San Juan Singers First Rehearsal

Posted September 6, 2016 at 5:56 am by

San Juan Singers - Contributed photo

San Juan Singers – Contributed photo

San Juan Singers Community Chorus will be holding their first rehearsal on September 14th from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Community Room at Skagit Valley College’s San Juan Center.

Proposed for the season: Daniel Pinkham’s Christmas Cantata & Gordon Thornett’s Gloria in D. Both are accompanied by brass and percussion, bright up-beat works that celebrate the joy and glory of the Christmas season. In addition, the chorus will perform carols and songs of the season. Opportunities are available for solos, duets, and small ensembles singing seasonal music (winter, Hanukkah, Christmas).

This chorus is suitable for experienced singers. No audition is required, but there will be a voice-check by the director to make sure singers are appropriately placed in the chorus and sufficiently skilled to enjoy learning and performing the concert repertoire.

Angel Michaels, Director
Come a little early (beginning 6:30) to pick up music.
Subscription for the concert: $50/person, family discounts available
Students: tuition is waived


Launch San Juan Islands

Posted September 6, 2016 at 5:51 am by

launch-san-juansEDC invites entrepreneurs to participate in business plan competition, “Launch San Juan Islands”

Entrepreneurs can bring their business ideas to the next level in the second annual EDC Launch San Juan Islands business plan competition, created by the San Juan County Economic Development Council and sponsored by local businesses.

Participants will receive instruction in business planning and marketing, plus follow-up mentoring—and some will win cash prizes to help launch their businesses.

Thousands of dollars in cash prizes will be awarded to contest winners this year. The greater goal, however, is to help every participating entrepreneur to advance their business.

Included in the program for all participants will be seminars on business planning, financing and marketing; opportunities to network and collaborate with other entrepreneurs; media coverage for contestants; professional advice from a team of experts, and feedback on business plans.

Launch San Juan Islands will start in October 2016 and run through early December 2016. The cost to participate is $85 (or $65 if registration received prior to September 19th, 2016.). Deadline to enter: September 25th, 2016. This fee covers direct costs for course materials and events. Please see for more information.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County. We believe a strong economy builds a strong community. The EDC works to build an environment that helps business owners create jobs. We serve business: linking organizations and resources, providing valuable information, rendering assistance and advocating for an improved island business environment.

Call for San Juan County Visual Artists

Posted September 6, 2016 at 5:47 am by


Become a Member of SJIMA Artists Registry and be included in: “Spirit Taking Form”, the 5th Annual SJIMA Artists Registry Exhibit Opening December 10th 2016, at San Juan Islands Museum of Art

This year, San Juan Islands Museum of Art annual Artists’ Registry exhibition runs December 10, 2016, thru January 30, 2017. The theme for this years’ exhibit is “Spirit Taking Form” and features the artwork of islands artists who are members of the museum’s Artists’ Registry program. The IMA Artist Registry is dedicated to San Juan County visual artists in all media. The exhibit will feature paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, and encaustic as well as pastel, photography, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, glass, textiles, and jewelry. The SJIMA Artists’ Registry exhibition gives islanders and island friends a chance to see the amazing diversity of local artwork available, along with the opportunity to tour the dramatic SJIMA building.

Islands artists wishing to be part of this exhibition opportunity are invited to apply to the Artists’ Registry program. If you wish to become a member of the SJIMA Artists Registry, please submit an application, available online at Deadline for new member applications must be postmarked or emailed by October 1, 2015 to participate in “Spirit Taking Form”. All San Juan County visual artists are eligible to be part of the IMA Artists’ Registry, which can be viewed at by clicking the “Artists’ Registry” tab in the upper right corner. Applications and more information is available at or by contacting Yvonne Buijs-Mancuso at 378-6725 or email: [email protected]

Changeover Time

Posted September 6, 2016 at 5:46 am by

Contributed photo

Contributed photo

Shona out at Wolf Hollow shares this note…

Have you seen a swallow lately, or a Rufous Hummingbird? There are still a few around but these, and many other little birds such as warblers and flycatchers, have started to head south for the winter. Soon, Ospreys and Turkey Vultures will be heading out too.

