Thursday – Saturday
Sometimes on Wednesdays.

And yes, Friday night, November 17th experience Two art events in Friday Harbor… the opening of the IMA Artist registry show and Waterworks Gallery ‘Tis the Season show.

Rotary Distributes Dictionaries

Posted November 15, 2017 at 5:55 am by

Students with new dictionaries – Ted Strutz photo

The Rotary Club of San Juan Island recently visited the Friday Harbor Elementary School for its annual distribution of dictionaries to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.

Pictured are 4th grade students of Ms. Hull and Mrs. Raichlen.

Homes For Islanders Announces Future Plans

Posted November 15, 2017 at 5:50 am by

Justin Roche, Executive Director of Homes for Islanders, a non-profit organization, announced Homes for Islanders has purchased 16 lots in Foxhall to secure them for self-help homebuilding by 16 very low to low income individuals and families on San Juan Island. The constructed homes will range between 1,800 and 2,000 square feet and each house will be unique to Foxhall, meeting the HOA’s CC&Rs. Applicants who qualify for the loans will own the land without any resale restriction.

Homes for Islanders is a private non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that runs a program called “Mutual Self-Help” funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (through Rural Development) to assist limited income families interested in building their own homes. Homes for Islanders is currently planning to begin construction of the first eight (8) homes in May of 2018. Interested parties should apply now. There are new, two-tier income limits that range up to $71,700 so please do not assume that you will not qualify without at least contacting us and talking us through your situation.

Homes for Islanders services are free to their clients and include: Continue Reading

The Chord of Longing

Posted November 15, 2017 at 5:49 am by

Meet & Greet Author Event at Griffin Bay Bookstore
The Chord of Longing by Mother Felicitas Curti

Islanders will have the good fortune to meet Shaw Island’s ebullient Mother Felicitas Curti by visiting Griffin Bay Bookstore on Saturday, November 18, 2:00—4:00 pm when she presents her memoir, The Chord of Longing: My Life as Atheist, Marxist, Mother, Nun.

The Chord of Longing explores a musical scholar’s search for meaning, love, and acceptance though decades as a single mother, a Marxist, a musician, and finally, a member of a monastic community. In frank and honest language, Mother Felicitas explains how the long search led her through extraordinary pain and difficulty, profound questioning, and finally toward everlasting and perfect love.

The title is based on a chord of yearning—the famous chord that begins Wagner’s opera, Tristan and Isolde. Writes the author: “This chord’s dissonance, this tension, demands to be resolved.” It is the perfect metaphor to describe her own quest for resolution, beautifully described in this personal tale of tribulation and transcendence. Continue Reading

Dance For Charity

Posted November 14, 2017 at 5:58 am by

Local Dance Performance to Benefit African Famine Aid

Please join Dance Workshop 2 for their culminating performance of the new “Dance For Charity” program. This new 8 week program offers free ballet training to anyone willing to try! The “Dance For Charity” students will perform alongside more advanced ballet dancers Lydia Downs and Stephen Moore. The evening also includes two other original contemporary ballet pieces, Ballet Folklorico Monarca, professional Turkish dancer Ferah Bakuy Uri, and island favorite singer Joely Loucks will also perform.

Tickets will be available at the door for $10 (children under the age of 5 are free!). 100% of proceeds from this performance will go to WorldVision, one of four major organizations involved in the famine aid to East Africa. World Vision has already helped 1 million people and is currently working towards helping another 2.7 million.  

Two performances:

  • Saturday, Nov. 18th 7:00PM
  • Sunday, Nov. 19th 2:00PM

Shakespeare Rocks

Posted November 14, 2017 at 5:57 am by

Shakespeare Rocks – Photo by Jan Bollwinkel-Smith

Playing with the Bard at SJCT

More than 80 islanders are having fun with music and Shakespeare, ready to share that excitement at San Juan Community Theatre, Thursday through Sunday, November 16-19.

The SJCT Family Theatre musical production of Steve Titford’s Shakespeare Rocks features a cast of 50 K-6 graders and 10 adults/parents as well as a tech crew of more than 20, including many middle schoolers.

The play centers on Aubrey, The Rough Shakespeare Company’s pretentious director, who obtains what appears to be William Shakespeare’s lost diary. Along with Al, a down-to-earth assistant, the pair decide to embark on an exclusive adaption of the flamboyant bard’s personal journal.

“It’s very lighthearted and goofy,” said SJCT Family Theatre Youth and Program Director Penelope Haskew. “Both the kids and adults are having so much fun with it.” Continue Reading

Turkey Trot

Posted November 14, 2017 at 5:49 am by

It’s the 13th Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot.