But as these birds are leaving, others are gradually arriving to spend the winter on and around the islands. Loons, grebes, mergansers and a range of ducks spent the summer raising their youngsters further north and are now coming south to winter in milder climates including the San Juans. Over the next few weeks more and more will arrive until you may see hundreds of birds in local bays and notice different birds turning up on your lake or pond. If you hear new bird calls in your yard or woodland, check it out. It may tell you that Golden-crowned Sparrows or tiny Ruby-crowned Kinglets have returned.

Right now is changeover time when there are still some of our summer birds around, winter birds are arriving and some species are just stopping off on the islands for a while on their migration further south. It is a great time to take you binoculars for a walk to see what you can spot.


Posted September 5, 2016 at 9:25 am by

Larry Soll closes out the Summer Film Series with this note and final movie…

summer-film-seriesFellow Film Buffs,

Well all good things must come to an end and this will be the last Tuesday of our 2016 summer series. As announced last week, the Theatre has agreed to host the Summer Film Series again next year. There is much work to be done between now and then and part of that involves you. Here are your assignments:

  1. Please talk to your friends and if they are interested get their email addresses to sjctfilm [@] The more people who attend, the more likely this will become an ongoing series.
  2. Send suggestions of films you see or have seen that you think would be outstanding additions for next year’s schedule.
  3. Complete the survey that you will receive within the next two weeks. Your answers will help us make the series even more enjoyable next year.

Single admissions are $8 and $5 for anyone under 25. Our popcorn maven has perfected his recipe and our “bottomless box for only $2” is the bargain of the year. 10% discounts on food at both Vinny’s and The Bluff will apply to those with a ticket or a punch card. Special pre-theatre pricing is also available at Coho restaurant.

One last thing, I was unable to find a website for the group accepting contributions for the “Landfill Harmonic” community. So sorry.

Here is a description of the final film: Continue Reading

Get Your Painting Now!

Posted September 3, 2016 at 9:37 am by

Mt. Grant /plein air paintingReminder – LAST WEEKEND for Plein Air Paintings Auction to Benefit Mount Grant Preserve

Thanks to a group of generous and very talented local artists, 17 artworks—all inspired by rocks, trees, trails, and vistas they observed at Mount Grant Preserve—are up for auction. All proceeds from the auction will go to the Campaign for the Preserve and will be matched 100 percent.

NOTE: Five paintings have already sold at the Buy It Now price, so don’t wait til Monday to snap up your favorite piece.

The auction ends at midnight on Labor Day (Sept. 5). Click here to view the paintings.

Happy bidding!

Nancy DeVaux Retiring

Posted September 3, 2016 at 9:15 am by

Nancy DeVaux announces her retirement from the San Juan Community Home Trust

Nancy DeVaux - Contributed photo

Nancy DeVaux – Contributed photo

After 11 years of service as the Executive Director of the San Juan Community Home Trust, Nancy DeVaux has announced that she will retire on June 1, 2017.

During her time with the Home Trust, Nancy led the organization through the new construction of 19 homes in the Salal and Sun Rise Phase I neighborhoods, and then facilitated the sale/resale of 45 of our 53 home sales, including 5 sales which are pending. She was also instrumental in the annexation of land for 120 permanently affordable homes into the Town of Friday Harbor.

She is currently leading the development of the newest neighborhood, Sun Rise Phase II, comprised of 12 homes saved from demolition in Canada which will be renovated to provide permanently affordable homes for low and moderate income island residents. This innovative project has gotten global media attention as well as Congressional interest.

In performing these roles, Nancy has developed strong working relationships with federal, state, county, and local government leaders, as well as in the business community, and with homebuyers, and other non-profits.

“I am proud to have played a key role in bringing our government leaders, the business community, and local activists, together with our very generous donors to address the problem of permanently affordable housing, which has reached a crisis level in our county. And, while I am retiring, I fully intend to stay active in the Home Trust and the issue of housing affordability.” When contacted, one of the founders of the Home Trust, Larry Soll said “For the past eleven years, Nancy has been our leader, safely guiding the Home Trust through many challenging times, maintaining good relations with homeowners and being our face to the community. I have enjoyed working with her tremendously and look forward to her continued commitment to the organization.”

Nancy is announcing her retirement date now to ensure that there will be adequate time to search for, hire, and train a successor. Accordingly, the Home Trust Board will be formally announcing the position opening within the next month and anticipates interviews beginning in early November.

Last Weekend for Discover San Juan Island Scavenger Hunt

Posted September 3, 2016 at 9:06 am by

Discover-San-Juan-Island-2016Reminder – this is the LAST weekend to obtain wood block rubbings for the Discover San Juan Island guidebook. Participants who have obtained at least nine tile rubbings should return the guidebook to the library by Tuesday, September 6th, to be eligible for the September 9th prize drawing.

Three lucky adventurers have a chance to win a $25 gift certificate to Griffin Bay Bookstore; a punch card for five soft serve ice cream cones at The Bait Shop; or an adventure game and kid’s binoculars set from SJI National Historical Park.

Discover San Juan Island is an island wide exploration of environmentally, culturally, and historically significant sites. If you have questions, contact Tanja Williamson at the Land Bank: 360-378-4402 or tanjaw [@]

Pancake Breakfast this Sunday at The Mullis Center

Posted September 3, 2016 at 8:58 am by

pancakesPancake Breakfast will be served this Sunday, September 4, from 9:00 am to noon at the Mullis Center. Breakfast features crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, and all the pancakes you can eat.

Cost for Adults is only $6.00 or for children under 10 $4.00.

Wine Tasting and Art Auction

Posted September 2, 2016 at 5:52 am by

Painting by Jaime Ellsworth

Painting by Jaime Ellsworth

The Animal Protection Society of Friday Harbor will host a Wine Tasting and Art Auction, Friday September 16 at Brickworks from 5:30 to 8:30.

The event will include a silent and live auction of donated and original artworks as well as the unveiling of five private label wines; featuring artist labels by San Juan Island artists.

Tickets are $25 prior to the event and $30 at the door. Ticket price includes five wine tastes, an APS-FH keepsake wine glass and endless appetizers.

You may purchase tickets at the animal shelter or at Friday Harbor Pet Supplies. Last year’s event sold out, so don’t wait to buy your tickets!


Posted September 2, 2016 at 5:51 am by


TEDxSanJuanIsland returns on Saturday, September 17th for a second installment of inspiration, collaboration, and ideas worth spreading.

This year’s theme – ‘Quality of Life’ – focuses on ideas that have made a lasting contribution to the betterment of society.  Speakers at the forefront of fields such as science, health, technology, art and education will present ideas that influence our well being and discuss how these insights lead to new projects, perspectives and innovations.  The full lineup of Speakers is available on our website at

Held at the San Juan Community Theatre, the event will feature 12 TEDx talks, a catered lunch session and two action breaks designed to spark meaningful connections between audience members and speakers.

“TEDxSanJuanIsland is designed as a platform for ideas, where the local community can engage with world-class speakers and thought leaders,” said Megan Mulhall, curator of TEDxSanJuanIsland and member of the organizing committee. “We are excited to build on last year’s success, which showcased our local talks to over 40,000 viewers in 57 countries.”

Tickets for the live event are available at Register online and follow TEDxSanJuanIsland on Facebook ( and Twitter (@TEDxSJI) for exclusive previews!

Parks, Trails & Natural Areas Plan

Posted September 2, 2016 at 5:46 am by

County-LogoThe Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Plan (PTNA) provides direction for the development, management and acquisition of parks, trails, non-motorized transportation facilities, and natural areas for the Parks & Fair Department, Land Bank, and Public Works Departments of the County. New with this update is incorporation of the County’s Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. The PTNA provides a long-term vision and six-year plan to guide action and investment in a wide variety of outdoor spaces and facilities managed by San Juan County. This document is designed to maintain San Juan County’s eligibility for state-based park and recreation grant funding.

We have:

all ready for YOUR review and comment. The plan includes an inventory of existing properties and facilities, a capital facilities plan, goals and policies, and a plan for implementation.

From January to April 2016, the San Juan County Parks and Fair Department, Public Works Department, and Land Bank worked with a team from Cascadia Consulting Group to carry out a dynamic public engagement process to inform the update of the PTNA. The process included conducting a statistically significant survey and interacting directly with residents at four open houses, one on each of the ferry-served islands (San Juan, Orcas, Lopez, and Shaw).

This process revealed the key trends and specific findings related to residents’ stated needs, and is intended to be used to ensure that investments and actions outlined in the 2016-2022 Plan reflect community priorities.