A 5K (3.1 mile), run, walk, crawl footrace.

  • Date: Thanksgiving Morning on November 23rd, 2017
  • Time: Registration at 8:00 a.m., Race at 9:00 a.m.

$5.00 plus two cans of food (or under 16 – $2.00 and 2 cans of food)

Registration, race start and finish at Friday Harbor Suites. No online registration, only day of event.

Sponsored by: San Juan Island Fitness, Kings Market and special thanks to Friday Harbor Suites

3rd Saturday Contradance

Posted November 14, 2017 at 5:44 am by

This month our Saturday dance features nationally known fiddler Vivian Williams playing with Phil Katz on melodeons and Joe Micheals on guitar, as the band Simple Pleasures. 
This will be a special opportunity to enjoy Vivian’s playing, she’s a big star in the old time fiddling world.  Our caller this month is Michael Karcher, young and enthusiastic, up and coming in the Northwest and beyond. 
The dance will be at the Friday Harbor Grange Hall Saturday November 18th, from 7 till 9, donation of $10, $5 students. 
As always, every dance is taught and no partner or experience needed.  Come dance with us, or just enjoy the music, a chance to hear Vivian and friends.  

Don Eaton Retirement Party

Posted November 14, 2017 at 5:37 am by

All are welcome!

Please join us for a retirement celebration honoring Judge Donald E. Eaton on Friday, December 15 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

  • Open house reception including light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres
  • San Juan County Bar Association Special Presentation at 3:00 p.m.

Gathering in the Superior Courtroom & Jury Room
San Juan County Courthouse
350 Court Street
Friday Harbor

Questions? Call Jane Severin at (360) 370-7480 or (360) 378-2399

Cracking the Surface

Posted November 13, 2017 at 5:49 am by

On Saturday, November 18th the San Juan Island Museum of Art (SJIMA) opens its doors for the 6th Annual Artists’ Registry Show. The artwork created in this much anticipated and popular exhibit centers around the theme, “Cracking the Surface”. Local artists residing on San Juan, Orcas and Lopez islands will exhibit a diverse collection of artwork and sculpture in clay, wood, glass, textiles, jewelry, mixed media and photography, along with paintings in oil, acrylic, encaustic, watercolor and pastel.

Featured artists are members of the organization’s Artists Registry program which supports the local artist community for both emerging and established artists. This year’s exhibit runs from November 18th thru to January 8th. The SJIMA Artists’ Registry exhibition gives islanders and island friends a chance to see the amazing diversity of local artwork available, along with the opportunity to tour the Islands Museum of Art.

The SJIMA Artists Registry is an online resource that was established six years ago go to assist those visitors to our islands, as well as the local community, locate desired artworks and have the ability to contact artists. The San Juan Islands are blessed to have one of the largest percentages of artists per capita. The islands overabundance of artists is a wonderful resource as it enables residents and visitors to appreciate the uniqueness of our islands paradise through the lens of the artist.   Continue Reading

Letter of Thanks

Posted November 13, 2017 at 5:43 am by

To the voters and supporters:
Thank you all so much. No one gets elected by themselves. My heartfelt appreciation to all who wrote letters, hosted events, contributed to the campaign, spoke up, and voted! I am honored, and humbled by your support, and belief in me. There’s a lot of work to do, and I hope you will all be there to support the hospital commission. 
Anna Lisa Lindstrum 


Posted November 13, 2017 at 5:42 am by

EDC presents Datapalooza! – a statistics and demographics event for San Juan County

 Need more data and information to make knowledgeable decisions about your business or as a community legislator or leader?   Join the San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) for their second annual Datapalooza! event, two hours of in-depth data and analysis of our economy and demographics, plus brunch and conversation, on Wednesday, December 6th from 10 a.m. till noon on Orcas Island. 

This year’s program, sponsored in part by Island Market and San Juan Propane, will include presentations by noted speakers James McCafferty, director of WWU’s Center for Economic & Business Research, Dr. Anneliese Vance-Sherman, regional labor economist for the State of Washington, and Victoria Compton, director of the San Juan County Economic Development Council.  The presentations will explore our region’s economy and demographics – past, present and future – including industry, employment and sales data, and current trends.  This in-depth analysis will enable leaders and businesspeople to make informed decisions about issues that affect our community and economy.

Details:  Orcas Island, Wednesday, December 6th, from 10 a.m. till noon at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church parish hall in Eastsound.  Tickets are $19 and advance payment is required.  Please visit to reserve your space. For questions, please call (360) 378-2906 or email: [email protected]

The EDC thanks Island Market and San Juan Propane for their support of this workshop and other EDC initiatives. 

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.