We hope you’ll take some time to read through these chapters, consider how the content affects your use of our local public lands, and take a few moments to comment. You may send e-mail comments to [email protected]. We will continue to accept public comments until at least early September. Continue Reading

The Legacy of Numasta

Posted September 2, 2016 at 5:45 am by

“Yagalis Mask” by Tom Hunt

“Yagalis Mask” by Tom Hunt

The Arctic Raven Gallery in Friday Harbor is pleased to honor the late Kwagiulth carver Sam “Numasta” Henderson with a presentation of work by some of his descendants. The artist reception begins at 6 p.m. on Saturday, September 17.

The “Legacy of Numasta” will feature renowned artists including Mark Henderson, Tom Hunt, Patrick Hunt, Bert Smith and Cole Speck. These current artists were inspired by the way Numasta preserved the past for future generations. Together they continue to preserve and share Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations traditions and carry forward Sam’s cultural and artistic legacy.

Come meet these artists and share their stories, learn about their cultural history and be inspired by their creations.

Open Auditions for Salish Sea Ballet’s 2016 Nutcracker Tea Party

Posted September 2, 2016 at 5:44 am by

salish_sea_ballet_logoSalish Sea Ballet announces open auditions for the 2016 Nutcracker Tea Party. Auditions will be held at the Salish Sea Ballet studio (689 Airport Center, Friday Harbor) on Sunday, September 11th. Auditions are open to everyone age 3 and up as of 7/1/16. No dance experience is necessary!

Audition Schedule:

  • 2:00pm-2:30pm: Ages 3-6, (no experience necessary)
  • 3:00pm-3:45pm: Ages 6-10, party scene (no experience necessary)
  • 4:15pm-5:00pm: Ages 9-13, land of the sweets (1-4 years ballet experience)
  • 5:00pm-5:15pm: Ages 9-13, soloists (3+ years experience)
  • 5:45pm-6:15pm: Ages 12+ and adults, party scene and character roles (no experience necessary)

Audition policies and registration information are available on the Salish Sea Ballet website. Salish Sea Ballet’s Nutcracker Tea Party is an interactive family event featuring an excerpted version of the classic holiday ballet. Performances take place at Brickworks on December 17th and 18th. Tickets go on sale to the public in October. For more information, visit our website or call (360) 298-1720.

Jeanne Marie Peihl, Studio Owner & Artistic Director
dance [@]
(360) 298-1720

Staxx Brothers

Posted September 1, 2016 at 5:48 am by


rumor-mill-logo-medThe Staxx Brothers are playing at the Rumor Mill this Friday and Saturday night. No cover. Just some groovy hard soul! Here’s what the Rumor Mill has to say…

The Staxx Brothers are coming back this weekend. Yes it does mean we’ll have one of the most entertaining and dance-able bands since Sly & The Family Stone.

But it also means we’re serving The Staxx Brothers burger and a couple of special drinks we named after our favorite songs from their latest album, HOT CHOCOLATE. 

Friday and Saturday, September 2nd and 3rd.

The FHES PTO raises $6200 in Pie Booth at County Fair!

Posted September 1, 2016 at 5:45 am by

Mmmmmmm!!! Delicious homemade Blueberry Pie! - Photo courtesy of Janelle Bendycki Photography:

Mmmmmmm!!! Delicious homemade Blueberry Pie! – Photo courtesy of Janelle Bendycki Photography

Over 60 volunteers served up approximately 1,200 slices of donated pies for the first fundraiser of the newly established FHES PTO (Parent Teacher Organization).

A very big THANK YOU from the FHES PTO Board and Pie Booth Committee! “We are so grateful to the community and the outpouring of support, from pie bakers and servers, to pie consumers, as well as donations from Heuristics owner, Tom Ashcraft, Dave and Nancy Honeywell, and Bakery San Juan. The success of the pie booth will help offset costs for field trips and many other things our teachers and students need,” said Allison Moalli, PTO President.

The FHES PTO is a non-profit organization that raises funds for Friday Harbor Elementary School programs. For more information regarding the FHES PTO, or to volunteer on the board, please contact Allison Moalli at 530-409-9469, email [email protected], or sign up at the FHES Back to School Night.